jbc RMSE-C User Manual

Complete Rework Station
with Electric Pump
Español 35
English 3
Packing list ......................................................... 3
JT Hot Air station
Features .............................................................. 7
Stand & Nozzle changer ................................ 8
Protectors & Extractors ................................ 10
T260 Pick & Place .......................................... 11
Operation & Process Control with JT ....... 12
JT-TA Replacing the Heating Element ...... 15
JT-TA Changing the Heater Hose Set ...... 15
DDE Control Unit & MSE Module
Features ............................................................ 16
Stands & Tip Cleaner .................................... 18
T245 Changing Cartridges .......................... 20
DR560 Changing Tips .................................. 21
DR560 Changing the Heating Element ... 22
DR560 Tin Deposit Cleaning ...................... 23
DR560 Tip Care .............................................. 24
Desoldering Process DDE & MSE ............. 24
MSE Initial Setup ............................................ 25
MSE Changing the pump filters ................. 25
Operation with DDE ...................................... 26
Process Analysis ............................................ 28
Soldering Net .................................................. 29
Working with robots ...................................... 30
Station Sotware .............................................. 30
Maintenance ..................................................... 31
Safety ................................................................... 32
Specifications .................................................. 33
Exploded View ................................................. 66
Packing List
The following items should be included:
Stand ................................ 1 unit
Ref. AD-SD
Electric Desoldering
Module ............................ 1 unit
Ref. MSE-A
DDE Control Unit .......... 1 unit
Ref. DDE-1B (120V)
DDE-2B (230V)
DDE-9B (100V)
Desoldering Iron ........... 1 unit
Ref. DR560-A
C560003 already inserted
Stand ............................... 1 unit
Ref. DR-SD
General Purpose
Handle ............................... 1 unit
Ref. T245-A
Heater hose set ............ 1 unit
Ref. JT-T1A (100V / 120V)
JT-T2A (230V)
Stand ................................ 1 unit
Ref. JT-SD
JTE Control Unit ........... 1 unit
Ref. JTE-1D (120V)
JTE-2D (230V)
JTE-9D (100V)
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Tip Cleaner ..................... 1 unit
Ref. CL9885
JT Accessory set
Ref. 0012332
Sponge ............................. 1 unit
Ref. S0354
Metal Brush .................... 1 unit
Ref. CL6217
Cartridges ..................... 2 units
Ref. C245903
Ref. C245906
* These accessories are not supplied with JT-2QC / JT-1QC / JT-9QC stations.
Extractor stand* ............ 1 unit
Ref. 0008752
Suction Tube*
Ref. 0932330
Suction Cups*
Ref. 0930110
Ø 10 - 0934050 (x3)
Ø 4.7 - 0934070 (x1)
Ref. E2184
Ref. P2220
Ref. T2050 (Ø 39mm)
T2250 (Ø 85mm)
Ref. JN2015 (x1)
JN2012 (x1)
JN2020 (x1)
Suction Filter ................... 1 unit
Ref. 0821830
Cotton Filter ................... 1 unit
Ref. 0781046
It contains 10 filters
Filter Box .......................... 1 unit
Ref. 0005966
It contains 50 filters
DR560 Accessories
Ref. 0010211
Internal gasket ............ 2 units
Ref. 0812360
Tip cleaning set .......................................... 1 unit
Ref. 0965970
Spanner ........................... 1 unit
Ref. 0780550
Tin deposit .................... 1 unit
Ref. 0812620
Long Tip Cleaning set ........................... 1 unit
Ref. 0965760
Metal tin diposit ........... 1 unit
Ref. 0812630
Tips ............................. 3 units
Ref. C560005
Ref. C560013
Ref. C560004
Filter Box .................... 1 unit
Ref. 0780840
It contains
10 filters
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Manual ...............................1 unit
Ref. 0017357
Complete Rework Station
with Electric Pump
Stand Cable ................. 2 units
Ref. 0011283
Power cords
For DDE ........................... 1 unit
Ref. 0013671 (100/120V)
0010569 (230V)
Module Cable ................. 1 unit
Ref. 0014874
Cleaning stick ................ 1 unit
Ref. 0786640
Pick & Place ................... 1 unit
Ref. T260-A
Straight Needles Set ... 1 unit
Ref. 0901546
Bent Needles Set ......... 1 unit
Ref. 0861660
Cups Set ......................... 1 unit
Ref. 0940163
Union Flanges ............... 1 unit
Ref. 0011356
For JTE ............................. 1 unit
Ref. 0009417 (100V/120V)
0009401 (230V)
www .jbc tool s.c om
JT Features
Another connectable tool:
Precision Heater hose set
Ref: TE-TB
Hot Air button
(On / Off)
Power Socket
Optional: P-005 Pedal connection
Equipotential connection
Suction Tube
Ref. 0932330
Heater Hose set
Ref. JT-T1A (100V/120V) JT-T2A (230V)
Ref. JT-SD
For tripods and extractors
Activates the
suction pump
USB-B connector
Update the station
software from
the JBC website
ww w.j b cto o l s .com
Do not press
1. From the main Menu, select the mode to activate the tool depending on the task.
2. The tool stops blowing hot air when returned to the stand.
Stand + Autostart OFF
Stand + Autostart ON
Adjust the tool holder angle to suit your work position.
Press the start/stop button to blow hot air.
The tool will start blowing hot
air when it is lifted from the
Press the Pedal to blow hot air and release to stop. *The P-005 Pedal is not supplied with this station. See our website.
Adjustable Stand
Operation Modes
Quick Nozzle Changer
Changing nozzles quickly and safely.
Compatible Nozzles
The JT-TA works with JT nozzles. Find the model that best suits your soldering needs in www.jbctools.com
In case of a loosely fitting nozzle:
Ref. Shape Size
JN2020 Straight Ø 8mm
JN8417 Straight Ø 10mm
JN2015 Bent Ø 4mm
JN2012 Bent Ø 6mm
JN6633 Bent Ø 8mm
JN7637 Flat 10 x 2mm
JN7638 Flat 20 x 2mm
JN7639 Flat 30 x 2mm
Straight Bent Flat
Ø mm
Ø mm
A x B mm
1. Push the nozzle tab inwards with a screwdriver or flat-nosed pliers.
2. Insert the nozzle into the JT-TA Heater again.
Turn the tool off and handle with care. The heating element and the nozzle are still hot.
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For small components (fig. 1 and 2). For large components (fig. 3 and 4).
We recommend using the protector + tripod We recommend using the extractors
Protectors & Extractors
1 2 3 4
* Ref. AxB (mm) * Ref. AxB (mm)
P3353 4,3 x 3
P2230 15 x 15
P3786 5,2 x 5,2
P4010 17 x 17
P3352 5,2 x 7,5 P4005 18 x 29
P3355 5,2 x 9,5 P4030 18,5 x 18,5
P3356 6,2 x 4,2 P1068 18,5 x 24
P3785 7,2 x 7,2 P2685 28,5 x 28,5
P3784 8,2 x 8,2 P4085 31,5 x 31,5
P4035 9 x 13 P2672 33 x 46
P4040 9,5 x 19 P4002 50 x 50
P4080 9,5 x 21 P3357 52,5 x 14
P2220 10 x 10
P4045 10,5 x 21
P4090 11 x 16
P2235 12 x 17
P1249 12 x 23
P4000 12,5 x 12,5
P3354 13,2 x 13,2
P4025 13,5 x 21,5
* Reference Desk
* Ref. øC (mm)
T2050 39
T2250 85
Manual extractor
* Ref. øD (mm)
E2190 7
* Ref. AxB (mm) * Ref. AxB (mm)
52 E2052 20 X 20 E2124 45 X 45
64 E2064 20 X 26
80 E2184 24 X 24
E2068 27 X 27
E4020 28,5 X 28,5
E4015 31,5 X 31,5
E2084 33 X 33
E2100 38 X 38
Choose the suction cup that best fits the component (Maximum working temp.: 250ºC / 482ºF):
1. Suction 2. Release
This tool helps place and remove SMDs of any size thanks to the suction provided by the station.
T260 Pick & Place
Press the button to
start/stop the suction
Once activated
the suction button,
cover the pen hole
with your finger and
pick the component.
Insert the needle
with the appropriate
cup for a correct
suction process.
Lift your finger
to release the
component on the
appropriate place.
You should avoid the
needle to stick out of
the lower part.
Pick & Place
Ref. T260-A
ww w.j b cto o l s .com
Tem p ºC
Air %
Time to stop 45 seconds
Power 70%
400ºC Select
Operation with JT station
Process Control
3. Releasing1. Placing 2. Heating
Position the extractor with the
appropriate suction cup and
press the suction button.
Heat the component. The component lifts off
automatically when the
solder melts.
Access Menu (pess key 2 seconds) & Confirm Selection
Selected temperature
Current temperature
% Instant power supplied to heater
You can switch between operating modes (Manual Mode / Program Mode) by pressing the
“increase” and “decrease” keys simultaneously for 2 seconds (Only when programs mode is ON).
Manual Mode
Current air flow
Tem p ºC
Pro gr am 8
Air 100% Time 125s.
Decrease program
Increase program number
Selected program
Current temperature
Selected air flow
Graph of selected
Remaining time
Program Mode
Program Options
Edit Program
This option allows you to edit or create a program. First, you must select the program to edit and then modify the points that make up the program. Each program is composed of 9 points, each point consisting of 3 parameters:
1. Time (seconds)
2. Temperature (°C / °F)
3. Flow rate (%)
You can delete the last point of the program by selecting “-----” in the time parameter.
It should be taken into account that the regulation range permitted by the station is 150-450°C, whe­reby it is not possible to create temperature ramps between room temperature (Toff) and 150°C.
The station can store up to 25 temperature programs. The first three programs are edited by JBC as an example.
Copy Program
This option allows you to copy a program. You must select the program source and its destination (where it will be copied).
Delete Program
This option will allow you to delete a previously selected program.
ww w.j b cto o l s .com
Mai n me nu
1 Reset station 2 Station
Program Settings
5 Program version
Exi t
Sta ti on S et ti ng s Pro gr am S et ti ng s
Edi t Pr og ra m
Edi t Pr og ra m 1
Temp unit Celsius
2 Maximum
temp 4500C 3 Minimum temp T OFF 4 Fix temp -----
5 Temp Adjust + 00C 6 Max air 100% 7 Min air 10% 8 Fix air -----
1 Programs OFF 2 Edit program 3
Copy program
Delete program
Bac k
Sel ec t
Pro gr am
Ste p 1 Tim e 30 Tem p 3 00 Air 10 0
Exi t
Cou nt er s
1 Station ON hours
Works hours 0
3 Works
cycles 0
Bac k
9 Time to stop 120 sec 10 Stand/Pedal Stand Autostart OFF 11 Beep ON
12 Pop up ON 13 Change PIN
* Selecting Minimum Temp as “T OFF”, the air blows at room temperature.
Menu Screen
Original PIN: 0105
Only perform this operation when the element is cold and the unit is disconnected from the mains.
1. Loosen the screw.
2. Pull the heating element away from the handle.
3. Connect the new heating element, ensuring its pushed all the way in.
4. Tighten the screw.
JT-TA Replacing the Heating Element
Heating Hose Set
Ref. JT-T1A (100V / 120V) JT-T2A (230V)
Heating Element
Ref. 0014107 (230V) 0014105 (100V / 120V)
Ref. JT-A
1. Ensure that the tool is turned off.
2. Use a spanner to unscrew the connecting nut.
3. The tube end of the new heater must be inserted
so that the longitudinal rib fits into the groove.
5. Follow the same steps conversely.
JT-TA Changing the Heater Hose Set
ww w.j b cto o l s .com
DDE & MSE Features
Ref. DR-SD
Stand Cable
Ref. 0011283
Work simultaneously with up to 2 tools and join each station port with 1 module + 1 pedal (Peripherals).
Ref. AD-SD
Ref. T245-A
RJ12 connector for Robot
USB-B connector
Equipotential connection
Power Socket
Desoldering Iron
Ref. DR560-A
Ref. C245903 Ref. C245906
Ref. C560004 Ref. C560005
Ref. C560013
Suction Filter
Ref. 0821830
Module Cable
Ref. 0014874
USB-A connector
2,8” Color TFT screen
Tilt the display for easy reading
Electric Desoldering Module
Ref. MSE-A
To another peripheral
To Pedal
Ref. P-005
ww w.j b cto o l s .com
Ref. AD-SD
Quick tip changer
Permits switching
cartridges without
your work.
Adjustable tool holder
Suits your
Adjustable cable collector
Adjustable Stands
Ref. DR-SD
Quick tip changer
Holding tip system
for easy change.
Cable collector
Keeps working area free of cable.
Improve thermal transfer by cleaning the tip after each solder joint.
Tip Cleaner
Brass wool
Ref. CL6210
Inox wool
Ref. CL6205
Ref. CL6220
Ref. TT-A
Ref. CL6211
Non-slip base
Ref. S0354
Ref. CL0236
Very effective cleaning
method. It leaves a small layer
of solder on the tip to prevent
oxidation between cleaning
and rewetting.
It prevents splashing of
solder particles when
using the brass wool. Heavy weighted non-
slip base for simple-
handed cleaning.
The least harmful cleaning
method. Keep the sponge damp
with distilled water when working
to avoid tip wear.
A temperature resistant receptacle lets
the operator remove excess solder by
gentle tapping or wiping. It can be easily
removed for cleaning.
Tapping: Wiping:
Tap gently to remove
excess solder.
Use the slots to
remove remaining
ww w.j b cto o l s .com
ø 1
ø 3,5
T245 Changing Cartridges
1. Removing 2. Inserting 3. Fixing
Place the handle in the
extractor and pull to
remove the cartridge.
Place the handpiece on top
of the new cartridge and
press down.
Use the holes for fixing the
cartridge* as follows:
A. For straight C210. B. For curved C210. C. For curved C245. D. For straight C245.
It is essential to insert the cartridges as far as the mark for a proper connection.
Compatible cartridges
The T245 handle works with C245 cartridges. Find the model that best suits your soldering needs in www.jbctools.com
Round Chisel Round bent Bevel Special models
Save time and change cartridges safely without switching the station off.
A ø
B ø
DR560 Changing Tips
This operation should be done while the tip is hot, not below 250°C, so that any tin left inside is in
molten state.
250ºC minimum
C560-001 ØA=1,4 ØB=0,6 Ømax. pin=0,4
C560-002 ØA=1,8 ØB=0,8 Ømax. pin=0,6
C560-003 ØA=2,7 ØB=1 Ømax. pin=0,8
C560-004 ØA=3,2 ØB=1,3 Ømax. pin=1,1 C560-009 ØA=5 ØB=1,3 Ømax. pin=1,1
C560-014 ØA=2,5 ØB=0,8 Ømax. pin=0,6
1. Removing
Unscrew the tip using the spanner
2. Inserting
Fit the new tip and tighten with the
spanner to make sure it is air tight.
Compatible Tips
The DR560 works with C560 tips. Find the model that best suits your soldering needs in www.jbctools.com
Here are some C560 tips in real size (mm):
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