Artisan Dill Loaves
The "herb deccmpage" teHmiqlw <tetaited m this recipe creates beau@d, q_owy loaves. It vmF"
be used ,ith many <t_fferentherbs cm any d_ape, _ize or recipe cCbread dough a_ ,ell.
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
14 cup warm water (110 11S ° F)
1 cup loxs fat cottage cheese, room temperature
1"2 cup tinel F chopped red onion
2 tablespoons chopped fl'esh dill
2 teaspoons dried dill seed
I egg, lightly beaten
I teaspoon salt
2 21"2 cups all purpose flour
e_ xsash: 1 egg + 1 tablespoon xsater, beaten
large sprigs of flesh dill, x_holc
In a large mixing bowl, dissolve tile yeast and sugar in warm water. |et stand until
fl)amy. Using tile dough hook attachment on setting €_1, mix in cottage cheese,
onion, h'esh dill, dill seed, 1 egg, salt and 2 cups of flour. Gradually mix in another
lg 1,2 cup flour or until a sott dough forms. (ontinue mixing fi)r approximately
3 5 minutes or until tile dough is pliable and elastic:. Place dough in an oiled bowl,
cover with plastic: wrap and allow to rise until double in bulk, about 1P2 hours.
I)ivide dough into 2 pieces. Shape each piece into a smooth round. Place each
round onto a large, oiled baking sheet. Brush heavily with egg wash. Gently apply
whole dill sprigs to tile tops of tile loaves (they will stick to file e_ glaze). Brush
egg wash over tile dill sprigs again, making sure that tile dill sprigs are adhering to
tile loaves. Allow loaves to rise for an additional 30 45 minutes.
Balce loaves at 375 ° F (Convect Balce 350 ° F) fi)r 25 27 minutes, or until a ther
mometer inserted into tile center reads 190 ° F. Cool slightly before slicing.
Serves 12 per ]o(f