Use and Care Manual
Pro-Style °Gas Grill
_ Range Cookto_
Model JGD8348, CVG4380P
Printedin U.S.A. Cat. No. CA4380UE
©1996 Jenn-Air PartNo. 8111P197-60 6/96
WARNING: If the information in this manual is
not followed exactly, afire or explosion may re-
sult causing property damage, personal injury
or death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other flam-
mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Donottouch any electrical switch; do not
use any phone in your building.
• Immediately callyour gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas
supplier's instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
• Extinguish any open flame.
- Installation and service must be performed
by a qualified installer, service agency or
the gas supplier.
Read before operating your cooktop
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potential
throughimproperorcareless use to create safety problems. Therefore
the followingsafety precautionsshould be observed:
1. Besureyourapplianceisproperlyinstalledandgroundedbya qualified
2. Neveruseyourapplianceforwarmingorheatingtheroom,Thiswarning
3. Childrenshouldnotbe leftaloneor unattendedin areawhereapplianceis
in use. They should never be allowedto sit or stand onany part of the
4. Wearproperapparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never
be wornwhileusingtheappliance.
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically
recommendedinthis manual. All otherservicingshouldbe referredto an
6. Do not store combustiblematerials,gasoline or other flammable vapors
and liquidnearcooktop.
7. Donotusewaterongreasefires. Smotherfireorflameorusedrychemical
8. Useonly dry potholders. Moistor damppotholderson hot surfacesmay
result in burnsfromsteam. Do not use a towel or other bulkycloth.
9. Selectcookwarelargeenoughtoproperlycontainfoodandavoidboilovers
orspillovers. This willsave on cleaningand preventhazardousaccumu-
lationsoffood,sinceheavysplatteringor spilloverslefton acooktopcan
ignite. Pansize is especiallyimportantin deep fat frying.
10. Never leave cooktop unattended at Hi heat settings. Boilover causes
smokingand greasyspilloversthat mayignite.
11. TYPEOF COOKWARE- Avoid pansthat are unstableandeasilytipped.
Inchoosingpans,lookforeasily-graspedhandlesthatwillstaycool. Pans
thataretooheavywhenfilledwithfoodcanalsobea hazard. Ifpanhandles
twistand cannotbetightened,discardthe pan.
12. HANDLES- Alwaysturn pan handlesto the sideor backof thecooktop-
notoutintotheroomwhere theyare easily hit. COOKWARE HANDLES
SURFACEBURNERSto minimizebums,ignitionofflammablematerials,
andspillagedue to unintentionalcontactwiththecookware.
13. CAUTION- Do notstore items of interestto children in cabinetsabove
cooktop-childrenclimbingonthecooktoptoreach itemscouldbeseriously
14. Donot touchgrillandsurfaceburnerareas, areasnear burners,or metal
landingspace. Duringand after use,theseareas may be hotenoughto
materialsuntilthey have had sufficienttimeto cool.
15. Do not heat unopenedfoodcontainers. Buildupof pressure maycause
containerto burst andresultin injury.
16. Keepallcontrols"OFF" whenunit is not in use.
17. Keepventducts unobstructed.
18. GREASE- Greaseisflammableand should behandledcarefully. Never
leaveanycookingoperationunattended. Letfat coolbeforeattemptingto
handle it. Do notallow grease to collect aroundthe cooktop. Wipe up
19. Ifthe cooktop is installed near a window, proper precautionsshould be
taken to prevent curtains from blowing over burners creating a FIRE
20. Donotusealuminumfoil to lineaerationtrayor burnerbasin. Restriction
of normalairflowmay resultin unsafeoperation.
21. Donotusecookwareon the grill section ofthis appliance.
22. Beforeservicing your appliance, disconnect power to the cooktop at the
mainfuseor circuitbreakerpaneland atthe electrical receptacle.
23. Always allow hot pans to cool in a safe place out of the reach of small
24. Afaintgasodormayindicateagas leak. Ifa gas odorisdetected,shutoff
thegassupplyto thecooktop. Call your installeror local gascompanyto
havethe possibleleakchecked. Never use a match or other flame to
locatea gas leak.
25. Cleanonlypartslistedinthismanualanduseproceduresrecommended.
26. Flamesizeshouldbeadjustedsoitdoesnotextendbeyondtheedgeofthe
cookware. Thisinstructionisbasedonsafetyconsiderations.
27. Thisappliancehasbeentestedforsafe performanceusingconventional
performanceproblems,and reducethe life of the componentsof the
Important Safety Notice and Warning
The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater andToxic EnforcementAct of 1986 (Propo-
sition65) requires the Governor of California to publisha list of substances
knownto the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
requiresbusinesses to warn customers of potential exposures to such sub-
Users ofthis appliance are hereby warned that burning of gas can result in low-
level exposure to some of the listed substances, including benzene, formalde-
hyde and soot, due primarily to the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
liquid petroleum (LP) fuels. Properly adjusted burners will minimize incomplete
combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by properly vent-
ing the burners to the outdoors.
Electrical Grounding Instructions
The appliance is equipped with a three-prong grounding plug for your protec-
tion against shock hazard and should be plugged directly into a properly
grounded three-prong receptacle. Do not cut or remove the grounding prong
from this plug.
Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air gas cooktop. The indoor grilling of
meats, fish or fowl is an attractive and healthy way to prepare these foods.
Before you begin cooking with your new cooktop, please take a few minutes to
read and become familiar with the instructions in this book. Should you have
any questions about using your Jenn-Air gas cooktop, write to us. Be sure to
provide the model number.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
The built-in ventilation system removes cooking vapors, odors and smoke from foods
prepared on the cooktop, grill and grill accessories.
Regular use of this system will insure a more comfortable and less humid kitchen which
isfree of heavy cooking odors and fumes that normally create a frequent need for clean-
ing and redecorating.
• To operate the ventilation system manually, turn
fan knob clockwise to ON position, ummuuli ......... _
• The ventilation system will operate automatically _ _---._/_
when the grill burner is in use.
• The ventilation system can be used to remove
strong odors from the kitchen as when chopping
onions near the air grille.
Air Grille
The air grille lifts off easily. Wipe clean or wash in
sink with mild household detergents. It may be
cleaned inthe dishwasher.
Turn oft ventilation system before removing. The
filter is a permanent type and should be cleaned
when soiled: Clean in sink with warm water and
liquid dishwashing detergent or in the dishwasher.
OUT FILTER. FILTER should always be placed at
an angle. As you face the front of the cooktop, the
top of the filter should rest against the left side of the vent opening and the bottom of the
filter should rest against the right side of the ventilation chamber at the bottom. If filter
is flat against the fan wall, ventilation effectiveness is reduced.
This area, which housesthe filter, shouldbe cleaned in the event of spillsorwhenever
itbecomescoated with a film ofgrease. The ventilationchamber may be cleaned with
papertowel, damp cloth,or sponge and mild householddetergentor cleanser.
lSize of Cookware1
To achieveoptimumcockingperformance usecookpotswithflatbottomsand tightfitting
covers. Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
cookware. This instructionis basedon safetyconsiderations. Adjustingthe size ofthe
flame to fitthe size of the ccokware also helpsto save fuel.
Important: Leave a minimumof 11/2"between side of pan and surroundingsurfaces,
such ascountertopbacksplashor sidewalls, to allow heat to escape to avoid possible
damage to these areas.
• Aluminum cookware heats evenly and quickly. A slightly larger flame size can be
used. The flame canbe adjusted so itcomes to the edge ofthe cookware. However,
the flame should NEVER be adjusted so that it extends beyond the bottom of the
• Stainless steel cookware with copper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly
quickly. The flame size should be adjusted to extend only halfway between center
and edge of the cookware bottom for best results.
• Cast iron cookware heats slowly.
• Check manufacturer's recommendations before using porcelain on steel, porcelain
on cast iron, glass, glass-ceramic, earthenware or other glazed cookpots.
l!C°vered c°° are I
Ifthe cookware is covered, less fuel will be needed. Therefore, a lower flame size can
be used.
Note: Food will not cook any faster when more than the amount of heat needed to
maintain a gentle boil is used.