ModeJ Number:
Manufadurel Number:
J×T5830 J×T5836
$26E30 S26E36
30" 36"
Satet'_ Instructions .................................................... 1
Controls 8; Features ............................................... 2-3
Maintenance ......................................................... 4-6
Warranty .................................................................. 7
Form No. A/05/04 Part No. 8_ 10P263-60 (02004 Maytag Appliances Sales Co. Litho U.S,A.

Theinstallationin thismanuarisintendedfor quarifiedinstallers,servicetechniciansorpersons
withsimilarqualifiedbackground.DONOTattemptto instarlthisapplianceyourserf,rniurycourd
resurtfrominstallingthe unitdueto rackofappropriateerectricalandtechnicalbackground.
Air erectricarwiring must be properly installed, insulated and grounded. Overly accumulated
greasein old duct work should be cleaned out or duct work should be replaced if necessaryto
avoid the possibility of agrease fire. Checkall ioints on duct work to insure proper connection
andall ioints should be properly taped.
Readall instructions in this manual before operating the appliance. Save these instructions for
future reference.
Always leave safety grills and filters in place. Without these components, operating blowers
could catch on to hair,fingers and looseclothing.
NEVERdispose cigarette ashes, ignitable substances,orany foreign obiectsinto blowers.
NEVERleavecooking unattended.When frying, oil in the pan can easilyoverheat and catch fire.
The risk of self combustion is higher when the oil has been used severaltimes.
The saturation of greasy residue in the blower and filters may cause increased flammability.
Keepunit clean andfree of greaseand residuebuild-up at all times to prevent possible fires.
Filters must be cleaned periodically and kept free from accumulation of cooking residue (see
cleaning instructions inside).Oldand worn filters must bereplaced immediately. Donot operate
blowers when filters are removed. Neverdisassemble parts toclean without properinstructions.
Disassemblyisrecommended to be performed by qualified personnelonly. Call our service ceno
ter for removal instructions. 1-800-JENNAIR(1-800-536-6247)
The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of failure to observe the instruc z
tions given here for installation, maintenance and suitable use of the product. Themanufacz
turer further declines all responsibility for injury due to negligence and the warranty of the
unit automatically expires dueto improper maintenance.
* Please check for latest specification revisions before any custom work or cutouts.

@ £1ower On/Off
O DispmaLaLaLay(Speedlevel Delay Off indicator, Filte/Cleal]/Chal'ge)
[ 1 m
[ O LightsOn/Off/Hold to Dim
Adjust 3 Speed Levels _ 15 Min Belay Off
@ Slower On/Off
Bypressing(_, theblowerisswitchedOnandOff.Whenswitchedon,theNowerstartsuponspeedHover3.
Speed Selection
The3 speedReveRsareseRectedbypressing_) to decreaseand (_ to increasespeedlevel.Thedisplay
O Belay Off
This is usedfor programmedshutdownof Nower and Hights15 minutesafterthe functionis activated.
Press _) once,adot flashesin the Howerrighthand sideofdispHay_ indicatingthe function ison.
Thehoodwill compBeteHyshutdown in15 minutes.
Lights On/Off/Dim
Switchlights OnandOffby pressingkey _) once. To dim mights,pressandherod(_) for 2 seconds.
Advance Display Functions
Filter CleanReminder(Metal):
After every30 hoursof use,the displaywill start flashing an_ remindingyouto cleanthe metalfimters
for residueandpossiNedogs.