THE ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Adding a network license ........................................................................................................................... 19
Modifying a license.................................................................................................................................... 19
Connecting to client stations...................................................................................................................... 19
THE PROJECT .................................................................................................................................................. 20
User interface ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Model ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Automatic GO ............................................................................................................................................ 21
THE BROWSER................................................................................................................................................. 23
Adding a new sheet .................................................................................................................................... 24
Importing old AUTOMGEN version sheets, importing CADEPA sheets................................................... 25
Modifying the sheet compilation order ...................................................................................................... 25
Deleting a sheet from the list ..................................................................................................................... 26
Exporting a sheet to a « .GR7 » file........................................................................................................... 26
Copying, Cutting, Pasting a sheet.............................................................................................................. 26
Renaming a sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Creating a symbol table............................................................................................................................. 27
Importing a symbol table ........................................................................................................................... 27
Link blocks ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Test blocks.................................................................................................................................................. 41
Function block blocks ................................................................................................................................ 42
RUNNING AN APPLICATION........................................................................................................................ 45
To run an application easily ...................................................................................................................... 45
To end the run............................................................................................................................................ 45
To compile only.......................................................................................................................................... 45
To stop the compilation.............................................................................................................................. 45
To connect to a processor or install a PC.................................................................................................. 45
To disconnect a processor or uninstall a PC ............................................................................................. 45
To put the target in RUN mode .................................................................................................................. 45
To put the target in STOP mode................................................................................................................. 45
To initialize the target................................................................................................................................ 45
To run a program cycle on the target (generally not supported on processors)........................................ 46
To activate the dynamic display................................................................................................................. 46
THE COMPILER ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Removing an object.................................................................................................................................... 54
Dimensioning an object ............................................................................................................................. 54
Moving an object........................................................................................................................................ 54
Putting an object in « User » mode.......................................................................................................... 54
Putting an object in « Configuration » mode........................................................................................... 54
Modifying the characteristics of an object................................................................................................. 54
The « Digital value » object....................................................................................................................... 55
The « Screen, keyboard, message list » object........................................................................................... 55
The « Sound » object.................................................................................................................................. 56
The « Data archive » object....................................................................................................................... 56
The « Program » object ............................................................................................................................. 56
The « Dialogue box » object ...................................................................................................................... 56
The « Analog value » object....................................................................................................................... 56
Numeric state ............................................................................................................................................. 61
Modifying the state..................................................................................................................................... 61
Special orders ............................................................................................................................................ 61
Links with the application.......................................................................................................................... 72
Run time distribution.................................................................................................................................. 91
Writing a program ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Variable or variable table address ............................................................................................................ 95
List of functions.......................................................................................................................................... 95
« Program » tab....................................................................................................................................... 103
IRIS 3D REFERENCES................................................................................................................................... 118
Name of AUTOMGEN variables.............................................................................................................. 123
Adding a translation ................................................................................................................................ 124
Adding a rotation ..................................................................................................................................... 126
Adding a color change............................................................................................................................. 126
Adding a link............................................................................................................................................ 127
Adding another behavior ......................................................................................................................... 128
If you are installing from the AUTOMGEN CD-ROM, put the CD in your
CD-ROM drive.
Installation is automatically launched.
If this does not occur, launch the « Setup.exe » executable located in
the CD-ROM root directory.
The CD-ROM contains AUTOMGEN7, ACROBAT READER (for access
to on-line documentation) CROSSROADS (a 3D conversion utility
program) and DIRECTX 8 (for managing 3D display).
If you are installing it from files downloaded from Internet, launch the
execution from the downloaded executables. The Internet site can also
be used for downloading ACROBAT READER, CROSSROADS and
DIRECTX8 modules.
Network installation
AUTOMGEN can be installed in a network without any problems.
Execute the installation process on the «server« PC (make sure you
have all the access rights at the time of installation).
To launch AUTOMGEN on client PC's, create a shortcut to the
« autom7.exe » executable in the AUTOMGEN installation directory on
the server PC.
To make post-processors appear in the target tab on Client PC's, install
the post-processors on client PC's then uninstall AUTOMGEN on client
PC's (this is to create only lines in the « Target » windows).
AUTOMGEN7 9 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
The environment
General overview
Main AUTOMGEN window
Parameters can be set for the entire environment. The toolbars can be
moved (using
environment » menu).
The environment state is saved when you close the program. This state
can also be saved in a project file (see project options).
AUTOMGEN7 10 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
) and parameters set for them (« Tools/Customize
Environment reference manual
Selecting targets
The « Targets » tab is located at the bottom of the browser window, it
can be used to access the list of installed post-processors.
The active target is indicated by a green check
mark. Gray targets cannot be accessed due to the
installed license (see the « Licenses » chapter for
additional information). To modify the current target,
double click on the corresponding line.
The « Palette » is located at the bottom part of the browser window, it
can be used to access the program graphics elements.
The palette provides a group of elements which
can be selected and placed on sheets. To select
an element, click on the palette with the left side
of the mouse, drag the selection, release the
mouse, click in the selected area and move the
area to the sheet.
The palette also contains a list of project
symbols. You can drag and drop them on a text
or action on a sheet.
AUTOMGEN7 11 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Displaying or hiding the project window or message window
Select the « Project » or « Messages » option from the « Window »
Displaying the work space in full screen mode
Select the « Full screen » option from the « Display » menu. Click on
to exit full screen mode.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are written in the menus. « Masked » shortcuts can
also be used:
CTRL + ALT + F8 Save the project in executable
CTRL + ALT + F9 Save the project
CTRL + ALT + F10 Access project properties
CTRL + ALT + F11 Display or hide AUTOMGEN
Parameters can be set for the entire
environment, its state is saved when you
close AUTOMGEN. Environment windows
can be hidden. The « Windows » menu is
used to display them again. The work space
can be displayed in full screen mode. The
tabs at the bottom of the browser window are
used to access selection for the current postprocessor and the graphics palette.
AUTOMGEN7 12 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
A license establishes AUTOMGEN user rights. The following elements
are established by license:
- the number of all or none inputs/outputs that can be used,
- post-processors that can be used,
- the number of users (only for network licenses).
Registering a license
When you install AUTOMGEN, you can use it for free for a period of 40
You must register your license within 40 days.
To register your license, send IRAI:
- the serial number printed on the label glued to the software box, or
the reference of your delivery note or order form,
- the user code provided with the software indicating the PC where
you have installed the product.
You will then receive an enable code (also called validation code).
The « License » option in the AUTOMGEN « File » menu can be used to
display the status of your license and obtain a user code (click on
« Registering the license »).
AUTOMGEN7 13 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
License status.
A user code is valid for a period of 10 days.
So a maximum period of 10 days can pass from when you send a user
code to IRAI and when you receive an enable code provided by IRAI.
Sending a user code to IRAI
There are various methods you can use. Exchanging codes by e-mail is
highly recommended as it limits the risk of error.
A single error in the code will prevent the license from
being registered.
AUTOMGEN7 14 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Sending a file by e-mail (the best solution)
License registration dialogue box
To generate a file containing your user code, click on « Save user code
in a file ». You can then transmit the file with « .a7u » extension as an
attachment and send it to the address
Copying the user code in an e-mail message
By clicking on « Copy user code to clipboard », you can then paste the
code in the body of the message and transmit it to the e-mail address
By fax (not recommended)
By clicking on « Copy user code to clipboard », you can then paste the
code in a document and send it by fax to 33 4 66 54 91 33. If possible
avoid writing the code by hand and print it using a font which
differentiates between the letter « O » and the number zero.
AUTOMGEN7 15 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
By telephone (highly unadvisable)
By telephoning 33 4 66 54 91 30. Be sure to differentiate between the
letter « O » and number zero. Be careful of consonants which are difficult
to tell apart on the telephone (for example « S » and « F »).
Entering the validation/enable code
Validating by a e-mail received file
If you have received an « .a7v » file by e-mail, save the file on your hard
disk, click on « Read a validation code from a file » and select the file.
Validating for a code received in the text of an e-mail
Select the code in the message text (make sure you only select the code
and do not add any spaces to the end). Click on « Paste a validation
code from the clipboard ».
Validating for a code received by fax or telephone
Enter the code in the spaces under the title « Validation code ».
Modifying a license
Modification of a license Involves changing the elements authorized by
the license (for example adding a post-processor).
The license modification procedure is identical to registration.
Moving a license from one computer to another
This procedure is more complex. The instructions below must be
scrupulously followed to obtain good results. In the instructions below,
« source » PC indicates the computer with the license and the « target »
PC is the PC where the license needs to be moved.
1- if it has not already been done, install AUTOMGEN on the target
2- generate an « .a7u » user code file on the target PC and move this
file to the source PC (for example on a floppy disk),
3- on the source PC, select the « Move the license to another place »
AUTOMGEN7 16 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Dialogue box for moving a license
4- on the source PC, click on « Read a user code from a file » and
select the « .a7u » file that came from the target PC,
5- on the source PC, click on « Move the license »,
6- on the source PC, click on « Save the validation code in a file »,
recopy the generated « .a7v » file to the target PC,
7- on the target PC, click on « Read a user code from a file » and
select the « .a7v » file that came from the source PC.
Network licenses
The « akey7.exe » executable manages the network license. This
executable must be launched from one of the network computers. The
network must be able to be used with TCP IP protocol. When launched,
the network license manager is hidden and only a
WINDOWS keybar. To display the network license manager window,
double click on the
icon in the keybar.
icon appears in the
AUTOMGEN7 17 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
The network license manager
Up to 16 different licenses can be managed by the network license
manager. A network license is characterized by a number of users and a
type of copyright (number of all or none inputs/outputs and useable postprocessors). For each license the number of possible user/s, number of
connected user/s and list of connected users (using AUTOMGEN) is
displayed in a tree format attached to each license. Each license is
associated to a port number (a numeric value starting from 5000 by
default). The first port number used can be configured by clicking on
« Parameters ».
AUTOMGEN7 18 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Adding a network license
You can add a license by clicking on « Add a license ». The license
registration principle is the same as for single license versions.
Modifying a license
Double click on the licenses to modify them. The license modification
procedure is the identical to that used for single license versions.
Connecting to client stations
Click on « Connect to a network license » to connect a client station to a
network license.
Connecting to a network license
The PC name (the one from the network) where the « akey7.exe » was
launched must be provided as well as the port number corresponding to
the desired license.
You must register your license with IRAI
) by sending your user
code by e-mail (« File/License » menu. The
network license manager is used to manage
multiple licenses on TCP IP network PC's.
AUTOMGEN7 19 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
The project
is strongly based on the idea of a project. A project groups
together the elements that compose an application. The browser (see
page 23) displays all the project elements (sheets, symbols,
configuration, IRIS objects etc.) in a tree format.
The new file format of AUTOMGEN
(files with « .AGN » extension)
includes all project elements.
When you save an « .AGN » file you are assured of saving all the
elements of an application. You can easily and effectively interchange
applications created with AUTOMGEN.
« .AGN » files are compacted with « ZIP » technology, they do not need
to be compressed to be interchanged, their size is already optimized.
Importing an application from an older version of AUTOMGEN
You need to import all the sheets (« .GR7 » files) and symbol file
(« .SYM » file) if there is one. To do this use the importation procedures
described in the following chapters.
Importing a project created with another software workgroup
(available during the first six months of 2002)
The « Import » command from the « File » file menu is used to import
« .FEF » files from SCHNEIDER software workgroups.
Generating a free distribution executable file
The « Generate an executable » command from the « File » menu
is used to generate an executable starting from a project in
progress (an « .EXE » file executable on a PC with WINDOWS).
The AUTOMGEN « viewer » is automatically integrated with the
generated executable (the executable user does not need
AUTOMGEN). This viewer makes it possible to use the
application without modifying it. You can easily distribute your
applications. The generated executable is not covered by
copyright. This technique is normally used for producing a
supervising application.
AUTOMGEN7 20 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Modifying project properties
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Project» element on the
browser and select « Properties » from the menu.
Modifying security options
You can restrict reading or modification access to a project by
Advanced options
« Save the environment aspect with the project » : if checked, the
position of the windows and the aspect of the toolbars are saved in the
« .AGN » file. When the project is opened, these elements are
« Hide the main window upon launching … » : if checked, the
AUTOMGEN window is hidden when the project is opened. Only IRIS
objects incorporated in the project will be displayed. This option is
normally used to create « package » applications which only leave IRIS
objects displayed. Use the [CTRL] + [F11] keys to redisplay the
AUTOMGEN window.
The other options are used to change the display of the AUTOMGEN
window when a project is opened.
User interface
« Block IRIS object configuration » : if checked, a user cannot modify
IRIS object configuration.
The other options are used to modify the behavior of the user interface.
« This project is a document model » : if checked, when opened all the
options and the documents it contains act as a model for the creation of
a new project. This functionality is used to create standard configuration
which can be uploaded when AUTOMGEN is launched (for example a
default symbol file or a default processor configuration).
Automatic GO
«Automatic go at project launch » : if checked, the application is
automatically run when a project is opened.
AUTOMGEN7 21 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
The project is used to group together the
elements of an AUTOMGEN application.
Once regrouped, the elements form a
compact file with « .AGN » extension. The
project models are used to be able to easily
manage different software configurations.
Generation of executables makes it easy to
distribute applications.
AUTOMGEN7 22 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
The Browser
A central element for application
management, the browser is used for
fast access to different application
elements : sheets, symbols,
configuration, printing, IRIS objects etc.
The « + » and « - » icons are used to
develop or retract project elements.
Actions on the browser are effected by
double clicking on the elements (opens
the element) or by clicking with the right
side of the mouse (adds a new element
to a project, special action on an
element etc.).
Certain operations are effected by
dragging and dropping the elements and
moving them on the browser.
The colors (generally called up at the
bottom of documents in the work space)
are used to identify families of elements.
Browser tree
AUTOMGEN7 23 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
A sheet is a page where a program or part of a program is designed.
Using sheets is extremely simplified in AUTOMGEN
chaining orders needed in the previous versions are no longer used. For
multiple sheets to be compiled together, they only need to be in the
The icons associated to the sheets are shown below:
normal sheet,
normal sheet (excluding compilation),
sheet containing a macro-step expansion,
sheet containing a function block program,
sheet containing a key,
sheet containing a key (excluding compilation).
Icons are marked with a cross indicating a closed sheet (not displayed in
the work space). Double clicking on this type of icon opens (displays) the
associated sheet.
. The sheet
Adding a new sheet
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Sheets » element on the
browser then select « Add a new sheet ».
Select the sheet size (XXL is the
recommended format, the other
formats are for older versions of
used for creating GEMMA
The sheet can be given any
name, but each project sheet
must have its own name.
The comment area is up to your
discretion for modifications or
other information relative to each
AUTOMGEN7 24 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Importing old AUTOMGEN version sheets, importing CADEPA sheets
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Sheets » element on the
browser then select « Add one or more existing sheets ».
Selecting one or more sheets to import.
From the « Type » list select « AUTOMGEN » or « CADEPA » for the
sheet type to import then click on OK.
There are some restrictions for importing
CADEPA sheets:
- the step numbers must be individual (the
same step number cannot be used on
multiple sheets),
- references must be converted with links to
CADEPA before being able to import
By keeping the [CTRL] key pressed down, you can select multiple
Modifying the sheet compilation order
The sheets are compiled in the order they are listed in for the project. To
modify this order, click on the sheet with the left side of the mouse on the
browser and move it in the list.
AUTOMGEN7 25 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Deleting a sheet from the list
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet to be deleted on the
browser and select « Delete » from the menu.
Exporting a sheet to a « .GR7 » file
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet to be deleted on the
browser and select « Export » from the menu.
Copying, Cutting, Pasting a sheet
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet on the browser and
select « Copy/cut » from the menu. To paste, with the right side of the
mouse click on the « Sheet » element on the browser and select
« Paste ».
This option makes it possible to copy or transfer sheets from one project
to another.
Renaming a sheet
See « Modifying properties » below.
Modifying sheet properties.
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet on the browser and
select « Properties » from the menu.
AUTOMGEN7 26 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
You can modify the
sheet name, the syntax
used for literal
language and variable
names. The « Do not
compile this sheet »
option is used to
exclude the sheet from
the compilation. The
« Display in GEMMA
format» option is only
available if the sheet
format is GEMMA and
is used to display and
modify a sheet in
GEMMA format. The
« Block the of use
inputs/outputs other
than set symbols »
option blocks the use of
i, %i, o %q variables
not attributed to
symbols. The
« comments » area is
left to your discretion.
The list of symbols provides the correspondence between « symbol »
names and variable names. A project may only have one symbol table.
Creating a symbol table
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Symbols» element on the
browser and select « Create a symbol table » from the menu.
Importing a symbol table
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Symbols» element on the
browser and select « Import a symbol table » from the menu.
AUTOMGEN7 27 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
This section contains all the post-processor configuration elements (see
the post-processor manual for more information).
Compiler options
Double click on this element to modify the settings of compiler options.
This is used to access the file printing function (double click on the
« Print » element. You can print a complete file composed of an end
paper, cross reference table, symbol list and sheets. The print setup
function is used to display all these elements.
AUTOMGEN7 28 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Generated files
Generating the instruction list in pivot code
By double clicking on « Pivot code » you generate a list in low level literal
language (AUTOMGEN pivot code). Viewing of the generated code is
normally reserved for specialists involved in understanding the
translation methods used by the compiler.
Generating the cross reference list
Double clicking on the « Cross reference » element generates and
displays the list of variables used in an application with any associated
processor variables and the name of or sheet(s) where they are used.
The other elements concern the files generated by the post-processors:
instruction lists are in processor language.
Contains the tools to display and modify the state of the variables.
Viewing and modifying a variable or variable table
With the right side of the mouse click on « Settings » and select
« Monitoring » to open an element where you can see the state of a
variable or variable table.
A monitoring window.
Next variable
Select a
Modify the state
of another
Open the
AUTOMGEN7 29 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
Environment reference manual
Modify the
variable state by
clicking in this
The monitoring window in « Variable table » mode.
IRIS objects
IRIS 2D objects are used to create consoles, supervision applications
and simulation applications of 2D operating parts. IRIS 3D is used to
create simulation applications of 3D operating parts. Each IRIS 2D object
appears in the project tree (see the chapters IRIS 2D references and
IRIS 3D references for additional information).
Adding an IRIS 2D object
Click with the right side of the mouse on « Add an IRIS 2D object ». The
object selection assistant is used to select it and set its parameters.
AUTOMGEN7 30 (C)opyright 2002 IRAI
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