Jam Transit HX-HP420 User Manual And Warranty Information

Where There’s A Jam, There’s A Party!
Register your headphones at www.jamaudio.com. Information about where you bought them and how you’re using them is like gold for the people who make these headphones. Do them a solid, will ya?
Por manual de instrucciones e información de garantía en español visítenos en www.jamaudio.com
There are lots of cool Jam speakers. Check them all out at www.jamaudio.com
Chargin g the headp hones is s o easy you’ve probabl y figured it o ut by now, but just i n case, you’ve got t wo options: You can c harge it using your compute r or a wall out let.
1. The cord that ca me with the h eadphon es —the one with the U SB on one en d and the Micro US B on the other—is made to work with your computer.
2. If you want to use the wal l outlet, you’ll ne ed to pick up a powe r cord with a M icro USB the next time you’re at the store, or use any USB AC adapter (DC 5 V +/– 0.25V rated curre nt: >250mA), including the one f or your cel l.
Plug it in an d your head phones will be read y for an epic nig ht in no time. You shou ld go get read y too! They need ab out 3 hour s for 11 hours of part y time.
Packaging doubles
as carrying case
User Manual Charging Cord
1. This is the power b utton, pre ss and hol d for 5 secon ds to power on. Pus h it to play, push it ag ain to pause
2. Turn the mus ic up or down ( Wait, why wou ld you turn it down?)
3. The power cord go es here
4. Skip back a trac k or jam on to the n ext song
5. This light lets y ou know whe n Bluetooth i s paired wi th your headphones
6. Check out how mu ch juice i s in the batte ry
Like any ama zing couple, this on e start s with a conn ection —one betwe en your dev ice and the h eadpho ne’s Bluetooth.
1. We know you’re proba bly going to th ink, “derp” w ith this one, but we have to say it: M ake sure the s martph one, tabl et or compute r you want to hook u p to the headp hones ha s Bluetooth. ( There. We g ot that out of th e way.)
2. Turn on the headp hones and l ook for the l ittle bli nking li ght.
3. Do whatever yo ur device needs you to do o n its end. ( We don’t know wh at you’re using. We’re not spi es.)
4. Look for Jam Trans it Headph ones in you r device’s Blue tooth list or cli ck YES—whatever po ps up on your d evice—and BAM! you’re conn ected.
5. Now hit PL AY on your headpho nes and cr ank it up—or dow n if you’re lame.
You’re probably only going to have to do th is once, unl ess your device goes through a major I-just-dropped-it-in-the-pool kind of reboot. Th e device a nd Bluetooth w ill find ea ch other ever y time just a s long as the h eadphon es are set to Bl uetooth and your devic e’s Bluetooth is, you k now—on.
If you’re connec ting to a comp uter, you may have some ex tra steps on that e nd. You’ll have to get that info rmation f rom the computer company.
Depend ing on your d evice you may be prompted to e nter a pairing c ode. If prom pted enter “0000” as th e code.
Press and h old the +/– but ton for 5 seco nds to activate p airing mode.
Note: If you turn o n your Transit Hea dphone s but haven’t sta rted the part y, they will auto maticall y power of f after 2 min utes of unpaired inactivity.
Wall adapter not included
Flashing Red
What It Looks Like
What It Means
Low Battery
RED (when plugged in) Charging
LED OFF (full charged) Ready to Party
Quick Flash BLUE/ RED Pairing Mode
Slow Flash BLUE Connected
When fri ends cal l to interru pt your par ty of one—and yo u know they will—answe r the phone w ithout di sconne cting fro m your JAM Transit. Yes, that’s right. Your he adphone s are a speaker phone too. How amazin g is that?
Here’s how it works:
1. Make sure you r phone an d headpho nes are co nnected through Bluetooth.
2. Answeri ng and endi ng a call wor ks the same way: simply c lick the PLAY/PAUSE button on you r Transit.
3. If youd rather not tal k, hold dow n the PLAY/PAUSE button on your Transit for th ree seco nds to ignore t he call.
THE COOLE ST PART: The Transit know s when a cal l is coming in and paus es the musi c before ri nging. Whe n you hang up, th e music sta rts whe re it left o ffand so does th e part y. If its you
When using an electrical product, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:
WARNING: Listen responsi bly. To avoid hearing d amage,
make sure the volume on you r device i s turned do wn before connecting headphones. After placing headphones on your
ears, gra dually tu rn up the volu me on Transit unt il you reach a comfortable listening volume.
• Use this produ ct only for i ts intende d use as des cribed in this manual. D o not use att achments n ot recomm ended by HM DX.
• HMDX is not liable fo r any damag e caused to S martph ones, iPod/MP 3 player or an y other devi ce.
• Do not place or store t his product where it c an fall or b e
dropped into a tub or sink.
• Do not place or dro p into water or any ot her liqui d.
• Not for use by child ren. THIS IS NOT A TOY.
• Never operate thi s product i f it has a dam aged cord, p lug, cable or housing.
• Keep away from heate d surfa ces.
• Only set on dr y surfac es. Do not pl ace on sur face wet fr om water or cle aning sol vents.
This product has an internal, non-replaceable lithium battery. Please di spose in ac cordan ce with your l ocal state, p rovince and country guidelines.
This prod uct conta ins small parts that may prese nt a chokin g hazard f or young children.
CAUTION: All servic ing of this pr oduct mus t be per formed by authorized HMDX Service Personnel only
Note: The most u p-to-date ver sion of the J am Transit User G uide can always b e found at w ww.jamaud io.com
Por manua l de instr uccio nes e Infor mación d e garan tía en español visítenos en www.jamaudio.com
© 2014 HMDX. All Rights R eserv ed.
IB- HX HP42 0
2. Answeri ng and endi ng a call wor ks the same way: simply c lick the PLAY/PAUSE button on you r Transit.
3. If you’d rather not tal k, hold dow n the PLAY/PAUSE button on your Transit for th ree seco nds to ignore t he call.
THE COOLE ST PART: The Transit know s when a cal l is coming in and paus es the musi c before ri nging. Whe n you hang up, th e music sta rts whe re it left o ff—and so does th e part y. If it’s you
making th e call, jus t start dialing fro m your phon e, and the Transit automat ically d oes its han ds-free thi ng. Isn’t it refr eshing to know your he adphones totally ge t you?
A soft, dr y towel is all you need to clean off your h eadpho nes. Using water, hars h cleane rs or any thing els e only star ts mess ing with the me chanic s inside. So, ye ah, don’t do it.
Note: This dev ice comp lies with p art 15 of the FCC Ru les.
Operati on is subje ct to the following two co ndition s: (1) This device ma y not cause ha rmful in terfere nce, and (2) this device must acce pt any inter ferenc e receive d, including inter ference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This e quipme nt has bee n tested and fo und to compl y with the lim its for a Cla ss B digita l device, pu rsuant to pa rt 15 of the FCC Rule s. These l imits are de signed to p rovide rea sonabl e protectio n against h armful interfer ence in a res identia l install ation.
This equ ipment ge nerates, u ses and ca n radiate rad io freque ncy energ y and, if not in stalled a nd used in a ccordan ce with the ins tructio ns, may caus e harmfu l interfe rence to radio communi cations. H owever, there is no gu arantee th at
interfe rence wi ll not occur i n a parti cular ins tallatio n.
If this equ ipment do es cause h armful i nterfer ence to radi o or televisi on reception, which c an be deter mined by tu rning the equipment off an d on, the user i s encour aged to try to c orrect the inter ference by o ne or more of th e followin g measur es:
• Reorient or re locate the re ceivi ng antenna .
• Increase the se paratio n between the equip ment and re ceiver.
• Connect the eq uipment i nto an outlet on a circuit d ifferent from that to wh ich the rec eiver is co nnected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Note: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by HMDX could vo id the user ’s authorit y to operate thi s equipme nt.
For detailed Warranty Instructions and Information visit:
To obtain warran ty ser vice on you r Jam produ ct, contact a Consumer Relations Representative at 1-888-802-0040 or email cs ervic e@jamau dio.com for as sistan ce. Please h ave the model number of the product available. Representatives are availabl e 8:30am - 7:00pm EST Mon day-Friday.
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