IMPORTANT: Read all installation instructions thoroughly before installing
your microwave oven.
Requirements for Installation
Important Safety Instructions ............................ 2
Grounding Instructions ................................. 2
Mounting Space ....................................... 3
Wall Construction ...................................... 3
Tools, Parts and Materials ............................... 4
Venting System ........................................ 5
Prepare Hood Fan (Roof or Wall Venting) .................. 6
Hood Exhaust Duct ..................................... 8
Installation Procedure
Prepare Cabinet Opening ................................ 10
Mounting Templates ................................ 10
Drill holes in the wall and upper cabinet template ........ 11
Drill the power supply cord hole ....................... 12
Cut the opening required for the duct ................... 12
Install Mounting Plate .................................. 12
Mount the Microwave Oven ............................. 13
Check List ............................................ 16
INSTRUCTIONS D'INSTALLATION ........................ 17
INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACION ....................... 33

WARNING - When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should be followed, including the following:
• Install microwave oven as specified breaker before beginning installation
in Installation Instructions or as to avoid severe or fatal shock injury.
specified on wall or upper cabinet * Before you drill into the wall, note
templates, where electrical outlets are and
• It is recommended that two people where electrical wires might be
including a qualified technician concealed behind the wall. If you
install this microwave oven. contactelectrical wires with your drill
• The microwave oven needs to be bit, you couldget an electric shock.
mounted against and supported by * Save these instructionsfor the local
both a flat, vertical wall and an upper electrical inspector's use.
cabinet or other horizontal structure. * Do not usethis microwave oven for
• The mounting surface must be commercial purposes. It is designed
capable of supporting weight of 150 for household use only.
pounds plusthe weight of any items * This microwave oven is factory set
you place inside the oven or upper for room venting operation. To vent
cabinet, through the wall or roof, changes
• Do not mount this product to an must be made to venting system.
island or peninsula cabinet. * If the cabinet is covered with a
• Remove house fuse or open circuit protective film, remove the film.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit,
grounding reduces the riskof electric shock by providing an escape wire for the
electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire
with a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly
installed and grounded.
DANGER - Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock. Do not plug into an outlet until appliance isproperly installed
and grounded.
Consult a qualified electrician if the grounding instructions are not completely
understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
• Electrical rating is 120 volts, AC, • Do not usean extension cord.
60 Hertz. This microwave oven must * Do not remove or cut any of the
be connected to a supply circuit of prongs from the power cord.
proper voltage and frequency. NOTE: The dealer can not accept any
• The power supply cord and plug liability for damage to the oven or
should be brought to a separate personal injury resulting from failure to
15to 20 ampere branch circuit single observethe correct electrical
grounded outlet. The outlet box connection procedures. It is the
should be located in the cabinet customer's responsibility.
above the microwave oven.
• The outlet box and supply circuit Three-pronged , A
should be installed by a qualified (grounding) plug_ _
electrician and conform to the
National ElectricCode and the
prevailing localcode.
• Where a standard two-prong wall
receptacle isencountered, replace it
with a properly grounded three-
prong wall receptacle, installed by a
qualified electrician. Recommended Grounding Method

Your microwave oven requires mounting space on a wall as shown.
• 13" recommended upper cabinet • The bottom of the microwave oven
depth, should be at least 2" above the
• The bottom edge of the cabinet range backsplash for proper
that will be above the microwave installation and servicing.
oven is at least 30" from the • 30" width is required to mount the
cooking surface, microwave oven.
! i " : : waIJStud
o 0 O0 o
This microwave oven should be mounted against and supported by a fiat,
vertical wall.
• Tofindthelocationofthestuds, • Afterlocatingthestud, thecenter
one of following methods may be can be found by probing the wall
used: with a small nail to find the edges
1. Stud Finder--magnetic device of the stud and then placing a mark
which locates nails in the stud. halfway between the edges.
2. Use a hammer to tap lightly • Wall construction should be a
across the mounting surface to minimum of 2" x 4" wood studding
find a solid sound, and 3/8"or more thick drywall or
• Studs are usually at regular
intervals spaced 16" or 24" apart.

Remove the microwave oven and all materials from the carton. To install
microwave over the range, you will need following materials and tools.
Check all materials and accessories before you begin installation. If you find
some parts missing, contact an Authorized Service Center.
Partsyou needto installyour oven
(You may not need to useall of these parts.)
• Upper Cabinet Template 1
• Wall Template 1
PowerSupplyCord Bushing11)1/4"x 2" Wood Screw 1/4-x 3" Boltand Spring
Use with metal cabinet, (4 screws) Toggle Heads(4 each)
1/4"x 3" Bolt and Washer PowerSupply Cord Clamp Damper Assembly (1)
(2 each) and Mounting Screw For roof/wall venting
To secureto the upper (1 each) installation.
cabinet, To hold the power cord,
For drywall holes.
Grease Filter (2) Charcoal Filter (2) Attached on back of microwave.
For room venting.
Mounting Plate (1)
• Phillips screwdriver • 3/4"wood drill bit
• Pencil • Stud finder
• Measuring tape • 2" diameter hole drill bit
• Clear tape • Hammer
• Ducttape • Caulk (wall venting)
• Electric drill
• Keyhole saw
• 3/8"wood drill bit

This microwave oven is set for room venting installation. For roof or wall
venting, changesto the venting system must be made. If wall venting is chosen,
make sure there Jsproper clearance within the wall for the exhaust vent.
This oven is designed for adaptation to the following three types of
ventilation. Select the type of ventilation required for your installation.
CAUTION: To reduce risk of fire and to properly exhaust air, be sure to vent
air correctly. Do not vent exhaust air into spaces within walls or ceilings or
/ into attics, crawl spaces or garages,
A. Room venting
The charcoal filters are required for room venting installation.
This venting system is normally used for condominiums or apartments.
B. Roof venting
3 1/4 xlO"
roof ducting
C. Wall venting
"_' 3-1/4"xl0" through-
• The duct work and cap you need for wall or roof venting are not included.
All wall and roof caps must have a back-draft damper.
• Check the exhaust duct and change it if required. (See pages 8 - 9 for more
• We recommend that a qualified electrician install the venting system.
_Roof cap
Wall cap
the-wall ducting