Jenn-Air JJW9630DDW, JJW9630DDS, JJW9630DDB, JJW9530DDS Owner’s Manual

J EN N - A l R 30" ELECTR _l
Form No. ,AY04/03
Part No. 8112P213-60
@2003 Maytag Appliances Sales Co,
Litho U,S.A.
installer: Please leave tMs manual with this appliance. Consumer: Please read and keep thb manual for future
reference. Keepsales receipt and/or canceled check asproof of purchase.
Model Number Serial Number
Date of Purchase If you have questions, caik
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance 1-800-JEN NAIR 'J -800-536-6247}
1-800-688-2080 { U.S.Try for hearing or speech impaired} (Mon.Wri., 8 am-8 pm EasternTime} Internet: http:i/www.jen
In our continuing effort to improve the quality and pertor- mance of our cooking products, itmay be necessary to make
changes to the appliance without revising this guide. For service J#fePmade_t,see page 31.
Read and follow aH instructions before using this appmiance to prevent the potential risk of fire, electric shock, personal injury or damage to the appliance as a result of improper usage of the appliance. Use appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this guide.
To ensure proper and safe operation: Appliance
must be propedy installed and grounded by a qualified
technician. Do not attempt to adjust, repair, service, or
replace any part of your appliance unless it is specifi- cally recommended in this guide. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified servicer.
Always disconnect power to appliance before servicing.
To Prevent Fire or Smoke
Be sure all packing materials are removed from the appliance before operating it.
Keep area around appliance clear and free from combustible materials. Flammabb materials should not
be stored in an oven.
Warning and Important Safety Instructions appearing in this guide are not meant to cover all possible conditions
and situations that may occur. Common sense, caution, and care must be exercised when installing, maintain-
ing, or operating the appliance. Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent, or
manufacturer about problems or conditions you do not understand.
Recognize Safety Symbo{s, Words, Labe{s
WARNING- Hazards or unsafe practices which
COULD result in severe personal injury or deathl
Many plastics are vulnerabb to heat. Keep plastics away from parts of the appliance that may become
warm or hot. To prevent grease fires, do not let cooking grease or
other flammabb materials accumulate in or near the appliance.
In Case of Fire
Use dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher or baking soda to smother fire or flame. Never use water on a
grease fire.
1. Turn off appliance to avoid spreading the flame.
2. NEVER pick up or move a flaming pan. S. Smother fire or flame by closing the oven door.
Child Safety
NEVER store items of interest to Children in cabinets
CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe practices which
COULD result in minor persona! injury.
ance 0!1on the appliance door to reach items could be sedous!y injured,
NEVER leave children alone or unsupervised near the appliance when it is in use or is still hot. Children
should never be allowed to sit or stand on any part of the appliance as they could be injured or burned.
Childrenmustbetaughtthattheapplianceand utensilsin itcanbehot.Lethotutensilscoolin asafe
place,outof reachofsmallchildren.Childrenshould betaughtthatanapplianceisnotatoy.Children
shouldnotbeallowedto playwithcontrolsorother
Aboat Yeur Appliance
Cooking Safety
Never heat an unopened food container in the oven.
Pressure build-up may cause container to burst resulting in serious personal injury or damage to the appliance.
Use dry, sturdy potholders. Damp potholders may
cause burns from steam. Dish towels or other substi-
tutes should never be used as potholders because they
can trail across hot elements and ignite or get caught on appliance parts.
NEVER use an app!iance as a step to reach cabinets
tipping of the appliance, breakage of doer, and
serious injuries,
To prevent potential hazard to the user and damage to the appliance, do not use appliance as a space heater
to heat or warm a room. Also, do not use the oven as a storage area for food or cooking utensfls.
Do not obstruct the flow of air by blocking the oven
even though they are dark in color. Interior surfaces of any oven become hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other
flammable materials contact heating elements or
interior surfaces of oven until they have had sufficient
time to cool Other surfaces of the appliance may
become hot enough to cause burns - among these surfaces are: oven vent openings and surfaces near these openings, oven doors, windows of oven doors.
Do not touch a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth
as the bulb could break Should the bulb break,
disconnect power to the appliance before removing
bulb to avoid electrical shock
A cooling fan should be heard whenever the oven is
operating. If you do not hear the fan, call an authorized servicer.
NEVER use aluminum foil to cover an oven rack or
oven bottom. Misuse could result in risk of electric shock, fire, or damage to the appliance. Use foil only
as directed in this guide.
Wear proper apparel. Loose fitting or long hanging- sleeved apparel should not be worn while cooking.
Clothing may ignite and cause burns if garment comes in contact with heating elements.
Always place oven racks in the desired positions while
oven is cool. Slide oven rack out to add or remove
food, using dry, sturdy potholders. Always avoid
reaching into the oven to add or remove food. If a rack must be moved while hot, use a dry potholdeE Do not let potholder contact hot element in oven.
Use racks only in the oven in which they were
Use care when opening the oven door. Let hot air or
steam escape before removing or replacing food.
manufacturer's instructions. If a plastic frozen food container and!or its cover distorts, warps, or is other-
wise damaged during cooking, immediately discard the food and its container. The food could be contami-
nated. Do not allow aluminum foil or meat probe to contact
heating element.
Always turn off all controls when cooking is com-
Utensim Safety
Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven cooking bags.
This appliance has been tested for safe performance
using conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or accessories that are not specifically recommended in this guide. Do not use add-on oven convection
systems. The use of devices or accessories that are not
andreducethelifeofthecomponentsoftheappli- ance.
Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven racks and other utensils, and wipe off excessive
spillovers to prevent excessive smoke or flare ups.
Onlycertaintypesofglass,glasslceramic,ceramic, earthenware,orotherglazedutensilsaresuitablefor ovenservicewithoutbreakingduetothesudden changeintemperature.Followutensilmanufacturer's instructionswhenusingglass.
Cmeaning Safety
Turn off all controls and wait for appliance parts to
cool before touching or cleaning. Clean with caution. Use care to avoid steam burns if a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot surface. Some cleaners can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface.
Clean only parts listed in this guide.
Se f-C ean Oven
utensils, etc. in the oven during the sdf-clean cycle,
Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential
for a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub,
damage, or move the gasket.
important Safety Notice and
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforce-
ment Act of 1986 (Proposition 65} requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposures to such substances.
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when
the oven is engaged in the self-clean cycle, there may
be some low-level exposure to some of the listed
substances, including carbon monoxide. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by properly venting the oven to the outdoors by opening the windows and/
or door in the room where the appliance is located
during the self-clean cycle.
Never keep pet birds in the kitchen or in rooms where the fumes from the kitchen could reach. Birds have a
very sensitive respiratory system. Fumes released during
an oven self-cleaning cycle may be harmful or fatal to
birds. Fumes released due to overheated cooking oil, fat,
margarine and overheated non-stick cookware may be
equally harmful.
Do not use oven cleaners or oven liners of any kind in or around any part of the self-clean oven.
Save These instructions for Future Reference
Note: For microwave oven operation (select models} refer to the use and care guide packed in the micro-
wave oven.
Control Panel
Oven More
Light Options Clean Broil
CANCEL Convect Bake
I t
CANCEL Convect Bake
,Z [ [
Options Clean Broil
Bad( O Enter
The control pane] is designed for ease in programming. The display window shows options for each function and moves from step
to step through the programming process, in douMe ovens, Upper Oven or Lower Oven is displayed to indicate which oven is being programmed. Control pand features vary by model Ovendisplay above isa doubb oven programmed for bake and broil operations.
[ iiii_ i
i iii
Function pads Lower oven
Function pads Upper oven
Quickset Pads
Use to program the lower oven for
double wail ovens.
Use to program the upper oven for
single and double wall ovens.
Use to select options in display
window (next to display window on
both sides}. Displays oven functions, options and
time of day.
Use to access, program or save
Up or Down arrows indicate additional screens with additional
options. Press the Quickset pads next to the arrows to scroll
through the display.
baking cycles.
I i
Hdp Setup
Number pads
Press for on-screen help. Use to view or change factory default
Use to enter time and temperature,
or to enter Favorites names.
Note: Four seconds after entering the function, option, number or letter, the function will automatically be en-
tered. If more than 30 seconds elapse between steps in
programming, the function will be canceled and the
display will return to the previous display.
Quickset Pads
Quickset pads are located on each side of the display window and are used to select the desired function or option in the
display window. To select the option or function, press the Quickset pad next to the word.
If you need to back out of a function or option in the display, press the Back pad. When your programming is complete,
press the Enter pad or wait four seconds and the function wiii start automatically.
Setting the Clock: .......
1. Pressthe Setup pad. Setup
2. Select Clock using the Quickset pads.
3. Select Time.
4. Enter the time using the number pads.
5. Press Enter.
6. Select AM or PM in 12 hour mode. (For 24 hour clock, see page 50
7, Select Set.
8. To exit the Setup mode, press Setup.
\ .....
Entering the day of the week:
1. PressSetup pad=.................,
2. Sebct CHock. Setup"
3. Sebct Day.
4. Sebct Back or Fwd to scroll through the days.
5. Se.,lectSet.
6. To exit the Setup mode, press Setup.
Canceling the clock/day of week display:
1. PressSetup pad. ......... ,
2. Press CHock.
Setup :
3. Pressthe Down arrow to scroll to the next screen.
4. Sebct DbaMe.
5. Sebct Off to turn the chockdispiay off, or sebct On to turn the chockdispiay on.
6. Sdect Set.
7. To disaMe the day of week dispiay, sebct OFFor sebct ON to turn the weekday dispiay on.
8. Sdect Set.
9. To exit the Setup mode, press Setup.
To set the clock for a 12 or 24 hour format: The chockcan be set to dispiay time in either a 12 hour or 24
hour format.
1. Pressthe Setup pad. ......... \
2. Select Clock. Setup
3. Use the down arrow to scroll to the next screen.
4. Select 12/24 Hr.
5. Select 12 Hr or 24 Hr.
6. Select Set.
7. PressSetup to exit Setup mode.
Setting the Timers (Timer 1 or Timer 2):
1. PressTimer 1 orTimer 2. / TIMERt \
2. SebctTime. \ on/Off
3. Pressone of the displayed times using the Quickset pads, or press the number pads to enter the desired time.
Changing the amount of time entered once the
Timer starts:
Pressthe Timer 1 or Timer 2 pad ONCE.
Pressthe displayed times on the Quickset
pads until the desired time is entered.
On / Off
\ ......
3. Pressthe number pads to enter the new desired time.
4. Press Enter.
Caneeming the Timer:
1. Pressthe Timer 1 or Timer 2 pad 1WICE. TIMER1 OR On/ Off
2. Pressthe Timer 1 or Timer 2 pad ONCE and
Press CANCEL on the Quickset pads.
Changing the Timer format:
The Timers can be set to display hours and minutes (HR/MN)
or minutes and seconds (MNiSEC}.
1. Pressthe Setup pad. Setup
2. Select the Down arrow and .... ....
scroll until you see Timer Format.
3. Select Timer Format.
4. Select HRIMN or MNISEC.
5. Select Set.
6. PressSetup to exit Setup mode.
(}hanging the Timer beeps:
The signal beeps for Timer 1 and Timer 2 can be changed. The options available are two beeps every thirty, seconds, two
beeps every sixty,seconds or 1 beep only. The default setting
is One Beep. .......................
1. Pressthe Setup pad. Setup
Select the down arrow to scroll down until "Tones" is displayed.
Select Tones.
4. Select Timers.
5. Select the desired timer beep format (2-30 sec., 2-60 sec. or 1 Beep}.
6. Select Set.
7. Press Setup to exit Setup mode.
additional time. Forexample, pressing "10 rain" three times Note: Each press of the displayed time choices adds
provides 30 minutes on the timer (0:30).
4. Press Enter.
Locking the Control and Oven Door
The oven controHand oven door carl be Hockedto prevent
acddentaH programming. If an oven function is currendy being used, the controHand door cannot be Hocked.
To lock the control and door:
Press the Back and Enter pads at the same time, hoHdingfor three seconds or untiH"Locked" appears in the dispHay.
To unlock the control and door:
Press the Back and Enter pads at the same time, homing for three seconds. The time of day will appear in the dispHay
when the controHand door are unHocked.
Back 0 Enter
To set Bake:
1. Pressthe Bake pad. .....
2. Select the oven temperature using the Quickset pads. OR
Enter the desired temperature using the number pads. Press Enter to set.
° The temperature can be set from 170° to 550° in
5° increments.
, After three seconds, the oven will begin to preheat.
"Upper Oven" and/or "Lower Oven" and " Bake Preheat"
will appear in the display along with 100° or the actual oven temperature, whichever is higher.
Baking Notes:
° If more than thirty' seconds elapse between pressing a
pad and pressing a number pad, the display will return to the previous display.
° Whenever the temperature appears in the display, the
oven is heating.
° To recall the set temperature during preheat, press the
Bake pad.
° To change the oven temperature during cooking, press
the Bake pad and select a displayed temperature or use the number pads to enter the desired temperature.
° For additional baking tips, see "Cooking Made Simple"
, The oven will automatically shut off after 12 hours if it is
accidentally left on. To set a Sabbath Mode, see Setup Sabbath Mode, page 21.
Bake Options
Cook & Hold and Delay options are available when baking.
When using the Cook & Hold option, the oven begins to heat
immediately after the control has been set. Then, the oven cooks for a specified length of time. When that time has
elapsed, the oven will keep the food warm for up to an hour then automatically turn off.
When using Delay, the oven begins to cook later in the day.
Set the amount of time that you want to delay before the oven turns on and how long you want to cook. The oven begins to
heat at the selected time and cooks for the specified length of time. When that time has elapsed, the oven will keep the food
warm for up to an hour then automatically turn off.
° The temperature in the display will increase in 1°
increments until the oven reaches the preset tempera-
ture. Allow about 15 minutes for the oven to preheat.
° When the oven is preheated, the oven will beep and
"Preheat" will no longer be displayed.
3. At the end of cooking, turn the oven off by pressing the
CANCELpad. Remove food from the oven. .............................,
The oven will continue operating until the CANCEL
CANCEL pad is pressed .....
To set Cook & Hold:
1. After Bake has been programmed, press Options using the Quickset pad.
2. Select Cook/Hold.
3. Select the amount of time you want to bake by pressing the Quickset pads or the number pads.
The oven will cook for the selected time, then keep food warm
for one hour.
To set a Demay:
1. After Bake has been programmed, press Options ushg the Quickset pad.
2. SeHectDeHay.
3. SeHectthe amount of time you want to deHaythe start of cooking using the dispHayedtimes or the number pads.
4. SeHectthe amount of time you want to cook using the dispHayedtimes or the number pads.
5. The dispHaywiHHshow "DeHayBake", the temperature, the deHaytime and the cook time.
Note: Both Cook & HoHdand DeHayarisecan be accessed
through More Options pad.
as dairy products, perk, pouHtry,or seafood.
Convect (select models )
Convection uses a fan to circuHatehot air evenHyover, under and around the food. As a resuHt,foods are evenHycooked
and browned, often in shorter times, at Hewertemperatures and with the fiexibiHityof using more than one rack at a time.
Convect Options
Cook & Hold and Delay options are avaiHabHewhen convect cooking. See page 0 for information on how to program a
Cook & HoHdor DeHayoption.
Suggested Foods for Conveet Selections
Baking of
Beef Steaks
FishSteaks Fish Filetes
Chicken Breasts
Whole Chicken
Whole Turkey
PorkRoasts BeefRoasts
FrozenPie Turnovers
Cream Puffs
Puff Pastry
Convect Bake (select models)
To set Conveet Bake: ................. ,
1. Pressthe Convect pad. ........
2. SeHectBake using the Quickset pads.
3. SeHectthe oven temperature using the Quickset pads OR
Enter the desired temperature using the number pads. Press Enter to set.
Convection Notes:
, The oven controHcomes from the factory set for Auto
Convect Conversion. When using Conveet Bake and Conveet Pastry enter the conventionaHbaking tempera-
ture. The controHautomaticaHHyconverts the temperature to 25° Hessthan the conventionaHtemperature.
° For Conveet Boast, enter the conventionaHroasting
temperature and time. The controHthen Hetsyou know when 75% of the time has eHapsedand aHertsyou to
check the food for aloneness.
, To turn Auto Convect Conversion off, see page 20,
, The temperature can be set from 170° Fto 550° Fdegrees
in 5° increments.
° After three seconds, the oven wiil begin to preheat. "Upper
Oven" and/or "Lower Oven" and "Bake Preheat" wiil appear in the display along with 100° or the actual oven
temperature, whichever is higher.
° The temperature in the display wiil increase in 1° incre-
ments until the oven reaches the preset temperature. Allow about 15 minutes for the oven to preheat.
° When the oven is preheated, the oven wiil beep and
"Preheat" wiil turn off and "Bake" wiil be displayed.
° Placefood in the oven.
4. At the end of cooking, turn the oven off by pressing the CANCEL pad. Remove food from the oven. The oven wiHH
continue operating untiHthe CANCEL pad is ................................
pressed. CANCEL }
Conveot oast (:select models)
To set Convect Roast:
1. Hace food in the oven. .......
2, Pressthe Convect pad,
3. SeHect Roast.
4. Sdect the oven temperature using the Quickset pads. OR
Enter the desired temperature using the number pads. Press Enter to set.
Enter Cook/HoHdwill appear in the dispHay. , Enter Cook & HoHdtime using the Quickset pads.
OR Enter the desired time using the number pads.
° The temperature can be set from 170° Fto 550° F
degrees in 5° increments.
° After three seconds, the oven will begin to heat. "Upper
Oven" and/or "Lower Oven" and "Convect Roast" will
appear in the display along with 100° or the actual oven temperature, whichever is higher.
° The temperature in the display will increase in 1°incre-
ments until the oven reaches the preset temperature.
5. At 75% of the cooking time the oven will beep to let you know to check food. Check food using a meat thermom-
eter. If food is done, take food out of oven and press
CANCELpad to turn oven off.
6. If food is not done, continue roasting. Once the set time has elapsed the oven will automatically
go into Keep Warm mode for 1 hour. If food is taken from the oven before the hour has elapsed press CANCEL pad.
Convect Pastry (:selectmodels:)
Convect Pastry is designed to bake pastry,items such as frozen pies, turnovers, cream puffs and puff pastry.
1. Pressthe Convect pad............... ,
2. Sdect Pastry'.
3. Sdect the oven temperature using the Quickset pads. OR
Enter the desired temperature using the number pads. Press Enter to set.
° The temperature can be set from 170° F to 550° F
degrees in 5° increments.
° After three seconds, the oven will begin to preheat.
"Upper Oven" and/or "Lower Oven" and "Convect
Preheat" will appear in the display along with 100° or
the actual oven temperature, whichever is higher.
° The temperature in the display will increase in 1° incre-
ments until the oven reaches the preset temperature. Allow about 15 minutes for the oven to preheat.
° When the oven is preheated, the oven will beep and
Preheat will turn off and Bake will be displayed.
4. At the end of cooking, turn the oven off by pressing the
CANCEL pad. Remove food from the oven.......
The oven will continue operating until the (:ANGEL
CANCEL pad is pressed. .............
: Convect
Oonveot Broi (select models)
For best results when broiling, use a pan designed for broiling. Oven door should be closed when broiling. Preheat-
ing is not necessary'.
To set Convect Broil:
1. Placethe oven rack hl the proper rack position. (See
Broiling Chart, page 10.} ...........................
2. Pressthe Convect pad. )
3. Select Broil.
4. Select HIGH - 550° F for high broil. OR
Select LOW - 450° F for low broil.
° The oven has a variable broil feature, which means that
a lower broil temperature can be selected C300°-550°F}. To select a lower temperature, press the appropriate
number pads. Press Enter to set the lower temperature.
Placefood in the oven.5.
6. Close the oven door.
7. Pressthe CANCEL pad when broiling is
[ CoRreCt
For best results when broiling, use a pan designed for broiling. For additional broiling tips, see "Cooking Made
Simple" booklet.
To set Broil:
1. Place the oven rack in the proper rack position (see Broiling Chart on page 10}.
2. Place food in the oven.
3. Pressthe Broil pad..................
4. Select HIGH - 550° F for high broil
OR Select LOW - 450° F for low broil
° The oven has a variable broil feature which means that
a lower broil temperature can be selected (300°-550°F}. To select a lower temperature, press the appropriate
number pads. Press Enter to set the lower temperature.
5. Close the oven door.
6. Pressthe CANCEL pad when broiling is done. { CANCEL
Broil Notes:
° See Broiling Chart, page 10, for foods and broiling times. , If more than 30 seconds elapse between pressing the
Broii pad, Quickset pads, or number pads, the oven wiii not be set and the display wiii return to the previous
° "High" is used for most broiling. Use a lower broil
temperature when broiling longer cooking foods. The lower temperature allows food to cook to the well done
stage without excessive browning.
° Expect broil times to increase and browning to be
slightly lighter if the appliance is installed on a 208 volt circuit.
° Food should be turned halfway through broiling time. , Broil times may be longer when lower broiling tempera-
tures are selected.
, Convect broiling is generally faster than conventional
broiling. Check for aloneness at the minimum recom- mended time.
Broiling Chart
Beef (broiled to 180° F_)
6 Hamburgers, 1/2" thick 2 Ribeye Steaks, 1" thick 2 New York Strip Steaks, 1" thick 2 T-Bone Steaks, 1" thick
10 - 12 minutes 18 - 22 minutes 18 - 22 minutes 18 - 22 minutes
12- 14 minutes
13- 16 minutes 13- 17 minutes
16- 18 minutes
50 50 50
Poultry (broiled to 170° Fon Low)
4 BondessiSHnHess Breasts 4 Bone-in Chicken Breasts
Low Broil
12 - 15 minutes
20 - 23 minutes
Low Broil
10- 12 minutes
18-20 minutes
Perk (broiled to 180° F]
4 Bondess Pork Chops, 1" thick 4 Bone-in Pork Chops, 1" thick
Ham SHice,1inch thick
20 - 28 minutes 25 - 28 minutes 16 - 18 minutes
17- 19 minutes 17- 19 minutes 15- 17 minutes
Fish (broiled to 140° FJ
4 Swordfish Steaks, 1" thick 2 HaHibutSteaks, 1" thick Orange Roughy, 1 "thick Shrimp (18-20 ct, per Hb,) 2 Salmon Fillets, 1/2" thick 2 Salmon Steaks, 1" thick
8 - 12 minutes 10 - 12 minutes 10 - 12 minutes
8 - 10 minutes
8 - 12 minutes
8 - 12 minutes
8-12 minutes 9-11 minutes
9 - 11 minutes
8 - 8 minutes 11 - 13 minutes 11 - 13 minutes
* The use of the offset rack is denoted in the chart as an "o" after the rack position number, NOTE: To reduce browning and excess smoke when broiling, rack 40 can be used instead of rack 50,
40 40
40 40 40 40 40
Oven Racks
, DO not usethe oven f0r st0ring food 0[ c00kware.
Single and Double Convection Ovens - two fiat racks and one offset rack were packaged for each oven.
Single and Doable Non=Convection Ovens - one fiat and one offset rack were packaged for each oven.
To remove:
1. Pull forward to the "stop" position.
2. Lift up on the front of the rack and pull out.
1. Place rack on the rack support in the oven.
Tilt the front end up slightly; slide rack back until it clears the lock-stop position.
Lower front and slide into the oven.
The use of the offset rack is denoted in the list at left as an "o" after the rack position number.
Do not place food on a fiat rack in position one when
the offset rack is in position two. When the offset rack is
in position two, a fiat rack placed in position one may contact the offset rack when sliding in or out of the oven.
When baking on two or three racks, check foods at the
minimum suggested time to avoid over-browning or over-cooking.
Do not cover an entire rack with aluminum foil or place foil on the oven bottom. Baking results will be affected and damage may occur to the oven bottom.
Easy Rack (selectmodels}
Select wall oven models are equipped with an Easy Rack. This rack offers a convenient place to grasp bakeware when
taking it out of the oven.
Rack Positions
RACK 5: Used for three-rack baking. RACK 50: Can be used for broiling.
RACK 4: Can be used for broiling and two-rack baking. RACK 40: Can be
used for broiling. RACK 3: Used for
most baked goods. RACK 3o: Used for
most baked goods and pies.
RACK 2: Used for roasting small cuts
of meat. RACK 20: Used Convect Roasting and two-rack baking.
RACK 1: Used for roasting large cuts of meat= RACK lo: Can be used for three-rack baking.
Three=rack Convection Cooking
(select models)
2 flat
1 offset
The Easy Rack is to be used in ovens with a hidden bake element only. Do not use the Easy Rack if your oven has
an exposed bake elemenL
Use the EasyRack only in the oven in which it was purchased.
Create-A-Space TMHaft Rack
(select models )
SeHectwall oven modeHsare_ haHfrack. The Heftside of -'_
the rack can be removed to accomodate a large
roaster on the lower rack. The right side of
equipped with a convertiMe_
the rack is still available to hold a _
casserole dish. ___
Oven Light
The oven Hightautomatically comes on whenever the oven
door is opened. When the door is dosed, press the Oven Light pad to turn the oven Highton and off. A beep will sound every
time the Oven Light pad is pressed.
Oven Vent
The oven vent is located below the oven door on single wail
ovens, and below the bottom door on double wail ovens.
When the oven is in use, the area near the oven vent may
become hot enough to cause burns. Do not block the vent opening for best baking results.
Oven Fans
A cooling fan wi[[ automatically turn on whenever the oven is operating. It is used to help keep internal parts on the control
panel cool. The fan may continue to operate after the oven has been turned off. The fan will automatically turn off when
parts have cooled. This is normal A convection fan (select mode[sDis used to circulate hot air
in the oven when the convection feature is selected. It automatically turns on whenever the Convect pad is pressed
and will turn off when Convect is canceled.
° The removable section of the rack can be used as a
cooling rack or trivet. Make sure rack is cool before removing from the oven.
° Make sure oven is cool before removing or reinstalling
the half rack.
° Do not use cookware that extends beyond edge of rack. ° For best results, allow two inches between the pan
placed on the rack and the oven side wail
° Use caution when removing items from the half rack to
avoid burns.
° Carefully remove items from the lower rack to avoid
disturbing the half rack.
Note: The convection fan wi[[ automatically stop whenever
the oven door is opened.
To set Delay Clean:
1. "Remove Racks from Oven" will show hl the display. Removethe racks from the oven and select Continue.
2. Select Light, Medium or Heavy soil level using the
Quickset pads. There is a brief delay while the door locks.
3. "Delay Clean", the cleaning time, the delay time and
unlock time (based on the selected soil bve[) will show in the display.
For more information on sdf-cbaning, see page 24.
1. Pressthe More Options pad. More "
2. Select CooklHold ....
3. Enter cook time using Quickset pads or the number pads.
4. Select Bake or Convect.
5. When Bake is pressed, select the temperature using Quickset pads or the number pads.
6. When Convect is pressed, select Bake, Broil, Roast or
Pastry',then select the desired temperature using the
Quickset pads or the number pads.
The oven will cook for the selected time, then Keep Warm for one hour. The oven will automatically turn off.
Delay .......................
1. Pressthe More Options pad. More "
2. Select Delay. Options
3. Select Delay time using Quickset pads or the number pads.
4. Select Bake, Convect or Clean.
To set Delay Bake:
1. Select from the displayed temperatures or use the number pads to enter the temperature.
2. Select the time to cook from the displayed times or use the number pads to enter the cooking time.
3. The display will show "Delay Bake", the preset tempera- ture, the delay time countdown and the cook time.
To set Delay Conveet:
1. Select Bake, Roastor Pastry.
2. Select from the displayed temperatures or use the number pads to enter the temperature.
3. Select the time to cook from the displayed times or use the number pads to enter the cooking time.
4. The display will show "Convect Delay', the preset tempera- ture, the delay time countdown and the cook time.
as dairy products, pork, poultry, or seafood,
Proofing (select models)
The Proofing feature can be used to raise yeast-based bread
products prior to baking. There are two proofing methods available - Rapid and Standard.
Standard proofing in the oven protects dough from room temperature changes or drafts that commonly affect proofing
done on the countertop. Rapid proofing provides faster proofing results than
countertop or standard proofing, without harming the yeast.
1. Press More Options pad. .........
2. Select Proofing. Options ....
3. Select Rapid or Standard.
4. When proofing is compbte, remove the dough from the
oven and press the CANCEL pad..... ...............................
Proofing Notes:
, For any dough that requires one rise, either Standard or
Rapid Proofing can be used.
° For dough requiring two rises, Standard Proofing must
be used for the first rising period. Either Standard or Rapid Proofing can be used for the second rise.
° If oven temperature is too high for proofing, "Oven
Cooling" will appear in the display.
Keep Warm (select models}
The Keep Warm feature is used to safely keep hot foods warm
or for warming breads and plates...............
1. Press More Options pad. Options
2. Pressthe down arrow to scroll down. \ ..........
More "
3. Select Keep Warm.
4. Sebct one of the dispiayed temperatures or enter desired temperature using the number pads. Temperatures can be
sdected between 145°and 190° F.
5. "Warm Preheat" and the temperature will be dispiayed.
8. When oven has preheated, a beep sounds and "Warming" and the temperature will be dispiayed.
7. When finished, press the CANCEL pad and ...........
remove food or piates from the oven. CANCEL
To Warm Dinner Rolls:
, Cover rolls bosdy with foii and piace in oven. , Press More Options pad. , Sebct Keep Warm.
+ Sdect 170° temperature. Warm for 12-15 minutes+
To Warm Plates:
+Piace two stacks of up to four piates each hl the oven+
+ Press More Options pad............................
More \
, Sebct Keep Warm. Options
+ Sdect 170° temperature. .....
, Warm for five minutes. Turn off the oven by pressing the
CANCEL pad and leave plates in the oven for 15 minutes
more. , Use only oven-safe plates+check with the manufacturer. + Do not set warm dishes on a cold surface as rapid tempera-
ture changes could cause crazing or breakage.
Keep Warm Notes:
, Food should be hot when placed in oven. , For optimal food quality'+foods should be kept warm for
no longer than 1 hour.
, To keep foods from drying, cover loosely with foil or a
glass lid.
Drying (select models)
For best results, use a drying rack. A drying rack allows air to circulate evenly around the food.
The convection fan will operate during the drying procedure.
To set Drying:
1. Press More Options pad. Options
2. Pressthe down arrow to scroll down.
Select Drying.
Select a displayed temperature or enter a temperature with the number pads. Temperatures can be set between
100° F and 200° F.
5. "Drying" and the temperature will be displayed.
8. Removefood from oven and press CANCEL CANCEL }
pad when drying isdone. ......
Follow the Drying Guide on page 15 for drying times. Check foods at minimum times given. Cool foods to room tempera-
ture before testing for aloneness.
Drying Notes:
+To purchase a drying rack, contact your Jenn-Air dealer
for the "DRYINGRACK" Accessory Kit or call 1-800- JENNAIR.
+Most fruits and vegetables dry well and retain their color
when dried at 140° F. Meat and jerky should be dried at
145° - 150° F.For optimal flavor, dry herbs at 100° F,
however, at this lower temperature expect extended drying times of up to 8 hours.
+The length of drying times vary due to the following:
Water and sugar content of food, size of food pieces+ amount of food being dried, humidity in the air.
+Check foods at the minimum drying time. Dry longer if
+Fruits that turn brown when exposed to air should be
treated with an antioxidant. Try one of the following methods:
1. Dip fruit in a mixture of two parts bottled lemon juice to one part cool water.
2. Soak fruit in a soiution of 1 tsp. ascorbic acid or commercial antioxidant to 1 quart of cold water.
, Foods may drip during the drying process. After drying
high acid or sugary foods, clean the oven bottom with soap and water. The porcelain oven finish may discoior if
acidic or sugary food soils are not wiped up prior to high heat or a self-cleaning cycle.
+More than one rack of food may be dried at the same
time+However, additional drying time is needed+
+Refer to other resources at your iocai library or caii your
local County' Extension service for additional information.
Drying Guide (select models}
FOR DRYmNG at 14e°F _
Firm varieties: Graven Stein, Granny Smith,
Wash, peel if desired, core and slice into 1/8" slices.
Jonathan, Winesap, Rome Beaut},,,Newton.
Blenheim/Royal most
Wash, halve, and remove pits.
common. Tilton also good.
Nectarines and Peaches*
Firm varieties
Lambert, Royal Ann, Napoleon, Van or Bing.
Freestone varieties.
Peel and cut into 1/4" slices.
Wash and remove stems. Halve and remove pits.
Halve and remove pits. Peeling is optional but results in better-looking dried fruit.
Bartlett Fresh or canned.
Peel,halve and core. Wash, peel and remove thorny eyes.
Slice length wise and remove the small core. Cut crosswise into
1/2" slices.
4-8 hours
18-24 hours
17-24 hours=
18-24 hours=
24-36 hours
24-36 hours
14-18 hours Fresh: 12-16 hours
Pliable to crisp. Dried apples store best when they are slightly crisp.
Soft, pliable.
Pliable to crisp.
Pliable and leathery.
Pliable and leathery.
Soft and pliable. Soft and pliable.
Select rough-skinned fruit. Do not dry' the peel of fruit
marked "coior added".
Tomatoes Plum, Roma 12-18 hours
Wash weiL Thinly peel the outer
1/16 to 1/8" of the peel Do not use
the white bitter pith under the peel
Halve, remove seeds. Place tomatoes
1-2 hours
Tough to brittle.
Tough to crisp.
skin side up on rack. Prick skins.
Carrots 4-8 hours
Danvers Half Long, Imperator, Red Cored Chantenay
Do not use carrots with woody fiber or pithy core. Wash, trim tops and peel if desired. Slice crosswise or
Tough to brittle.
diagonally into 1/4" slices. Steam blanch for 3 min.
Hot Peppers Ancho, Anaheim 4-6 hours Podsshould appear
Parsley, Mint, 1-3 hours Brittle and crumbly. Cilantro, Sage, Oregano
Basil 2-5 hours Brittle and crumbly.
Wash, halve and seed. Prick skin several times.
Rinse in cold water. Pat dry with a paper towel Leave stems on until leaves are dry, then discard.
Cut leaves 3 to 4" from top of plant
shriveled dark red and crisp.
just as buds appear. Rinse leaves in
cold water.
*Fruits requiring an antioxidant to prevent discoloration and loss of nutrients. Refer to the notes on page 14 for specific methods.
** 12 Hour Off wiii not occur during drying functions.
Probe (select models) SINGLE OR UPPER OVEN ONLY
Using the probe supplied with your wall oven assures exceP lent roasting results every time. The probe can be used in the
upper oven only for double ovens.
1. Insert the probe into the food item. For meats, the probe tip should be located in the center of the thickest part of
the meat and not into the fat or touching a bone.
2. Insert the probe plug into the receptacle located on the top
left of the oven. Be sure to insert plug into the receptacle
all the way.
3. Press More Options pad.
4. Press the down arrow to scroll down.
Select Probe.
Set the internal food temperature desired by selecting one of the displayed temperatures or enter the tempera-
ture using the number pads. The probe temperature can be set from 100° - 185° F.
Select Bake or ConvecL
Set the oven temperature by selecting one of the dis- played temperatures or enter the temperature using the
number pads.
' Options
When Conveet is seJeeted:
° Select Bake, Roast or Pastry. , Set the oven temperature by selecting one of the
displayed temperatures or enter the temperature using the number pads.
° The display will briefly show the selected temperatures
for the oven and probe.
° After 30 seconds, the display will show the actual oven
temperature and actual probe temperature.
When the selected internal temperature of the food has
been reached, the oven will shut off and a beep will sound.
10. Remove the probe from the oven receptacle. The probe will be hot. Hold probe plug with an oven mitt or
potholder when removing from the oven.
Probe Notes:
° The probe must be removed from the oven when it is not
being used.
, Because of the excellent insulation of the oven, the
retained heat continues to cook the food after the beep has sounded and the oven has turned off. For this
reason, it is important to remove the food from the oven as soon as the beep sounds.
° Use the handle of the probe for inserting or removing.
Do not pull on the cable.
° The probe is hot after cooking - use a potholder or
oven mitt to remove.
, To protect the probe, if meat is not completely thawed,
insert probe after 1-2 hours of roasting.
° To clean cooled probe, wipe with a soapy dishcloth.
Do not submerge probe in water or wash in dish- washer.
Note: If the probe is removed from the oven receptacle at
any time during the cooking process, the program will be canceled and the oven will turn off.
When Bake is selected:
° The display will briefly show the selected temperatures
for the oven and probe.
° After 30 seconds, the display will show the actual oven
temperature and actual probe temperature.
Suggested JnternaJ Food Temperatures
Ground Beef
FreshBeef,Veal,Lamb Medium Rare
Medium WelI Done
Chicken, Turkey Whole
Pork Medium
Well done
160° F 145° F 160° F 170° F
180° F 170° F
160° F 170° F
140° F
Thaw and Serve (select models}
Use Thaw and Serve to thaw frozen foods that require thawing, but not cooking, before serving.
To set Thaw-Serve:
1. Hace food in the oven. More
2. Press More Options pad. ........................
Options ......
3. Pressthe down arrow to scroll down.
4. Select Thaw-Serve.
5. Select number of minutes to thaw.
6. "Thaw-Serve" wiii be displayed.
7. When finished, press the CANCEL pad and
remove food from the oven. CANCEL }
Note: This feature is not meant for thawing meats or other foods that need to be cooked before serving.
Thaw and Sewe Chart
Whole Pies & Cakes
Pies: Lemon meringue,
cream, pecan,chocolate, sweet potato, French siik.
Cakes: Vaniiia, chocoiate,
coconut, and three-layer cakes, pound cake,
Boston Cream Pie
_ndividuamSewings: Slices of pie,sIicesof cake, other individuaIdesserts,
eclairs,cream puffs
1.Removefrozen food from outer carton and wrapping. ,
2. PIacefrozen food on rack in middle of oven.
3.Thaw-Serve15minutes for cakes and 30 minutes for pies. ,
4. Removefrom oven.
5.SIice into individuai-sizeservings and place on plates. ,
6. Return pIates to oven.
7.Thaw-Servefor 10to 30 minutes. ,
1.Removefrozen food from container. ,
2. PIaceon plate.
3. PIacepIate on rack in middle of oven.
4.Thaw-Servefor 10to 30 minutes.
Thawing for 30 minutes makesiteasier to slice whoIe pies, cakes and
LayercakeswiII require only 15minutes
before slicing. Sizeand texture of food being thawed
wiII affect Thaw-Servetime.
Larger or denserdessertsmaytake
longer to thaw. Cake sliceswilI thaw quicker than pies.
Sweet potato pie slicesmay require 20 to 30 minutes.
\ .....................
1.Removefrozen food from outer carton and wrapping.
2. PIacefrozen food on rack in middle of oven.
3.Thaw-Sewefor 30 minutes.
4. Removefrom oven.
5.SIice into individuaI-size servings and placeon plates.
6. Return pIates to oven.
7.Thaw-Servefor up to 15minutes if desired.
[}eli Spirals
1.Removefrozen food from container.
2. PIaceon pIate.
3. PIaceplate on rack in middle of oven.
4.Thaw-Servefor 10to 15 minutes.
* Only "Thaw and Serve" or "Ready to Serve" frozen foods can be used with this feature. DO NOT attempt to thaw frozen meats,
poultry or seafood.
** It is not necessary'to preheat the oven.
Favorites stores up to 10 of your favorite recipes. Convection ovens come with five preprogrammed recipes.
To select a recipe from the preset Recipe List:
1. Press Favorites Pad. .......... ,
(Favorites }
2. Select Recipe List.
4. After each desired letter appears, wait three seconds or press enter before moving on the next letter.
° Up to 15 letters including spaces can be used.
5. Select Set. ° The recipe settings will be displayed.
6. Select Continue to go back to the Favorites menu.
7. Select Favorites pad to exit the Favorites menu.
To Create a New Favorite Recipe:
1. Press Favorites pad. :;avorite{.,J
2. Select Create New.
3. Enter the name using the keypads. ° Forexample, to save lasagna, press the <JKL> pad three
times for "L"; Pressthe <,ABC> pad once for "A"; press the <STU> pad once for "S". Continue until you've
finished the word.
° After each desired letter wait three seconds or press
enter before moving on the next letter.
° Up to 15 letters including spaces can be used.
a. Select Set to save name.
3. Select desired recipe on screen or press arrow key to scroll to the desired recipe.
4. Once the recipe is selected, oven will begin preheating to the set program.
, You may select Options to add Cook & Hold or Delay.
5. When finished, press the CANCEL pad and remove food from the oven.
To Save the Last Recipe Completed:
(Bake, convect bake, convect roast, convect pastry, convect broil, drying, keep warm, proofing]
1. Press Favorites Pad. Favorite<'_,_
2. Select Save Last. ..................
Enter the name using the keypads. , Forexample, to save lasagna, press the <JKL> pad three
times for "L"; Press the <ABC> pad once for "A"; press the <STU> pad once for "S". Continue until you've
finished the word.
5. Select cooking mode, such as Bake, Convect Bake, Convect Roast, etc.
6. Select the oven temperature using the Quickset pads. OR
Enter the desired temperature using the number pads.
7. Select Continue.
8. Add Cook/Hold by selecting Yes or No.
9. Select Continue to go back to the Favorites menu.
10.Press Favorites pad to exit the Favorites menu.
To Edit a Saved Recipe:
1. Press Favorites Pad. .......... ""
2. Pressarrow key to scroll down. .............
3. SeHectEdit Recipe.
4. SeHectdesired recipe to edit. You may need to press arrow keys to find desired recipe.
5. SeHectSet.
6. Change recipe settings as desired.
7. SeHectContinue.
8. Press Favorites pad to exit Favorites menu.
To Delete a Favorite Recipe: ........ ,,
1. Press Favorites pad.
2. Pressarrow keys to next screen to Sdect Ddete Recipe.
3. Find recipe to be ddeted by sdecting Fwd or Bwd. Once recipe is dispHayed,sdect Ddete.
4. The ControUwill ask again to make sure you want to ddete that recipe. Sdect Yes or No.
5. Press Favorites pad to exit Favorites menu.
To exit out of Favorites at any time, press the Favorites pad.
1. Pressthe Setup pa& \ ............
2. Use the arrows to scroll through the Setup options.
3. Select the desired option using the Quickset pads.
Setup Notes:
° All setup option screens have a "Set" pad. Press the
desired option, then press the Set pad.
° To back out of a screen without making any changes,
press the Setup pad. The display will return to the time of day.
Use the Clock option to: , Set the time of day.
° Set day of week. ° Select AM or PM 02-hour mode only).
° Choose a 12 or 24 hour clock display. ° Disable the clock display.
Auto Convect Conversion Notes:
° When using Convect Bake and Convect Pastrywith the
Auto Convect Conversion option turned off, reduce the set temperature by 25° F.
° If Convect Roasting with the Auto Convect Conversion
option turned off, check food at 75% of the conventional time,
To reactivate Auto Convect Conversion:
1. PressSetup pad. Setup
2. Select Auto Convect. ..........
3. Select ON.
4. Select Set.
5. Press Setup pad to exit the Setup menu.
The language of the screens in the display window can be set
to English, French or Spanish. To change the display lan- guage from English:
1. PressSetup pad. Setup '
2. Select Language.
3. Use the arrow to scroll to next screen.
4. Select the desired language.
5. Select Set.
6. PressSetup pad to exit the Setup menu.
Auto Convect Conversion
(select models)
The oven comes from the factory set for Auto Convect
Conversion. Auto Convect Conversion automatically reduces the set
temperature by 25° for Convect Bake and Convect Pastry. For Convect Roast the control will alert you at 750/0of the
programmed roasting time to check foods for aloneness.
To deactivate Auto Convect Conversion:
1. PressSetup pad. ......................
2. Select Auto Convect. .....
3. Select OFF.
4. Select Set.
5. Press Setup pad to exit the Setup menu.
The displayed temperature scale can be changed from
Fahrenheit to Celsius.
To change the scale: ..........
1. PressSetup pad.
2. Use the arrow to scroll to the next screen.
3. Select C/R
4. Select the desired temperature scale.
5. Select Set.
6. PressSetup pad to exit the Setup menu.
Sabbath Mode
The oven is set to shut off after 12 hours if you acckJentaHy
Heaveit on. The Sabbath Mode overrides the 12-hour shut-off and can either be set to come on automatically or can be set
manually as desired.
TO activate Sabbath Mode:
1. PressSetup pad. ............ ,
2. Pressthe down arrow to ......
scroll down.
3. Sebct Sabbath.
4. Sebct Auto or Manual
° Auto is used to automatbaHy convert to Sabbath Mode
every Friday at 2 pm, and stay in Sabbath Mode for 76
° Manuai sets the oven to Sabbath Mode instandy for 76
5. Sebct Auto or Manuai as desired.
6. Sebct Yes or No.
7. Sebct Set.
Setup ;
Sabbath Mode Notes:
Temp Adjust
Oven temperatures are carefully tested at the factory. It is normal to notice some baking time or browning differences
between a new oven and an old one. As ovens get older, the oven temperature can shift.
You may adjust the oven temperature if you think the oven is
not baking or browning correctly. To decide how much to change the temperature, set the oven temperature 25° F
higher or lower than the temperature in your recipes, then bake. The results of the first bake should give you an idea of
how much to adjust the temperature.
TO adjnst the oven temperatnre:
1. PressSetup pad. ..................."
2. Pressthe down arrow to ........
scroll down.
3, Select Temp Adjust. 4, Select upper oven or lower oven (select models}, "Set
temperature offset using the keypad" is displayed,
5, Enter the desired temperature change. The temperature
can be increased or decreased by 5° to 35°,
6, Select "+/-" to indicate an increase or decrease in tem-
perature. The temperature change is displayed at the top of the window.
, The oven must be idie to program Sabbath Mode. , Sabbath Mode cannot be turned on if the keypads are
Hockedout or when the door is Hocked.
, If the oven is baking when Sabbath Mode is set, there
will be no audiMe beeps.
, AHprompts, messages and beeps are deactivated when
the Sabbath Mode is active. If the oven light is desired while in Sabbath Mode, it
must be turned on before the Sabbath Mode is set.
, When the Sabbath Mode is started, the temperature
display will immediately show the set temperature, rather than the actual oven cavity'temperature. No preheat beep will sound.
, The self-dean cycle and automatic door lock do not
operate during the Sabbath Mode.
, Pressing the CANCEL pad will cancel a Bake cycb,
however the control will stay in the Sabbath Mode.
7. Press Enter pad to accept the change.
The oven temperature does not need to be readjusted if there
is a power failure or interruption. Broiling and cleaning temperatures cannot be adjusted.
For improved results when using Bake, the oven can be set from 240V to 208V if your household is on 208M
TO set the oven to 208V:
1, PressSetup pad. Setup
2. Pressthe down arrow to .............
scroll down.
3. Select 208/240M
4. Select 208 or 240 using the Quickset pads.
5. Select Set.
Tones (beeps)
The number of beeps heard at the end ofcooking and at the
end of timer operation and their voiume can be adjusted.
TO adjust the beeps: ............
1. PressSetup pad.
2. Use the down arrow to ..........
scroii down.
3. Seiect Tones.
TO change the beeps at the end of cooking:
1. Seiect Cook+
2. Seiect 1-30 to hear one beep every thirty seconds.
Seiect 1-60 to hear one beep ever}, sixty seconds.
OR,use the down arrow to scroii down.
Seiect 1 Beep to hear one beep oniy at the end of cooking.
3. Seiect Set.
4. Pressthe Setup pad to exit+
To change the timer beeps:
1. Seiect Timers+
2. Seiect 2-30 to hear two beeps ever}, thirty seconds+
12 Hr Shutoff
The oven wiii automaticaiiy turn off at the end of 12 hours if you accidentaiiy Heaveit on.
To turn off this feature:
1. PressSetup pad. Setup
2. Use the down arrow to scroii through the screens to 12 Hour Shutoff.
Seiect On or Off using the Quickset pads.
Seiect Set.
5. Pressthe Setup pad to exit.
Timer Format
The dispiay format for the timer can be set from HRS/MN
(hours and minutes} to MIN/SEC (minutes/seconds}.
To change the timer fermat display:
PressSetup pad.
Use the down arrow to scroll down.
Select Timer Format.
Select HRS/MIN or [vllN/SEC using the Quickset pads.
Select Set.
Press the Setup pad to exit.
is ¸ -.
, Setup )
Seiect 2-60 to hear two beeps ever}, sixty seconds+
OR,use the down arrow to scroii down.
Seiect 1 Beep to hear one beep oniy at the end of the set time.
3. Select Set.
4. Pressthe Setup pad to exit.
To change the vomume of the beeps:
1. Pressthe down arrow to scroii to the next screen.
2. Seiect Voiume.
3. Seiect High-3 for the highest voiume. OR
Seiect Med-2 for medium voiume.
Seiect Low-1 for the iowest voiume.
4. Seiect Set.
5. Pressthe Setup pad to exit.
Energy Saver
To save energy, the dispiay can be set to go dark if it is not
being used.
To set the Fnergy Saver feature:
1. PressSetup. ..................
2. Use the down arrow to scroll down. :
3. Select Energy Saver.
4. Select Off or On using the Quickset pads.
5. Select Set.
6. Press the Setup pad to exit.
When Demo is selected, you wiii see a short presentation
highlighting the features of your new Jenn-Air wall oven.
1. PressSetup pad.
2. Use the down arrow to scroll down.
3. Select Demo.
4. Pressthe Setup pad to exit.
On screen help is available by pressing the Help pad on the control. The following Help topics are available when the oven
is idle: ° Before You Call
° Tips ° Service
Function-specific help is available by pressing the Help pad
when the oven is operating.
Use the Quickset pads to select the Help section you want to search. Under each section is a list of topics. Use the arrow
pads to scroll through the topics. Use the Quickset pads to display the topic information=
To return to the previous screen, press Back. To exit Help,
press Help pad=
TMs area of the oven control displays the Jenn-Air Customer
Service toll=free phone number=
Self-Clean Oven
, It is normal for parts of the wall o_en to become hot
during a self-clean c!cb.
o To prevent damage to oven door. do not attempt to open
the door when "Lock" is displayed.
* Avoid touching door. window or oven \ ent area during a
clean cycle.
, Do not use commercial oven cleaners on the oven finish
or around any part of the oven. They will damage the finish el parts.
The sdf-cban cycle uses above normal cooking temperatures
to automatically clean the entire oven interior. The oven is
vented at the bottom of the oven door of single wall ovens and
at the bottom of the lower door of double wall ovens.
° Both ovens cannot be self-charted at the same time in
double wall oven models.
Toprevent damage, de net clean
er rub the gasket areund the even deer. The gasket is designed to seal
in heat during the clean cycle. Wipe up excess grease or spillovers
from the oven bottom to prevent
excessive smoking, flare-ups or flaming during the clean cycle.
Wipe up sugary spillovers and acidic spillovers such as lemon
juice, tomato sauce or milk-based sauces. Porcelain enamel
is acid resistant, not acid proof. The porcelain finish may
disceler if acidic er sugary spills are net wiped up prier tea self-clean cycle.
To set Self-Clean: ...............,
1. Press Clean pad
2. "Remove racks from oven" will be displayed. Remove the racks.
3. Select Continue,
Clean ,
° The oven light will not operate during sdf-cban.
It is normal for flare-ups, smoking or flaming to occur during cleaning if the oven is heavily soiled.
It is better to clean the oven regularly rather than to wait until there is a heavy build-up of soil in the oven.
During the cleaning process, the kitchen should be well
ventilated to help eliminate normal odors associated with
cleaning. De net use commercial even cleaners on the self-clean
oven finish or around any part of the oven as they will dam- age the finish or parts.
Before SeRf-Cleaning
Remove broiler pan, all pans and the oven racks from the oven. The even racks will disceter and may net slide
easily after a self-clean cycle.
Clean oven frame, door frame Careaoutside the door gasket} and around the opening in the door gasket with a non-
abrasive cleaning agent such as Ben Ami* or detergent and
water. These areas are not exposed to cleaning temperatures
and should be cleaned to prevent soil from baking on during the clean cycle.
Select Light for a lightly soiled oven and two hours of cleaning time.
OR Select Medium for medium soiled oven and three hours of
cleaning time. OR
Select Heavy for a heavily soiled oven and four hours of cleaning time.
"Clean", the selected cleaning time and approximate unlocking time will be displayed while the oven is clean-
ing and cooling down.
Note: The door lock wiii disengage approximately one hour after the cleaning time is completed. The time of day
wiii appear in the display when the oven door has un-
* Brand names for cleaning products are registered trademarks ofthe respective manufacturers.
To Delay a Self-CJean Cycle:
1, Press Clean pad, ......Clean
2, "Remove racks from oven" .....................
will be dispHayed, Remove the racks,
3, SeHectContinue, 4, SeHectLight for a HightHysoiHedoven and two hours of
Sdect Medium for medium soiHedoven and three hours of cHeaningtime,
Sdect Heavy for a heaviHysoiHedoven and four hours of cHeaningtime,
5, The seHectedcHeaningtime and approximate unHocHng
time will be dispHayed,
6, After five seconds, Options will be dispHayed, Select
7, Select Delay, 8, Select the number of hours you want to delay the start of the
self-clean cycle,
9, The delay time and cleaning time will be displayed,
After Self-CJeaning
About one hour after the end of the clean cycle, the lock
wilt disengage and the time of day will appear in the
display. At this point, the door can be opened°
Some soil may leave a light gray, powdery ash which carl be removed with a damp cloth, If soil remains, it indicates that the clean cycle was not long enough, The soil will be removed
during the next clean cycle,
If the oven racks were left in the oven and do not slide smoothly after a clean cycle, wipe racks and embossed rack
supports with a small amount of vegetable oil to restore ease of movement,
Awhite discoloration may appear after cleaning if acidic or sugary'foods were not wiped up before the clean cycle, This is
normal and will NOT affect performance,
° If the oven door is left open, "door" will flash in the
display and a signal will beep until the door is closed and the Clean pad is pressed again,
° If more than 30 seconds elapse between pressing the
Clean pad and pressing a number pad, the program will
automatically return to the previous display,
° The oven door will be damaged if the oven door is forced
to open during cleaning or cooling process,
° The first few times the oven is cleaned, some smoke and
odor may be detected, This is normal and will lessen or disappear with use, If the oven is heavily soiled, or if the
broiler pan was accidendy left in the oven, excessive
smoke and odor may occur,
° As the oven heats and cools, you may hear sounds of
metal parts expanding and contracting, This is normal
and will not damage your appliance,
Cleaning Procedures
TOPrevent staining or d!sc01oration, dean appUianceafter each use, ![ a part is rem0ved, be sure it iscorrect!y rep!aced_
Broiler Pan Never cover &1sort with aluminum foil as this prevents the fat from draining to the pan below. and mnsert ,Piace soapy cbth over insert and pan; bt soak to bosen soil.
, Wash in warm soapy water. Use scouring pad to remove stubborn soil , Broiler pan and insert can be cleaned in dishwasher.
Control Panel
Oven Exterior
[select modeb} =
Stainless Steel
, To activate "Control Lock" for cleaning, see page 6. ° Wipe with damp cloth. Dry thoroughly. ° Glass cleaners may be used if sprayed on a cloth first. DO NOTspray direcdy on eontrelpads and
display area.
, Do not use other cbaning sprays, abrasive cbaners or large amounts of water on the panel . DO NOT USE ANY CLEANING PRODUCT CONTAiNiNG CHLORINE BLEACH.
, Daily Cleaning/Light Soil J J Wipe with one of the following - soapy water, white vinegar/water
solution, Formula 409 Glass and Surface CbaneP or a similar glass cleaner - using a sponge or soft cloth.
Rinse and dry. To polish and help prevent fingerprints, follow with Stainless Steel Magic Spray _Jenn-
Air Model A912, Part No. 20000008}**.
° Moderate/Heavy Soil -- Wipe with one of the following - Bon Ami*, Smart CbanseP, or Soft Scrub* -
using a damp sponge or soft cloth. Rinse and dry. Stubborn soils may be removed with a damp Scotch-
Brite* pad; rub evenly with the grain. Rinse and dry'.To restore luster and remove streaks, follow with
Stainless Steel Magic Spray.
* Brand names are registered trademarks of the
respective manufacturers.
** To order call 1-800-JENNAIR (1-800-536-6247}.
Oven Window & Door =Glass
Oven Trim = Metal Finishes
Oven interior
Oven Backs
, Avoid using excessive amounts of water which may seep under or behind glass causing staining. ° Wash with soap and water. Rinse with clear water and dry. Glasscleaner can be used if sprayed on a
cloth first.
° Do not use abrasive materials such as scouring pads, steel wool or powdered cleaners as they will
scratch glass.
, Wash with soap and water, glass cleaners or mild liquid sprays. Avoid using excessive amounts of water. ° Removestubborn soils with nonabrasive cleaners such as Bon Ami* or a baking soda and water paste;
rinse and dry. Do not use abrasive cleaners. See page 24 for information on the self-dean oven.
To remove occasional spillovers between cbanings, use a plastic soap-filbd scouring pad; rinse well. Wipe up sugary' spillovers and acidic spillovers such as lemon juice, tomato sauce or milk-based sauces.
Porcelain enamel isacid resistant, not acid proof. The porcelain finish may discolor if acidic or sugary spills
are not wiped up prior to a self-dean cycle.
, Rubwith a sponge or cloth using one of the following cleaners: Bon-Ami*, Soft Scrub_or Comet*. Rinse
and dry. ° For hard to remove soils, use a dampened soap-filled scouring pad. Rinse and dry. ° Racks wiii permanently discoior and may not slide smoothly if ieft in the oven during a self-clean
operation. If this occurs, wipe the rack and embossed rack supports with a small amount of vegetable
oil to restore ease of movement, then wipe off excess oil
Oven Light
* Make sure buUbcover and buUbare cooUbefore touching.
To assure the proper repHacementbuHbis used, order buHbfrom Jenn-Air. Call 1-800-JENNAIR (1-800-530-0247:), ask for part
number 74004458 - haHogenbuHb.
To Replace Oven Light Bulb:
1. Disconnect power to the wall oven.
2. When oven is cool usefingertips to grasp edge of buHbcover. Pull out and remove.
3. Carefully remove oHdbuHbby pulling straight out of ceramic
4. Toavoid damaging or decreasing the Hireof the new buHb,do not touch the buHbwith bare hands or fingers. HoHdwith a dry
cloth or paper towel Push new buHbprongs straight into small holiesof ceramic base.
5. RepHacebulb cover by snapping into place.
6. Reconnect power to the oven. Reset clock.
Oven Window
To protect the oven door window:
1. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents such as steel wool
scouring pads or powdered cleansers as they may scratch the glass.
2. Do not hit the glass with pots, pans, furniture, toys, or
other objects.
3. Do not close the oven door until the oven racks are in
Scratching, hitting, jarring or stressing the glass may weaken its structure causing an increased risk of breakage at a later
For most concerns, try these first.
Clock, indicator words, and/or lights operate but oven does
not heat.
Oven light and/or clock does not function.
There is a strong odor or light °
smoke when oven is turned on.
Oven wiiI not activate the self=cleaning process.
, Check if oven controHshave been propedy set. , Check if oven is propedy connected to dectricaU outlet.
, Check or re-set circuit breaker. Check or replace fuse. , Check power supply.
, Clock controls may be set for a Cook/Hold or Delay function. , The Oven Control Lockout may have been set. (See page 6._)
, The light bulb is loose or defective.
The oven light does not work during self-cleaning process.
Oven may be in Sabbath Mode. (See page 21._
This isnormal for a newwall ovenand will disappear after a few uses. Initiating aclean
cycle will "burn off" the smells more quickly. Turning on a ventilation fan will help remove the smoke and/or odor.
Excessivefood soils on the oven bottom. Use a self-clean cycle.
Oven may be set for a delay clean. Oven may be set for Sabbath Mode. (See page 21._)
Double wall ovens - only one oven cavity can be cleaned at one time.
Oven did not clean properly. °
Foods do not broil properly. ,
Baked food is burned or too , brown on top. ,
Foods bake unevenly. ,
Oven door will not unmock.
Oven may need longer cleaning time. Excessivespills were not removed prior to self-cleaning process.
Check rack position. (See page 11._)
Voltage into house may be low.
Foodmay be positioned incorrectly in oven. (See"Cooking Made Simple"booHet=) Oven not preheated properly.
The oven may be installed improperly.
Check the oven rack with a level. Stagger pans. do not allow pans to touch each other or oven wall.
Check instructions for suggested placement of pans on oven rack. (See "Cooking Made Simple" booHet._
There may be too many pans on one rack.
Baking pans may be oversized.
Oven may not have cooled to safe temperature after self-cleaning process.
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