Ventilation System
Using the Ventilation System
- The fan controlis locatedat the rear ofthe controlpanel Thevariablespeedfan
can beoperated at eightdifferent settings when using the cooktop cartridges or
the griddle.
• Thevantilationsystemwiltoperateautomaticatlywhenthegrillelementisinuse,
NOTE: Duringgrilling,thefan speedisautomatically satfor the Highsetting and
cannot be varied, =====
To set:
lal1.Touch Fan Pad.
TheindicatorWordFan andtheIndicatorBar willappearsolidinthe Display. The
fan will begin atthe fan speed last selected.
2.Touch the Up or Down Arrow Pad to change thefan speed, By continuously
touchingthe Arrow Pad, the fan speedwill quickly advance. TOslowdownthe
rate of advancement, tap the Arrow Pads.
1.The indicator Bar needsto beabove the indicator Word Fan. If itis not, touch
the Fan Pad.
2.Touchthe Off Pad.
IMPORTANT: Afterthegrlll has been turnedoff, the dewndraftfan mayremain on
for 5 additional minutes depending on othercookingoperations.
If there is no other surface unit on, the downdraft fan will remain on for five
if there is another surface control in use,the fan control will return to a manual
fan setting.
NOTE: Thefancan manually beturned OFF after thegrill isoff bytouching the
Cleaning the Ventilation System
Air Grille: The airgrille lifts offeasily. Wipeclean orwashin sink withmildhousehold
detergents. May be cleaned in dishwasher.
Filter; Turn off ventilation system before removing.
The filter is a permanent type and should be cleaned
when soiled, Clean in sink withwarm water and liquid
dishwashingdetergent or in dishwasher.
FILTER, Fittershouldalways be placedat an angle. As
you face the front ofthe cooktop, the bottomofthe filter
shouldrest on the ledge onthe left side. The top of the
filter should rest againstthe right side, There are also
ledges on the front and rear sides for the fiiter to rest.
(NOTE: If filter is flat against the fan wall, ventilat{an
effectiveness isreduced.)
.................................... Ventilation Chamber: This area, which housesthe
filter,shouldbecleanedinthe event ofspillsor whenever it becomes coated with afilm
ofgrease. Maybecleanedwith papertowel,dampcloth,orspongeand mildhousehold
detergent or cleanser. (Note: for easier cleaning, remove the basin pans.)