Product profile
Duratran II
Paper Label
Thermal Transfer Paper
• Duratran II labels provide
high-quality, cost-eective printing
for general use applications
• Compatible with TMX1500
and TMX2200 ribbons
• Oered with a variety of
adhesive options
• Take From Stock labels available
in an assortment of colors
Duratran II Paper Label
Intermec’s Duratran II paper label is a
coated, thermal transfer paper label that
exhibits excellent print quality when paired
with the TMX1500 and TMX2200 ribbons.
Duratran II paper labels are oered with
a variety of adhesive options and are
recommended when moderate abrasion,
heat, or sunlight is present. Stock Duratran
II products oer a robust general-purpose
permanent adhesive that is excellent for
use on corrugated containers, plastics, and
many other common substrates. Special
adhesives are available with custom
orders. This label stock is ideally suited for
applications such as:
• Shipping label
• Inventor y tracking label
• Work-in-process
• Receiving label
• Bin labeling
Better Together
The Intermec media solution has added
advantages when paired with Intermec
• Co-engineered printers and media
ensure consistent print quality and
• Thermal transfer printability allows
on-demand generation of durable
labels, eliminating high cost and
inventor y obsolescence associated
with preprinting
• When Intermec media is used exclusively
with Intermec printers, the Free
Printhead Replacement Program oers
significant cost savings
• General purpose labeling
Product Characteristics:
Face Sto ck
Description: Coat ed Paper Lab el
Physi cal Attribut es: 2.6 - 3.2 mil s
Descr iption: Acr ylic Per manent
Caliper: 0.4 - 0 .6 mil
Peel Ad hesion (90° St ainless Steel ): 33.0 tar get
Description: 42# w hite kraf t
Physi cal Attribut es: 2.3 - 2.8 mil s
Ribbon C ompatibilit y
Outdo or Use:
N ot recomme nded for out door use
Storag e Temperature : 40°F to 80 °F
Storag e Humidity : 35% to 70%
Shelf Li fe: 12 month s
Minimum A pplication Temp erature: 2 5°F
Serv ice Temperatur e: -65°F to 2 00°F
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Phone : (425) 34 8-2762
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Phone : (513) 874 -5882
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Inter mec Technolog ies Corpor ation. All o ther tradem arks are
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