International comfort products N9MP1, N9MP2, *9MPD, *9MPT, *9MPV User's Information Manual

Condensing Gas Furnaces
90+ Four Position Furnaces
N9MP1, N9MP2, *9MPD, *9MPT & *9MPV
Non--Condensing Gas Furnaces
80+ Four Position Furnaces
N8MPN/L, *8MPN/L, *8MPT & *8MPV
*8DNL (Downflow only)
FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD. Failure to follow safety warnings
exactly could result in death, serious injury and/or property damage.
-- -- Do not store or use gasoline or
other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
· Do NOT try to light any appliance.
· Do NOT touch any electrical
switch; do NOT use any phone in your building.
· Leave the building immediately
· Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
· If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.
-- -- Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
Installer: Affix these instructions on or adjacent to the furnace.
International Comfort Products, LLC
Printed in U.S.A. (06/03/2005) 441 02 2011 00
Lewisburg, TN 37091
User: Please read all instructions in the manual and retain these instructions for future reference.
User’s Information Manual
Danger,Warningand Caution 2................
Safety Rules 3.............................
Combustion Air (Your Safety) 4................
Indoor Humidity (Y ourComfort) 5..............
Danger,Warning and Caution
Recognize safety information.
Thisisthe safety--alertsymbol!. Whenyou seethis symbol on the furnace and in instruction manuals be alert to the potentialfor personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAU- TION. These words are used to identify levels of hazard serious­ness. The signal word DANGER is only usedon product labelsto signify an immediate hazard. The signal words WARNING and CAUTIONwillbeusedonproductlabelsandthroughoutthismanu­al and other manuals that may apply to the product.
Signal Words
DANGER -- Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe per- sonal injury or death.
WARNING -- Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD resultin severe personal injury or death.
CAUTION --Hazardsor unsafe practices which MAYresultinminor personal injury or product or property damage.
“NOTE” is used to highlight suggestions which will result in en­hanced installation, reliability or operation.
Signal Words in Manuals
About Your Furnace 5.......................
Operating Your Furnace 7....................
Furnace Maintenance 8......................
Warranty 11...............................
Product Labeling
Signalwordsareusedincombinationwith colors and/or pictures on product labels. Following are examples of product labels with ex­planations of the colors used.
Danger Label
White lettering on a black background except the word DANGER which is white with a red background.
Electric Shock Hazard
Failure to observe could result in death, bodily injury and/or property damage.
Turn off all power before servicing.
White lettering on a black background except the word WARNING which is black with an orange background.
The signal word WARNING is used throughout this manual in the following manner:
Thes ignal word CAUTION isusedthroughoutthismanualinthefol­lowing manner:
FIRE HAZARD Failure to observe could
result in death, bodily injury and/or property damage.
Caution Label
White lettering on a black background except the word CAUTION which is black with a yellow background.
CUTS HAZARD Failure to observe may result
in bodily injury. Wear gloves andhandle with
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User’s Information Manual
Failure to observe and follow Cautions, Warnings and instructions could result in death, personal injury or property damage.
Read this manual and follow its instructions and adhere to all Cautions and Warnings in the manual and on the furnace.
Consult a qualified service agency for installation, adjustment and maintenance.
Safety Rules
Yourfurnaceis builtto providemanyyears ofsafe anddependable service providing it is properly installed and maintained. Howev­er,abuseand/orimproperusecanshortenthelifeofthefurnaceand create hazards for you, the owner.
A. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recom-
mends that usersof gas--burning appliances install car­bon monoxide detectors. There can be various sources of carbon monoxide in a building or dwelling. The sourcescould begas--fired clothes dryers, gas cooking stoves, water heaters, furnaces, gas--fired fireplaces, wood fireplaces, and several other items. Carbonmon­oxidecancause serious bodilyinjuryand/ordeath. Car­bon monoxide or “CO” is a colorless and odorless gas produced when fuel is not burned completely or when the flame does not receive sufficient oxygen. Therefore, to help a lert people of potentially dangerous carbon monoxide levels, you should have carbon mon­oxide detectors that are listed as complying with a stan­dard by a nationally recognized agency (e.g. ANSI/UL 2034--2002, CSA 6.19--01, or International ApprovalSer­vices 6--96) installed and maintained in the building or dwelling (see Note below).
B. Therecanbenumeroussourcesoffireorsmokeina building
or dwelling. Fire or smoke can cause serious bodily injury, death, and/or property damage. Therefore, in order to alert people of potentially dangerous fire or smoke, you should havefireandsmokedetectorsthatarelistedbyUnderwriters Laboratories installed and maintained in the building or dwelling (see Note below).
Note: The manufacturerof yourfurnace does not test any detec-
tors and makes no representations regarding any brand or type of detector.
C. To ensure safe and efficient operation of your furnace, you
should do the following:
1. Thoroughly read this manual and labels on the furnace. Thiswillhelpyouunderstandhowyourfurnaceoperatesand the hazards involved with gas and electricity.
2. Thefurnacearea must bekept clear andfreeof combus-
tible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids.
3. Donot use this furnace if any parthas been underwater. A flood-- damaged furnace is extremely dangerous. At­tempts to use the furnace can result in fire orexplosion. Immediately call a qualified service agency to inspect
thefurnace andtoreplace all controlsystemparts, elec­tricalparts,and gas controls whichhave been wet orthe furnace, if deemed necessary.
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4. Neverblock or obstruct the openings on the furnace, or any ducts that provide air to the furnace. Air must be pro-
vided for proper and safe operation of the furnace for com­bustionandventilationoffluegases.
Air (Your Safety) section of this manual.
5. Familiarize yourself with the possible air starvation sig- nals.Checkthe combustion air supply.Somemodelsuse air drawn from outdoors, See Figure 3. Other models and other appliances use combustion air from inside the struc­ture. Air starvation signals are given in the following “Com- bustionAir (YourSafety)”. sectionofthismanual. Ifanyofthe signals are noticed, perform a combustion air check as showninthefollowingCombustionAirCheckssectionofthis manualor call aqualified serviceagency.Ifyou addweather stripping,storm windows,insulation,an additionalfuel burn­ing appliance, or remodel the structure, a combustion air check MUST be accomplished after the addition
6. Maintainsafetyandserviceclearancesfrom thefurnace. Thesec learances are listedonthefurnaceratingplate.Keep the furnace area clean and free of combustiblematerials at all times. Never store gasoline, paint, aerosol cans, waxes, bleaches, dry cleaning fluid or items such as paper or rags near the furnace.
7. Examinethe furnace areawhenthe furnaceor additional
insulationisaddedsincesomeinsulation materials may be combustible. Furnacemust be keptfree andclear ofex-
posedorlooseinsulation materials intheareaof installation.
8.Shouldthegas supply failtoshutoff or if overheatingoc-
curs, shut off the gas valve to the furnace before shut­ting off theelectrical supply. Readthe label onthe frontof
the furnace and the Operating Your Furnace section of this manual for steps to turn off the furnace.
9.Familiarize yourself withall controls. Makesure youknow how to shut off the gas and the electrical power to the fur­nace.Readthelabelonthefrontofthefurnaceand theOper­ating Your Furnace section of this manual for steps to start and turn off the furnace. If the furnace is to be shut downfor an extended length of time (example; remodeling project), turn off both the gas and the electrical power. For safety, al­waysturn themoffbeforeperformingserviceormaintenance on the furnace.
10.Establish a regular serviceand m aintenance schedule. Thiswill ensureefficient and safe operation ofthe furnace.It is recommended that you have a qualified service agency perform a complete check on the furnace before each heat ­ings eason. See furnace QualifiedAgencyChecksandCom- bustion Air Checks section of this manual.
11. Monthly Inspection. A properly adjusted gas furnace shouldnot requirecleaningatfrequentintervals,butitshould beinspectedregularlytoensuresafeandefficientoperation. Abrief monthly inspectionis recommendedthatdoes notre­quiredisassembly. Examinethefurnaceinstallation todeter­mine that:
a. Checkthereturnairductconnection.Theductconnection
must be physically sound, sealed to the furnace casing and must terminate outside the spacecontaining the fur­nace.
b. All flue gas carrying areas external to the furnace (i.e.
chimney, vent connector) are clear and free of obstruc­tions.
c.The vent connector is in place, slopes upward and is
physically sound without holes or excessive corrosion.
User’s Information Manual
d.(Upflow or downflow installations with duct connection at
bottomonly.)Thephysical support ofthefurnace is sound withoutsagging,cracks,gaps,etc.,aroundthebasesoas to provide an air seal between the support and the base.
e.There should be no obvious signs of deterioration of the
f. Check that the burner flamesare in goodadjustment. To
inspect the Main Burner flames it will benecessary to re­movethelouvereddoor on thefrontofthe furnace, except for furnaces not having any louvers in the doors. The doors(nolouvers)ofthesefurnacesmustremaininstalled (to prevent changes in flame appearance) while inspect­ing the Main Burner flames through the view port in the door.Contact a qualified service agency at once if an
abnormal flame appearance is identified. Main Burner Flame: Check for the following:
· Stable and blue flames. See Figure 1.
· Flames extending directly from burner into heat
· Flames do NOT touch sides of heat exchanger.
NOTE: Dust may cause orange tips or wisps of yellow,but flames MUST NOT have solid, yellow tips.
Figure 1
Main Burner
Burner Face
Newmaterials and methods are being used in construction and re­modelingwhichresultinlowerenergycostsforheating andcooling. Itmayalso meanyour appliancesmaynot be gettingenough air for combustionand ventilation of flue gases. The use ofexhaust fans, fireplaces,clothesdryers,andotherappliancesconsumeairorvent it to the outdoors.
If the gas appliances or heating furnace can’t get enough air, two conditions may result:
1. The appliances or furnace may produce carbon monoxide gas.
2. The appliance may not vent flue gasesproperly.The follow­ingaresignsthatyourappliancesmaynotbe getting enough air for proper combustion.
Be aware of these signals;
1. Headaches--Nausea--Dizziness
2. Excessive humidity--heavily frostedwindows or amoist “clammy” feeling in the structure.
3. Smoke from the fireplace won’t draw up the chimney.
CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING HAZARD. Carbon monoxide poisoning could result in death
from asphyxiation or serious personal injury. If you experience headaches, nausea, or
dizziness, carbon monoxide may be present. Leave the house immediately and call your gas
· Check main burner flames monthly.
g.Withthe equipmentshutoff valve turned OFF,remove the
burnercompartmentdoor of thefurnacetouseaflashlight to inspect the visible parts of the burners and igniter. Check for loose soot and give particular attention to ob­viousdeteriorationfromcorrosionorothersources. Ifsoot or deterioration is found inside the furnace, DO NOT OP- ERATE FURNACE; call a qualified service agency.
h.Inspectthedrainline andoverflowlinemonthly (condens-
ingfurnaceand/orair conditioning coolingcoilattachedto furnace).
Combustion Air (Your Safety)
CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING HAZARD Lack of combustion air could result in carbon
monoxide gas which could cause death or serious personal injury.
All fuel--burning appliances must be provided with enough fresh air for proper combustion and ventilation of flue gases.
Some models use air from the space in which they arelocated, andother appliancesin thesame space may also be using indoor air for ventilation and/or combustion.
Combustion Air Checks
If any of the above signals are noticed, perform a combustion air check or call a qualified service agency. If you add weather strip­ping, storm windows, insulation, an additional fuel burning ap­pliance,or remodel thestructure,a combustionaircheck MUSTbe accomplished after the addition.
Make the inspection as follows:
1. Close all doors and windows. If you have a fireplace, start a fire and wait until flames are burning vigorously.
2. Turn on all exhausting devices, such as: kitchen and bath­room exhaust fans and dryers (gas or electric).
3. Turn on all vented gas appliances, such as: heating equip­ment (includes any room heaters) and water heaters.
4. Wait ten (10) minutes for drafts to stabilize.
5. Onapplianceswithadrafthood,checkforspillagebyholding a lighted match 2² from the draft hood opening. Reference
Figure 2, which shows a water heater draft hood.
Figure 2
Typical Gas WaterHeater
A. Match flame pulls toward draft hood.
This indicates no spillage and that appliance is getting enough air for combustion. Return exhausting devices and appliances to the condition in which you found them .
Water Heater Draft Hood
Vent Pipe
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