To define the TCP/IP parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > Basic Settings > TCP/IP.
2. Configure the NIC settings, including the NIC Type, IPv4 settings, IPv6 settings,
MTU, and Multicast Address.
3. If a DHCP server is available, select the DHCP checkbox.
4. If the DNS server settings are required for some applications (e.g., sending email),
configure the Preferred DNS Server or Alternate DNS Server.
5. Click Save to save changes.
Note: Click the Wlan tab to configure the Wlan settings.
To define the DDNS parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > Basic Settings > DDNS.
2. Select the Enable DDNS check box to enable this feature.
3. Select DDNS Type:
• DynDNS: Enter the DNSS server address,, which is used to
notify DDNS about changes to the IP address, the host name for the camera, the
port number (443 (HTTPS)), and the user name and password used to log into
the DDNS account. The domain name displayed under “Host Name” is the one
created on the DynDNS web site.
• ezDDNS: Type the required host name in the Host Name box. The default host
name is the utc-serial num ber . The default server address is,
which cannot be changed. Click Get URL to register generate a URL that, when
copied and pasted into a browser, generates an IP address for the camera for
remote access.
Note: The camera’s network router must be configured for remote acces s.
• IPServer: Type the addre ss of the IP Server.
• NO-IP: Type into the Server Address box and create a domain
4. Click Save to save changes.
To define the port parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > Basic Settings > Port.
2. Set the HTTP port, RTSP port, HTTPS port and Server port of the camera.
HTTP Port: The default port number is 80, and it can be changed to any port No.
which is not occupied.
RTSP Port: The default port number is 554. It can be changed to any port number
in the range from 1 to 65535.
HTTPS Port: The default port number is 443. It can be changed to any port number
that is not occupied.
TruVision 81 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 17