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For 2350 & 2380 Series horns
The JBL Model 2509A bracket is utilized to mount 2350-Series and 2380-Series horns and their appropriate
drivers to the top of a JBL speaker cabinet. Warning: This bracket is not intented for suspension applications.
The 2509A allows both vertical and horizontal swiveling as well as horn rotation around its axis to match virtually any
aiming angle required.
INNER BRACKET mounts between the horn and the compression driver, has a 2" diameter cutout and
four 1/2" x 65° slots.
OUTER BRACKET mounts to the speaker cabinet or other secure mounting surface, has two 3/8" by
30° slots.
GASKET, 2" O.D., 1.5" I.D. x l/8" thick
3/8" x 3/4" bolts, with integral locking washer
3/8" nuts, with integral locking washer
1/4" x 1-1/4" bolts
#6 x 1/4" self-tapping metal screws
1) Assemble Inner and Outer Brackets — Attach the inner bracket and the outer bracket at their center radius
swivel points, by using the two 3/8" bolts and washers, with integral locking washers.
2) Mount Bracket to Horn and Driver — The 2350-Series horns have a 1.5" entrance with a 4.5" diameter mounting
circle. The 2380-Series horns have a 2" entrance and a 4" mounting circle. The 2509A fits both sets of horns.
a) For 2" Horns and Drivers — Using the bolts included with the driver, mount the driver on one side and the
horn on the other side of the inner bracket. The bolts go through the elongated slots.
b) For 1.5" Horns and Drivers — Insert the gasket inside the 2" diameter throat hole in the inner bracket (con-
verting it to a 1.5" diameter hole, see diagram). Using the bolts/nuts included with the driver, mount the driver on
one side and the horn on the other side of the inner bracket. The bolts go through the elongated slots.
3) Tighten Hardware — After aiming the horn (see below), make sure all hardware is tightened and secure.

a) Rotating the Horn Around Its Axis — The bolts go through elongated mounting slots cut in the bracket,
allowing an axial rotation from -10° to +55°. If you need a position outside the range of the slots, then simply
remove the inner bracket from the outer bracket, flip the inner bracket over, and reattach it, resulting in a range
from -55° to +10°.
b) Horizontal Rotation — The 2509A attaches to most JBL cabinets via two bolts through the curved outer slots on
the bottom plate of the outer bracket, allowing a rotation of ±15° horizontally
c) Vertical Setting — Rotate the inner bracket up or down around its pivot points. Once you’ve achieved the proper
setting, tighten the 3/8" bolts. Insert the two #6 self-tapping bolts in the pre-drilled holes extending through both
the outer and inner brackets to lock-in the vertical position.
2509A Bracket
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JBL Professional, 8500 Balboa Blvd., Nortbridge, CA 91329 / (818)894-8850 / Fax (818)830-1220
A Harman International Company