Jenn-Air DW700, DW860, DW730, DW760, DW710 User Manual

Use and Care Manual
Models DW700, DW710, DW730, DW760 & DW860
f I I I I
Model DW860
For Future Reference ................................................................................................................... 2
Important Information ................................................................................................................... 2
Safety Instructions ....................................................................................................................... 3
Hot Water is Essential .............................................................................................................. 4
Preparing Dishes ...................................................................................................................... 4
Loading Your Dishwasher ..................................................................................................... 4-6
Using Detergent and Rinse Aid ............................................................................................. 6-7
Selecting Cycles and Options/Starting the Dishwasher ....................................................... 8-9
What Can and Cannot Be Washed ............................................................................................ 10
Special Tips ........................................................................................................................... 11-13
For Best Results ..................................................................................................................... 11
Water Conditions .............................................................................................................. 11-12
Energy Saving Tips ................................................................................................................ 12
Caring for the Dishwasher ................................................................................................ 12-13
Winter Storage ........................................................................................................................ 13
Changing Panels .................................................................................................................... 13
Before You Call For Service ................................................................................................ 14-15
Warranty ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air MODELNUMBER dishwasher. Your dishwasher has many fea- SERIALNUMBER
tures that offer you excellent cleaning and (numbersappearontheserialplateontheupperleflcornerofthelubopening) capacity along with energy efficiency. _atePurchased
Beforeyou beginusingyour newdishwasher, JENN-AIRDEALERFROMWHOMPURCHASED pleasetake afew minutestoreadandbecome
familiar with the instructions in this book. By ADDRESS followingthe instructions carefully,you will be
able to achieve excellent results with your CITY
dishwasher. PHONE Should you have any questions about using AUTHORIZEDJENN-AIRSERVICECONTRACTOR
your Jenn-Air dishwasher,writeto us. Besure to provide the model and serial numbers. ADDRESS
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service PHONE
P.O. BOX2370 IMPORTANT:Retainproofofpurchasedocumentsforwarrantyservice.
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370 WARNING-Checkwith installer to makesure appliance
hasbeen grounded to avoid possible electrical shock.
INSTRUCTIONSonpage 3 before you start to use this dishwasher.
ProductswithaUL labelhavebeenlistedwith 8. Becarefulnottotouchthe heatingelement
the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. - those on the bottom of the tub during or at the witha CSAtag havebeenlistedwithCanadian completion of a cycle. It may be hot.
Standards Association. Nevertheless,aswith any other equipment using electricity and 9. Use only detergents and rinse additives
moving parts, there is a potential hazard, designed for an automatic dishwasher.
WARNING - When using your dishwasher, Never use soap, laundry detergent, or follow basic precautions, including the follow- hand washing detergent in your dish- ing: washer. Keep these products out of the
reach of children.
1. Read allinstructions beforeusingthe dish- washer. 10. Do not sit, stand on or abuse the door or
dish racks of the dishwasher.
2. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function. 11.WARNING: Undercertain conditions, hy-
drogengas maybe producedinahotwater
3. Disconnectelectrical powertodishwasher system that has not been used for two
beforeattempting to service, weeks or more. Hydrogen gas is explo-
sive. If the hot water system has notbeen
4. To avoidelectricalshock hazard,the sides usedforsuch a period,turnonall hotwater and back must beenclosed, and thefront faucets andletthewater flowfrom eachfor
panels must be attached before electrical several minutes.This will release any ac- power is applied to the dishwasher. Refer cumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is
to the installation instructions for proper flammable, do not smoke or use an open grounding procedures, flame during this process.
5. Connect to aproperlyrated, protected and 12.Do not wash plastic items unless marked
sized power supply circuitto avoid electri- "dishwasher safe" or the equivalent. For cal overload, plastic items not so marked, check the
manufacturer's recommendations.
6. Children should never be permitted to op-
erate, or play in, with, or around this dish- 13.Do not tamper with controls. washer,
14.Always remove the door to the washing
7. To reduce the risk of injury when loading compartment when removing an old dish-
itemsto bewashed, sharpor pointeditems washer from service or discarding it. should be located with the handles up.
Also,loadsharpitemssothey arenotlikely to damage the door seal.
Certain foods, such as mustard, mayonnaise, lemon juice, vinegar, salt or dressings may
For proper performance of your dishwasher, hot cause stainlesssteel flatware to rust and pit if
water is necessary to activate the dishwasher allowed to remain in contact with the surface
detergent and meltfattyfood soils.Set your water fora period oftime.Therefore, it isbesttorinse heatertodeliveraminimum of 120OFwater to the these food soils off stainless steel flatware
dishwasher, unlessthe dishwasher isto be operated soon
after loading.
Models DW700 & DW710 -The heatingelement in your dishwasherwillturnon automaticallyto If yourdishwasherdrainsinto a food waste
heatthewater duringthe mainwashofall cycles disposer,make certainthe disposeris corn-
(theheatingelementwillnotbeonduringRinse& pletelyemptybeforestartingthedishwasher Hold). to providefor properdraining.
Model DW730 - AutomaticAccuTempTM in the
Normal and Heavy cycles will thermostatically heatthe water duringthe mainwashandextend Seldom will householdshave identicaldishes.
heatingif neededuntilthe properwatertempera- The numberand type of articlesused will vary
tureisreached, daily.Yourdishwasheris designedto be flexible
and accommodatea wide varietyof dishesand
Models DW760 & DW860 - The AccuTempTM utensils.The followinginstructionsand drawings
Option willthermostaticallyheatthewaterduring willhelpyoubecomefamiliarwithyour dishwash- the mainwashandextendthe heating,if needed er. With experience,you will learn the best ar-
untilthe proper water temperature is reached, rangement for your particular needs.
Tocheckwatertemperature,turn on the hotwater General Recommendations faucet nearest the dishwasher. Let water run into Place all items on the racksso they are sepa-
aglassuntil itis ashot aspossible,thencheckwith rated and face the center to insure the water a candy or meat thermometer. If the temperature spray will reach the soiled surfaces. Do not
at the faucet is below 120°F have a qualified person raisethe water heater thermostatsetting. Make sure the movement of the upper and
For more information, see page 11. hanging belowthe lower rack ortall articlesin
It is not necessary to rinse dishes before cup by not blocking itwith large items. placing them in your Jenn-Air dishwasher. Larger, flat, lightweight items (such as plastic
Simply scrape off bones and large pieces of covers) may be wedged next to the silverware food. basket or along the sides and back of the
Foods that have been burned onto cooking
utensilswill need to be scraped or soaked. The wash tower rises throughthe center ofthe
allow items to extend out of the racks.
lower spray arms is not blocked by items the upper rack.
Insurethe free flow of water to the detergent
lowerrackduring the cycle.Forthe bestclean- ing results, avoid blocking it or loading tall
articles next to it.
Upper Rack Lower Rack The upper rack is designed to hold glasses, cups, Largedinner plates and other dishes may be placed in
saucers, small plates, bowls, etc. Bowls fit securely in any convenient location in the lower rack with soiled thebackrighthall'of the top rack. Small plates,such as surfaces facing the center. Small plates, saucers or salad plates or saucers, can be loaded in front of the shallow bowls may be loaded in the elevated area
bowls, facing the center. Glasses and cups of varying behind the wash tower. sizescan be loaded with flexibility inthe centerand left side. If additional space is needed for loading small plates,the left set of racktines can also be used.
When loadingglassware, leave asmall space between each piece so they do not touch each other during the
wash cycle, Do not place glasses over the tines.
Instead,restthemagainstthesideofthe rackortines.
Theback halfofthe lowerrackcanaccommodate either largedinnerplatesortwo parallel rowsofsmallerplates.
Therightside has widerspacingto accommodate large baking pans and bowls,
Fold Down Shelf and Removable Tray - Model DW860 Only
A fold-downshelf canbe found on theleft sideofthe
upper rack. Itwill hold tall, difficult-to-load items such
as long*handledspoons, wire whisks, spatulas and
knives. Whenthe shelf isdownsmall glassesand cups
can beloadedunderneath it. Theshelfcanbe raisedto loadtaller glasses and mugs.
A removable utensil tray sits on top of the upper rack and holds long, awkward items such as spatulas, serving spoons, knives, etc. When usingthe tray, be
sure items do not block the upper wash arm.
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