Jenn-Air JED8430BDS, JED8430BDN, JED8430BDF, JED8430BDB, JED8430ADW Owner’s Manual

t Cooktop
Model JED8430
For Future Assistance .............................. 1
Safety Instructions ............................... 1-2
Using Your Cooktw) ............................. 3-4
Cool<top A t A Glance Hot Surface f,ights
Setting the Controls Suggested Control Settings
Cookware "[_it_s to Protect Your Cookt_ W
Ventilation System .................................. 4
Care and Cleaning ................................... 5
Before You Ca!! for Service ...................... 6
Warranty .................................................. 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0
] For Future Assistance
Congratulations on yotu choice of a Jenn-Air downdraft cooktop. Your complete satisfaction is very important to us.
Read this user's guide carefully. Itis intended to help you operate and maintain your new cooktop.
In addition, you will find a booklet entitled "Cooking Made Simple." It contains information o,3 selecting cookware, pan sizes and heat setting recommendations.
Save time and money. Check the "Bel_re You Call" section of this guide. It lists causes of minor operating problems Ihat you can correct yourself.
However. should you need service, it is helpful to have the model and serial numbers available. This infl_rmation can be
ibund on the data plate located on the bottom of the cooktop. These numbers are also on the Pn)dncl Registration card that
came with your appliance. Before sending in this card record these numbers along with the purchase date below.
Model Number
Serial Number
Read and follow all instructions before using this appli-
ance to prevent the potential risk of fire, electric shock, per-
sonal injury or damage to the appliance as a result of im- proper usage of the appliance. Use appliance only for its in- tended purpose as described in this guide.
To ensure proper and sate operation: Appliance must be properly installed and grounded by a qualified technician.
In Case of Fire
Turn off appliance and ventilating system to avoid spreading the flame. Extinguish flame then turn on ventilation system to remove
smoke and odor.
Cooktop: Smother fire or flame in
a pan with a lid or cookie sheet. NEVER pick up or move a flaming pan.
Date of Purchase
IMPORTANT: Keep this guide and the sales receipt in a safe place for future reference. Proof of original purchase
date is"neededJbr warranty service.
If you have questions or need more help, write us (include
your model number and phone number) or call:
Jenn-Air Customer Service
Attn: CAIR sv Center P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
1-8{)1)-688-1100 (USA and CANADA) 1-800-688-2080 (U.S. TTY for deaf. hearing
impaired or speech impaired) (Mon. - Fri., 8 am-8pm Eastern Time)
For service information, see page 6.
NOTE." In our continuing eJ)_}rt to improve the qualiO, and peJformance of our cooking products, it may be necessary" to make changes to the appliance without revisblg this manual.
Do ,3o! use water on grease fires. Use baking soda, a dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher to smother fire or flame.
General Instructions
If appliance is installed near a window, proper precautions should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over sur-
face elements.
NEVER use appliance to warm or heat the room. Failure to follow this instruction can lead to possible burns, injury, fire,
or damage to the appliance.
NEVER wear loose-fitting or hanging garments while us- ing the appliance. Clothing could catch utensil handles or
ignite and cause burns if garment comes in contact with hot heating elements.
To ensure proper operation and to avoid damage to the ap- pliance or possible injury, do not adjust, service, repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically recom- mended in this guide. Refer all other servicing to a qualified
NEVER store or use gasoline or other combustible or flam- mable materials near surI:ace units or in the vicinity of this appliance as fumes could create a fire hazard or an explo-
To prevent grease fires, do not let cooking grease or other flanmmble materials accnmulate in or near the appliance.
I Jse only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders on hot surfaces may result in a steam burn. Do not let potholder
touch hot heating elements. Do not use a towel or oilier bulky cloth which could easily touch hot heating elements and ig-
Always turn off' all controls when cooking is completed.
NEVER heat unopened containers on the cooktop. Pressure build-up in the container may cause container to burst re- suiting in bums, injury or danmge to the appliance.
NEVER use almninum toil or ti_il containers on the cooktop. These may become very hot.
Clean only parts listed in this guide and use procedures recomnlended.
This appliance has been tested lor safe performance using conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or accesso-
ries that are not specifically reconmlended in this manual. Do not use eyelid covers fl)r the surface units or stovetop grills.
The use of devices or accessories not expressly recom-
mended in this guide can create serious safety hazards, result
in performance problems, and reduce the life of the compo-
nents of the appliance.
Turn pan handle toward center of cooktop, not out into the room or over another surface elelnent. This _educes the risk
of burns, ignition of flammable materials, or spillage if pan is accidently bunlped or reached by small children.
NEVER cook on broken cooktop+ If cooktop should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric shock. Contact a quail- lied technician immediately.
Clean cooktop with caution. Some cleaners can produce nox ious fumes if applied to a hot surface. Ira wet sponge, cloth, or paper towel is used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be
careful to avoid steatn burn.
Deep Fat Fryers
Use extrenle caution when nloving the grease pan or dispos- ing of hot grease. Allow grease to cool before attenlpting to move pan.
Heating Elements
NEVER touch surface elements or areas near elements.
Heating elements may be hot even though they are dark in
color+ Areas near surface elements nlay beconle hot enough
to cause bums. During and after use, do not touch or let cloth- ing or other flammable materials contact these areas tmtil
they have had sufficient time to cool.
NEVER leave surface units unattended especially when us- ing high heat settings. An unattended boilover could cause
smoking and a greasy spillover can cause a fire,
This appliance is equipped with different size surface ele- ments. Select pans having fiat bottoms large enough to cover
element. Proper relationship of pan to element will inlprove cooking efficiency.
If pan is smaller than element, a portion of the element will be exposed to direct contact and could ignite clothing or pothoMer.
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthen- ware+ or other glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop with- out breaking due to the sudden change m temperature. Fol- low utensil manufactureFs instructions when using glass.
Child Safety
NEVER leave children alone or unsupervised in area where appliance is in use or is still hot.
NEVER allow children to sit or stand on any part of the ap-
pliance as they could be injured or burned.
CAUTION: NEVER Stole items of interest to children in
cabinets above an appliance. Children climbing on appliance
to reach items could damage the appliance or be burned or seriously injured.
Children must be taught that the appliance and utensils in or on it can be hot. Let hot utensils cool in a safe place, out of
reach of snlall children, Children should be taught that an appliance is not a toy. Children should not be allowed to play with controls or other parts of the unit.
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