Cleaning the Conventional
Coll Cooktop
Thecooktopcartridgedoes notneedto be removedfrom therangefor normalcleaning,
Neverimmerse cartridge inwater toclean.This can damagewiring.A drain hole within
the cartridge permitsdrainage of normalspills into theporcelain drainpan where itwill
drain into the grease container. Interior andbottom of cartridge may be wiped clean
with detergent solution if necessary.
Cartridge terminals, if dirty, may be polished with S.O.S. pad, but must be cleaned
thoroughly of soapand dried thoroughly before being inserted into range.
Heating E]lement_" Undernormal conditions_most soil will burn off elements.The
heatingelementsunplugfor yourconvenienceincleaningthe drippans.Lift slightlyand
pull awayfrom receptable. DO NOTIMMERSEINWATER.To replace elements,push
comloletelyinto the receptacle. Make surethe elementsfit flat insidethe chrome bowl.
Drip Pans: TOkeep the like-new appearance, clean frequently and never allow
anything to bum on twice. Removesoiled pans (first remove heating element), Clean
lightly soiledpanswith soapandwater or cleanin dishwasher.Difficult to removespots
can becleanedby rubbinglightlywith soapyS.O.S.padsornonabrasivecleansers such
as BonAmi. Tohelpreleaseburnedon soil, soakina solutionof 1/2cupammoniaand1
gallon warm water. Do not use abrasive cleansers, steel wool or cleansers not
recommendedfor use on chrome.A bluing of the drip pansindicates improper utensil
selection and/or using excessively high heat.
Metal Surface.,,: Cleanwith milddetergent ornonabrasivecleansers recommended
for metal surfaces in general: For hard to removesoil, scrub lightly with soapy S.O.S.
pads. Do not use steel wool or abrasivecleansers since these will mar the finish. See
page 22 for cleaning instructions for stainlesssteel areas and cartridges.
NOTE: If excessivespill-overoccurs, check the greasecontainer.
Canning .
Follow These Procedures When Canning
• Bringwatertoboilat HIsetting;afterboilinghasbegun,reduceheattolowestsettingthat
will maintainboiling.
• Makecertaincannerfitsovercenterofsurfaceunitandisnotsupportedbythe rimofthe
cartridge.If itcannotbecenteredproperly,usea smallerdiameterutensil.
• Flat-bottomedcannersgivethebeatcanningresults.Cannerswithotherthanflatbottoms,
suchasflangedor rippledbottoms(oftenfoundin enamelware)shouldnot beused.
• Usecanningrecipesfroma reputablesourcesuchasthe manufacturerof yourcanner,
• Rememberthatcanningis aprocessthatcreateslargeamountsofsteam.Becarefuland
followequipmentinstructionsto avoidburnsfromsteamor hotutensils.
• Rememberthat if yourarea haslowvoltageat times,canningmaytake longerthan