IS42S16100 ISSI
Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774
Rev. A
Pin No. Symbol Type Function (In Detail)
20 to 24 A0-A10 Input Pin A0 to A10 are address inputs. A0-A10 are used as row address inputs during active
27 to 32 command input and A0-A7 as column address inputs during read or write command
input. A10 is also used to determine the precharge mode during other commands. If
A10 is LOW during precharge command, the bank selected by A11 is precharged,
but if A10 is HIGH, both banks will be precharged.
When A10 is HIGH in read or write command cycle, the precharge starts automatically after the burst access.
These signals become part of the OP CODE during mode register set command
19 A11 Input Pin A11 is the bank selection signal. When A11 is LOW, bank 0 is selected and when
high, bank 1 is selected. This signal becomes part of the OP CODE during mode
register set command input.
16 CAS Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the
"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.
34 CKE Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled within the device.
When is CKE HIGH, the next rising edge of the CLK signal will be valid, and when
LOW, invalid. When CKE is LOW, the device will be in either the power-down mode,
the clock suspend mode, or the self refresh mode.
The CKE is an asynchronous i
35 CLK Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this device
are acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin.
18 CS Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device.
Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. The
device remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH.
2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 I/O0 to I/O Pin I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units
12, 39, 40, 42, 43, I/O15 using the LDQM and UDQM pins.
45, 46, 48, 49
14, 36 LDQM, Input Pin LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read
UDQM mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW,
the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. The outputs go
to the HIGH impedance state when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. This function corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM and UDQM control the
input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the corresponding buffer byte is
enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM or UDQM is HIGH,
input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.
17 RAS Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the
"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.
15 WE Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the
"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.
7, 13, 38, 44 VCCQ Power Supply Pin VCCQ is the output buffer power supply.
1, 25 VCC Power Supply Pin VCC is the device internal power supply.
4, 10, 41, 47 GNDQ Power Supply Pin GNDQ is the output buffer ground.
26, 50 GND Power Supply Pin GND is the device internal ground.