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This Data Sheet Includes Information On
• Product Model Number (s): •
Jenn-Air Accessories
87904 - Accessory - conventional coil element for pre-1977 models
TCB12 - Accessory - 12 plastic compactor bags per pack
A905 - Accessory - Cookbook.
A909 - Accessory - cleaner for glass ceramic cooktop surfaces
A911 - Accessory - Restorer for Solid Disk Element.
A912 - Accessory - Cleaner that helps restore luster and remove
streaks from stainless steel appliances and cookware
A913 - Accessory - Insulated cookie sheet.
AG341B - Accessory - Black grill cover for gas downdraft cooktops.
AG341W - Accessory - White grill cover for gas downdraft cooktops.
AG350 - Accessory - Storage tray for gas ranges.
A100 - Accessory - conventional coil element, stainless
HALFRACK - Accessory - half oven rack
HALFRACKJC - Accessory - half oven rack - Jenn-Air convection oven
BRNRCAPSQ - Accessory - sealed burner caps - bisque
BRNRCAPSB - Accessory - sealed burner caps - black
BRNRCAPSG - Accessory - sealed burner caps - grey
DRYINGRACK - Accessory - dehydration rack
DPANSQ - Accessory - drip pans - bisque
DPANSB - Accessory - drip pans - black
DPANSG - Accessory - drip pans - grey
JEA7000ADB- Conventional coil elements for use with Designer Line
Electric Cooktops/Grill Ranges (black, Stainless and white)
JEA7030ADS - Accessory - Rotisserie for outdoor grill
JEA8120ADB- Radiant element cartridge (textured black)
JEA8120ADW -Radiant Element Cartridge (Pearl White)
JEA8000ADB-Grill Element (Black)
JEA8200ADB- Electric cooktop griddle
JGA8100ADW- Gas two burner module (white with gray grates)
JGA8100ADB- Gas two burner module (black with black grates)
JEA8130ADB-Halogen Element Cartridge (Textured Black)
JEA8130 ADW-Halogen Element Cartridge (Pearl White)
JGA8200ADB- Gas cooktop griddle
JXA7030ADB - Accessory - Grill cover for outdoor grill
JXA9112AAP - 12" Stainless Steel Backsplash for JDS9860AAP.
JXA7130ADX - Accessory - Natural gas conversion for outdoor grill
JXA9130AAP - Backsplash with light. Protects area behind range.
Required when using slide-in range in free-standing installation. Adds
30" to range height. Includes light and shelf. For use with
JDS9860AAP. Stainless steel
K60FILLW - Accessory - L-shaped filler between slide-in range and wall
- white. See Maytag K60FILLW for specs.
K60FILLB - Accessory - L-shaped filler between slide-in range and wall
- black. See Maytag K60FILLB for specs.
TCDW - White decorator trim kit for TC507 trash compactor.
TCDS - Stainless decorator trim kit for TC507 trash compactor.
TCDB - Black decorator trim kit for TC507 trash compactor.
TCDQ - Bisque decorator trim kit for TC507 trash compactor.
UKF5001AXX - Accessory - water filter - removes taste, chlorine and
UKF6001AXX - Accessory - water filter - removes taste, chlorine,
odor and lead
UKF7001AXX - Accessory - water filter - for non-auto filter change
models - removes taste, chlorine, odor, lead and cysts
UKF7002AXX - Accessory - water filter for auto filter change models removes taste, chlorine, odor, lead and cysts
UKF7003AXX - Accessory - PuriClean ice and water filter
UKF8001AXX - Accessory - PuriClean IIice and water filter
UKI2500AXX - Accessory - ice maker kit for side-by-side
refrigerators - replacement for the UKI2000AXX.
UXA1000AAS: For slide-in range in free-standing installation if sides
are exposed. One side panel is reversible for either left or right side.
Available in black, white, bisque, stainless
UXA5900ADX - Easy Rack
UXA5905ADX - Half Rack
Protects area behind range. Required when using slide-in range in
free-standing installation. Adds 6" to range height. Available in white,
black, bisque, stainless
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Copyright © Dimension Express, 2003.
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