Ip.Access nanoLTE AP series, nanoLTE E40 AP Hardware Installation

nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation
NANO_INST_43311 101_0.2
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Revision History
Version Change Summary Date Author
101_0.1 Updated for N4G_1.1, add regulatory information for E40 248M 16 Mar 2016 AM4
101_0.2 Add hardware capability equivalence statement for 248 and 278 19 Jul 2016 AM4
nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation NANO_INST_43311 v101_0.2 for N4G_1.1 © ip.access Limited 2016 Page i
Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Warnings and Regulatory Information ............................................................... 1
1.3 Related Information............................................................................................ 1
1.4 Licenses and Copyright Notices ........................................................................ 1
1.5 Terminology ....................................................................................................... 1
2 Installation Overview and Requirements ............................................ 2
2.1 Installation Tasks ............................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Pre-Provisioning ................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 On Site Installation ............................................................................................... 2
2.2 Requirements for All nanoLTE APs ................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Site Installation Requirements.............................................................................. 3
2.2.2 nanoLTE AP Cooling............................................................................................ 3
2.2.3 Port Usage ........................................................................................................... 4
2.3 nanoLTE E40 AP Site Requirements................................................................. 5
2.3.1 nanoLTE E40 AP Power Requirements ............................................................... 5
2.3.2 E40 AP Physical Requirements ........................................................................... 6
2.3.3 Thermal Protection ............................................................................................... 6
2.3.4 E40 AP Backhaul (IP) Bandwidth Requirements ................................................. 6
2.3.5 E40 AP Installation Tool Requirements................................................................ 6
3 nanoLTE E40 AP Hardware Installation............................................... 7
3.1 Unpack the E40 AP............................................................................................ 7
3.2 Removable Connector and Antenna Cover ....................................................... 8
3.3 Cable Connections........................................................................................... 10
3.4 Mount the E40 AP on a Wall............................................................................ 11
4 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................13
4.1 nanoLTE E40 AP Does Not Power Up ............................................................ 13
4.2 nanoLTE E40 AP LEDs ................................................................................... 14
4.3 Factory Reset................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 E40 Factory Reset.............................................................................................. 17
5 nanoLTE AP and PSU Regulatory Information .................................18
5.1 Warnings and Cautions.................................................................................... 18
5.2 Hardware Equivalence for 248 and 278 Product Variants............................... 20
5.3 Regulatory Statements for nanoLTE E40 AP .................................................. 20
5.3.1 EU Regulatory Compliance ................................................................................ 20
5.3.2 US FCC Compliance .......................................................................................... 21
5.3.3 Safety Standards................................................................................................ 21
5.3.4 Environmental Standards ................................................................................... 21
nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation NANO_INST_43311 v101_0.2 for N4G_1.1 © ip.access Limited 2016 Page ii
5.4 Regulatory Statements for PSU....................................................................... 22
5.4.1 Output Specification ........................................................................................... 23
nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation Introduction NANO_INST_43311 v101_0.2 for N4G_1.1 © ip.access Limited 2016 Page 1
1 Introduction
The ip.access nanoLTE AP is an indoor Access Point for enterprise small cell applications.
This manual provides all the necessary information required for hardware installation of a nanoLTE AP.
1.1 Overview
This manual is organised as follows:
This introduction
An overview of AP installation, including site requirements for all AP variants and specific requirements for each AP model
AP hardware installation by AP type:
nanoLTE E40 AP
Regulatory warnings and safety information
1.2 Warnings and Regulatory Information
For all warnings and regulatory information, see section 5.
1.3 Related Information
1.4 Licenses and Copyright Notices
Portions of the AP are constructed from third-party software and open source code and ip.access Ltd gratefully acknowledges the contributions that these libraries, technologies and components have made to the product. Each of these is supplied under the terms of a license agreement and these are either reproduced or referenced in [REF_43005], in line with the stipulations of their authors.
1.5 Terminology
Common System terminology is defined in [REF_11105].
For additional terminology, see [21.905].
[GST_41050] nanoLTE System Planning (NANO_GST_41050)
[INST_43370] nanoLTE AP Pre-Provisioning and Configuration (NANO_INST_43370)
[OPM_43005] nanoLTE AP Operations (NANO_OPM_43005)
[REF_11105] System Glossary (NANO_REF_11105)
[REF_43005] nanoLTE AP Open Source Software (NANO_REF_43005)
[TRB_43005] nanoLTE AP Troubleshooting (NANO_TRB_43005)
[21.905] Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications (3GPP TR 21.905)
nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements NANO_INST_43311 v101_0.2 for N4G_1.1 © ip.access Limited 2016 Page 2
2 Installation Overview and Requirements
2.1 Installation Tasks
The tasks that must be completed to install a nanoLTE AP and make it ready to provide service are:
Site installation
These tasks can be completed in any order. In most cases, however, the most practical approach is to pre-provision an AP before site installation. The procedures for these activities are provided in the AP Configuration Manual [INST_43370].
2.1.1 Pre-Provisioning
For information about AP pre-provisioning, see the AP Configuration Manual [INST_43370].
This manual has no further information on AP configuration.
2.1.2 On Site Installation
Physical installation of a nanoLTE AP at its operating site, including providing the AP with power and a suitable network connection that provides a backhaul path to the NOS Server and EPC.
If a nanoLTE AP has been enabled for service prior to the site visit, the installation engineer can make test calls immediately.
Note: Due to the physical installation requirements of a nanoLTE AP, which must be securely wall
mounted in a location with adequate ventilation, it is recommended that an E40 AP is installed by a suitably qualified site installation engineer.
nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements NANO_INST_43311 v101_0.2 for N4G_1.1 © ip.access Limited 2016 Page 3
2.2 Requirements for All nanoLTE APs
This applies to all nanoLTE APs.
2.2.1 Site Installation Requirements
All nanoLTE AP models have the following general requirements for installation:
A permanent means to provide power to the AP once it is connected to the backhaul
An Ethernet connection to the backhaul via CAT5 Ethernet cabling
Access to a DNS service on the backhaul to resolve symbolic addresses
Access to NTP services on the backhaul to set the correct time and date each time the AP starts up
Access to a DHCP service on the backhaul to allow dynamic IP address configuration
If IPsec will be used to secure the interface across the backhaul, access to the relevant Security Gateway that terminates the IPsec tunnel
If a firewall is in place on the network an AP will use for backhaul, this must be configured to allow traffic to and from the AP - see the port usage section below
Note: If possible, the engineer should stay on site until the AP is brought into service, ready to
make test calls to verify the AP has been configured correctly from the NOS.
2.2.2 nanoLTE AP Cooling
Special attention must be given to ensure a nanoLTE AP will meet its air cooling requirements in its installed location.
Take the following points into consideration for the physical location of an AP:
All AP models must be installed so that they are upright, to ensure proper air will flow through the body of the AP to provide cooling.
All AP models must not be installed in enclosed spaces where air flow is restricted. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
Roof or ceiling spaces
Small cabinets
Tightly enclosed shelf spaces
nanoLTE AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements NANO_INST_43311 v101_0.2 for N4G_1.1 © ip.access Limited 2016 Page 4
2.2.3 Port Usage
This information is provided in case it is needed for configuring local on-premises equipment, especially any hardware firewalls between the AP and the rest of the backhaul network.
All connections are outgoing. That is, they are initiated from the AP. Port usage has some dependency on whether or not the AP is using IPsec.
With IPSec, the standard two ports are used:
Without IPSec, the following ports are used:
These ports are used and allowed through the firewall where IPsec is used:
The following ports are allowed through the firewall independently of IPsec configuration. For example:
AP > Firewall > DHCP Server
Protocol Destination Port Use
udp 500 IPSec initial connection
udp 4500 IPSec operations
Protocol Destination Port Use
sctp 36412 SCTP connection
udp 2152 PS GTP to EPC
Protocol Destination Port Use
tcp 80 PM upload, software download, CRL
udp 53 DNS
udp 123 NTP
Protocol Destination Port Use
udp 67 DHCP - not needed for static IP configuration
udp 68 DHCP - not needed for static IP configuration
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