Read before operating your cooktop
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potential
throughimproperor careless useto create safetyproblems. Therefore
the followingsafety precautionsshould be observed:
1. Be sure your appliance is properly installedand grounded by a
2. Never use your appliancefor warming or heatingthe room.
3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in area where
applianceisin use or stillhot. They shouldnever be allowedto sit
or stand on any part of the appliance,
4. Wear proper apparel, Loose-fittingor hanging garments should
never be worn while usingthe appliance.
5. Do notrepairorreplaceany partoftheapplianceunlessspecifically
recommendedinthismanual. Allotherservicingshouldbe referred
to an authorizedJenn-Air Service Contractor.
6. Flammable materialsshould not be stored near surface units.
7. Do notusewater on grease fires. Smotherfire orflame or use dry
chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
8. Useonlydry potholders.Moistordamppotholderson hotsurfaces
may result in bums from steam. Do not let potholdertouch hot
heating elements. Do not use a towel or otherbulky cloth.
9. Use proper pansize. Many appliances are equipped with one or
more surface unitsof differentsize. Select cookware having flat
bottoms large enough to coverthe surface unit heating element.
The useof undersizedcookwarewillexposeaportionofthe heating
element to direct contact and may result in ignitionof clothing.
Proper relationshipof cookware to heating element will also im-
prove efficiencyand performance.
10. Never leave surface units unattendedat high heat settings. Boil
over causes smokingand greasy spilloversthat may ignite.
11. Glazed cookware - only certain types of glass, glass-ceramic,
ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed cookpotsare suitable for
cooktop surface without breaking due to the sudden change in
temperature. Use only such cookware as you know has been
approvedfor this purpose.