Precision Hot Air Station
without extractor desk
Ref. TE-QD

Ref. T E-SD
2 3
Manual .........................................................1 unit
Ref. 0 016961
Power Cord .................................................1 unit
Ref. 0009417 (100V/120V)
00094 01 (230V)
Precision Hot Air Station
without extractor desk
Ref. TE-QD
Precisio n Heater hose set .....................1 unit
Ref. TE-TB
JTE Control Unit ........................................1 unit
Ref. JTE-1D (120V)
JTE-2D (230V)
JTE-9D (100V)
Stand ............................................................1 unit
Ref. T E-SD
Nozzles ......................................................3 uni ts
Ref. TN9209 Ø 3mm (x1)
TN9208 Ø 4mm (x1)
TN9080 Ø 5m m (x1)
Another connectable tool:
Heater hose set
Ref: JT-TA
Hot Air switch
(On / Off )
Precisio n Heater
Hose set
Ref. TE-TB
Suction Tube
Ref. 0932330
For tripods
and extractors
Activates th e
suction pump
USB-B connector
Update the station
softwar e from
the JBC webs ite
Packing List
The following items should be included:
Power Sock et
Opti onal:
P-005 Pedal

4 5
Quick Nozzle Changer
Changing nozzles quickly and safely.
Ref. Shape Size
TN9209 Straight Ø 3mm
TN9208 Straight Ø 4mm
TN9080 Straight Ø 5 mm
TN9787 Bent Ø 3mm
TN9785 Bent Ø 4mm
TN9782 Bent Ø 5mm
Straight Bent
Ø mm Ø mm
Turn the tool off
and handle w ith
care. The heating
element and the
nozzle are still hot.
Compatible Nozzles
The TE-TB works with TE noz zles. Find the mode l that best suits your so ldering needs i n www.jbctools.com
Do not
1. From the mai n Menu, select the mo de to activate the tool depen ding on the task.
2. The tool stops b lowing hot air when returned to the stand.
Adjust the tool holder angle to suit your work position.
Press the star t/stop button to
blow hot air.
The tool automatically starts
blowing hot air when lifted
from the stand.
Press the Peda l to blow hot
air and rele ase to stop.
*The P-0 05 Pedal is not
supplied with this station.
See our website.
Operation Modes
Stand + Autostart OFF Stand + Autostart ON Pedal*
Adjustable Stand