NOTE: These instructions cover the installation of the concentric
vent termination kits, NAHA001CV & NAHA002CV that are
approved for use on International Comfort Products, Category IV,
90% AFUE ratings and above gas furnaces.
Safety Considerations
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service, maintenance,
or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock, or other
conditions which may cause death, personal injury, or property
damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency, or your
distributor or branch for information or assistance. The qualified
installer or agency must use factory−authorized kits or
accessories when modifying this product. Refer to the individual
instructions packaged with the kits or accessories when installing.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses, protective clothing,
and work gloves. Use quenching cloth for brazing operations.
Have fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions
thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions included in literature
and attached to the unit. Consult local building codes, the current
editions of the National Fuel Gas Code (NFCG) NFPA 54/ANSI
Z223.1, National Electrical Code (NEC) NFPA 70.
In Canada refer to the current editions of the National standards of
Canada CAN/CSA−B149.1 and .2 Natural Gas and Propane
Installation Codes, and Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety−alert symbol
When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or
manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Understand
these signal words; DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION. These
words are used with the safety−alert symbol. DANGER identifies
the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal
injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards which could result in
personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify unsafe
practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and
property damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which
will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Special Venting Requirements for Installations in Canada
Installation in Canada must conform to the requirements of CSA
B149 code. Vent systems must be composed of pipe, fittings,
cements, and primers listed to ULC S636. The special vent fittings
and accessory concentric vent termination kits and accessory
external drain trap have been certified to ULC S636 for use with
those Royal Pipe and IPEX PVC vent components which have been
certified to this standard. In Canada, the primer and cement must be
of the same manufacturer as the vent system – GVS-65 Primer
(Purple) for Royal Pipe or IPEX System 636, PVC/CPVC Primer,
Purple Violet for Flue Gas Venting and GVS-65 PVC Solvent Cement
for Royal Pipe or IPEX System 636
Venting, rated Class IIA, 65 deg C. must be used with this venting
system - do not mix primers and cements from one manufacturer with
a vent system from a different manufacturer. Follow the
manufacturer’s instructions in the use of primer and cement and
never use primer or cement beyond its expiration date.
The safe operation, as defined by ULC S636, of the vent system is
based on following these installation instructions, the vent system
manufacturer’s installation instructions, and proper use of primer
and cement. All fire stop and roof flashing used with this system must
be UL listed material. Acceptability under Canadian standard CSA
B149 is dependent upon full compliance with all installation
instructions. Under this standard, it is recommended that the vent
system be checked once a year by qualified service personnel.
t, PVC Cement for Flue Gas
The authority having jurisdiction (gas inspection authority, municipal
building department, fire department, etc) should be consulted
before installation to determine the need to obtain a permit.
(1) System 636 is a trademark of IPEX Inc.
Consignes spéciales pour l’installation de ventillation au
L’installation faite au Canada doit se conformer aux exigences du
code CSA B149. Ce systême de ventillation doit se composer de
tuyaux, raccords, ciments et apprêts conformes au ULC S636. La
tuyauterie de ventillation des gaz, ses accessoires, le terminal
concentrique mural ainsi que l’ensemble du drain de condensat
extérieur ont été certifiés ULCS 636 pour l’application des
composantes Royal Pipe, IPEX PVC qui sont certifiées à ce
standard. Au Canada, l’apprêt et le ciment doivent être du même
fabricant que le système d’évacuation. L’apprêt GVS-65 (Purple) et
le ciment-solvant GVS-65 doivent être utilisé avec les Royal Pipe.
Système IPEX 636, apprêt PVC/CPVC, Purple pour évacuation des
gaz de combustion et système IPEX 636(1)t, ciment PVC pour
évacuation des gaz de combustion, coté classe IIA, 65 deg C.
doivent être utilisés avec le système d’évacuation IPEX 636 – Ne pas
combiner l’apprêt et le ciment d’un manufacturier avec un système
d’évacuation d’un manufacturier différent.
Bien suivre les indications du manufacturier lors de l’utilisation de
l’apprêt et du ciment et ne pas utiliser ceux-ci si la date d’expiration
est atteinte.
L’opération sécuritaire, tel que définit par ULC S636, du système de
ventilation est basé sur les instructions d’installation suivantes, ainsi
que l’usage approprié de l’apprêt et ciment. Tout arrët feu et solin de
toit utilisés avec ce système doivent être des matériaux listés UL.
L’acceptation du standard Canadien CSA B419 est directement relié
à l’installation conforme aux instructions ci- haut mentionnées. Le
standard Canadien recommande l’inspection par un personel
qualifié et ce, une fois par année.
Les autoritées ayant juridiction (inspecteurs de gas, inspecteurs en
bâtiments, département des incendies, etc) devraient être
consultées avant l’installation afin de déterminer si un permis est
Figure 1
Kit Contents:
3″ (76.2mm) Rain Cap or 2″ (50.8mm) Rain Cap
3″ (76.2mm) Diameter SDR−26 Pipe, 19
4″ (101.6mm) Diameter SDR−26 Pipe, 24″ (609.6mm) Long,
2″ (50.8mm) Diameter SDR−26 Pipe, 31
/2″ (63.5mm) Diameter SDR−26 Pipe, 371/8″ (943mm) Long,
3″ (76.2mm) Y Concentric Fitting or 2″ (50.8mm) Y Concentric Fitting
2″ (50.8mm) or 3″
(76.2mm) Dia.
Y Concentric Fitting
Kit Components
3″ (76.2mm) or 4″ (101.6mm) Dia.
SDR−26 Pipe
2 (50.8mm) or
/2″ (63.5mm)
Dia. SDR−26 Pipe
/2″ (495.3mm) Long or
/8″ (803.3mm) Long or
2″ (50.8mm) or 3″
(76.2mm) Dia.
Rain Cap
Specifications subject to change without notice.
441 06 1018 03 Dec. 2010

These kits are for vertical or horizontal termination of the combustion
air inlet and the exhaust vent pipes on Category IV gas−fired
condensing furnaces. The NAHA001CV kit can be used for 3″
(76.2mm) diameter pipe systems. The NAHA002CV kit can be used
for 2″ (50.8mm) diameter pipe system. Refer to Furnace Installation
Instructions for the correct pipe size for the furnace. Both the
combustion air inlet and the exhaust vent pipes must attach to the
termination kit. The termination kit must terminate outside the
structure and must be installed per the instructions outlined below for
vertical or horizontal termination. Vertical termination is preferred.
Field supplied pipe and fittings are required to complete the
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal
injury, death, property damage and/or equipment
Turn OFF gas supply at manual gas valve before
turning OFF electric power supply and starting
Turn OFF electric power supply at disconnect switch
or service panel before starting installation. Tag and
lockout shutoff(s) with appropriate device warning labels. There may be more than one disconnect.
Failure to follow this warning could result in
personal injury, death, property damage.
This kit is to be used for terminating condensing
Category IV vent furnaces. DO NOT use kit to
terminate Category I, II, or III vent furnaces.
Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in
these instructions could result in personal injury,
death, property damage and/or furnace malfunction.
Installation or repairs made by unqualified persons
could result in hazards to you and others.
Installation MUST conform with local codes or, in the
absence of local codes, with codes of the country
having jurisdiction.
The information contained in these instructions is
intended for use by a qualified service technician
familiar with safety procedures and equipped with
the proper tools and test instruments.
Follow the furnace installation instructions for locating the furnace,
clearances, operation and safety procedures. Use these instructions
for installation of the concentric vent termination kit.
Read these instructions completely before attempting installation.
Field supplied pipe and fittings are required to complete installation.
NOTE: All pipe, fittings, solvent cement, primers and procedures
MUST conform to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards:
Pipe and Fittings: − D1785, D2466, D2661, D2665, F−891,
F628, D2665, D2241
PVC Primer & Solvent Cement − D2564 & D2235
Procedure for Cement Joints − D2855
NOTE: In order to create a seal that allows future removal of pipe,
RTV sealant MUST be used on the inlet pipe where it joins to the
furnace. PVC, CPVC, ABS and Cellular Core pipe and cement may
be used on all other joints.
In Canada, refer to Special Venting Requirements for Installations in
Vent Termination Clearances
1. The Province of Alberta requires a minimum unobstructed
distance of 4 ft. (1.2m) from the foundation to the property line of
the adjacent lot for vent termination of any appliance with an
input over 35,000 btuh. This means, if there is less than 4 ft.
(1.2m) of unobstructed distance to the property line of the
adjacent lot, no type of vent termination is permitted for
appliances with inputs greater than 35,000 btuh.
The Province of Alberta does not interpret any restrictions on
unobstructed distances greater than 8 ft. (2.4m). This means
that all single, two-pipe and concentric vents may be used,
providing all other Code and manufacturer’s requirements are
adhered to.
The requirement is to re-direct the flue gas plume when the
unobstructed distance from the foundation to the property line of
the adjacent lot is no less than 4 ft. (1.2m) and no greater than 8
ft. (2.4m).
In venting situations where the unobstructed distance from the
foundation to the property line of the adjacent lot is between 4 ft.
(1.2m) and 8 ft. (2.4m), the concentric vent kit cannot be used.
The concentric vent kit cannot be modified to attach a tee or
elbow to the vent portion of the rain cap. A tee or elbow attached
to the rain cap could potentially direct the flue gas plume toward
the intake air stream and contaminate the incoming combustion
air for the furnace.
In a venting situation where the unobstructed distance from the
foundation to the property line of the adjacent lot is between 4 ft.
(1.2m) and 8 ft. (2.4m), a 2-pipe termination (or single pipe when
permitted) must be used.
2. With the exception of The Province of Alberta, Canada,
determine termination locations based on clearances specified
in furnace installation instruction, and following steps as shown
in Figure 2, Figure 5 through Figure 8.
3. The vent termination must be located at least 12″ (304.8mm)
above ground or normally expected snow accumulation levels.
4. Do NOT terminate over public walkways. Avoid areas where
condensate may cause problems such as above planters,
patios, or adjacent to windows where steam may cause fogging.
5. The vent termination shall be located at least 3′ (.9m)
horizontally from any electric meter, gas meter, regulator, and
any relief equipment.
6. The vent termination is to be located at least 3′ (.9m) above any
forced air inlet located within 10′ (3m); and at least 10′ (3m) from
a combustion air intake of another appliance, except another
direct vent furnace intake.
7. In Canada, refer to Special Venting Requirements for
Installations in Canada and the Province of Alberta
requirements and the National Standards of Canada, Natural
Gas, Propane Installation Codes (NSCNGPIC).
Specifications subject to change without notice.
441 06 1018 03