Sample Music Tracks
The two PocketZip™ disks provided with the
Digital Audio Player
HipZip™ Digital Audio Player have several
sample music tracks from various artists.
Feel free to listen and enjoy them. If you
wish to change the content on your
PocketZip disks, just use your
Windows® Explorer or Mac® Desktop
to drag and drop the new music
tracks to your HipZip player.
Software Upgrades
In the near future, log onto www.iomega.com for free
software upgrades that will make the HipZip™ player fully
functional with Audible® and MetaTrust®.
Accessories that complement your HipZip™ player, including a belt
clip carrying case for your HipZip player, PocketZip™ 20 disk
wallets, and USB cables will soon be available online at
http://www.iomegadirect.com. PocketZip™ wallets will also soon be
available at your local retailer.
Copy rig ht © 200 0 Io mega Cor porat ion . Io mega , th e st yli zed “i” logo , Po cket Zip, and Hip Zip are eith er r egi ster ed
trad emar ks o r tr ade mark s of Iom ega Corp orati on in t he U nit ed S tates an d/or oth er co untrie s. Mi cro soft and Win dows are
eit her r egi ster ed t radem ark s or trad ema rks o f M icr osoft Co rpora tio n in the Uni ted Stat es an d/ or ot her coun tri es. Mac is a
reg iste red t radem ark of App le C ompu ter, Inc ., in t he U nit ed St ates and/ or o ther co unt ries . Ce rtai n ot her produ ct names ,
bran d na mes and com pany nam es ma y be tr adma rks or d esi gnat ions of thei r r espect ive own ers.
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