Inter-Tel 3000 User Manual

Voice Mail
Easy as 1-2-3:
1 The Inter-Tel 3000 Voice Mail can be added to the
Inter-Tel 3000 system at the time of installation or as a future enhancement. Voice mail includes day/night auto attendant, customizable courtesy service, 83 mailboxes, Record-A-Call, Remote Message Notification and more.
2 The Inter-Tel 3000 Voice Mail can be programmed in a matter
of minutes through an Inter-Tel 3000 feature phone or Windows®-based PC programming software and can even be maintained remotely.
3 Phone users can change greetings, passwords and even
monitor/screen messages as they are being left by callers. Messages can be checked from any phone on the system or remotely by dialing into the system.
Inter-Tel 3000 Voice Mail Features:
Available options include: 2-, 4- or 8-port with 5, 10 or
20 hours storage respectively
Day/night auto attendant
Customizable courtesy service
Dial-by-name directory
Temporary greeting
(1) General mailbox
(52) Extension mailboxes
(20) Group mailboxes
(10) Phantom mailboxes
Remote Message Notification
Inter-Tel®3000 Voice Mail Programming
Easy as 1-2-3:
1 Simply install the voice mail card into the Inter-Tel 3000
CCU (Central Control Unit).
2 Identify customer requirements for auto attendant and
voice mail and program accordingly via Inter-Tel 3000 programming extension or Windows-based PC software.
3 Record auto attendant and courtesy service greetings
via an Inter-Tel 3000 system phone, then notify users of their voice mail password and how they can record a new personal greeting and change their password.
Part #935.3543 06/07