Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air MODELNUMBER
dishwasher. Your dishwasher has many features SERIALNUMBER
that offer you excellent cleaning and capacity (numbers appear on the serialplate on the upper left co..... f the tub opening)
along with energy efficiency. Date Purchased
Before you begin using your new dishwasher, JENN-AIR DEALERFROMWHOMPURCHASED
please take a few minutes to read and become
familiar with the instructions in this book. By ADDRESS
following the instructions carefully, you will be CITY
able to achieve excellent results with your
dishwasher. PHONE
Should you have any questions about using
your Jenn-Air dishwasher, write to us. Besure
to provide the model and serial numbers. ADDRESS
3035 SHADELAND AVENUE IMPORTANT: Retain proof of purchase documents for warranty service.
WARNING - Check with installer to make
sure appliance has been grounded to avoid
possible electrical shock. Be sure you read
INSTRUCTIONS on page 2 before you start
to use this dishwasher.

Products with a (_ label have been listed with 8. Be careful not to touch the heating
the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. - those element on the bottom of the tub during
with a CSAtag have been listed with Canadian or at the completion of a cycle. It may be
Standards Association. Nevertheless, aswith hot.
any other equipment using electricity and
moving parts, there is a potential hazard, designed for an automatic dishwasher.
When using your dishwasher, follow basic Never use soap, laundry detergent, or
precautions, including the following: hand washing detergent in your
1. Read all instructions before using the dishwasher. Keep these products out of
dishwasher, the reach of children.
2. Use the dishwasher only for its intended 10. Do not sit, stand on or abuse the door or
function, dish racks of the dishwasher.
3. Disconnect electrical power to dishwasher 11. Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas
before attempting to service, may be produced in a hot water system
4. To avoid electrical shock hazard, the sides that has not been used for two weeks or
and back must be enclosed, and the front more. Hydrogen gas is explosive. If the
panels must be attached before electrical hot water system has not been used for
power is applied to the dishwasher. Refer such a period, turn on all hot water faucets
to the installation instructions for proper and let the water flow from each for
grounding procedures, several minutes. This will releaseany
5. Connect to a properly rated, protected flammable, do not smoke or use an open
and sized power supply circuit to avoid
electrical overload.
6. Children should never be permitted to
operate, or play in, with, or around this
dishwasher, manufacturer's recommendations.
9. Useonly detergents and rinse additives
accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is
flame during this process.
12. Do not wash plastic items unless marked
"dishwasher safe" or the equivalent. For
plastic items not so marked, check the
7. To reduce the risk of injury when loading 13. Do not tamper with controls.
items to be washed, sharp or pointed
items should be located with the handles 14. Always remove the door to the washing
up. Also, load sharp items so they are not compartment when removing an old
likely to damage the door seal. dishwasher from service or discarding it.

HotWateris Essential LoadingYourDishwasher
For proper performance of your dishwasher, Seldom will households have identical dishes;
hot water is necessary to activate the the number and type of articles used will vary
dishwasher detergent and melt fatty food soils, daily. Your dishwasher is designed to be
Set your water heater to deliver 140°F water to flexible and accommodate a wide variety of
the dishwasher. If, for any reason, the dishes and utensils. The following instructions
temperature of the water being delivered by and pictures will help you become familiar
the water heater should be below 140°F, the with your dishwasher. With experience, you
AccuTemp TM Option on your dishwasher will will learn the best arrangement for your
heat the water until the proper temperature is particular needs.
To check water temperature, turn on the hot
water faucet nearest the dishwasher. Let water • Place all items on racks so they are separated
run into aglass until it is as hot as possible, and face the center to insure the water spray
then check with a candy or meat thermometer, will reach the soiled surfaces. Do not allow
If the temperature at the faucet is below 140°F items to extend out of the racks.
(60°C), have a qualified person raise the water • Make sure the movement of the upper and
heater thermostat setting, lower spray arms is not blocked by items
For more information, see page 11. hanging below the lower rack or tall articles
General Recommendations
in the upper rack.
Preparing Dishes • Insure the free flow of water to the detergent
• It is not necessary to rinse dishes before cup by not blocking it with large items.
placing them in your Jenn-Air dishwasher. • Larger, flat, lightweight items (such as plastic
Simply scrape off bones and large pieces of covers) may be wedged next to the
food. silverware basket or along the sides and back
• Foodsthat have been burned onto cooking
utensils will need to be scraped or soaked. • The wash tower rises through the center of
• Certain foods, such as mustard, mayonnaise, cleaning results, avoid blocking it or loading
lemon juice, vinegar, salt or dressings may tall articles next to it.
cause stainless steel flatware to rust and pit if
allowed to remain in contact with the
surface for a period of time. Therefore, it is
best to rinse these food soils off stainless steel
flatware unless the dishwasher is to be
operated soon after loading.
• If your dishwasher drains into a food waste
disposer, make certain the disposer is
completely empty before starting the
dishwasher to provide for proper draining.
of the racks.
the lower rack during the cycle. Forthe best

Upper Rack Lower Rack
The upper rack isdesigned to hold glasses, Large dinner plates and other dishes may be
cups, saucers, small plates, bowls, etc. Bowls fit placed in any convenient location in the lower
securely in the back right half of the top rack. rack with soiled surfaces facing the center.
Small plates, such assalad plates or saucers,
can be loaded in front of the bowls, facing the loaded in the elevated area behind the wash
center. Glassesand cups of varying sizes can be tower.
loaded with flexibility in the center and left
side. If additional space is needed for loading
small plates, the left set of rack tines can also
be used.
When loading glassware, leave a small space
between each piece so they do not touch each
other during the wash cycle. Do not place
glasses over the tines. Instead, rest them
against the side of the rack or tines.
Small plates, saucers or shallow bowls may be
\ _ _ The back half of the lower rack can
accommodate either large dinner plates or two
parallel rows of smaller plates. The right side
has wider spacing to accommodate large
baking pans and bowls.
A fold-down shelf can be found on the left _/_
side of the upper rack. It will hold tall,
difficult-to-load items such as long-handled
spoons, wire whisks, spatulas and knives.
When the shelf isdown small glasses and
cups can be loaded underneath it. The shelf
can be raised to load taller glasses and mugs.

The left side of the lower rack has a section of The silverware basket may be removed for ease
lift-out tines. When in place the tines will hold of loading or unloading.
plates of various sizes.
To remove the tines, press inward on the front articles such as measuring cups and spoons,
portion of the section and lift up to remove, small plastic items, baby spoons, etc. Lower
Use the covered section for small, lightweight
the cover to keep these items in place.
Wehe._[egr_l/:d,ceW_do_pdtsa,llr_te_is stUCshas
baking pans and casserole dishes can be
placed in this section.
Using Detergent and Rinse Aid
Use only a powder or liquid detergent
designed for an automatic dishwasher. Never
use soap, laundry detergent or hand
dishwashing detergent in your dishwasher
as it will cause severe oversudsing. Usefresh
detergent and store it in a cool, dry place (not
under the kitchen sink).
RecommendedAmountto Use
The amount of detergent to use depends on
the water hardness (measured in grains per
u gallon--gpg) and the amount of soil on the
dishes. Generally detergent amounts should be
Flatware increased for harder water and heavier soil.
Too little detergent can result in poor cleaning,
Put flatware in the removable silverware hard water filming and spotting, and poor
basket, mixing knives, forks and spoons. To drying. Overuse of detergent (especially in
prevent them from nesting together, place chemically softened water) can cause
some handles up and some down. However, permanent etching (cloudiness) of glassware.
sharp or pointed items should always be For detergents with low phosphate content
loaded with the handles up. (8.7% or less)the usage level may have to be