Intersil ISL54211EVAL1Z User Manual

Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Application Note February 13, 2009
The ISL54211EVAL1Z evaluation board is designed to provide a quick and easy method for evaluating the ISL54211 USB/Audio Switch IC.
The ISL54211 device is an unique IC. To use this evaluation board properly requires a thorough knowledge of the operation of the IC. Refer to the data sheet for an understanding of the functions and features of the device. Studying the device’s truth-table along with its pinout diagram on page 2 of the data sheet is the best way to get a quick understanding of how the part works.
A picture of the main evaluation board is shown in Figure 1. The ISL54211 TDFN IC is soldered onto the evaluation board. It is located in the center of the board and is designated as U1.
The ISL54211 IC has three modes of operation called Audio mode, USB mode and Mute mode. The evaluation board contains standard Audio and USB connectors to allow the user to easily interface with the IC to evaluate its functions, features, and performance in the these modes of operation.
For example, when the board is properly powered, a headphone can be plugged into the headphone jack (J7) and a stereo source, such as a MP3 player, can be connected at the RCA connectors J3 (AUDIO LEFT) and J4 (AUDIO RIGHT) to play music through the audio switches of the IC. See Figure 2. You can then turn-off the audio source, remove the headphones, configure the logic for USB operation and then attach a USB cable from a computer to the USB connector J1 (USB TO HOST). This will establish a connection from the computer through the USB switches of the IC to the USB device connected at the USB connector J2 (USB TO DEVICE), to send and receive data.
This application note will guide the user through the process of configuring and using the evaluation board to evaluate the ISL54211 device in both the Audio mode and the USB mode.
• Standard USB Connectors
• RCA Audio Input Jacks and Headphone Speaker Jack
• Convenient Test Points and Connections for Test Equipment
Picture of Evaluation Board (Top View)
Board Architecture/Layout
Basic Layout of Evaluation Board
The basic layout of the main board is as follows: Refer to Figure 1.
• Power and Ground connections are at the top of the board (J10 and J11).
• Logic control connections are at the top of the board (J12 and J13).
• Audio Source Inputs are at the lower right side of the board (J3 to J6). Audio outputs are at the lower left side of the board (J7, J8, J9). Connector J7 is a standard headphone jack for connecting a 32
• USB connection to an upstream host controller (Computer) is made at connector J1, located on left under­side of the board. USB connection to a downstream USB device is made at connector J2, located on right under­side of the board.
• Located in the center of the board is the ISL54211 IC (U1). The evaluation board has a pin 1 dot, to show how the IC should be oriented on to the evaluation board. The IC pin 1 indicator dot needs to be aligned with the evaluation board pin 1 dot indicator.
Ω headphone.
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.
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Application Note 1408
Power Supply
The DC power supply connected at banana jacks J10 (VDD) and J11 (GND) provides power to the part. The IC requires a
2.7V to 5.0V DC power supply for proper operation. The power supply should be capable of delivering 100
µA of
Logic Control
The state of the ISL54211 device is determined by the voltage at the IN pin and the CTRL pin.
Access to the CTRL pin is through the banana jack J12 (CTRL).
Access to the IN pin is through banana jack J13 (IN) when jumper JP3 is in position 2 to 3 and through the USB J1 (USB TO HOST) connector V is in position 2 to 1.
These control pins are 1.8V logic compatible which allows for control via a standard
Logic “0” (LOW) when <= 0.5V or floating Logic “1” (HIGH) when >= 1.4V
Note: The evaluation board has the option of putting a 4M pull-down resistor from the IN pin to ground by putting a jumper at JP4. However it is not required for the ISL54211 part because the IN and CTRL pins have internal 4MΩ pull-down resistors. These resistors pull the logic pins to ground when J13, J1, or J12 are floated.
If IN is driven LOW, and CTRL is HIGH, the part will be in the Audio mode. The audio switches will be ON and the USB switches will be OFF.
If IN is driven HIGH and CTRL = X, (don’t care) the part will be in the USB mode. The USB switches will be ON and the audio switches will be OFF.
If IN is LOW and CTRL is LOW, the part will be in the MUTE mode. In MUTE mode all switches are OPEN.
Rather than using a logic controller to control the IN logic pin through the J13 (IN) banana jack, you can directly drive the IN pin using the V
voltage from the computer through the
USB J1 (USB TO HOST) connector. To control the part through the J1 connector make the
following connections:
1. Install jumper JP3 at location 2 to 1. This connects the V
line of the J1 USB connector to the IN pin of the part.
Note: With the jumper in this position the J13 banana jack is no longer connected to the IN pin of the part.
2. A 500k the V
Ω resistor should be put in series with the IN pin if
voltage is greater than the VDD voltage. This
series resistor is not on the evaluation board. There is an internal diode in the IC from the IN pin to VDD that will get
line when the jumper JP3
forward biased and draw current as the voltage at the IN pin exceeds the VDD voltage. With V
3.3V, this resistor will limit the current to around 2.76
= 5.25V and VDD =
μA and
the voltage at the IN pin will be around 3.6V which is well above the VinH min level of 1.4V required for proper operation.
When the computer is not connected at J1, the internal pull­down will pull the IN pin low putting the ISL54211 in the Audio mode or Mute mode depending on the condition of the CTRL pin.
When a USB cable from the computer is connected at J1, the voltage at the IN pin will be driven high and the part will automatically go into the USB mode.
When the USB cable is disconnected from the J1 connector the voltage at the IN pin will be pulled low by the pull-down resistor and return to the Audio mode or Mute mode depending on the condition of the CTRL pin.
Audio Inputs
The evaluation board has two audio inputs labeled AUDIO LEFT (J3 or J5) and AUDIO RIGHT (J4 or J6). Each of these inputs have a BNC connector wired in parallel with a RCA jack connector. You can connect an audio source/generator at either the BNC connector or the RCA connector.
In a typical application the left and right outputs of a stereo source, such as an MP3 player, would be connect to the RCA jacks J3 and J4, respectfully.
Over a signal range of have an extremely low r
±1V (0.707V
resistance variation. They can
) these switches
pass ground referenced audio signals with very low distortion (<0.05% THD+N) when delivering 15.6mW into a 32W
headphone speaker load. A 3V
signal is acceptable
but performance will degrade. The audio channels are AC coupled with 100µF capacitors.
These caps remove any DC voltage from the audio signals and reference them to ground of the device. If the audio source being connected to the evaluation board already has AC coupling capacitors at the output of its drivers then the capacitors on the evaluation board should be shorted out (replaced with 0 Ω resistors). This will prevent further attenuation of the low frequency content of the audio signal due to the increase of the high-pass corner frequency resulting from the evaluation board capacitor in series with the audio source capacitor.
Audio Outputs
The evaluation board has a standard headphone jack labeled HEADPHONE JACK (J7). A 32 should be plugged into this jack.
The BNC connector J8 (COM-) is in parallel with the audio left line of the headphone jack and the D- line of the J1 (USB To HOST) connector. The BNC connector J9 (COM+) is in parallel with the audio right line of the headphone jack and
W stereo headphone
February 13, 2009
Application Note 1408
the D+ line of the J1 (USB To HOST) connector. These BNC connectors can be used to connect resistive loads and/or test equipment to evaluate the performance of the IC.
USB Connections
A “B” type USB receptacle labeled “USB TO HOST” (J1) is located on the left under-side of the board. This receptacle should be connected, using a standard USB cable, to the up-stream USB host controller which is usually a PC computer or hub. When this connection is made and the IN logic control is driven HIGH, the ISL54211 device will go into USB mode. The USB switches will be turned ON.
An “A” type USB receptacle labeled USB TO DEVICE (J2) is located on the right under-side of the board. The USB device can be plugged directly into this receptacle or through a standard USB cable.
In USB mode the USB host controller and USB device will be connected through the internal USB switches of the IC. The USB switches are bi-directional which allow the host (computer) and downstream USB device to both send and receive data.
Note: Before connecting the USB host controller at connector J1, the headphones must be removed from the headphone speaker jack, J7. This will prevent the audio load from interfering with USB signal transmission.
The main purpose of the ISL54211 device is to allow the use of a common USB and Audio Headphone Connector in Personal Media Players and other portable battery powered equipment. Either a headphone will be in the common connector to play music or a USB cable from a computer will be in the common connector to transmit digital data, such as music, into the memory of the media player.
Board Component Definitions
J1 “B” type USB Receptacle
J2 “A” type USB Receptacle J3, J5 Left Stereo Audio Input J4, J6 Right Stereo Audio Input
J7 Headphone Speaker Jack
J8 COM- BNC Connector
J9 COM+ BNC Connector
J10 VDD Positive Connection J11 VDD Negative Connection J12 CTRL Logic Control J13 IN Logic Control J14 D- BNC Connector J15 D+ BNC Connector
JP1, JP2 D-/D+ Differential Probe Connection
JP3 IN Pin Connector Selection
Jumper Position 2 - 3 Control through J13 Jumper Position 2 - 1 Control through J1
JP4 Connect 4MΩ Pull-down Resistor to IN Pin
Not required for the ISL54211 part.
The BNC connector J8 (COM-) is in parallel with the D- line of the J1 USB connector. The BNC connector J9 (COM+) is in parallel with the D+ line of the J1 USB connector.
The BNC connector J14 (D-) is in parallel with the D- line of the J2 USB connector. The BNC connector J15 (D+) is in parallel with the D+ line of the J2 USB connector. If you want to use the J14 and J15 BNC connectors you must populate R1 and R2 with 0Ω resistors. These BNC connectors can be used to connect test equipment to evaluate the performance of the IC.
February 13, 2009
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