Note: During software installation, Adobe® PDF versions of user’s manuals will
automatically install onto your hard drive as a part of product support. The
default location is in the Programs group, which can be accessed from the
WindowsDesktop. Initial navigation is as follows:
Start [Desktop “Start” pull-down menu]
⇒ Programs
⇒ IOtech DaqX Software
You can also access the PDF documents directly from the data acquisition CD
by using the <View PDFs> button located on the opening screen.
Refer to the PDF documentation for details regarding hardware and software
pertinent to your data acquisition system.
A copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader
provides a means of reading and printing the PDF documents. Note that
hardcopy versions of the manuals can be ordered from the factory.
is included on your CD. The Reader
How to use this Manual
This manual is for individuals who write their own programs. If you prefer to use existing out-of-the box
software such as DaqView, ViewXL, DASYLab, SnapMaster, you do not need to read this manual.
This manual explains how to program data acquisition systems using various APIs. The programming
languages used in the examples are C/C++ and Visual Basic. In addition to the information in this manual,
you need to refer to your hardware user’s manual. It may be helpful to read the DaqView user’s manual to
appreciate how a user-friendly data acquisition system looks from the user’s point of view. You may also
need to consult documentation pertaining to your specific computer system and programming environment.
In regard to this manual, you should read chapter 1, and then refer to additional chapters that are relevant to
your programming environment.
The manual is organized as follows:
1. Introduction - The manual begins with an overview of issues related to data acquisition
programming and takes a look at the options available for making the task as easy as possible.
2. API Programming – General Models – discusses aspects of the data acquisition environment,
provides several API models and a summary of selected API functions. The chapter includes a
section entitled, Seven Easy Steps to Data Acquisition.
3. Using Multiple Devices
4. Daq API Command Reference
Appendix A – Appendix Removed. Outdated material.
Appendix B, Using Borland C++
Appendix C, Custom OEM Installation, explains the procedures required for custom reseller hardware
and driver installation and distribution.
Appendix D, daq9513… Commands, this appendix only applies to DaqBook/100 Series, DaqBook/200
Series, DaqBoard/100 Series and DaqBoard/200 Series devices. The appendix includes an
API programming model for 9513 counter-timer chip devices and includes API reference
material for the daq9513… command prototypes.
During software installation, Adobe
PDF versions of user manuals will automatically
install onto your hard drive as a part of product support. The default location is in the
Programs directory, which can be accessed from the Windows Desktop. Refer to the
PDF documentation for details regarding both hardware and software.
A copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader
is included on your CD. The Reader provides
a means of reading and printing the PDF documents. Note that hardcopy versions of
the manuals can be ordered from the factory.
Reference Note: The readme.file on your install CD-ROM identifies the location of
program examples that are included on the CD.
Programmer’s Manual 908494 vii
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viii 908494Programmer’s Manual
Table of Contents
1- Introduction
API Features......1-1
Language Support......1-2
Driver Installation......1-2
A Note Regarding API Command
Applicability …… 1-3
2- API Programming - General Models
Data Acquisition Environment……2-1
Application Programming Interface (API) ……2-1
Hardware Capabilities and Constraints……2-1
Signal Environment……2-2
Seven Easy Steps to Data Acquisition …… 2-2
Initialization and Error Handling……2-9
One-Step Command Acquisitions ……2-11
Counted Acquisitions Using Linear Buffers…2-12
Indefinite Acquisition, Direct-To-Disk Using
Circular Buffers……2-14
Analog Output……2-16
Generating DAC FIFO Waveforms …2-18
Digital I/O on P2……2-19
Using DBK Card Calibration Files……2-20
Zero Compensation……2-23
Linear Conversion……2-25
Reference Note:
The readme.file on your install CD provides the location of program examples that are included on the CD.
Programmer’s Manual 908494 ix
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x 908494Programmer’s Manual
Introduction 1
API Features...... 1-1
Language Support...... 1-2
Driver Installation...... 1-2
A Note Regarding Devices and API Command Applicability …… 1-3
Reference Note:
Your companion user’s manual discusses hardware installation and setup, theory of
operation, troubleshooting, and ready-to-run software. If you plan to use DaqView software
[shipped with Daq device products], or you plan to use other ready-to-run software such as
DASYLab or SnapMaster, you will not need to use this manual.
Programmers can use the Applications Program Interface (API) to customize software. To
create effective programs, programmers must be familiar with the hardware and operation as
described in the previous chapters of this document.
Note: The readme files on the install CD-ROM will keep you up-to-date as APIs continue to
Note: Daq PCMCIA is not supported under Windows95/NT drivers.
This manual serves both novice and experienced programmers.
•As a tutorial - The Programming Models chapter explains how to combine commands to
do useful work in a typical data acquisition environment. Program excerpts illustrate
concepts and can be modified as needed to use in your programs.
•As a reference – A great portion of the manual pertains to API commands. API
Reference Note:
This manual contains no computer programming tutorials.
You may need to consult additional documentation.
API Features
The install CD-ROM includes several “drivers” to accommodate various programming
The API has several features:
• Multi-device - can concurrently handle up to 4 devices of the Daq device family
• Larger buffer - can handle up to 2 billion samples at a time
• Enhanced acquisition and trigger modes
• Direct-to-disk capabilities
• Wait-on-event features
• Uses multi-tasking advantages of Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
definitions and parameter values are important to ensure proper syntax, and that
software functions perform as intended.
Programmer’s Manual 908494Introduction 1-1
Language Support
The following three languages are supported:
C/C++ Visual Basic
The Programming Language Support folder is located in your installation directory.
You can access program-related files from Windows Explorer.
If you used the install default directory setting, the support folder will be located under a program
folder name (such as DaqX) under the Program Files folder on the C: drive. The figure below
illustrates the default install location for your C/C++ and Visual Basic (VB) programming language
In the illustration, the 32-Bit Enhanced API folder (for C/C++ support) has been expanded to reveal
its contents.
Default Install Locations for Programming Language Support
Note 1: In addition to folders labeled “Dynamic Loading,” “Include,” and “Lib,”
the 32-bit Enhanced API folder includes program examples for primary
data acquisition units (main units) and for DBKs.
1-2 Introduction 908494 Programmer’s Manual
Driver Installation
Driver installation uses a 32-bit setup on a Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT/2000/XP
system. When run, the setup routine will automatically detect the correct operating system
and will install the appropriate driver.
A Note Regarding Devices and API Command Applicability
API commands cannot be used universally with all products. For example, a command that
pertains only to analog output is of no use to a device that does not support analog I/O, or to
a device that supports analog input, but not analog output. Thus it is important that you
understand the features and capabilities of your hardware before using API Commands. Prior
awareness can save a great deal of programming time and avoid possible frustration.
One category of functionality that sometimes causes confusion is that of waveform/pattern output. The following table indicates which of the 4 types of waveform output apply to various
product groups. Waveform output definitions follow the table.
Waveform/Pattern Output Device Capabilities
Product * Static
DaqBoard/500 Series Yes No No No
DaqBoard/1000 Series Yes Yes Yes No
DaqBoard/2000 Series Yes Yes Yes Yes
DaqBook/2000 Series Yes No No No
DaqLab/2000 Series Yes No No No
DaqScan/2000 Series Yes No No No
/3000 Series Devices Yes Yes Yes Yes
* Not all devices in a series have static waveform output capability. The feature is only
present for devices that have built-in DAC channel output circuitry, or if the device has
a DBK46 option installed.
Consult your specific hardware documentation for detailed
Static Waveform: Data is downloaded to the internal memory on the device and then played
out from the device’s internal memory. Once the waveform output is downloaded and
initiated additional output updates from the PC cannot be performed. However the waveform
can be played out indefinitely from the internal memory on the device.
Dynamic Waveform: Data is downloaded to the device and can be continuously updated by
the PC while the waveform output is active. Updates to the output can come from PC memory
or from a file.
Output from
Streamed Digital
Pattern Output
Programmer’s Manual 908494Introduction 1-3
Waveform Output from Disk: Uses dynamic waveform output to continuously update
outputs from a file. The file is on a PC, which contains waveform output values, as defined by
the user.
Streamed Digital Pattern Output: This output can be via P3 pins, BNC connectors, or SCSI
III, depending on the device. The feature allows streaming continuous digital data to the
device’s 16-bit P3 digital port [or to designated BNC connectors, if applicable]. D ata can be
streamed from either PC memory or from a file. The rate at which streamed output is updated
is dictated by the current DAC waveform output clock source. Digital data streaming can be
performed by itself or in concert with analog waveform output generation.
Become familiar with your system components prior to writing a
program. Know the capabilities of each device.
TIP: Prior to writing a program, review the product specifications [found
in your device hardware manual]. The specifications often make it
obvious as to which API Commands could not possibly apply. In
addition, the programmer needs to be aware of specification limits when
entering values.
1-4 Introduction 908494 Programmer’s Manual
API Programming - General Models 2
Data Acquisition Environment……2-1
Application Programming Interface (API) ……2-1
Hardware Capabilities and Constraints……2-1
Signal Environment……2-2
Seven Easy Steps to Data Acquisition …… 2-2
Initialization and Error Handling……2-9
One-Step Command Acquisitions ……2-11
Counted Acquisitions Using Linear Buffers…2-12
Indefinite Acquisition, Direct-To-Disk Using Circular Buffers……2-14
Analog Output……2-16
Generating DAC FIFO Waveforms ……2-18
Digital I/O on P2……2-19
Using DBK Card Calibration Files……2-20
Zero Compensation……2-23
Linear Conversion……2-25
Reference Note:
Specific Daq Device and DBK program examples are included on the install CD.
The install CD readme.file states the location of the examples.
This chapter shows how to combine API functions to perform typical tasks. Depending on your
level of programming expertise, once you understand how the API works in conjunction with
the hardware you can begin creating custom data acquisition programs.
This chapter is divided into two primary sections, as follows:
•Data Acquisition Environment outlines related concepts and defines Daq device
capabilities the programmer must work with (the API, hardware features, and signal
•The Models section explains the sequence and type of operations necessary for data
acquisition. Some models are provided in Visual Basic, while others appear in C/C++
code. These models provide the software building blocks to develop more complex
and specialized programs.
Data Acquisition Environment
To write effective data acquisition software, programmers must understand:
•Software tools (the API documented in this manual and the programming language—you
may need to consult documentation for your chosen language)
• Hardware capabilities and constraints
• General concepts of data acquisition and signal management
Application Programming Interface (API)
The API includes all the software functions needed for building a data acquisition system with
the hardware described in this manual. The API Command Reference section of this manual
includes details regarding how each function is used (parameters, hardware applicability, etc).
In addition, you may need to consult your language and computer documentation.
Hardware Capabilities and Constraints
To program the system effectively, you must understand your Daq device and DBK hardware
capabilities. Obviously you cannot program the hardware to perform beyond its design and
specifications, but you also want to take full advantage of the system’s power and features.
In the User’s Manual, you may need to refer to sections that describe your hardware’s
capability. In addition, you may need to consult your computer documentation. In some
cases, you may need to verify the hardware setup, use of channels, and signal conditioning
options (some hardware devices have jumpers and DIP switches that must match the
programming, especially as the system evolves).
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-1
Signal Environment
Important data acquisition concepts for programmers are listed below and are discussed in
your device user’s manual.
• Channel Identification
• Scan Rates and Sequencing. With multiple scans, the time between scans becomes a
parameter. This time can be a constant or can be dependent upon a trigger.
• Counter/Timer Operation
• Triggering Options. Triggering starts the A/D conversion. The trigger can be an
external analog or TTL trigger, or a program controlled software trigger.
Parameters in the various A/D routines include: number of channels, number of scans, start of
conversion triggering, timing between scans, and mode of data transfer. Up to 512 A/D
channels can be sampled in a single scan. These channels can be consecutive or nonconsecutive with the same or different gains. The scan sequence makes no distinction
between local and expansion channels.
Seven Easy Steps to Data Acquisition
The sections that follow this one demonstrate various methods for designing and developing a
data acquisition application. Though these models vary widely in their purpose and
individually can seem quite complex most all employ a basic framework that is repeated
elsewhere in other models. This section will discuss the basic framework required to develop a
simple data acquisition application. The basic framework outlined here will be a re-occuring
theme through most, if not all, the subsequent programming models.
Each data acquisition task can be broken down into the following basic elements:
1. Configuring Channels – What Type of Channels? How Many?
2. Configuring Acquisition Events – How Should the Acquisition Start and Stop?
3. Setting the Acquisition Rate – How Fast Should the Channels be Scanned?
4. Setting up the Buffer Model – How Should the Data be Stored?
5. Arming the Acquisition and Starting the Transfer
6. Triggering the Acquisition
7. Monitoring the Acquisition and Receiving Data
While this basic framework is not comprehensive, it does provide a basic model and a theory
of operation from which to start developing your data acquisition application. Provided with
each step is a description of the task and its general function, as well as representative code
snippets from which an application can be developed and a table of related API functions
which may be used to implement the step.
1. Configure Channels – What Type of Channels? How Many?
Every data acquisition has one or more channels from which data is to be acquired. The
channels to be scanned comprise the channel scan configuration. Channels are added to the
channel scan sequence in the order that they are programmed. Even if some channels are
repeated in the channel scan sequence they are added to the channel scan sequence in the
programmed location.
NOTE: Hereafter, the term Channel Scan (or Scan) refers to the entirety of the channel scan
sequence configuration. In other words, a Channel Scan (Scan) is comprised of all the
channels programmed into the channel scan sequence.
2-2 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
Here we are only configuring channels on the main unit. If configuring DBK expansion options
each DBK channel needs to be programmed into the channel scan sequence. You may also
need to set more specific channel configuration options. For this, refer to the sections
regarding your specific DBK expansion card.
The following shows how to program the channel scan sequence.
*See the API Command Reference chapter for detailed information.
Performs basic channel scan sequence configuration, sets up
channel scan information
Same as daqAdcSetScan but sets all channels to the same
configuration parameters
Used to configure more complex configuration options for
individual channels
Used to setup channel banks/blocks for use with DBK
2. Configure Acquisition Events – How Should the Acquisition Start and Stop?
In this section we describe how to configure the Starting and Stopping Events for your
acquisition. Each acquisition needs to have well defined Start and Stop Events. A Start Event
can be as simple as start the acquisition immediately upon arming. An acquisition Stop Event
can be as simple as Stop upon disarming the acquisition. The number and type of start and
stop events is dependent upon the capabilities of the data acquisition device and vary from
product to product. Acquisitions may also be defined with pre-trigger data. The amount of
pre-trigger data can vary.
*See the API Command Reference chapter for detailed information.
Configures acquisition modes as well as pre and post trigger
scan counts
Configures Start/Stop Trigger Events.
Used to configure Start Trigger Event
Used to calculate Analog level in A/D counts for use in
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-3
3. Set the Acquisition Rate – How Fast Should Channels be Scanned?
In this section we describe how to configure the rate at which data is acquired for your
acquisition. Here the acquisition rate refers to the rate at which channel scans are acquired.
Depending upon which API is used the acquisition scan rate can be selected by either
frequency or period/interval. Note that the rate being programmed is the rate at which the
entire channel scan is paced. For all Daq devices the scan pacing can be derived from either
an internal clock or an external clock driven by an input controlled by an external source. The
between-channel sampling interval is normally a fixed interval depending upon the type of
device used. Daq devices are normally fixed at 10us sampling interval. The between-channel
sampling interval for /2000 Series devices is software selectable for either 5us or 10us.
err = daqAdcSetFreq(handle, 1000.0);
Related API’s* Description
*See the API Command Reference chapter for detailed information.
Sets the acquisition rate for both pre-trigger and post-trigger
acquisitions in Hz based off of the internal pacer clock of the device
Returns the current acquisition rate setting.
Sets the acquisition base clock source to either the internal pacer or
to an external clock source.
Allows setting pre and post-trigger scan rates in either period or
frequency format (pre-trigger rate cannot be set for most Daq
device products, for Daq device products pre-trigger rate will follow
post-trigger rate). This command may also be used to return
current pre-trigger and post-trigger rate settings.
4. Setting up the Data Buffer Model – How Should the Data be Stored?
In this section we describe how to configure the buffer model to be used for the acquisition.
There are two basic buffer models from which to choose; the User Buffer Model and the Driver
Buffer Model.
The User Buffer Model allows the user or application to allocate a buffer and pass the
information describing the location and disposition of the buffer down to the driver so that the
driver can place collected data into the buffer. However, the User Buffer Model requires that
the maintenance of the buffer and buffer pointers be performed by the user or application.
When using the User Buffer Model the application can query the driver as to the total amount
of data that has been transferred into the buffer but the user/application is responsible for
maintaining and updating the current read and write pointers into the buffer. The User Buffer
Model can employ either linear or circular buffers depending on the needs of the application.
The Driver Buffer Model the user/application to hand off responsibility of buffer management
to the driver.
err = daqAdcTransferSetBuffer(handle, buffer,SCANS, DatmDriverBuffer);
2-4 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
User Buffer Model Operation
The User Buffer Model allows the user to specify either a linear buffer or circular buffer mode.
When the linear buffer mode is selected the driver will start filling the buffer from the
beginning of the buffer with the newest available scans. Once the entire buffer has been filled
to the number of scans specified the driver will stop writing scan data to the buffer even
though the acquisition may continue.
In the User Buffer Linear mode the driver will stop writing data to the user buffer once the
total number of scans requested has been satisfied. If the acquisition continues to run after
this point scan data will accumulate in the device FIFO until another buffer (or the same
buffer) transfer has been started or the device FIFO overruns. The implication of this is that
when using linear buffers it is important to make sure that a buffer transfer remains active
during the course of the acquisition or data loss may result. In other words, if the acquisition
continues past the end of the specified buffer another transfer (into the same or a different
buffer) must immediately be initiated. While it is possible to ping pong linear buffers in this
manner it is not the recommended. Linear buffers should normally be used only when a
predetermined number of scans are to be collected for the acquisition. In this case the buffer
scan length should be set to to be the same size as the aggregate scan size [of the total
acquisition]. For more information about starting transfers see Step 5.
The User Buffer Model also has a Circular Buffer Mode. In the circular buffer mode the driver
will continue to write scan data into the User Buffer until the acquisition terminates on its own
or is aborted by the user/application. Unlike the Linear Buffer model when the end of the user
buffer is reached the driver will continue to write scan data starting at the beginning of the
When using the Circular Buffer mode the application does not need to make sure that there is
always a buffer ready to take the scan data because the driver simply continues to fill the
specified buffer and, when necessary, will begin writing data at the beginning of the buffer.
This model ensures that a device FIFO overrun never occurs because the driver always has
place to store the data (as long as the interface is capable of the required throughput). The
application is required to monitor the transfer and remove and/or process data as it becomes
available (See Step 7 on monitoring and receiving scan data). However a User Buffer overrun
may occur if the controlling application cannot keep up in processing or removing the data
from the buffer. Therefore the application should allocate a large enough buffer to alleviate
any processing or other latencies that may be present in the system or the application. If
making the buffer larger does not alleviate user buffer overrun problems then it may be
necessary to upgrade the PC to a higher performance unit. The type of upgrade required will
be highly dependent upon the nature of the application as well as operating environment in
general. For instance, if taking data to disk then a faster HD and controller may be required.
If mathematical manipulation of the data is taking place then a faster CPU may be in order. If
graphics or video are used intensively then the solution may be a higher performance video
card. It is important to remember that the application and other tasks within the system can
have an impact on the overall performance of the data acquisition process.
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-5
Driver Buffer Model Operation
The Driver Buffer Model allows the flexibility of the User Buffer Model in Circular mode without
the complication of having to manage the circular buffer at the application level. In fact, the
Buffer Model is simply a special case of the circular buffer mode in that the driver handles the
details of managing the circular buffer and “hands off” scan data to the application only when
the application requests it. The scan data is handed off to the application in easy to use and
manipulate linear buffers.
For more information on retrieving scan data from the Driver Buffer refer to Step 7, Monitor the Acquisition and Receive the Data.
Storing Data to Disk
Either buffer model allows the data to be streamed to a disk file in parallel to the transfer into
the User or Driver Buffer. To enable this the daqAdcSetDiskFile function needs to be invoked
before the acquisition is armed. When using this feature the scan data can be; appended to a
current file, overwrite a current file or create a new file.
With either the User Buffer Model or the Driver Buffer Model the driver performs the transfer
automatically. The format of the data in the disk file being written will be the same at it
appears in the buffer. This will normally be raw scan data. No header or channel configuration
information is stored in the raw data file.
Related API’s* Description
Sets up the scan data buffer for the transfer. The buffer can be
configured for either User Buffer or Driver Buffer modes. When
User Buffer mode is selected the buffer can be set up to be
either linear or circular in nature. The size of the scan data
buffer (in scans) is also set here.
Sets ups and enables taking the transfer scan data to a disk file.
*See the API Command Reference chapter for detailed information.
5. Arming the Acquisition and Starting the Transfer
Once the acquisition has been completely configured the acquisition can be armed. Arming
the acquisition means that device will be configured according to the previous steps already
outlined and the acquisition will taken from an “idle” to an “active” state. Once in the “active”
state the acquisition may begin looking for the Trigger Event or begin collectin g pre-trigger
data (if pre-trigger has been configured). It is important to examine error return codes from
the daqAdcArm command. The daqAdcArm command examines the entire configuration for
any potential acquisition parameter conflicts.
2-6 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
It is good practice to enable the transfer of data into the buffer first by calling daqAdcTransferStart
command. This will ensure that a transfer is active and that the data buffer is ready to receive data so
that when the acquisition is triggered the scan data can be immediately placed into the data buffer. Once
the daqAdcArm command has been successfully invoked a trigger may occur at any time (obviously, once
the trigger condition has been satisfied).
Related API’s* Description
Enables scan data transfer into the buffer specified by the
daqAdcTransferSetBuffer command.
Arms the acquisition. This command is a pivotal command around
which the entire acquisition is configured. Once invoked this
command not only arms the acquisition it configures the
acquisition according to the acquisition configuration parameters
set by prior commands. It is here where any potential
configuration conflicts are flagged. Therefore it is important to
check return codes from this command.
*See the API Command Reference chapter for detailed information.
6. Triggering the Acquisition
Once the acquisition has been armed it may be triggered at any time unless a pre-trigger data
has been requested. If pre-trigger data has been requested the trigger event detection will be
deferred until at least the specified amount of pre-trigger data has been collected. Any trigger
event that occurs before the specified pre-trigger amount has been collected will be ignored.
This deferring of the detection of the trigger event until the specified amount of pre-trigger
data has been collected ensures that the acquisition will produce, at minimum, the requested
pre-trigger amount.
The trigger event can be one of any valid trigger events for which the device is capable. For
more information on which trigger events your device is capable of detecting please refer to
the daqSetTriggerEvent command in the API definition.
Every device can be triggered via software:
err = daqAdcSoftTrig(handle);
Related API’s* Description
Triggers the acquisition if software triggering is enabled.
*See the API Command Reference chapter for detailed information.
7. Monitoring the Acquisition and Receiving Data
During the acquisition it may be necessary to monitor the progress of the acquisition and to
collect the data and process it. The daqAdcTransferGetStat function returns a total transfer
scan count as will as acquisition and transfer state information. Interpretation of the
information returned greatly depends on the the buffer model selected as well as whether or
not the buffer was set to linear or circular mode operation.
DWORD active,retCount;
The active parameter returns state information. The individual bits returned in this parameter
indicate the current state of both the acquisition and the transfer. The retCount parameter
returns a total running count of the amount of data transferred thus far. The following
sections show how to interpret this data:
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-7
Monitoring User Buffer Model Transfers
The User Buffer Model allows the user to specify either a linear buffer or circular buffer mode.
When the linear buffer mode is selected the driver will start filling the buffer from the
beginning of the buffer of size n (scans) with the newest available scans. Once the entire
buffer has been filled to the number of scans specified by n the driver will stop writing scan
data to the buffer even though the acquisition may continue.
For monitoring progress into a linear User Buffer, the retCount parameter will return the
current location (in scans) of the write pointer. This location indicates the next scan to be
written as well as representing the total number of scans acquired thus far. For instance, if
retCount = m then scan0 through scanm-1 can be processed.
The User Buffer Model also has a Circular Buffer Mode. In the circular buffer mode the driver
will continue to write scan data into the User Buffer until the acquisition terminates on its own
or is aborted by the user/application. Unlike the Linear Buffer model when the end of the user
buffer is reached the driver will continue to write scan data starting at the beginning of the
When using the Circular Buffer mode the application does not need to make sure that there is
always a buffer ready to take the scan data because the driver simply continues to fill the
specified buffer and, when necessary, will begin writing data at the beginning of the buffer.
This model ensures that a device FIFO overrun never occurs because the driver always has
place to store the data (as long as the interface is capable of the required throughput).
The application is required to monitor the transfer and remove and/or process data as it
becomes available (See Step 7 on monitoring and receiving scan data). However a User
Buffer overrun may occur if the controlling application cannot keep up in processing or
removing the data from the buffer. Therefore the application should allocate a large enough
buffer to alleviate any processing or other latencies that may be present in the system or the
If making the buffer larger does not alleviate user buffer overrun problems then it may be
necessary to upgrade the PC to a higher performance unit. The type of upgrade required will
be highly dependent upon the nature of the application as well as operating environment in
general. For instance, if taking data to disk then a faster HD and controller may be required.
If mathematical manipulation of the data is taking place then a faster CPU may be in order. If
graphics or video are used intensively then the solution may be a higher performance video
card. It is important to remember that the application and other tasks within the system can
have an impact on the overall performance of the data acquisition process.
2-8 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
Monitoring and Receiving Driver Buffer Model Data
The Driver Buffer Model allows the flexibility of the User Buffer Model in Circular mode without
the complication of having to manage the circular buffer at the application level. In fact, the
Buffer Model is simply a special case of the circular buffer mode in that the driver handles the
details of managing the circular buffer and “hands off” scan data to the application only when
the application requests it. The scan data is handed off to the application in easy to use and
manipulate linear buffers. Once handed off the data is removed from the Driver Buffer
permanently. In other words requesting data from the Driver Buffer is a destructive read
Upon request the Driver Buffer Model allows the application to request data from the internal
Driver Buffer as follows:
•Return Scan Data Available Returns any unread scan data that is available in the
Driver Buffer up to the requested amount. The application must ensure that it has
enough space in the User Request Buffer to store any amount of unread scan data that
may be present in the Driver Buffer up to the amount requested.
•Wait Until the Requested Amount is Available Waits until the requested amount
is available in the Driver Buffer. When the amount of scan data available is greater
than or equal to the amount requested the Driver Buffer will return the amount
•Do Not Wait Until the Requested Amount is Available Upon receipt of the request
if the amount of scan data available in the Driver Buffer is not greater than or equal to
the amount requested then the Driver Buffer will return no scan data. If the amount
requested is available at the time of the request the driver buffer will return the
amount requested.
Initialization and Error Handling
This section demonstrates how to initialize the Daq
device and use various methods of error handling. Most
of the example programs use similar coding as detailed in
the following VB example. Functions used include:
• VbdaqOpen&(daqName$)
• VbdaqSetErrorHandler&(errHandler&)
• VbdaqClose&(handle&)
All Visual Basic programs should include the DaqX.bas
file into their project. The DaqX.bas file provides the
necessary definitions and function prototyping for the
DAQX driver DLL.
the name of the device to be opened. The device name can be accessed and changed via the Daq*
Configuration utility located in the operating system’s Control Panel (see following figure).
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-9
Accessing and Changing a Device Name Using the Control Panel
To change a device name by going through the Control Panel you:
(1) Go to the Control Panel and select “Daq* Configuration.
(2) Double-Click on the applicable device.
(3) Highlight the existing name and type in the new one. Then click the “OK” button, not shown.
daqOpen call, if successful, will return a handle to the opened device. This handle may then be used
by other functions to configure or perform other operations on the device. When operations with the
device are complete, the device may then be closed using the
be found or opened,
daqOpen will return -1.
daqClose function. If the device could not
The DAQX library has a default error handler defined upon loading. However; if it is desirable to change
the error handler or to disable error handling, then the
setup an error handler for the driver. In the following example the error handler is set to
daqSetErrorHandler function may be used to
0 (no handler
defined), which disables error handling.
ret& = VBdaqSetErrorHandler&(0&)
If there is a Daq device error, the program will continue. The function’s return value (an error number or 0
if no error) can help you debug a program.
If (VBdaqOpen&(“DaqBook0”) < 0) Then
“Cannot open DaqBook0”
Daq device functions return daqErrno&.
Print “daqErrno& : ”; HEX$(daqErrno&)
End If
The next statement defines an error handling routine that frees us from checking the return value of every
Daq device function call. Although not necessary, this sample program transfers program control to a userdefined routine when an error is detected. Without a Daq device error handler, Visual Basic will receive
and handle the error, post it on the screen and terminate the program. Visual Basic provides an integer
variable (ERR) that contains the most recent error code. This variable can be used to detect the error
source and take the appropriate action.
The function
daqSetErrorHandler tells Visual Basic to assign ERR to a specific value when a Daq
device error is encountered. The following line tells Visual Basic to set ERR to 100 when a Daq device
error is encountered. (Other languages work similarly; refer to specific language documentation as
The On Error GoTo command (in Visual Basic) allows a user-defined error handler to be provided,
rather than the standard error handler that Visual Basic uses automatically. The program uses
to transfer program control to the label ErrorHandler if an error is encountered.
2-10 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
On Error
Daq device errors will send the program into the error handling routine. This is the error h andler. Program
control is sent here on error.
errorString$ = "ERROR in ADC1"
errorString$ = errorString$ & Chr(10) & "BASIC Error :" + Str$(Err)
If Err = 100 Then errorString$ = errorString$ & Chr(10) & "DaqBook Error
: " + Hex$(daqErrno&)
MsgBox errorString$, , "Error!"
End Sub
One-Step Command Acquisitions
This section shows the use of several one-step analog
input routines. These commands are easier to use than
low-level commands but are less flexible in regard to
scan configuration. These commands provide a single
function call to configure and acquire analog input data.
This example demonstrates the use of the 4 Daq device’s
one-step ADC functions. Functions used include:
This program will initialize the Daq device hardware,
then take readings from the analog input channels in the
base unit (not the expansion cards). For transporting data
in and out of the Daq device driver, arrays are
Dim sample%(1), buf%(80), handle&,
ret&, flags&, gain&
The following code assumes that the Daq device has been successfully opened and the
handle& value is a
valid handle to the device. All the following one-step functions define the channel scan groups to be
analog unipolar input channels. Specifying this configuration uses the
values in the
characteristics of the channel(s) specified. In this case, the
flags parameter. The flags parameter is a bit-mask field in which each bit specifies the
DafAnalog and the DafUnipolar values are
added together to form the appropriate bit mask for the specified
The next line requests 1 reading from 1 channel with a gain of ×1. The variable
DafAnalog and the DafUnipolar
flags parameter.
DgainX1& is actually a
defined constant from DaqX.bas, included at the beginning of this program.
DafSigned does not work in conjunction with DaqBook/100.
Print “Results of AdcRdscan:”
For x& = 0 To 7
Print Format$“& # & ####”; “Channel:”; buf%(x); “Data:”; buf%(x)
Next x&: Print
Counted Acquisitions Using Linear Buffers
This section sets up an acquisition that
collects post-trigger A/D scans. This
particular example demonstrates the setting
up and collection of a fixed-length A/D
acquisition in a linear buffer.
First, the acquisition is configured by
setting up the channel scan group
configuration, the acquisition frequency,
the acquisition trigger and the acquisition
mode. When configured, the acquisition is
then armed by calling the
At this point, the Daq device trigger is
armed and A/D acquisition will begin upon
trigger detection. If the trigger source has
been configured to be
A/D data collection will begin
This example will retrieve 10 samples from
channels 0 through 7, triggered
immediately with a 1000 Hz sampling
frequency and unity gain. Functions used
This program will initialize the Daq device hardware, then take readings from the analog input channels in
the base unit (not the expansion cards). The functions used in this program are of a lower level than those
used in the previous section and provid e more flexibility.
Dim buf%(80), handle&, ret&, flags&
The following function defines the channel scan group. The function specifies a channel scan group from
channel 0 through 7 with all channels being analog unipolar input channels with a gain of ×1. Specifying
this configuration uses
flags parameter. The flags parameter is a bit-mask field in which each bit specifies the
in the
characteristics of the specified channel(s). In this case, the
added together to form the appropriate bit mask for the specified
DgainX1 in the gain parameter and the DafAnalog and the DafUnipolar values
DafAnalog and the DafUnipolar values are
flags parameter.
2-12 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
Next, set the internal sample rate to 1 kHz.
ret& = VBdaqAdcSetFreq&(handle&,1000!)
The acquisition mode needs to be configured to be fixed length acquisition with no pre-trigger scan data
and 10 scans of post-trigger scan data. The mode is set to
DaamNShot&, which will configure the
acquisition as a fixed-length acquisition that will terminate automatically upon the satisfaction of the posttrigger count of 10.
ret& = VBdaqAdcSetAcq&(handle&,DaamNShot&, 0, 10)
The acquisition begins upon detection of the trigger event. The trigger event is configured with
daqAdcSetTrig. The next line defines the trigger event (to be the immediate trigger source) that will
start the acquisition immediately. The variable
DatsImmediate& is a constant defined in DaqX.bas.
Since the trigger source is configured as immediate, the other trigger parameters are not needed.
A buffer now is configured to hold the A/D data to be acquired. Since this is to be a fixed length transfer
to a linear buffer, the buffer cycle mode should be turned off with
update mode is specified with
DatmUpdateBlock&. The buffer size is set to 10 scans.
DatmCycleOff&. For efficiency, block
Note: the user-defined buffer must have been allocated with sufficient storage to hold the entire transfer
prior to invoking the following line.
With all acquisition parameters being configured, the acquisition can now be armed. Once armed, the
acquisition will begin immediately upon detection of the trigger event. As in the case of the immediate
trigger, the acquisition will begin immediately upon execution of the
ret& = VBdaqAdcArm&(handle&)
daqAdcArm function.
After setting up and arming the acquisition, the data is immediately ready to be collected. Had the trigger
source been anything other than immediate, the data would only be ready after the trigger had been
satisfied. The following line initiates an A/D transfer from the Daq device to the defined user buffer.
ret& = VBdaqAdcTransferStart&(handle&)
Wait for the transfer to complete in its entirety, then proceed with normal application processing.
This can be accomplished with the
application processing to become blocked until the specified event has occurred.
daqWaitForEvent command. The daqWaitForEvent allows the
DteAdcDone, indicates
that the event to wait for is the completion of the transfer.
ret& = VBdaqWaitForEvent(handle&,DteAdcDone&)
At this point, the transfer is complete; all data from the acquisition is available for further processing.
Print “Results of Transfer”
For i& = 0 To 10
Print "Scan "; Format$(Str$(i& + 1), "00"); " -->";
For k& = k& To k& + 7
Print Format$(IntToUint&(buf%(k&)), "00000"); " ";
Next k&
Next i&
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-13
Indefinite Acquisition, Direct-To-Disk Using Circular Buffers
This program demonstrates the use of
circular buffers in cycle mode to collect
analog input data directly to disk. In cycle
mode, this data transfer can continue
indefinitely. When the transfer reaches the
end of the physical data array, it will reset
its array pointer back to the beginning of
the array and continue writing data to it.
Thus, the allocated buffer can be used
repeatedly like a FIFO buffer.
The API has built-in direct-to-disk
functionality. Therefore, very little needs
to be done by the application to configure
direct-to-disk operations.
First, the acquisition is configured by
setting up the channel scan group
configuration, the acquisition frequency,
the acquisition trigger and the acquisition
mode. Once configured, the transfer to
disk is set up and the acquisition is then
armed by calling the
daqAdcArm function.
At this point, the Daq device trigger is
armed and A/D acquisition to disk will
begin immediately upon trigger detection.
This example will retrieve an indefinite
amount of scans for channels 0 through 7,
triggered via software with a 3000 Hz
sampling frequency and unity gain.
Functions used include:
This program will initialize the Daq device hardware, then take readings from the analog input channels in
the base unit (not the expansion cards) and store them to disk automatically. The following lines
demonstrate channel scan group configuration using the
daqAdcSetScan command.
Note: flags may be channel-specific.
2-14 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
Dim handle&, ret&, channels&(8), gains&(8) flags&(8)
Dim buf%(80000), active&, count&
Dim bufsize& = 10000 ‘ In scans
' Define arrays of channels and gains : 0-7 , unity gain
For x& = 0 To 7
channels&(x&) = x&
gains&(x&) = DgainX1&
flags&(x&) = DafAnalog& + DafSingleEnded& + DafUnipolar&
Next x&
' Load scan sequence FIFO
ret& = VBdaqAdcSetScan&(handle&,channels&(), gains&(), flags&(), 8)
Next, set the internal sample rate to 3 kHz.
ret& = VBdaqAdcSetFreq&(handle&,3000!)
The acquisition mode needs to be configured to be fixed-length acquisition with no pre-trigger scan data
and 10 scans of post-trigger scan data. The mode is set to
DaamInfinitePost&, which will configure the
acquisition as having indefinite length and, as such, will be terminated by the application. In this mode, the
pre- and post-trigger count values are ignored.
A buffer now is configured to hold the A/D data to be acquired. This buffer is necessary to hold incoming
A/D data while it is being prepared for disk I/O. Since this is to be an indefinite-length transfer to a
circular buffer, the buffer cycle mode should be turned on with
update mode is specified with
DatmUpdateBlock&. The buffer size is set to 10,000 scans. The buffer
DatmCycleOn&. For efficiency, block
size indicates only the size of the circular buffer, not the total number of scans to be taken.
Now the destination disk file is configured and opened. For this example, the disk file is a new file to be
created by the driver. After the following line has been executed, the specified file will be o pened and
ready to accept data.
With all acquisition parameters being configured and the acquisition transfer to disk configured, the
acquisition can now be armed. Once armed, the acquisition will begin immediately upon detection of the
trigger event. As in the case of the immediate trigger, the acquisition will begin immediately upon
execution of the daqAdcArm function.
ret& = VBdaqAdcArm&(handle&)
After setting up and arming the acquisition, data collection will begin upon satisfaction of the trigger event.
Since the trigger source is software, the trigger event will not take place until the application issues the
software trigger event. To prepare for the trigger event, the following line initiates an A/D transfer from
the Daq device to the defined user buffer and, subsequently, to the specified disk file. No data is
transferred at this point, however.
ret& = VBdaqAdcTransferStart&(handle&)
The transfer has been initiated, but no data will be transferred until the trigger event occurs. The following
line will signal the software trigger event to the driver; then A/D input data will be transferred to the
specified disk file as it is being collected.
ret& = VBdaqAdcSoftTrig&(handle&)
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-15
Both the acquisition and the transfer are now currently active. The transfer to disk will continue
indefinitely until terminated by the application. The application can monitor the transfer process with the
following lines of code:
acqTermination& = 0
‘ Wait here for new data to arrive
ret& = VBdaqWaitForEvent(handle&,DteAdcData&)
‘ New data has been transferred - Check status
ret& = VBdaqAdcTransferGetStat&(handle&,active&,retCount&)
‘ Code may be placed here which will process the buffered data or
‘ perform other application activities
‘ At some point the application needs to determine the event on which
‘ the direct-to-disk acquisition is to be halted and set the
‘ acqTermination flag.
Loop While acqTermination& = 0
At this point the application is ready to terminate the acquisition to disk. The following line will terminate
the acquisition to disk and will close the disk file.
ret& = VBdaqAdcDisarm&(handle&)
The acquisition as well as the data transfer has been stopped. We should check status one more time to get
the total number of scans actually transferred to disk.
retCount& parameter will indicate the total number of scans
transferred to disk.
Analog Output
The program DACEX1.BAS shows how to
output analog voltages on analog output
channels 0 and 1. These commands only
have to be issued one time unless a related
parameter is explicity changed. The output
voltages will be sustained. This example
demonstrates the use of the two digital-toanalog converters (values used assume
bipolar mode). Functions used include:
ndle&, DddtLocal&, 0,
deviceType&, chan&,
2-16 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
Assuming the voltage reference is connected to the internal default of 5 V, the next function will set
channel 0 to an output voltage of 5 V. The values are set for a digital-to-analog converter with 16 bit
resolution; 65535 represents full-scale. Channel 1 is equal to 0.
The daqDacWtMany writes to both analog outputs simultaneously. The following lines sets channel 0 to 5
V and channel 1 to 2.5 V. At full-scale, a digital value of 65535 corresponds to 5 V; a digital value of
49152 corresponds to ½ of 5 V.
Dim deviceTypes&(1)
Dim chans&(1)
Dim dataVals%(1)
The VBdaqSetOutputMode puts the channel in a voltage mode.
ret& = VBdaqSetOutputMode&(handle&, DddtLocal&, 0, DdomVoltage&)
ret& = VBdaqSetOutputMode&(handle&, DddtLocal&, 1, DdomVoltage&)
deviceTypes&(0) = DddtLocal&
deviceTypes&(1) = DddtLocal&
chans&(0) = 0
chans&(1) = 1
dataVals&(0) = 65535
dataVals&(1) = 49152
ret& = VBdaqDacWtMany&(handle&, deviceTypes&(), chans&(), dataVals&(),2)
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-17
Generating DAC FIFO Waveforms
This program demonstrates the use of the
DAC FIFO to generate waveforms. The
DAC is configured for output on both
channels, and the user waveform is
constructed. Output begins after the
waveform is assigned to a channel. At this
point, the program continues while the
waveforms are generated.
The following example shows how to
generate a pre-defined waveform using
these functions:
When using the pre-defined waveform generation, program the waveform parameters common to both
channels. The double star (**) indicates the value must be the same on both channels of a DaqBoard.
For chan = 0 To 1 Step 1
' set the output mode to static waveform
ret& = VBdaqDacSetOutputMode&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&, DdomStaticWave&)
' The trigger source must be set to immediate for static waveform.**
err& = VBdaqDacWaveSetTrig&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&, DdtsImmediate&, 1)
' set the internal dac clock
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetClockSource&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&,
' the frequency of the internal clock. **
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetFreq&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&, 10!)
' must be infinite for static mode
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetMode&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&, DdwmInfinite&, 0)
Next chan
' buffer cylce on, retransmit mode. **
' update count is the buffer length. **
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetBuffer&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&, buf0%(),
updateCount&, DdtmCycleOn&)
' set the buffer for channel 1
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetBuffer&(handle&, DddtLocal&, chan&, buf1%(),
updateCount&, DdtmCycleOn&)
' program the waveform parameters specific to dac channel 0
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetPredefWave&(handle&, DddtLocal&, 0, DdwtTriangle&,
32768, 32768, 90, 0)
' program the waveform parameters specific to dac channel 1
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveSetPredefWave&(handle&, DddtLocal&, 1, DdwtSquare&,
32768, 32768, 40, 0)
' buffer must be configured before the arm command is called. All channels
' will be armed.
ret& = VBdaqDacWaveArm(handle&, DddtLocal&)
2-18 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
Digital I/O on P2
This program demonstrates the functions
controlling digital I/O on the P2 connector of the
device. First, the 3 digital ports on the 8255 are
configured as input, output, or both in the case of
port C; then, appropriate I/O commands are
issued. Functions used include:
• VBdaqIOReadBit&(handle&,
• VBdaqIORead&(handle&,
• VBdaqIOWriteBit&(handle&,
• VBdaqIOWrite&(handle&,
• VBdaqIOGet8255Conf&(handle&,
The function daqIOGet8255Conf returns the appropriate configuration value to use in daqIOWrite. As
shown above, the handle of the opened Daq device is the first parameter passed. The second, third, fourth,
and fifth parameters respectively indicate: the 8255 port A value, the port B value, the high-nibble value of
port C, and the low-nibble value of port C. The values for the parameters passed in the call shown above
will return the configuration value (port A = OUTPUT, port B = INPUT, p ort C / high nibble = output, port
C / low nibble = INPUT) in the config& parameter, which matches the current configuration of the 8255.
Read port B and put the value into the variable b yteVal%.
ret& = VBdaqIORead&(handle&, DiodtLocal8255&, Diodp8255B&, 0, 0,_ byteVal&)
Print "The value on digital port B : &H"; Hex$(byteVal&): Print
The following lines write to the high nibble of port C.
ret& = VBdaqIOWriteBit&(handle&,DiodtLocal8255&,Diodp8255CHigh&,0,_ 0,0,1)
ret& = VBdaqIOWriteBit&(handle&,DiodtLocal8255&,Diodp8255CHigh&,0,_ 0,1, 0)
ret& = VBdaqIOWriteBit&(handle&,DiodtLocal8255&,Diodp8255CHigh&,0,_ 0, 2, 1)
ret& = VBdaqIOWriteBit&(handle&,DiodtLocal8255&,Diodp8255CHigh&,0,_ 0, 3, 0)
Print "The high nibble of digital port C set to : 0101 (&H5)": Print
The next lines read the low nibble of port C on the base unit.
Programmer’s Manual 988594API Programming, General Models 2-19
For x% = 0 To 3
ret& = VBdaqIOReadBit&(handle&, DiodtLocal8255&,_ Diodp8255CLow&,
0, 0, x%, bitVal&)
Print "The value on bit "; x%; " of digital port C : &H";_ Hex$(bitVal&)
Next x%
Using DBK Card Calibration Files
Software calibration functions are designed
to adjust Daq device readings to
compensate for gain and offset errors.
Calibration constants are calculated at the
factory by measuring the gain and offset
errors of a card at each programmable gain
setting. These constants are stored in a
calibration text file that can be read by a
program at runtime. This allows new
boards to be configured for calibration by
updating this calibration file rather than
recompiling the program. Calibration
constants and instructions are shipped with
the related DBK boards. Programs like
DaqView support this calibration and use
the same constants.
The calibration operation removes static
gain and offset errors that are inherent in
the hardware. The calibration constants
are measured at the factory and do not
change during the execution of a program.
These constants are different for each card
and programmable-gain setting; they may
even be different for each channel,
depending on the design of the expansion
Note: DBK19 is shipped with calibration constants. Other cards use on-board potentiometers to perform hardware
The calibration process has 3 steps:
• Initialization consists of reading the calibration file.
• Setup describes the characteristics of the data to be calibrated.
• Conversion does the actual calibration of the data.
Function prototypes, return error codes, and parameter definitions are located in the
DAQX.H header file for C (or similar files for other languages).
Cards that support the calibration functions are shipped with a diskette containing a
calibration constants file. The name of the file will be the serial number of the card
shipped with it. This file holds the calibration constants for each programmablegain setting of that card. These constants should be copied to a calibration text file
(DAQBOOK.CAL) located in the same directory as the program performing the
To set up the calibration file, perform the following steps:
2-20 API Programming, General Models 988594 Programmer’s Manual
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