
Installer:Pleaseleavethismanualwith Ifyouhavequestions,call: ' [A
thisappliance, _./_BLE OF CONTENTS
Consumer:Pleasereadandkeepthis 1-800-688-1100USAandCanada SafetyInstructions....................................1-3
manualforfuturereference.Keepsales 1-800-688-2080(U.S.TTYfor SurfaceCooking......................................4-5
receiptand/orcancelledcheckasproofof hearingorspeechimpaired)
purchase. (Mon.-Fri.,8am-8pmEasternTime) OvenCooking........................................6-11
ModelNumber Internet:http://www.jennair.com Care&Cleaning..................................12-16
SerialNumber GuidedeI'utilisateur..................................20
DateofPurchase provethequalityandperfor-
Forserviceinformation,seepage19. BeforeYouCallforService..................17-18
......................... GuiadelUsuario........................................42
In ourcontJnuJngeffortto ira-
it maybenecessaryto make
FormNo A/04/01 PartNo.8113P310-60 74006043 Litho U.S,A
JENN-AIR ,°utrevisingthisguide....

Read and follow all instructions technicianshowyou the locationof the Keepareaaroundapplianceclearand
beforeusing this appliance toprevent gasshut offvalveandhowto shut it off freefromcombustiblemateriats,gaso-
the potentialriskof fire, electricshock, in an emergency, line,and otherflammablevaporsand
personalinjuryordamageto the appli- materials.
ance as a resultof improperusageof Always disconnectpower to appliance Ifapplianceis installedneara window,
theappliance.Useapplianceonlyfor its beforeservicing.
intendedpurpose as described in this prevent curtains from blowing over
IF THE INFORMATION IN THIS ignite flammable items and may
MANUAL IS NOT FOLLOWED >- ALL RANGES _ increasepressureinclosedcontainers
SlON MAY RESULT CAUSING CAUSE Manyaerosol-typespraycansareEX-
EXACTLY, A FIRE OR EXPLO- CAN TIP AND _ whichmaycausethemto burst.
AL INJURY OR DEATH. PERSONS may be highlyflammable.Avoid their
> DO NOTSTOREOR USEGASO- > INSTALL _ useorstoragenearan appliance.
VAPORSAND LIQUIDS IN THE DEVICE Keepplastics away from partsof the
VACINITY OF THIS OR ANY PACKED appliancethat may becomewarm or
LINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE ANTI-TIP (_ Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.
APPLIANCE. WITH RANGE hot. Do not leaveplastic itemson the
> WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL > FOLLOW ALL INSTALLA- cooktopas they may meltor softenif
GAS: TION INSTRUCTIONS left too closeto the vent or a lighted
NEVERleaveany itemsonthe cook-
top. The hot air from the vent may
- Do not try to light any appli- WARNING: To reduce risk of To eliminatethe hazard of reaching
ante. tipping of the appliance from overhotsurfaceburners,cabinetstor-
- Do not touch any electrical abnormal usage or by exces- age should not be provided directly
switch, sire loading of the oven door, abovea unit. If storageis provided,it
- Do not use any phone in your the appliance must be se- shouldbe limitedto itemswhicharc
building, cured by a properly installed usedinfrequentlyandwhicharesafel_
-Immediately call your gas anti-tip device, stored in an area subjectedto hen
supplier from a neighbor's fromanappliance.Temperaturesmat
phone. Follow the gas sup- Tocheckif deviceis properlyinstalled, be unsafe for some items, such a._
plier's instructions, removestoragedraweror broilercorn- volatile liquids, cleaners or aeroso
- If you cannot reach your gas partmentand look underneathrange sprays.
supplier, call the fire depart- with a flashlightto make sureone of
rnent, the rear leveling legs is properly
INSTALLATIONAND SERVICE engagedin thebracketslot.Theanti- IN(AS[0FfIRE
MUST BE PERFORMED BY A tipdevicesecuresthe rearlevelingleg
QUALIFIEDTECHNICIAN,SER- You should check this anytime the to avoid spreading the flame
VICE AGENCY OR THE GAS rangehas beenmoved. Extinguishflame,thenturnonhoodtc
SUPPLIER. removesmokeandodor.
Toensureproperand safeoperation: TOPREVENTfiR[ pan with a lid or cookiesheet. Neve
Appliancemustbeproperlyinstalledand usewateron a greasefire.
groundedby a quatifiedtechnician.Do SMOKEDAM.G[notattemptto adjust,repair,service,or OR OVENDOOR:If fireis in theoven c
replace any part of your appliance broiler pan, smotherby closing ove,
unlessit is specificallyrecommendedin Be sure all packing materials are door.
this guide.All otherservicingshouldbe removed from the appliancebefore Neverattemptto pick up or move
referredto a qualifiedservicer.Havethe operatingit. flaming pan. Do not use water ot
to the floor when properly engaged. Turnoffapplianceandventilatinghooc

greasefires,usebakingsodaor a dry oven vent, surfaces near the vent Alwaysletquantitiesof hotfatusedfor
chemicalor foam-typeextinguisherto opening,ovendoorand areasaround deepfatfryingcool beforeattempting
smotherfire orflame, doorandwindow, to moveor handle.
WARNING: NEVER use appliance Do not let cooking grease or other
(HI[D S,_f[ff door,or drawer,if equipped,asa step flammablematerialsaccumulateinor
stoolorseatas thismayresultin pos- nearthe appliance,hoodor vent fan.
NEVERleavechildrenalone or unsu- sibletippingof theappliance,damage Clean hood frequently to prevent
pervisedneartheappliancewhenit is tothe appliance,andseriousinjuries, greasefromaccumulatingon hoodor
in useor isstill hot. Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwith filter. When flaming foods under the
hood,turnthefan on.
NEVERallow childrento sit or stand adampcloth asthe bulbcouldbreak.
on any part of the applianceas they Should the bulb break, disconnect NEVERweargarmentsmadeof flare-
couldbeinjuredor burned, powerto theappliancebeforeremov- mablematerialor loose-fittingorlong-
ingbulbto avoidelectricalshock, sleevedapparelwhilecooking.Cloth-
Childrenmustbetaughtthatthe appli- ingmayigniteor catchutensilhandles.
anceandutensilsin it can behot. Let
hotutensilscoolin a safeplace,outof (00KIN6 S,_f[ff Alwaysplaceovenracksinthedesired
reach of small children. Children positions while oven is cool. Slide
shouldbe taughtthat an applianceis Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburn- oven rackout to addor removefood,
not a toy. Children should not be er beforeturning it on. Be sure you usingdry, sturdypot holders.Always
allowedto playwith controlsor other knowwhich knobcontrolswhich sur- avoidreachingintotheovento addor
partsofthe unit. face burner. Make sure the correct removefood.Ifa rackmustbe moved
CAUTION:NEVERstore itemsof in-
terestto childrenincabinetsabovean
burneristurnedonand thattheburn- whilehot,usea drypotholder.Always
er has ignited.Whencookingis corn- turnthe ovenoffat theendofcooking.
pleted,turnburneroffbeforeremoving Usecarewhenopeningtheovendoor.
applianceor onbackguardofa range, pan to prevent exposure to burner Let hot air or steam escape before
Children climbing on the appliance flame, movingor replacingfood.
doorto reachitemscouldbeseriously
injured. Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflameso PREPAREDFOOD WARNING:Fol-
thatitdoesnotextendbeyondthebot- lowfood manufacturer'sinstructions.If
_BOUT fOUR _,IPP[IAN([ tom edge of the pan. An excessive a plasticfrozenfoodcontainerand/or
flame is hazardous,wastes energy its cover distorts, warps, or is other-
and may damagethe appliance,pan wise damagedduringcooking,imme-
NEVER use appliance as a space orcabinetsabovetheappliance, diatelydiscardthe food and its con-
heaterto heator warma roomto pre-
ventpotentialhazardto the userand NEVERleavea surface-cookingoper- tainer.The food couldbe contaminat-
damagetothe appliance.Also,donot ation unattended, especially when ed.
usethe cooktopor ovenas a storage usingahighheatsettingorwhendeep NEVERusealuminumfoil to coveran
areaforfoodorcookingutensils, fat frying. Boiloverscause smoking oven rack or oven bottom. Misuse
and greasy spillovers may ignite, could result in risk of electricshock,
Donotobstructtheflowofcombustion Cleanupgreasyspillsassoonaspos- fire, or damageto the appliance.Use
andventilationairbyblockingtheoven sible.Donot usehighheatfor extend- foilonly asdirectedinthis guide.
vent or air intakes.Restrictionof air edcookingoperations.
flowtothe burnerpreventsproperper-
formanceand increasescarbonmen- NEVERheatan unopenedcontainer Uf[NSI[ S,_f[ff
oxideemissionto unsafelevels, on the surfaceburneror in the oven.
Pressurebuildup maycausecontain-
Avoidtouchingoven vent area while ertoburst,resultinginseriousperson- Use pans with flat bottomsand han-
oven is on and for severalminutes al injuryor damageto theappliance.
dlesthat are easilygraspedand stay
afterovenisturnedoff.Somepartsof cool. Avoid using unstable, warped,
theventandsurroundingareabecome Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppot easily tippedor loose-handledpans.
hotenoughto causeburns.Afteroven
is turned off, do not touchthe oven
holdersmaycauseburnsfromsteam. Also avoid using pans, especially
Dishtowelsor othersubstitutesshould small pans, with heavy handlesas
vent or surroundingareas until they neverbeusedaspot holdersbecause they could be unstableand easilytip.
havehadsufficienttimeto cool. theycantrailacrosshotsurfaceburn- Pans that are heavy to move when
ersand igniteor getcaughton appli- filled with food mayalso be hazard-
Otherpotentiallyhot surfacesinclude ancepads. ous.
cooktop, areas facing the cooktop,

properly contain food and avoid
boilovers.Pan size is particularlyim- Turnoff allcontrolsandwaitfor appli- AHD WARHIHG
portantindeepfatfrying.Besurepan ancepartsto coolbeforetouchingor
will accommodatethe volumeof food cleaningthem.Do nottouchthe bum-
thatisto be addedaswellasthe bub- The California Safe Drinking Water
bleactionoffat. theyhavehadsufficienttimeto cool. (Proposition65)requirestheGovernor
Tominimizeburns,ignitionofflamma- Clean appliance with caution. Use of Californiato publisha list of sub-
blematerialsandspillagedueto unin- care to avoid steam burns if a wet stancesknowntothe Stateof Califor-
tentionalcontactwith the utensil,do
notextendhandlesoveradjacentsur- on a hot surface.Somecleanerscan harm,andrequiresbusinessestowarn
faceburners.Alwaysturn panhandles producenoxiousfumes if appliedto a customers of potential exposuresto
towardthe side or backof the appli- hotsurface, suchsubstances.
areeasilyhit orreachedby smallchil- Users of this appliance are hereby
dren. ,_I[L[1_.LL,/Arq(lrlr'_"|rA_lOVEH warned that the burning of gas can
Neverlet a panboil dry as this could the listedsubstances,includingben-
damagethe utensilandtheappliance. Cleanonlypartslistedinthisguide.Do zene,formaldehydeandsoot,duepri-
Followthe manufacturer'sdirections ketis essentialfor a goodseal.Care natural gas or liquid petroleum(LP
whenusingovencookingbags. shouldbetakennotto rub,damageor fuels. Properly adjusted burners wil
Onlycertaintypesof glass,glass/ce- removethe gasket.Do not useoven minimizeincompletecombustion.Ex
ramic,ceramicor glazedutensilsare cleanersof any kindin or aroundany posureto these substancescan als(
suitable for cooktop or oven usage partofthe self-cleanoven.
without breaking due to the sudden Beforeself-cleaningthe oven,remove burnerstothe outdoors.
changein temperature.Followmanu- broilerpan,ovenracksandotheruten- Users of this appliance are hereb_
facturer's instructions when using sils and wipe up excessivespillovers
glass, to preventexcessivesmokeor flare- warnedthatwhenengagedintheself
This appliance has been tested for ups. exposureto some of the listed sub.
safe performanceusing conventional CAUTION:Donot leavefoodor cook- stances,includingcarbon monoxide
cookware.Donot useanydevicesor ing utensils,etc., in the oven during Exposurecanbe minimizedbyproper
accessoriesthat are not specifically the self-cleancycle, ly venting the oven to the outdoor,,
recommendedin this guide. Do not duringthe self-cleancycleto openin(
useeyelidcoversforthesurfaceunits, It is normalfor the cooktopof the a window and/or door in the roorr
stovetopgrills,oradd-onovenconvec- range to become hot during a self- wheretheapplianceis located.
tion systems.The use of devicesor clean cycle. Therefore,touching the
accessoriesthatarenotexpresslyrec- cooktopduringacleancycleshouldbe IMPORTANTNOTICE REGARDIN(
ommendedin this manualcancreate avoided.
serioussafetyhazards,resultin per- the kitchen or in rooms where th
formanceproblems,and reduce the fumes from the kitchencould reac}
life of the componentsof the appli- Birdshavea verysensitiverespirator
ance. system. Fumes released during a
er grates or surroundingareas until and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
spongear cloth is usedto wipe spills nia to cause cancer or reproductive
resultin low-levelexposureto someof
notclean door gasket.The door gas- marilytothe incompletecombustiono
be minimizedby properlyventingthe
clean cycle, there may be Iow-leve
PET BIRDS:Neverkeeppet birds i
ovenself-cleaningcyclemaybe harrr
ful or fatal to birds. Fumes release
due to overheatedcooking oil, fa
margarineand overheatednon-stic
cookwaremaybe equallyharmful.

cookingoperation,turntheburn- choice of heat[_// II II _/ ing flame settings,referto "Cooking
er off. If a strong gas odor is settings is avail-/_// II II MadeSimple".
detected,open a window and able from LOW \_..% [[ )1 / /
wait five minutesbeforerelight- to HIGH. At the _e _oj Setting Uses
ingthe burner. HIGH setting a _ ° y
> Be sureall surfacecontrolsare detent or notch HIGH Useto bringliquidto aboil,
set in the OFF positionprior to maybefelt. The knobscan be set on pressure cooker. Always
supplyinggasto the range, orbetweenanyof thesettings. ) reducesetting to a lower
> Nevertouch cooktopuntilit has _ heatwhenliquids beginto
cooled.Expectsomepartsofthe Graphicsnearthe knob identifywhich boilorfoodsbeginto cook.
cooktop, especially around the burnertheknobcontrols.For i,
burners,to becomewarmor hot example,this graphicshows
duringcooking.Use potholders the right rearburnerlocation. __ _f Anintermediateflamesize
to protectyourhands.
Use to turn on _ The sizeandtype ofcookwarewillaf-
thesurfaceburn- __ fecttheflamesetting. ForinformationIf flame shouldgoout
ers. An infinite/_ _" I • )'}_. \ on cookwareandother factorsaffect-
or reach pressure in a
is used to continuecook-
SETTING THE CONTROLS ing.Foodwill notcookany
fasterwhena higherflame
PILOTLESSIGNITION 1.Placea panonthe burnergrate, settingis usedthan need-
Pilotlessignitioneliminatesthe needfor > The burnerflame maylift off or LOW ed to maintain a gentle
a constant standing pilot light. Each appearseparatedfromtheportif s_-_,_. boil. Water boils at the
sealedburnerhasa sparkignitor.When apanis not placedonthe grate. ,_, sametemperaturewhether
cleaningaroundthesurfaceburneruse _._
care. If cleaningclothshouldcatchthe 2. Pushin andturnthe knobcounter- _
ignitor,itcoulddamageit preventingig- clockwisetothe LIGHTsetting. Usetosimmerfoods,keep
nition. >Aclicking (spark)soundwillbe foods warm and melt
heard and the burner will light. ___ chocolateorbutter.
If the surface burner does not light, (All ignitorswill sparkwhen any
checkif ignitoris broken,soiledor wet. surfaceburnerknobis turnedto
If clogged,cleanthesmallportbeneath theLIGHTposition.) OPERATINGDURING
the ignitor using a straightpin or soft
bristlebrush. 3.Afterthe burnerlights,turnthe knob A POWERFAILURE
c_,, 1. Holda lightedmatchtothe desired
_o._ slowlyto LIGHT.
>-The ignitorwillcontinueto spark surfaceburnerhead.
untiltheknob isturnedpast the
LIGHTposition. 2. Push in and turn the control knob
L_ _ boilinggentlyor vigorously.
,_o._o.,._.,_o. 3. Adjust the flame to the desired
> When lightingthe surface burn-
in the OFF position.Strike the
matchfirstand holdit in position
before turning the knob to

FROMDISCOLORINGOR Thisrangefeaturesa/ High _ A properlyadjustedburner with
STAINING: located in the right I• Front clean portswilllight withina few
> Cleancooktopaftereachuse. front position.This high-performance flamewill be blue with a deeper
> Wipeacidicor sugaryspills as thatcanbeusedto quicklybringwater
soonasthecooktophascooled toa benandfor large-quantitycooking. Ifthe burnerflameis yellowor is
asthesespillsmaydiscolorthe *BTUratingswillvary whenusingLP noisythe air/gasmixturemaybe
porcelain, gas. incorrect.Contacta servicetech-
Unlikearangewithstandardgasburn- notcoveredbythewarranty.)
ers,thiscooktopdoesnotlift-upnoris SIMMERBURNER
it removable.Do not attempt to lift WithLPgas,someyellowtipson
the cooktop for any reason. Thisburner is locatedin the left rear theflamesareacceptable.Thisis
SEALEDBURNERS The grates must be properly posi-
Thesealedburnersof yourrangearese- stallationof the grates may result in quicklyfrom HIGH to LOW,the
curedtothecooktopandarenotdesigned chippingofthe cooktop, flame may go out, particularlyif
to be removed.Sincethe burnersare Do not operate the theburneriscold. If this occurs,
sealedintothecooktop,boiloversorspills burners without a pan turnthe knobto the Off position,
willnotseepunderneaththecooktop, on the grate. The wait several secondsand relight
However,the burnerheadsshouldbe grate's porcelain fin- the burner.
cleanedaftereachuse.(Seepage14for ish maychip without a
cleaningdirections.) panto absorb the heat > Theflameshouldbe adjustedso
high speed burner,,_l--- Pe,_o_,oe
seconds.If usingnaturalgas the
burner offers higher speed cooking blueinnercone.
nicianto adjust.(Adjustmentsare
position.The simmerburneroffers a normalandadjustmentisnotnec-
lowerBTUflamefordelicatesaucesor essary.
> Withsometypesofgas,youmay
heara "popping"soundwhenthe
surfaceburner is turned off. This
BURNERGRATES isanormaloperatingsoundofthe
tioned beforecooking. Improperin- >- If the controlknob isturnedvery
from the burner flame, it does not extend beyond the
edgeof the pan.
Although the burner
will graduaNylose their shine and/or
discolor,dueto the hightemperatures