Interlogix Advent User Manual

ITI Part No. 60-562 -03
User’s Manual
Document Number: 466-1705 Rev. B November 2001
System Information ............................................................3
Using the Touchpad Buttons .......................................3
General Operation .......................................................4
Global Settings ................................................ ...................4
Partitions ................................................................ 4
Areas ...................................................................... 4
Global Access Code ....................................... ...... .......5
Area Jumping ................................................. .............5
Global Status and History ...........................................5
Access Codes .................................. ..... ..............................5
Access Code Guidelines ........................................5
Deleting an Access Code ............................................6
Listing Codes ..............................................................6
Changing an Access Code ..........................................6
Access Code Options ..................................................6
Permanent User ......................................................7
Day Limit ............................................ ...... .............7
Use Limit ...............................................................7
Authority Levels ....................................................7
Authority Level Definitions ........................................7
Alarms ................................................................................ 9
Manually Activating Alarms ......................................9
Acknowledging Alarms ..............................................9
Silencing Alarms .........................................................9
Preventing Accidental Alarms ....................................9
Tips for Avoiding Accidental Alarms ....................9
Manually Resetting Smoke Detectors ................................9
Adjusting the Volume of Voice Messages ..........................9
Testing the System ...........................................................10
Automatic T est Features ...........................................10
T es ting the System Manually ................................... .10
Testing the Phone Communication to the
Monitoring Service ..............................................10
Testing Devices ....................................................10
Equipment/Sensor Tampering ...................................10
Cleaning the System Components ...................................10
System Status ...................................................................10
Checking the System Status ......................................10
Silencing Trouble Beeps .......................................... .11
Checking the Alarm History .....................................11
Viewing the History Buffer ....................................... 11
Fire Drill ...........................................................................11
Appendix A: Planning for Emergencies ..........................12
Guidelines .................................................................12
Floor Plan Example ..................................................12
Your Floor Plan .........................................................12
FCC Notices
FCC Part 15 Information to the User
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Interlogix Inc. can void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Part 15 Class A
This equipment has been tested and foun d to comp ly with the limits for a class A digi ta l devic e , pursua n t to pa rt 1 5 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reas onable pro tection against harmful interference wh en the equipm ent is opera ted in a commercia l environ­ment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction man­ual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case users will be requi r ed to correct the interference at their own expense.
FCC Part 68
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. Located on this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and the ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
The REN is used to determine the m aximu m num ber of devi ces that ma y b e conn ected to y our t eleph one l ine. In mo st areas, th e sum of all device RENs should not exceed five (5.0).
If this equipment c auses harm to the teleph one networ k, the telep hone compa ny may tempor arily disconnect yo ur servic e. If possible, you will be notified i n adva nce . Whe n ad va nce noti ce is no t p ract ical , y ou w ill be no tif ied as so on as possi ble . You will also be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
Your t elepho ne compa ny may make ch anges in its facilitie s, equ ipment, operation s, or procedures that could a ffect the proper op eration of your equipment. You will be given advanced notice in order to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you experience troub le with this equipment, pl ease contact t he company that instal led the equipm ent for servic e and repair information. The telephone company may ask you to disconnect this equipment from the network until the problem has been corrected or you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.
This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs.
2266 Second Street North | North Saint Paul Mn | 55109 | 800-777-2624 | |
©2001 Interlogix,™ Inc. Interlogix is a trademark of Interlogi x, Inc. ITI and Advent a re registered trademark s of Interlogix, Inc.
Advent Commercial Fire System
System Information
System Information
Your system is typically made up of a main control p anel, one or more display touchpads, and initiating and notifica­tion devices such as pull stations, smoke detectors, sirens, horns, speakers, and strobe lights.
The system may optionally include security an d co ntro l fea­tures in addition to fire detection annunciation, if allowed by the fire authorities in your area.
This manual covers only the fire detection and annunciation
features of your system. Please refer to the “Advent Com-
mercial System users manual
for information regarding
the security and control functions.
Using the Touchpad Buttons
The touchpad is the primary way to manually operate the fire system. Below is a description of the touchpad buttons and what they do.
Figure 1. Touchpad Buttons
*) Included with your system.
Advent Fire System - Test Weekly
Access Control
Fire Protection
Hold 2 Seconds
Located Behind Door
Main Menu or Accept Previous Menu or Quit Reset Smoke Detectors
Dual Buttons - Press both Buttons to Activate
Table 1: Touchpad Button Descriptions
Button Description
Acknowledges/cancels an existing alarm and turns off all sirens, horns, strobes, etc. Sends “Alarm Acknowledged report to central monitoring station.
Silences all sounding horns and si rens. Strobe lights (if any) remain flash ing. Alarm is not ca nceled and alarm reporting to central monitoring station continues. Sirens may restart after a pre-programmed delay (option).
Causes fire drill alarm when both buttons are pressed and held for 2 seconds. Sends Fire Test report to central monitoring station.
Resets hardwired smoke detectors.
1 Security Displays Security menu. Lets you do access code functions and check alarm history. 7 Features Displays Features menu. Lets you view the event log.
8 System
Displays System menu. Lets you run various system tests, adjust the status volume, and enter the program mode of operation for setting up the system.
Advent™ Commercial Fire System
Global Settings
General Operation
This system interface is menu-driven an d s elf-p rom pting. It will automatically request access codes and data if required. The two main buttons used for moving around the menus
are the # (Enter) and * (Undo) buttons. Table 2 shows some basic system commands and the most common ways to per­form them. For a complete description of these commands, go to the page number listed.
Using Systems with Keyswitches
If a keyswitch is installed with the fire touchpad(s), an access code is not needed to utilize the touchpad
EDGE, SILENCE, DRILL, and RESET control buttons.
Global Settings
Global system settings specify how the entire system behaves.
The system can be set up by your security consultant to operate as a multi-partition system. This way the same sys-
tem can be used to protect separate areas such as multi-ten­ant office buildings, with each area having its own touchpad, sensors, sirens and so forth. Your system can operate with up to four or eight (depending on model) sepa­rate partitions.
Choose whether or not to treat partitions as areas. If treated as areas:
Zones, touchpads, programming options, etc., belong
to areas instead of partitions.
Users may “jump from one area to another area using
an alphanumeric touchpad.
0 Phone Displays Phone menu. Offers phone test and data communication functions.
Cancels current operation, if any. Also returns to the previous or Main menu.
Displays Main menu if system is idle. The Main menu lists all other menus. The # button also enters or accepts displayed data or selection and skips to the next selection (if any).
Table 1: Touchpad Button Descriptions (Continued)
Button Description
Table 2: Basic System Commands
Action Steps
Silence an Alarm
1. Turn the access keyswitch (if any) on.
2. Press both
SILENCE buttons.
3. Enter your
ACCESS CODE, if prompted.
4. Turn off access keyswitch (if any).
Acknowledge an Alarm
1. Turn the access keyswitch (if any) on.
2. Press both
3. Enter your
ACCESS CODE, if prompted.
4. Turn off access keyswitch (if any).
Manually Reset Smoke Detectors
1. Turn the access keyswitch (if any) on.
2. Press
RESET button.
3. Enter your
ACCESS CODE, if prompted.
4. Turn off access keyswitch (if any).
View Main Menus or Exit a Menu Press the (
*) UNDO button. -
Enter Displayed Data or Menu Selection Press the (
#) ENTER button. -
Check System Status Press
1, 9 (from main menu). 6
Do Fire Drill
1. Turn the access keyswitch (if any) on.
2. Press and hold both
DRILL buttons for 2 seconds.
3. Enter your
ACCESS CODE, if prompted.
4. Turn off access keyswitch (if any).
Silence Trouble Beeps Press the (
*) UNDO button. 7
Check Alarm History Press
1, 0 (from main menu ). 7
Check Event History Buffer Press
7, 5 (from main menu ). 7
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