Ip.Access nano3G 237BA, nano3G 237B, nano3G 237CA, nano3G 219C, nano3G 217A Installation Manual

nano3G AP Installation Manual
N3G_INST_300 8.1
ip.access Ltd Building 2020 Cambourne Business Park Cambourne Cambridgeshire CB23 6DW United Kingdom www.ipaccess.com
Revision History
Version Change Summary Date Author
1.0 Released for N3G_1.1 29 Jul 2009 ZN1
2.0 Released for N3G_1.1_UPGRADE 28 Aug 2009 ZN1
3.0 Released for N3G_1.1_UPGRADE MR1 11 Sep 2009 ZN1
4.0 Released for N3G_1.1_UPGRADE MR10 05 Mar 2010 AM4
5.0 Released for N3G_1.1_UPGRADE MR10.1, with approval comments 01 Apr 2010 AM4
6.0 Re-released for N3G_1.1_UPGRADE MR10.1 with minor correction 12 Apr 2010 AM4
6.1 Updated for N3G_2.0, added nano3G E8 information 13 Apr 2010 ZN1
6.2 Editorial changes 15 Apr 2010 AM4
6.3 Updated from review comments, reorganised so config file creation is all in one section
14 Jun 2010 AM4
7.0 Released, incorporating minor comments from approval 24 Jun 2010 AM4
7.1 Updated regulatory information for Band 1 E8 AP 10 Jan 2011 AM4
8.0 Re-released for N3G_2.0, with minor changes from approval comments 10 Jan 2011 AM4
8.1 Update for N3G_2.0.5, add S8 AP 08 Mar 2011 AM4
The information contained in this document is commercially confidential and must not be
disclosed to third parties without prior consent.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Contents N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page i
Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 User Requirements ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 Related Information............................................................................................ 2
1.4 Licenses and Copyright Notices ........................................................................ 2
1.5 Terminology ....................................................................................................... 2
2 Installation Overview and Requirements ............................................3
2.1 Installation Tasks ............................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Pre-Provisioning ................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Commissioning..................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 On Site Installation ............................................................................................... 4
2.2 Requirements for All nano3G APs ..................................................................... 5
2.2.1 General Requirements ......................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Information Required for Pre-Provisioning ........................................................... 6
2.2.3 Configuration Files - Optional............................................................................... 7
2.2.4 Optional Items for Commissioning ....................................................................... 7
2.2.5 Information Required for Commissioning ............................................................. 7
2.3 nano3G S4 AP Site Requirements .................................................................... 9
2.3.1 nano3G S4 AP Power Requirements................................................................... 9
2.3.2 nano3G S4 AP Physical Requirements.............................................................. 11
2.3.3 nano3G S4 AP IP Bandwidth Requirements...................................................... 11
2.3.4 nano3G S4 AP Sundry Installation Equipment................................................... 11
2.4 nano3G S8 AP Site Requirements .................................................................. 12
2.4.1 nano3G S8 AP Power Requirements................................................................. 12
2.4.2 nano3G S8 AP Physical Requirements.............................................................. 14
2.4.3 nano3G S8 AP IP Bandwidth Requirements...................................................... 14
2.4.4 nano3G S8 AP Sundry Installation Equipment................................................... 14
2.5 nano3G E8 AP Site Requirements .................................................................. 15
2.5.1 nano3G E8 AP Power Requirements................................................................. 15
2.5.2 nano3G E8 AP Physical Requirements.............................................................. 16
2.5.3 nano3G E8 AP IP Bandwidth Requirements...................................................... 17
2.5.4 nano3G E8 AP Installation Tool Requirements.................................................. 17
3 Pre-Provisioning a nano3G AP...........................................................18
3.1 Create a Site for a New AP.............................................................................. 18
3.1.1 Start the Create Site Wizard............................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Optional - Use an Existing AP Configuration...................................................... 19
3.1.3 Optional - Load an AP Configuration File........................................................... 20
3.1.4 Enter AP Identification Details............................................................................ 22
3.1.5 Select NTP Servers............................................................................................ 23
3.1.6 Modify NAS and Network Listen Settings........................................................... 23
3.2 Apply an Attribute Configuration to the AP ...................................................... 25
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4 Configuration File Preparation ...........................................................26
4.1 Overview of Attribute Configuration Files......................................................... 26
4.1.1 Attribute Types and Values ................................................................................ 27
4.2 Create a nano3G AP Attribute Configuration File............................................ 28
4.3 Example AP Configuration Files ...................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Example Generic Template File for nano3G S4 AP........................................... 29
4.3.2 Example AP-Specific Configuration File............................................................. 30
4.3.3 Other Attributes .................................................................................................. 31
5 Commission a nano3G AP..................................................................33
5.1 Configure a Commissioning Terminal to Connect to the AP............................ 33
5.2 Start Up the AP ................................................................................................ 34
5.2.1 Start up a nano3G S4 or S8 AP ......................................................................... 34
5.2.2 Start up a nano3G E8 AP................................................................................... 34
5.3 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the AP........................................... 35
5.4 Optional Download Activities ........................................................................... 36
5.4.1 Optional - Software Download............................................................................ 36
5.4.2 Optional - ATAS Download ................................................................................ 37
5.5 Configure the Connection to the AP Management System ............................. 38
5.5.1 Static IP Configuration........................................................................................ 38
5.5.2 Configure the AP Management System Connection.......................................... 39
5.5.3 Complete the AP Commissioning....................................................................... 39
5.6 Commissioning Finished.................................................................................. 40
5.6.1 Finished On Site Commissioning ....................................................................... 40
5.6.2 Finished Advance Commissioning ..................................................................... 40
6 nano3G AP Hardware Installation ......................................................41
6.1 Warnings and Regulatory Information ............................................................. 41
6.2 nano3G S4 AP Hardware Installation .............................................................. 42
6.2.1 Unpack the nano3G S4 AP ................................................................................ 42
6.2.2 Commission the nano3G S4 AP......................................................................... 43
6.2.3 Cable Connections ............................................................................................. 43
6.2.4 Mount the nano3G S4 AP .................................................................................. 44
6.3 nano3G S8 AP Hardware Installation .............................................................. 48
6.3.1 Unpack the nano3G S8 AP ................................................................................ 48
6.3.2 Commission the nano3G S8 AP......................................................................... 49
6.3.3 Cable Connections ............................................................................................. 49
6.3.4 Mount the nano3G S8 AP .................................................................................. 50
6.4 nano3G E8 AP Hardware Installation .............................................................. 54
6.4.1 Unpack the nano3G E8 AP ................................................................................ 54
6.4.2 Removable Cable and Antenna Covers ............................................................. 54
6.4.3 Antennas ............................................................................................................ 55
6.4.4 Commission the nano3G E8 AP......................................................................... 56
6.4.5 Cable Connections ............................................................................................. 56
6.4.6 Mount the nano3G E8 AP on a Wall .................................................................. 58
7 Finalize Installation..............................................................................62
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7.1 Check and Upgrade the nano3G AP Software Image ..................................... 62
7.1.1 Check the Current Software Image Version....................................................... 62
7.1.2 Download the Latest Software Image from the AP Management System to the AP 62
7.2 Finalize Configuration ...................................................................................... 64
7.2.1 Final Attribute Changes and Checks.................................................................. 64
7.2.2 Network Listen and Frequency Correction ......................................................... 64
7.2.3 Automatic Configuration Backup ........................................................................ 64
7.3 Bring the AP into Service ................................................................................. 65
8 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................66
8.1 LED Status Indicators ...................................................................................... 66
8.1.1 nano3G S4 AP and nano3G S8 AP LEDs.......................................................... 66
8.1.2 nano3G E8 AP LEDs.......................................................................................... 67
8.2 Backhaul Network Connection Problems......................................................... 68
8.3 nano3G E8 AP Does Not Start Up................................................................... 68
8.4 Factory Reset................................................................................................... 69
8.4.1 nano3G S4 AP and nano3G S8 AP Factory Reset ............................................ 69
8.4.2 nano3G E8 AP Factory Reset ............................................................................ 70
9 nano3G AP and PSU Regulatory Information ...................................71
9.1 Warnings and Cautions.................................................................................... 71
9.2 Regulatory Statements for nano3G S4 AP ...................................................... 73
9.2.1 US FCC Compliance .......................................................................................... 73
9.2.2 Safety Standards................................................................................................ 73
9.3 Regulatory Statements for nano3G S8 AP ...................................................... 74
9.3.1 US FCC Compliance .......................................................................................... 74
9.3.2 EU Regulatory Compliance ................................................................................ 74
9.3.3 Safety Standards................................................................................................ 75
9.4 Regulatory Statements for nano3G E8 AP ...................................................... 76
9.4.1 US FCC Compliance .......................................................................................... 76
9.4.2 EU Regulatory Compliance ................................................................................ 76
9.4.3 Safety Standards................................................................................................ 76
9.4.4 Environmental Standards ................................................................................... 77
nano3G AP Installation Manual Introduction N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 1
1 Introduction
The ip.access nano3G AP is an indoor Access Point for enterprise applications.
This manual provides all the necessary information required to install an ip.access nano3G AP. The manual provides step-by-step instructions for hardware installation and configuration steps required to bring a nano3G AP into service.
The AP can be configured with a static IP address or it can obtain an IP address dynamically via DHCP. The AP-AC connection can be configured to be secure (via IPSec and a security gateway) or unsecured.
1.1 Overview
This manual is organised as follows:
AP installation requirements
AP configuration preparation
AP hardware installation
Commissioning configuration, for initial connection to an AC
Configuration from the OMC-R
Installation troubleshooting
Regulatory warnings and safety information
Supplementary information on licensing
1.2 User Requirements
It is assumed that any readers that will use the OMC-R Client already know how to:
Start the OMC-R Client
Navigate the Explorer Pane to find an AP object
Refer to [OPM_410] for information on using the OMC-R Client.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Introduction N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 2
1.3 Related Information
1.4 Licenses and Copyright Notices
Portions of the AP are constructed from third-party software and open source code and ip.access ltd gratefully acknowledges the contributions that these libraries, technologies and components have made to the product. Each of these is supplied under the terms of a license agreement and these are either reproduced or referenced in [REF_300], in line with the stipulations of their authors.
1.5 Terminology
Common nano3G System terminology is defined in [REF_105].
For additional 3G terminology, see [21.905].
[INST_440] nano3G AP Management System Installation Manual (N3G_INST_430)
[OPM_300] nano3G AP Operations Manual (N3G_OPM_300)
[OPM_410] 3G OMC-R Client Operations Manual (N3G_OPM_410)
[OPM_440] nano3G AP Management System Operations Manual (N3G_OPM_440)
[REF_105] nano3G System Glossary (N3G_REF_105)
[REF_110] nano3G System Configuration Management (CM) MIB Reference Manual
[REF_300] nano3G AP License and Copyright Reference (N3G_REF_300)
[21.905] Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications (3GPP 3G TR 21.905)
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 3
2 Installation Overview and Requirements
2.1 Installation Tasks
There are three basic tasks that must be completed to install a nano3G AP and make it ready to provide service:
Site installation
These tasks can be completed in any order. In most cases, however, the most practical approach is to provision and commission an AP before final site installation.
2.1.1 Pre-Provisioning
Configure a nano3G AP with the information it needs to allow it to provide service, such as a serving AC address, neighbour lists, operating frequency and network identity details. As an AP’s configuration is stored on its serving AP Management System, an AP can be pre-provisioned at any time. This offers maximum flexibility for pre-provisioning an AP as far or as little ahead of site installation as is needed.
It is recommended to perform at least some pre-provisioning for an AP before on site installation. As a minimum, use the Create Site Wizard in the OMC-R Client to create a site and AP object on the serving AP Management System that will contain the AP’s configuration. If an AP attempts to connect to its serving AP Management System, but the AP Management System has not yet been provisioned with site details for the AP, the AP Management System will raise alarms about attempts to connect by an unknown AP.
For more information about AP pre-provisioning, see 3 Pre-Provisioning a nano3G AP.
2.1.2 Commissioning
Use the nano3G AP’s built-in configuration web page to configure the AP with the settings it needs to establish a connection with its serving AP Management System.
This is done using a commissioning terminal, either before sending the AP out for installation or on site using a suitably prepared laptop.
The benefits of commissioning an AP before sending on site are:
The site installation engineer does not need a commissioning laptop.
By corollary, the site installation engineer does not need to know the user name and password for the AP commissioning web page.
If the AP has been properly pre-provisioned, the AP is effectively plug-and-play.
By corollary, a nano3G S4 AP or nano3G S8 AP could be installed by an end customer, without help from a site installation engineer. The customer simply needs to provide suitable network and power connections.
Note: Due to the physical installation requirements of a nano3G E8 AP, which must be securely
wall mounted, it is recommended that an E8 AP is installed by a suitably qualified site installation engineer.
The benefits of using a laptop for commissioning an AP on site are:
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 4
If there is a commissioning error, this can be corrected immediately without needing to return the AP
If an AP has been in storage for some time, the required software build and/or ATAS package can be installed on the AP in situ
2.1.3 On Site Installation
Physical installation of a nano3G AP at its operating site, including providing the AP with power and a suitable network connection that provides a backhaul path to the AP Management System and AC.
If a nano3G AP has been enabled for service prior to the site visit, the installation engineer can make test calls immediately.
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2.2 Requirements for All nano3G APs
This applies to all nano3G APs.
2.2.1 General Requirements
All nano3G AP models have the following general requirements for installation:
A commissioning terminal, which can be either a desktop computer or a laptop, with:
OS: Windows XP
Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
JavaScript enabled in the web browser
A short Ethernet cable for connecting the commissioning terminal to the AP
A temporary means to provide power to the AP while it is connected to the commissioning terminal
A permanent means to provide power to the AP once it is connected to the backhaul
An Ethernet connection to the backhaul via CAT5 Ethernet cabling
Access to a DNS service on the backhaul to resolve symbolic addresses
Access to an NTP service on the backhaul to set the correct time and date - NTP servers must be chosen from a list of known NTP servers configured in the OMC-R
If a firewall is in place on the network an AP will use for backhaul, this must be configured to allow traffic to and from the AP - see the port usage section below
Port Usage
All connections are outgoing. That is, they are initiated from the AP. Port usage has some dependency on whether or not the AP is using IPsec.
With IPSec, the standard two ports are used:
Without IPSec, the following ports are used:
Protocol Destination Port Use
udp 500 IPSec initial connection
udp 4500 IPSec operations
Protocol Destination Port Use
tcp 3052 SOIP connection to AC
udp 3000 CS RTP to AC
udp 3001 CS RTCP to AC
udp 3002 CS Mux to AC
udp 5000 PS RTP to AC
udp 5001 PS RTCP to AC
udp 5002 PS Mux to AC
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 6
The following ports are also used. When IPsec is used, they may be inside or outside the IPSec tunnel, depending on configuration:
2.2.2 Information Required for Pre-Provisioning
All nano3G AP models require the configuration details listed in this section. This information will be used to configure an AP from the OMC-R Client, typically by a NOC engineer.
User name and password for the OMC-R Client. To be able to configure an AP from the OMC-R Client, the user name must have Full Access to the AP Management System serving the AP and Full Access granted to its APs. See [OPM_410] for full details about user permissions.
The minimum set of configuration data for the AP is:
Cell ID (also used as the ID of this AP on the serving nano3G AC)
IP Address or FQDN of the serving AC
Scrambling code
RSSI scan bands
Latitude and longitude of the APs installation site, for RANAP location reporting
Additional configuration that may be required includes:
Static neighbour list - see [OPM_300] for neighbour list configuration
URLs for the PM reporting and diagnostic services on the AP Management System
Note: It is possible to configure an AP before taking it on site.
Protocol Destination Port Use
tcp 80 PM upload, software download, CRL download
tcp 443 PM upload, software download, CRL download
udp 53 DNS
udp 67 DHCP - not needed for static IP configuration
udp 68 DHCP - not needed for static IP configuration
udp 123 NTP
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 7
2.2.3 Configuration Files - Optional
An initial configuration file can be used to rapidly configure the AP via the OMC-R Create Site Wizard. This is an alternative to using settings from an existing AP. Additional configuration files can be loaded against the AP object after it has been created by the Create Site Wizard. If they will be used, the location of any configuration files must be known.
When using configuration files, it is recommended, as a minimum, to create a generic configuration file that contains attribute settings that are common to all APs in the network. Optionally create a separate attributes file for each AP to be commissioned.
Configuration files are describe in section 4.
2.2.4 Optional Items for Commissioning
The optional items in this section can only be used if the commissioning terminal is running a web server that provides a path to any ip.access AP software download packages. That is, the required .sdp files must be present on the commissioning terminal.
Setting up a web server for this purpose on the commissioning terminal is outside the scope of this manual.
Software Image
If there is a requirement to update the AP’s software during commissioning, the relevant .sdp file must be present on the commissioning terminal.
If there is a requirement to update the AP’s security certificates during commissioning, the relevant .sdp file containing the ATAS package must be present on the commissioning terminal.
2.2.5 Information Required for Commissioning
All nano3G AP models require the configuration details listed in this section. This information will be to commission an AP from the commissioning terminal, so that the AP can subsequently connect to its serving AP Management System.
It is possible to commission an AP before taking it on site.
For connecting to the AP from the commissioning terminal:
User name and password for the AP web server - if necessary, contact customer support at ip.access for the current user name and password
For commissioning the AP:
IP Address or FQDN of the serving AP Management System
IP Address or FQDN of an NTP server
DHCP or static IP
If static IP is required:
IP address for the AP
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 8
IP Address or FQDN of the default gateway
IP Address or FQDN of the Primary DNS
IPSec is optional, but if IPSec is required:
IP Address or FQDN of the IPsec Security Gateway
IP Address or FQDN of a CRL server
Optionally, Traffic Selector information (IP address and subnet mask) A traffic selector defines a range of IP addresses that are sent through the IPSec tunnel. This allows an extra degree of control over the traffic that is passed down the IPSec tunnel. Normally, the security gateway controls this range and no other configuration is needed.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 9
2.3 nano3G S4 AP Site Requirements
The nano3G S4 APs are typically installed in retail or small office environments. In summary, each AP will require:
Power supplied in one of the following ways:
From the mains adaptor unit supplied with the AP, which requires a suitable mains power supply point near the AP that is within reach of the adaptor’s cabling
From the supplied POE splitter, which requires a Power over Ethernet connection to the splitter
A site for the AP:
Wall mount location
Stable surface for free standing installation
2.3.1 nano3G S4 AP Power Requirements
Maximum expected power consumption:
13 Watts (Rated 9VDC 1450mA)
The nano3G S4 AP supports the following power and Ethernet cabling options:
Direct power from the supplied power adapter
Power over Ethernet from the supplied POE injector, via the supplied POE splitter
Power over Ethernet from a POE switch, via the supplied POE splitter
A POE cable must not be inserted directly into the AP.
The power adapter, as well as the POE inserter and splitter supplied by ip.access comply with LPS requirements in accordance with IEC/EN 60950-1.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 10
Power Adapter
A suitable mains power supply point into which the power adapter for the AP can be plugged.
Only use the power adapter supplied by ip.access to power the AP:
Power over Ethernet
POE requires the use of a power inserter and a splitter. The power inserter is positioned close to the backhaul network connection and mains supply, while the splitter is positioned close to the AP.
This is the POE inserter supplied by ip.access:
Only use the POE splitter supplied by ip.access:
ip.access part number EPS1173R
Input 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 0.7A
Output +9VDC 1.67A
ip.access part number 109A
Input 100/230V ~ 60/50Hz 0.5/0.25A
Output 48VDC 0.38A
ip.access part number 222A
Input 48VDC 0.35A
Output 9VDC 1.33A
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2.3.2 nano3G S4 AP Physical Requirements
A nano3G S4 AP may be installed in one of the following ways (see section 6.2.4):
Free-standing on a flat stable surface.
Attached to a wall or partition using two screws that engage in keyhole slots in the rear surface of the AP.
Attached to a POE splitter using the two screws that engage in keyhole slots in the rear surface of the AP. The POE splitter in turn attaches to a wall or partition using two screws.
The unit must be vertical to ensure that air can circulate freely around it.
It is recommended to install the AP with its front surface facing the area requiring cellular coverage, unobstructed by walls or partitions that may have significant RF attenuation.
2.3.3 nano3G S4 AP IP Bandwidth Requirements
At maximum capacity, a nano3G S4 AP will require:
Downlink: at least 5Mbps
Uplink: at least 512Kbps
This will deliver up to 4 voice calls and HSDPA services up to 3.6Mbps.
2.3.4 nano3G S4 AP Sundry Installation Equipment
To mount the POE splitter or the nano3G S4 AP onto the wall:
2 self tapping pan head screws, size No. 6 (approx 3.5mm (0.14in) in diameter)
Wall plugs if required
Suitable drills and screwdriver
Dimensions and weight
Height 176mm (without stand)
193mm (with stand)
Width 170mm
Depth 51mm
Approximate Weight 0.42 kg (AP only)
Environmental Cooling Vents on the back at top and bottom
Operating Temperature 0°C to 40°C
Operating Humidity 10 to 70% non-condensing
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 12
2.4 nano3G S8 AP Site Requirements
In addition to the site requirements for all APs, each S8 AP will require:
Power supplied in one of the following ways, according to the accessory unit(s) supplied with the S8 AP:
From the mains adaptor unit, which requires a suitable mains power supply point near the AP that is within reach of the adaptor’s cabling
From the supplied POE splitter, which requires a Power over Ethernet connection to the splitter
A site for the AP:
Wall mount location
Stable surface for free standing installation
2.4.1 nano3G S8 AP Power Requirements
Maximum expected power consumption:
13 Watts (Rated 9VDC 1450mA)
The nano3G S8 AP supports the following power and Ethernet cabling options:
Direct power from the power adapter
Power over Ethernet from the POE injector, via the POE splitter
Power over Ethernet from a POE switch, via the POE splitter
A POE cable must not be inserted directly into the AP.
The power adapter, as well as the POE inserter and splitter supplied by ip.access comply with LPS requirements in accordance with IEC/EN 60950-1.
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Power Adapter
A suitable mains power supply point into which the power adapter for the AP can be plugged.
Only use the power adapter available from ip.access to power the AP:
Power over Ethernet
POE requires the use of a power inserter and a splitter. The power inserter is positioned close to the backhaul network connection and mains supply, while the splitter is positioned close to the AP.
This is the POE inserter supplied by ip.access:
Only use the POE splitter available from ip.access:
ip.access part number PSA15R-090PV-R
Input 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 0.5A
Output +9VDC 1.67A
ip.access part number 236
Input 100/240V ~ 60/50Hz 0.5A
Output 48VDC 0.35A
ip.access part number 222A
Input 48VDC 0.35A
Output 9VDC 1.33A
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2.4.2 nano3G S8 AP Physical Requirements
A nano3G S8 AP may be installed in one of the following ways (see section 6.3.4):
Free-standing on a flat stable surface.
Attached to a wall or partition using two screws that engage in keyhole slots in the rear surface of the AP.
Attached to a POE splitter using the two screws that engage in keyhole slots in the rear surface of the AP. The POE splitter in turn attaches to a wall or partition using two screws.
The unit must be vertical to ensure that air can circulate freely around it.
It is recommended to install the AP with its front surface facing the area requiring cellular coverage, unobstructed by walls or partitions that may have significant RF attenuation.
2.4.3 nano3G S8 AP IP Bandwidth Requirements
At maximum capacity, a nano3G S8 AP will require:
Downlink: at least 7Mbps
Uplink: at least 1Mbps
This will deliver up to 8 voice calls and HSDPA services up to 7.2 Mbps.
2.4.4 nano3G S8 AP Sundry Installation Equipment
To mount the POE splitter or the nano3G S8 AP onto the wall:
2 self tapping pan head screws, size No. 6 (approx 3.5mm (0.14in) in diameter)
Wall plugs if required
Suitable drills and screwdriver
Dimensions and weight
Height 176mm (without stand)
193mm (with stand)
Width 170mm
Depth 51mm
Approximate Weight 0.42 kg (AP only)
Environmental Cooling Vents on the back at top and bottom
Operating Temperature 0°C to 40°C
Operating Humidity 10 to 70% non-condensing
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 15
2.5 nano3G E8 AP Site Requirements
In addition to the site requirements for all APs, each E8 AP will require:
A site for wall mounting
Power supplied in one of the following ways:
From the supplied POE injector, which requires a suitable mains power supply point near the injector - the AP must be within reach of a 100m Ethernet cable
From a mains adaptor unit, supplied separately, which requires a suitable mains power supply point near the AP that is within reach of the adaptor’s cabling
2.5.1 nano3G E8 AP Power Requirements
Maximum expected power consumption:
20 Watts (Rated +12V or -48V DC)
The nano3G E8 AP supports the following power options:
Power over Ethernet from a IEEE 802.3at compliant POE+ power source equipment - a suitable POE+ inserter is supplied with the AP
Direct power from a suitable DC source (+12V, 2.5A rated centre positive 2.1mm jack) - a suitable mains adaptor is available separately
These power options are mutually exclusive. When POE+ is used, a DC power adapter must not be plugged in to the AP and vice versa.
The nano3G E8 AP can be used with any IEEE 802.3at compliant POE+ power source.
Note: The Ethernet cable carrying POE+ must be plugged into the LAN 1 port. The LAN 2 port,
next to LAN 1, is not used and does not support POE.
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POE+ Injector
The POE+ injector unit is supplied as standard with each nano3G E8 AP. The POE+ injector has two Ethernet connections, one for connection to the main LAN, the other for connection to the AP. The POE+ injector can be located anywhere on the cable run between the network switch and the AP, including locally at the AP or remotely at the network switch.
The POE+ injector is a pass-through connector for the LAN. Its function is to add POE+ to provide power to the AP. Therefore, the maximum cable run from the network switch to the AP is 100m, regardless of the placement of the POE+ injector.
The POE+ injector supplied by ip.access complies with LPS requirements in accordance with IEC/EN 60950-1.
2.5.2 nano3G E8 AP Physical Requirements
A nano3G E8 AP is installed by attaching it to a wall or partition using the two screws which engage in keyhole slots in the rear surface of the AP (see section 6.4.6).
Pay attention to ensure that air can circulate freely around the unit. The unit must be vertical.
It is recommended to install the AP with its front surface facing the area requiring cellular coverage, unobstructed by walls or partitions that may have significant RF attenuation.
Dimensions and weight
Height 211mm
Width 274mm
Depth 58.6mm
Approximate Weight 1.75 kg
Environmental Cooling Vents on the back at top and bottom
Operating Temperature 0°C to +45°C
Operating Humidity 10 to 70% non-condensing
nano3G AP Installation Manual Installation Overview and Requirements N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 17
2.5.3 nano3G E8 AP IP Bandwidth Requirements
At maximum capacity, a nano3G E8 AP will require:
Downlink: at least 7Mbps
Uplink: at least 1Mbps
This will deliver up to 8 voice calls and HSDPA services up to 7.2 Mbps.
Note: The HSDPA rate of 7.2Mbps is the air-interface rate on Uu. The downlink rate needed to
support this is lower. The uplink assumes a maximum load of 8 UEs each with 64Kbps PS bearers. Voice traffic has negligible impact.
2.5.4 nano3G E8 AP Installation Tool Requirements
To mount the bracket onto the wall:
6 pan head screws, size No. 6 (approx 3.5mm (0.14in) in diameter) – 4 for the nano3G E8 AP, 2 for the POE+ adapter
Note: No screws are supplied to mount the AP or the POE+ unit.
Wall plugs if required.
Suitable drills and screwdriver.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Pre-Provisioning a nano3G AP N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 18
3 Pre-Provisioning a nano3G AP
The nano3G AP must be provisioned on the AP Management System before it can be brought into service. It is recommended to do this in advance of physical site installation.
3.1 Create a Site for a New AP
Use the Create Site Wizard in the OMC-R Client to create a site object and child AP object for an AP. The real AP will be matched to the AP object according to its serial number. The configuration data for the AP object is stored on the AP’s serving AP Management System. When a commissioned AP starts up, it connects to the serving AP Management System and downloads the configuration. This approach means that the AP’s configuration can be entered and changed on the AP Management System in advance of physically installing an AP on site.
3.1.1 Start the Create Site Wizard
1) In the OMC-R Client, select the AP Management Service (AMS) that will be used to manage the AP.
2) Within the AMS, drill down to AC Details then the AC Detail object for the AC that the AP will connect to.
3) Right-click the AC Detail object and, from the menu, select Create > Create Site. The first page of the Create Site Wizard will appear:
4) From the drop-down list on the left, choose the type of AP object to create. Choose either:
Nano-8 3G AP (SR2.0 -) - use this for both E8 APs and S8 APs
Nano-4 3G AP (SR2.0 -) - use this for S4 APs
Note: Do not choose either of the choices for (SR1.2 - PRE-SR2.0). These are
only used for APs running software from a release prior to N3G_2.0.5. These choices must be present for backwards compatibility and thereby enable AP upgrades from previous releases.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Pre-Provisioning a nano3G AP N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 19
3.1.2 Optional - Use an Existing AP Configuration
5) Click Next and the AP Selection page of the wizard will appear:
Optionally use this page to copy the configuration of an existing AP.
6) To copy the configuration from an existing AP, click the Select button. The Select linked object browser will appear, initially showing the Root object in the OMC-R object hierarchy. When this is expanded, only Management Services that have APs configured will be shown. Drill down to find the required AP. For example:
The DN box will show the Distinguished Name for the selected AP. This uniquely identifies the AP object within the object hierarchy on this OMC-R. The AP object must be the same type of AP object as has been selected for the new site.
Click OK and the DN will be shown on the AP Selection page of the wizard.
nano3G AP Installation Manual Pre-Provisioning a nano3G AP N3G_INST_300 v8.1 for N3G_2.0.5 © ip.access Limited 2011 Page 20
3.1.3 Optional - Load an AP Configuration File
7) Click Next and the File Selection page of the wizard will appear:
Optionally use this page to load a configuration file for the AP. The four options for file sources are:
Do not load a file - no configuration file will be loaded - if preferred, it is possible to load a configuration file later using the Load Attributes Wizard
Local file - a configuration file stored on the local computer running the OMC-R Client
Server file - a configuration file saved on the OMC-R server by saving the attributes from an AP
Auto backup - a configuration file saved on the OMC-R server automatically for an AP when its attributes were last changed
Although files can be selected for all three sources, only the item for the selected radio button will be used on moving to the next page of the wizard. The AP type in the chosen configuration file must be the same type of AP object as has been selected for the new site.
For information on preparing an AP configuration file, see section 4.
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