For Future Assistance .............................. 1
Safety Instructions ............................... 2-3
Ducting ..................................................... 3
Using Your Cooktop ........................... 4-10
Cooktop at a Glance .......................... 4
Setting the Controls ........................... 4
Heat Settings ...................................... 5
Power Failure ...................................... 5
Grilling ............................................. 5-8
Ventilation System ............................. 9
Optional Cooktop Cartridges .......... 10
Care and Cleaning ........................... 11-12
/_TI i¸¸
Available Accessories ......... 13
Before You Call for Service .................... 14
Warranty ................................................ 15

For Future Assistance
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
cooktop.C°ngratulati°nson your choice of a Jenn-Air dualfuelyourcomplete satisfaction is very important to us. _ WARNING: lfthe information in this manual
t _lisnotfollowedexactly, afireorexplosionmayresult
Read thiSandUser'sguide carefully. It is intended to help you causing property damage, personal injury or death I::l
operate maintain your new cooktop. II /
In addition, you will find a booklet entitled "Cooking Made
Simple." It contains information on selecting cookware, pan
sizes and heat setting recommendations.
Save time andmoney. Check the "Before You Call" section
ofthis guide. It lists causes of minor operating problems that
you can correct yourself.
However, should you need service, it is helpful to have the
model and serial numbers available. This information can be
found on thedata plate located on the bottom of the cooktop.
These numbers are also onthe Product Registration card that
came with your appliance. Before sending in this card record
these numbers along with the purchase date below.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date of Purchase
IMPORTANT: Keep this guide and the sales receipt in a
safe placefor future reference. Proof of original purchase
date is needed for warranty service.
If you have any questions, write us (include your model
number and phone number) or call:
Consumer Information
403 West Fourth Street North
Newton, IA 50208
(Mon.- Fri., 8 am-5 pm Central Time)
Internet: http://www.j ennair.com
For service information, see page 14.

Important Safety Instructions
Read before operating your 12. Always turn pan handles to the side or back of the
eooktop cooktop - notout into theroom where they are easily hit.
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the SURFACE BURNERS OR HEATING ELEMENTS to
potential through improper or careless use to create safety minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials, and
problems. Therefore the following safety precautions should spillage due to unintentional contact with the cookware.
be observed. Please retain this guide for future reference.
1. Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded cabinets above cooktop-children climbing on the cooktop
by a qualified technician. Installer - please leave this to reach items could be seriously injured.
guide with the appliance.
2. Never use your appliance for warming or heating the areas near burners or elements. During and after use,
room. This warning is based on safety considerations, these areas may be hot enough to cause burns. Avoid
3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in area materials until they have had sufficient time to cool.
where appliance is in use. They should never be allowed Other surfaces, such as the cooktop, may become hot
to sit or stand on any part of the appliance, enough to cause burns.
4. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fitting or hanging gar- 15. Do not heat unopened food containers. Build-up of
ments should never be worn while using the appliance, pressure may cause container to burst andresult in injury.
13. CAUTION -Do not store items of interest to children in
14. Do not touch surface elements or burner areas or any
contact with these areas by clothing or other flammable
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless 16. Keep all controls "Off" when unit is not in use.
specifically recommended in this manual. All other
servicing should be referred to an authorized Jenn-Air 17. Donotsoakorimmerseremovablegrillelementinwater.
Service Contractor.
18. GREASE - Grease is flammable and should be handled
6, Do not store combustible materials, gasoline or other carefully. Never leave any cooking operation unat-
flammable vapors and liquid near cooktop, tended. Let fat cool before attempting to handle it. Do
not allow grease to collect around the cooktop. Wipe up
7. Do not use water on grease tires. Smother fire or flame spillovers immediately.
or use dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher,
19. If the cooktop is installed near a window, proper precau-
8. Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders on tions should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing
hot surfaces may result in burns from steam. Do not let over burners creating a FIRE HAZARD.
potholder touch hot heating elements or gas flame. Do not
use a towel or other bulky cloth. 20. Do not use aluminum foil to line drip pans or grill basin.
Restriction of normal air flow may result in unsafe
9. Select cookware large enough to properly contain food operation or in an electric shock or fire hazard.
and avoid boilovers or spillovers. This will save on
cleaning and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, 21. Clean only parts listed in this manual and use procedures
since heavy splattering or spillovers left on acooktop can recommended.
ignite. Pan size isespecially important indeep fat frying.
22. Always allow hot pans to cool in a safe place out of the
10. Never leave cooktop unattended at high heat settings, reach of small children.
Boilover causes smoking and greasy spillovers that may
ignite. 23. A faint gas odor may indicate agas leak. If a gas odor is
detected, shut offthe gas supply tothe cooktop. Call your
11. TYPE OF COOKWARE - Avoid pans that are unstable installer or local gas company to have the possible leak
and easily tipped. Pans that are too heavy when filled checked. Never use amatch or other flame to locate a
with food can alsobe a hazard. If pan handles twist and gas leak.
cannot be tightened, discard the pan.
• . . I/lOre

Important Safety Instructions
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
24. Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE
beyond the edge of the cookware. This instruction is AND WARNING
based on safety consideration.
25. This appliance has been tested for safe performance TheCalifornia Safe Drinking Water andToxic Enforcement
using conventional cookware. Donot use any devices or
accessories that arenot specifically recommended inthis fornia to publish a list of substances known to the State of
manual. Do not use eyelid covers for the surface burners California to cause cancer orreproductive harm, and requires
or elements or stovetop grills. The use of devices or businesses to warn customers of potential exposures to such
accessories that are not expressly recommended in this substances.
manual can create serious safety hazards, result inperfor-
mance problems and reduce thelife of the components of Users of this appliance are hereby warned that the burning of
the appliance, gas can result in low-level exposure to some of the listed
26. Before servicing shut off electrical power supply to primarily to the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
appliance, liquid petroleum (LP) fuels. Properly adjusted burners will
27. Keep vent area unobstructed when in use. stances canbe minimized by properly venting the cooktop to
28. Do not operate with damaged grill element or any prod-
uct malfunction until proper repair has been made.
Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of Call-
substances, including benzene, formaldehyde and soot, due
minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these sub-
the outdoors.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4
Ducting Considerations , Recommended Jenn-Air wall cap MUST be used. Make
Jenn-Air's ventilation system is designed to capture both operating.
cooking fumes and smoke from the cooktop surface. If the • There should be a minimum clearance of 6" for cooktop
system does not, these are some ducting installation situations installed near a side wall.
to check:
• 6" diameter round or 3 74"x 10"rectangular ducting should a concealed problem such as a pinched joint, obstruction in
be used for duct lengths 10'-60'. Note: 5" diameter round the pipe, etc. Installation is the responsibility of the installer
ducting must be used for venting straight out the back of and questions should be addressed first by the installer. The
the cooktop and directly through the wallfor 10' or less. installer should very carefully check the ducting installation
• No more than three 90° elbows should be used. Distance instructions.
between elbows should be at least 18".
sure damper moves freely when ventilation system is
If there is not an obvious improper installation, there may be

Using Your Cooktop
Cooktop at a Glance Setting the Controls
Your cooktop is equipped with one small and one large I_The graphicsbesideeachcontrolknobindicatetheelement
burner and a grill accessory, or burner location.
• Since the controls area push-turn type, they
• To set the gas burner controls, push
1 counterclockwise to the desired setting, oF_
If_l__ _ : must be pushed down before turning.
_ 1 _!l_ _@_ 2 down on control knob and turn
1.Right frontsurfaceburner(12,000/1,500BTUs).
2.Rightrearsurfaceburner(6,500/830BTUs). • When control is in any position, other than OFF, it may be
3.Leftfront grillelement(1,400watts), turned in any direction without pushing down.
4.Leftrear grillelement(1,400watts). • When using the electric griddle accessory use the control
-- __ • To set the electric controls, push down on the
knob and turn in either direction to the desired setting.
with the • graphic.
• To use the full grill, both front and rear controls must be
turned on.