Interphone Avant User Manual

Fully charge the battery before using the product for the first time. Do not store the Product without charging it. Failure to do so may cause irreversible da­mage to the bat tery capacity. Charge the batter y every TWO months.
The external unit (control unit), connected to the audio kit , is classified IP67 according to the IEC60529 standard. The control unit, connected to the audio kit , can therefore be immersed in a metre of fresh water for a maximum of 30 (thirt y) minutes.
Despi te this cla ssifica tion, the d evice is no t immune to g reater st ress, such a s prolong ed immersions or high pressure water jets.
Using the product during intense meteorological phenomena, at high speeds, may be equivalent to subjecting the product to a high pressure jet .
FOLLOW ALL SU GGESTIO NS CAREF ULLY TO AVOID DAMAG ING THE DEVICE : Do not im merse the product in fresh water w hich is more th an a metre deep f or more than 30 minutes. Do not st ore the prod uct when st ill wet: dry it wit h a clean, sof t cloth. Dr y any water or moi -
sture present in the connec tor of the control unit and/or audio kit with hot air for at least 10 minutes, so as to preven t the oxidation of the contacts.
Do not ex pose the pro duct to salt w ater or ionis ed water, drink s or other liq uids.
If the device is exposed to liquids other than fresh water, wash the device with cold fresh water and dry it carefully w ith a clean, soft cloth.
Do not ex pose the pro duct to high p ressure wat er jets. Make su re that the au dio kit conne ctor is comp letely inser ted in the con trol unit .
If not, complete protection against water and dust is not guaranteed.
Microphone for full face helmet
Speaker kit
Microphone for ip-up/jet helmet
USB cable for charging and data
If possible, remove the two
cushions or padding
Locate the area in correspondence
with the ear
Choose the bracket to use, to be attached on the le side of the helmet:
Adhesive bracket
Clamp bracket
Volume +
Up (<)
Phone Intercom / On-O
Bluetooth unit
Volume -
Down (>)
FM Radio
Clamp bracketAdhesive bracket
Velcro and spare sponges
Position the strips of Velcro
for the speakers
Choose the microphone to use:
Filp-up/jet helmet Full face helmet
Place the speakers
Re-install the cushions
(!) Warnings on installation:
1. The centre of the speakers must be placed in correspondence with the ears, as close as possible.
2. The marking “MIC” on the microphone must be directed towards the mouth.
Install the control unit and connect the cable
Via Lam brakis 1/A, 421 22 Reggio Em ilia, Italy
Inser t the micro USB charging cable in the special intercom connector, as shown in the picture. Connect the cable to a standard USB charger.
LED indications:
- red LED: charging .
- green L ED: fully charged .
Turn the device on
until the blue LED comes on.
Turn the device off
until the red L ED lights up and the device turns off.
Chang e the voice guid e language
1. With the unit on, press and hold
2. Press + to select the desired language.
3. Press and hold blue.
1. With the unit off, press and hold
2. Star t searching f or new device s on the mobile ph one / GPS
3. Select the intercom on the phone / GPS (“Interphone AVANT”).
4. Once the pairing has been confirmed, the LED will f lash BLUE twice, every three seconds.
Answering a call
Short press
Voice dial
Short press
Redial last number
until it beeps (1.5sec)
UP until the third beep to save the selection. The LED will flash
UP until the third beep. The L ED will be purple.
until the LED flashes red/blue alternately.
Enable/disable playback from the phone
Short press
Next track/Previous track
Short press > /
Share t he music with another in tercom
Press for 3 seconds
Automatic pairing
1. Arrange the unit s (off and maximum 8) nex t to one another as shown in the picture.
2. On the first unit, press will end automatically, by pairing all the unit s.
+ > (UP) , unt il the L ED fl ashes red/green. The procedure
Manual pairing
1. With the intercom off, on each unit , press and hold red/green.
2. Then press
Conference between 2 users
Press on unit 1 or on unit 2.
only on one of the t wo units.
+ > (UP) , unt il the L ED fl ashes
1 2
Conference between 3 users
1. For the first time only, pair unit 1 to 2 and then unit 2 to 3.
2. Press
on unit 2 to star t the conference between units 1, 2, 3.
1 2 3
Conference mu ltiuser (up to 8 users)
1. For the first time only, pair unit 1 to 2 , t hen unit 2 to 3 , following this scheme until the last unit of the group..
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press group w ill be connected.
(UP) unt il second beep, on unit 1, to connect 1 + 2.
(UP) unt il second beep, on unit 2, to connect 1 + 2 + 3.
(UP) again until second beep, one after the other, until each member of the
1 2 3 4
Beep...beep Beep...beep Beep...beep Beep...beep Beep...beep
Enable/disable the FM radio
Short press
Scan frequency
Short press > /
Save frequency
Choose with
Temporary storage of the 8 strongest stations
FM radio shar ing with ano ther interphone
Press > or >] until second beep (3 sec). Go to for the complete user manuals.
/ > the memory slot and confirm with
until the second beep (3 sec)
Bluetooth® compliance: Bluetooth® v. 5 - Class II Supported Bluetooth profiles: HFP A2DP AVRCP Frequency: 2.402 – 2.480GHz Power: 20dBm EIRP / 10dBm EI RP Operating temperature: 0 - 45°C Charging temperature: 5 - 45°C Dimensions mm: 55x85x25 Weight: 66 g Capacity: Up to 10 meters Talk time: 20 h Stand-by time: 500h with voice command of f Charging time: 1,5 h Batt ery type: Lithium-ion rechargeable
SAR is meas ured with th e device at 0 mm to t he body, while t ransmitt ing at the hig hest cert ified outp ut power level i n all frequen cy bands of th e device. The max imum SAR value i s 1.75 W/kg (head/bo dy) averaged ove r 10 gram of tissue .
WARNING: To prevent poss ible hearin g damage, do not l isten at high vol ume levels for l ong periods .
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement Industry Canada (IC) Statement
15.21 You are c autioned tha t changes or modif ications not e xpressly approv ed by the part res ponsible for comp liance could void th e user’s author ity to operat e the equipmen t.
15.105(b) Thi s equipment ha s been tested a nd found to compl y with the limi ts for a Class B di gital dev ice, pursuant t o part 15 of the F CC/IC rules. T hese limits a re designed to pr ovide reasona ble protect ion against har mful interfe rence in a residen tial instal lation. Th is equipment gen erates, uses an d can radiate r adio frequenc y energy an d, if not instal led and used in acco rdance with th e instruct ions, may caus e harmful inter ference to radi o communica tions . However, there is no g uarantee that in terference wi ll not occur in a par ticular ins tallation . If this equipment d oes cause harmf ul interferen ce to radio or te levision recep tion, which can b e determined by tu rning the equipm ent off and on, th e user is encourage d to try to correc t the interfere nce by one or mo re of the follow ing measures :
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Incre ase the separa tion betwe en the equipme nt and receiver.
-Conne ct the equipm ent into an out let on a circuit di fferent fro m that to which th e receiver is conn ected.
-Consu lt the dealer or an e xperience d radio/TV t echnician fo r help.
This dev ice complies wi th part 15 of th e FCC rules and Ind ustry Cana da licence-e xempt RSS st andard(s) Operation is subject to the following two conditions :
1)This dev ice may not caus e interfere nce and
2)This dev ice must accept a ny interfer ence, includin g interfere nce that may caus e undesired op eration of th e device. FCC/IC RF Ra diation Ex posure State ment : This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instru ctio ns for sat isfy ing RF ex posure co mplian ce. This tr ansmit ter mus t not be co- locate d or opera ting in co njunc tion wi th any oth er anten na or transmitter.
EN - Cellul arline S.p. A., declares t hat this Bluetoot h headset complie s with Di rective 2014/53/ EU. The ful l text of th e EU decl arati on of confor mity is a vailab le at the following address: Cellula rline S.p.A ., also decla res that this Bluet ooth headset comp lies with th e RoHS Direct ive 2011/65/EU.
EN - INSTRUCT IONS FOR THE DISP OSAL OF APPLI ANCES FOR DOME STIC USERS (Appli cable in co untri es in the Eur opean Un ion and th ose wit h separa te waste collection systems) This mark o n the produc t or documenta tion indica tes that this pr oduct must not be disp osed of wi th other h ouseho ld waste a t the end of i ts life. To avoid any da mage to he alth or th e enviro nment du e to impro per dispo sal of waste, t he user mus t separ ate this pr oduct f rom othe r type s of waste and rec ycle it in a re sponsib le manne r to promo te the sus tainab le re-us e of the mate rial resourc es. Domest ic user s should con tact t he dealer w here th ey purcha sed the produc t or the lo cal gover nment of fice fo r all the in format ion reg arding separa te waste collect ion and recycl ing for this type o f product. Corp orate users sho uld cont act the s upplie r and veri fy the te rms and co nditio ns in the pur chase con tract . This pro duct mu st not be mi xed wit h other commercial waste. This prod uct has a b atter y than ca nnot be re placed b y the user. D o not attem pt to open t he devic e to remove t he batt ery as th is could ca use malfun ction s and ser iously da mage the p roduc t. When di sposin g of the produc t, plea se conta ct the lo cal wast e disposa l autho rity t o remove th e batte ry. The b atter y inside the devi ce was desi gned to be a ble to be use d during t he entire lif e cycle of the pro duct