SSC PL P300 Network Interface Controller
January 1998 4 Version 1.1
SSC P300 Node Overview
The SSC P300 is designed to meet the needs of products requiring EIA-600 compatibility. As the SSC P300
uses fewer interface signals than the SSC P400 does, a lower cost host (microcontroller) may be used.
Coupling the lower cost host with the low cost of the SSC P300, an EIA-600 compliance node can be added to
cost sensitive products. The SSC P300 can transmit and receive all four Data Link services defined in the EIA600 standard, which allows the designer to select the best Data Link service for the job.
As seen in the block diagram on page 1, a typical node consists of three sections: The first section is the host
microprocessor or microcontroller, which is responsible for communicating with the SSC P300 and performing
application specific tasks. The second section is the SSC P300 itself. It is responsible for resource intensive
Data Link functions and Physical layer services of the protocol. Specific DLL services include transmission and
reception of packets, byte-to-symbol conversion for transmitted packets, symbol-to-byte conversion for
received packets, transmit channel access (based on packet priority and EIA-600 access rules), and CRC
generation and checking. The last section is the power line analog functions. These functions include: coupling
the signal frequencies onto the medium, amplification of the transmitted signal to drive the impedance of the
medium, and input filtering of the incoming signal.
The host communicates with the SSC P300 by issuing commands. These commands provide for the
initialization and verification of the node’s operating mode and addresses, for the transmission and reception of
packets, and for the return of status information. In general, the host must provide the following functions in
order to utilize the SSC P300:
1. Initialization routine.
2. Routine to write commands out to the chip.
3. Routine to read data from the chip.
4. Interrupt service routine.
The SSC P300 can be placed into one of three operating modes: Data Link Layer (DLL) mode, Controller
(CON) mode, and Monitor (MON) mode. In the DLL mode, the P300 will manage all address matching, and
timer resources. In the CON mode, the P300 converts the incoming signal into bytes. It becomes the
responsibility of the host to manage address matching and timer resources. The MON mode monitors the
medium. Any packet detected on the medium is passed up to the host regardless of the packet’s address or
DLL Mode
The DLL mode supports the standard CEBus Data Link Layer functionality at the Logical Link Sublayer.
(See Table 1). Most DLL mode functions directly map to the primitives specified in the CEBus Logical Link
Sublayer specification. Detailed control and status information is also provided. The P300 supports all four
Data Link services: Unacknowledged, Acknowledged, Addressed Unacknowledged, and Addressed
Acknowledged services. The DLL mode is selected by writing a value of 00 to the Service_Level field of
Mode_Control byte in the Layer_Config_Info structure. See the section “P300 Data Structures” later in this
Table 1. EIA-600 Device Functionality
EIA-600 Data Link Layer Function Description P300 Implementation
Transmit and receive all of the Data Link layer packet types:
One receive and one transmit address sequence number
association is maintained.
Maintain and supply system and node addresses and layer system
management parameters as requested from a higher layer.
Address and layer management parameters are volatile.
Restoration following power loss is the responsibility of the
attached host processor.
Recognize own system and node addresses and the broadcast
address (destination system and node addresses = 0x0000, or
destination system address = own system address and destination
node address = 0x0000).
Fully implemented.
Recognize group addresses. One group address is supported.