Introduction 5
Quick Setup 9
Advanced Setup 11
Receiver 13
DVDs and Other Media 14
Advanced Functions 15
Radio 16
Support 17
Appendix 19
Congratulations on your new Jamo DVR 50 Receiver
The many different functions provided by your new DVDreceiverwill be a sourceof pleasurefor you for many
yearsto come.Naturally,you can playand watch DVDfilms with superbaudio and visual quality.
You can watch films in manyother formats than DVD,such as MPEG-4,XviD,DivX.
The audio features also give you the option of playing music CDs,MP3 or OggVorbis files. TheDVR50 auto-
matically reeogniseseach format and can read CD-RW and DVD-RW alike. Your new DVR50 also supports
Picture CDs (jpg), which meansthat you candisplay your photos directly on the TVscreen.This includes pic-
tures developedat the photo shopandany photosyou have scannedand savedto a CDyourself.
Note: Do not use the DVD Receiver until you hove studied the quick setup menu. To do so, the DVD Receiver must be connected to a TVseL

Make sure the following accessories are included with your DVD Receiver.
Power Cable
Not grovided in Europe
Provided in Europe only
for the remote control (size "AAA" RBP)
_ J
ComDosite Video
_ Audio Cable
Remote control
AM Antenna

Referto the illustration below to connect speakers,subwoofer and antennas. Tofit the DVR50 into your current video system,refer to the three
configuration examples.Choosefrom one of them or makeyour own combination.
Extra accessories
Extra accessory
Jamo DVR50
AM Antenna
Back panel
Detailed overview Of the back panel
I. FMantenna 8. "IVanalog input 15. Surround speakercentre out
2. AM antenna 9. Video analog input 16. Surround speakerright out
3. SCARTconnector 10. Auxiliary analog input 17. Surround speakerleft out
4. Component video output 11. Subwoofer output 18. Right speakerout
5. Compositevideo output 12. Optieal audio input 19. Leff speakerout
6. S-Video output 13. Coaxial audio input 20. AC input
7. Analog audio output 14. Optical audio output

SCART video configuration
Both audio andvideo is connected through the SCARTlead.Ira Satellite receiver or set top box hasdigital audio output (hereoptical), you can con-
nect to it directly.
S-Video configuration
Video is connected through the S-Videoconnectors (or compositevideoconnectors) to the TV.Audio is also connected through the IV to the DVD
receiver.If a Satellite receiveror settop box has digital audio output (herecoaxial), you can connect it directly
Jamo DVR50
Component video configuration
Video is connected to the monitor, and audio is connected to the DVD receiver
iii ii
Jamo DVR50

Front Panel
The front panel has tile Standard buttons listed below. When tile disk tray is open, push the end of the tray to cloSe it.
1= Standby
=Bno 2= Source select
3. Volume up
4. Volume down
5= Previous (Arrow down in menuS)
6= Next (Arrow up in menus)
7. Play/pause (Enter in menus)
8. Load (Eject)
The DVD Receiver is equipped with a VFD display which indicates the current ongoing activities.
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i!: _ _ ii! _ _/ _ C_ _ Ji_ _i_ _ i_
1. Indicates the selection of the disk being played
2. Indicates the track, chapter or program being played
3. Indicates the status on the source or the media playing
4. Indicates the type of media being played
The receiver isdelivered with astandard remote controL All the player'sfunctions can be performed from it.
1. Standby
2. DVD Selector
3. Radio Selector
4. Video or Auxilian Selector
5. 7V Selector
6. Up Arro_
7. Left ArrowJRewind
8. Pla'. Pause Enter
9. Right ArrowlFast Forwarc
10. Down Arrow
11. Previous TracklCha pterlProgra m
13= Next TracklChapterlProgram
14. Menu
15. Ust
16. SetuD
17. Info
18. Mute
19. Sound Mode
20. LoadlEjecl
21. Volume -
22. Volume -
Certain functions will onlv work if suo-
_-- --_ oorted b_ the media.
Putting the batteries m the remo_e