Intel SL7PG - Xeon 3.4 GHz/800MHz/1MB Cache CPU Processor, SL7PH - Xeon 3.6 GHz/800MHz/1MB CPU Processor, Xeon Series Specification

64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions)
Specification Update
June 2006
Notice: The 64-bit Intel versions) may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.
Xeon® processor with 800 MHz system bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 cache
Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, life sustaining, critical control or safety systems, or in nuclear facility applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved” or “un defined.” Intel reserves these for
future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Intel, the Intel
its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Copyright © 2004-2006, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
logo, Pentium, Pentium III Xeon, Celeron, Intel NetBurst and In te l Xeon are trad emarks or re giste red trad emarks of Intel Cor pora tion or
2 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Revision History .................................................................................................................5
Identification Information....................................................................................................7
Summary Table of Changes.............................................................................................12
Specification Changes......................................................................................................44
Specification Clarifications ...............................................................................................45
Documentation Changes..................................................................................................46
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus 3 (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
4 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Revision History
Version Description Date
-001 • Initial release of the document. July 2004
-002 • Removed erratum P18 and renumbered existing errata. July 2004
-003 • Added errata S32-S35. Renamed errata numbering from P to S. August 2004
-004 • Removed erratum S29 and renumbered existing errata.
• Added errata S35-S65.
• Added E0 step processor information to Table 1, “Identification
• Added new notes to T able2, “64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800
MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Identification Information” and deleted unnecessary notes.
• Added Table 3, “DP Platform Population Matrix for the 64-bit Intel®
Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) FC-PGA4 Package”.
-005 • Added errata S66-S73. October 2004
-006 • Updated S-Spec table, code key, and mixed steppings statement to include Low Voltage Intel® Xeon® processor
• Added errata S74-S75.
-007 • Updated erratum S26. Added errata S76and S77. December 2004
-008 • Added errata S78-S79; added additional text to “Mixed Steppings In DP Systems” chapter.
-009 • Added 2 MB L2 cache version of the 64-bit Intel® Xeon® processor with 800 MHz system bus; added errata S80-S81; added S-spec numbers SL7ZC, SL7ZD, SL7ZE, and SL7ZF to Table 2.
-010 • Updated errata S28 and S53; updated summary table entries for S19 and S43.
-011 • Updated Table 2; added erratum S82; updated plans colu mn for erratum S27; added Specification Clarification 1.
-012 • Updated steppings affected for erratum S27. May 2005
-013 • Updated Table 2. June 2005
-014 • Added erratum S83. Updated relevant document lists. July 2005
-015 • Updated summary table entry for S19. Added erratum S84. August 2005
-016 • Added errata S85 and S86. Added S-spec numbers to Table 2. Added R-0 stepping to summary table of changes. Updated summary table entries. Removed duplicate erratum S33.
-017 • Added erratum S87. Updated letters in Codes used in Summary Table. Corrected S-spec notes for 3.40 GHz entries.
-018 • Added errata S88 and S89. Updated steppings affected for S22. Updated Mixed Steppings in DP Systems section.
-019 • Added erratum S90. December 2005
-020 • Added erratum S91. Updated erratum S17. January 2006
-021 • Added erratum S1S and S92. May 2006
-022 • Added erratum S93. June 2006
Revision History
September 2004
November 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus 5 (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
This document is an update to the specifications contained in the following documents:
1. 64-bit Intel Link: http://developer/design/xeon/datashts/306249.htm
2. Intel Link: http://developer/design/xeon/datashts/302355.htm
This document is intended for hardware system manufacturers and software developers of applications, operating systems, or tools.
S-Spec Number is a five-digit code used to identify products. Products are differentiated by their unique characteristics, e.g., core speed, L2 cache size, package type, etc. as described in the processor identification information table. Care should be taken to read all notes associated with each S-Spec number.
Errata are design defects or errors. Errata may cause the processor’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and software designed to be used with any given processor must assume that all errata documented for that processor are present on all devices unless otherwise noted.
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications. These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
Specification Clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further highlight a specification’s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
Documentation Changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current published specifications. These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
Xeon® Processor with 2 MB L2 Cache Datasheet (Document Number 306249)
Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus Datasheet (Document Number 302355)
6 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Identification Information
Identification Information
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Package Markings (604-pin FC-mPGA4 Package)
Figure 1. Top-Side Processor Marking Example
Intel Confidential
2D Matrix Includes ATPO and Serial Number (front end mark)
Pin 1 Indicator
Figure 2. Bottom-Side Marking Example
Pin 1 Indicator
Pin Field
Text Line1 Text Line2
Text Line3
The 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 cache versions) can be identified by the following values:
FPO – Serial Number
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus 7 (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Identification Information
Table 1. Identification Information
1111b 0011b 0000b 1111b 0100b 0000b
1. The Family corresponds to bits [11:8] of the EDX regist er after RESE T, bits [11: 8] of the EAX register after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 1 in the EAX register, and the generation field of the Device ID registers accessible through Boundary Sca n
2. The Model corresponds to bits [7:4] of the EDX register after RESET, bits [7:4] of the EAX register after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 1 in the EAX register, and the model field of the Device ID registers accessible through Boundary Scan.
3. Brand ID returns 0000b, which means that Brand ID is unsupported in this processor.
Brand ID
Cache and TLB descriptor parameters are provided in the EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX registers after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 2 in the EAX register. Please refer to the Intel Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction Application Note (AP-485) for further information on the CPUID instruction.
Table 2. 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache
Versions) Identification Information (Sheet 1 of 2)
SL7DV D-0 0F34h 2.80 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7HF 1 SL7DW D-0 0F34h 3 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x SL7HG 1 SL7DX D-0 0F34h 3.20 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x SL7HH 1 SL7DY D-0 0F34h 3.40 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7HJ 1, 2, 3
SL7DZ D-0 0F34h 3.60 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x SL7HK 1, 2, 3 SL7PD E-0 0F41h 2.80 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7TB 1, 4, 6
SL7PE E-0 0F41h 3 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7TC 1, 4, 6
SL7PF E-0 0F41h 3.20 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7TD 1, 4, 6 SL7PG E-0 0F41h 3.40 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7TE 1, 3, 4, 6 SL7PH E-0 0F41h 3.60 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7VF 1, 2, 3, 4,
SL84B E-0 0F41h 2.80 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8KN G-1 0F49h 2.80 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
Data Bus
Package Revision
Package and Revision Notes
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
2, 3
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
2, 3
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
4, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
4, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
4, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
3, 4, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
2, 3, 4, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package 6
4, 5, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
4, 6
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
8 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Identification Information
Table 2. 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache
Versions) Identification Information (Sheet 2 of 2)
SL8KP G-1 0F49h 3 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8KQ G-1 0F49h 3.20 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8KR G-1 0F49h 3.40 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8KS G-1 0F49h 3.60 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8RW G-1 0F49h 2.80 800 1 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7ZC N-0 0F43h 3.60 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7ZD N-0 0F43h 3.40 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7ZE N-0 0F43h 3.20 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL7ZF N-0 0F43h 3 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8P7 R-0 0F4Ah 2.80 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8P6 R-0 0F4Ah 3 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8P5 R-0 0F4Ah 3.20 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8P4 R-0 0F4Ah 3.40 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8P3 R-0 0F4Ah 3.60 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8P2 R-0 0F4Ah 3.80 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8SV R-0 0F4Ah 3 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
SL8T3 R-0 0F4Ah 3.20 800 2 MB 01 604-pin micro-PGA with 42.5 x
Data Bus
Package Revision
Package and Revision Notes
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
42.5 mm FC-PGA4 package
4, 6
4, 6
3, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
4, 5, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
2, 4, 6
2, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
2, 4, 6
2, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 6
2, 3, 4, 5,
2, 4, 6, 7
1. These are Intel boxed processors.
2. These parts have Thermal Monitor 2 (TM2) feature enabled. For D-0 stepping, TM2 is enabled on 3.40 GHz and above, but it is NOT supported.
3. These parts are enabled for Enhanced Intel SpeedStep
4. These parts are enabled for Enhanced Halt State (C1E).
5. These parts are LV (low-power) processors.
6. These parts have Execute Disable bit functionality.
7. These parts are MV (mid-power) processors.
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus 9 (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Technology (EIST).
Identification Information
Mixed Steppings in DP Systems
Intel Corporation fully supports mixed steppings of the 64-bit Intel Xeon processor with 800 MHz system bus as well as mixed steppings of the 64-bit Intel Xeon processor with 2 MB L2 cache. The following list and processor matrix describes the requirements to support mixed steppings:
Mixed steppings are only supported with processors that have identical family numbers as
indicated by the CPUID instruction.
While Intel has done nothing to specifically prevent processors operating at differing
frequencies from functioning within a multiprocessor system, there may be uncharacterized errata that exist in such configurations. Intel does not support such configurations. In mixed stepping systems, all processors must operate at identical frequencies (i.e., the highest frequency rating commonly supported by all processors).
While there are no known issues associated with the mixing of processors with differing cache
sizes in a multiprocessor system, and Intel has done nothing to specifically prevent such system configurations from operating, Intel does not support such configurations since there may be uncharacterized errata that exist. In mixed stepping systems, all processors must be of the same cache size.
While Intel believes that certain customers may wish to perform validation of system
configurations with mixed frequencies, cache sizes or voltages and that those efforts are an acceptable option to our customers, customers would be fully responsible for the validation of such configurations.
Intel requires that the proper microcode update be loaded on each processor operating in a
multiprocessor system. Any processor that does not have the proper microcode update loaded is considered by Intel to be operating out of specification.
The workarounds identified in this and following specification updates must be properly
applied to each processor in the system. Certain errata are specific to the multiprocessor environment. Errata for all processor steppings will affect system performance if not properly worked around. Also see Also see Table 2 and Table 3 for additional details on which processors are affected by specific errata.
In mixed stepping systems, the processor with the lowest feature-set, as determined by the
CPUID Feature Bytes, must be the Bootstrap Processor (BSP). In the event of a tie in feature-set, the tie should be resolved by selecting the BSP as the processor with the lowest stepping as determined by the CPUID instruction.
While there are no known issues associated with the mixing of processors of different
power-optimization segments (i.e. LV or MV) in a multiprocessor system, and Intel has done nothing to specifically prevent such system configurations from operating, Intel does not support such configurations since there may be uncharacterized errata that exist. In mixed stepping systems, all processors must be of the same power-optimization segment.
10 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Identification Information
Table 3. DP Platfor m Population Matrix for the 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz
System Bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) FC-PGA4 Package
Processor Signature / Core
0F34h / D-0 NI NI NI X X 0F41h / E-0 NI NI NI X X 0F49h / G-1 NI NI NI X X 0F43h / N-0 X X X NI NI 0F4Ah / R-0 X X X NI NI
1. X = Mixing processors of different steppings is not supported. This stepping/frequency is not supported in DP .
2. NI = Currently no known issues associated with mixing these steppings.
3. TBD = No issues are expected, however further investigation is required to fully validate this DP solution.
0F34h / D-0 0F41h / E-0 0F49h / G-1 0F43h / N-0 0F4Ah / R-0
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus 11 (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Summary Table of Changes
Summary Table of Changes
The following table indicates the Errata, Documentation Changes, Specification Clarifications, or Specification Changes that apply to Intel processors. Intel intends to fix some of the errata in a future stepping of the component, and to account for the other outstanding issues through documentation or specification changes as noted. This table uses the following notation:
Codes Used In Summary Table
X: Erratum, Specification Change or Clarification that applies to the
given processor stepping.
(No mark) or (Blank Box): This erratum is fixed in listed stepping or specification change does
not apply to listed stepping. Doc: Document change or update that will be implemented. Plan Fix: This erratum may be fixed in a future of the product. Fixed: This erratum has been previously fixed. No Fix: There are no plans to fix this erratum.
Change bar to left of table row indicates this item is either new or
modified from the previous version of this document. Each Specification Update item will be prefixed with a capital letter to distinguish the product. The
key below details the letters that are used in Intel’s microprocessor Specification Updates: A=Intel B = Mobile Intel
C=Intel D = Dual-Core Intel E=Intel F=Intel G=Intel H = Mobile Intel J = 64-bit Intel K = Mobile Intel L=Intel M = Mobile Intel N=Intel O=Intel P=Intel Q = Mobile Intel
Pentium® II processor
Celeron® processor
Pentium® III processor
Pentium® processor Extreme Edition and Intel® Pentium® D processor
Pentium® III Xeon® processor
Celeron® D processor
® ®
Xeon® processor MP
Xeon® processor
Pentium® II processor
Xeon® processor 2.80 GHz
Celeron® processor at 466/433/400/366/333/300 and 266 MHz
Xeon® processor MP with 1 MB L2 cache
Pentium® III processor
Celeron® processor
Pentium® 4 processor
Pentium® 4 processor supporting Hyper-Threading Technology on 90 nm
process technology R=Intel S = 64-bit Intel
Pentium® 4 processor on 90 nm process
Xeon® processor with 800 MHz system bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2 cache
versions) T = Mobile Intel U = 64-bit Intel V = Mobile Intel
Pentium® 4 processor-M
Xeon® processor MP with up to 8 MB L3 cache
Celeron® processor on .13 micron process in micro-FCPGA package
12 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Summary Table of Changes
W= Intel® Celeron® M processor X=Intel Y=Intel Z = Mobile Intel AC = Intel
The Specification Updates for the Pentium
Pentium® M processor on 90 nm process with 2 MB L2 cache
Pentium® M processor
Celeron® processor in 478-pin package
Pentium® 4 processor with 533 MHz system bus
processor, Pentium® Pro processor, and other Intel
products do not use this convention.
Errata (Sheet 1 of 5)
S1 XXXXXNo FixTransaction is not retired after BINIT# S2 XXXXXNo FixInvalid opcode 0FFFh requires a ModRM byte S3 XXXXXNo FixProcessor may hang due to speculative page walks to
S4 XXXXXNo FixMemory type of the load lock different from its corresponding
S5 XXXXXNo FixMachine Check Architecture error reporting and recovery may
S6 XXXXXNo FixDebug mechanisms may not function as expected S7 XXXXXNo FixCascading of performance counters does not work correctly
S8 XXXXXNo FixEMON event counting of x87 loads may not work as expected S9 XXXXXNo FixSystem bus interrupt messages without data and which
S10 XXXXXNo FixThe processor signals page fault exception (#PF) instead of
S11 XXXXXNo FixFSW may not be completely restored after page fault on
S12 XXXXXNo FixProcessor issues inconsistent transaction size attributes for
S13 XXXXXNo FixWhen the processor is in the system management mode
S14 XXXXXNo FixShutdown and IERR# may result due to a machine check
S15 XXXXXNo FixProcessor may hang under certain frequencies and 12.5%
S16 XXXXXNo FixSystem may hang if a fatal cache error causes bus write line
S17 XXXXXNo FixA write to APIC task priority register (TPR) that lowers priority
S18 XXXXXNo FixParity error in the L1 cache may cause the processor to hang S19 XX FixedSequence of locked operations can cause two threads to
Plans Errata
non-existent system memory
store unlock
not work as expected
when forced overflow is enabled
receive a hard-failure response may hang the processor
alignment check exception (#AC) on an unlocked CMPXCHG8B instruction
FRSTOR or FLDENV instructions
locked operation
(SMM), Debug registers may be fully writeable
exception on a Hyper-Threading Technology enabled processor
STPCLK# duty cycle
(BWL) transaction to occur to the same cache line address as an outstanding bus read line (BRL) or bus read-invalidate line (BRIL)
may seem to have not occurred
receive stale data and cause application hang
64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus 13 (1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
Summary Table of Changes
Errata (Sheet 2 of 5)
S20 XFixedA 16-bit address wrap resulting from a near branch (jump or
S21 XXXXXNo FixBus locks and SMC detection may cause the processor to
S22 Fixed Incorrect physical address size returned by CPUID instruction S23 XXXXXNo FixIncorrect debug exception (#DB) may occur when a data
S24 XXXXXNo FixxAPIC may not report some illegal vector errors S25 XXXXXPlan FixEnabling no-eviction mode (NEM) may prevent the operation
S26 XXXXXPlan FixTPR (Task Priority Register) updates during voltage
S27 XXXXNo FixInteractions between the instruction translation lookaside
S28 XXX FixedSTPCLK# signal assertion under certain conditions may
S29 XXXXXNo FixIncorrect duty cycle is chosen when on-demand clock
S30 XXXXXNo FixMemory aliasing of pages as uncacheable memory type and
S31 XXXXXNo FixUsing STPCLK# and executing code from very slow memory
S32 XXXXXNo FixProcessor provides a 4-byte store unlock after an 8-byte load
S33 Duplicate Erratum: see S5 S34 XXXXXPlan FixExecution of IRET and INTn instructions may cause
S35 XXXXXNo FixData breakpoints on the high half of a floating-point line split
S36 XXXXXNo FixMachine Check Exceptions may not update Last-Exception
S37 XXXXXNo FixMOV CR3 performs incorrect reserved bit checking when in
S38 XXXXXNo FixStores to page tables may not be visible to pagewalks for
S39 XFixedA split store memory access may miss a data breakpoint S40 XFixedEFLAGS.RF may be incorrectly set after an IRET instruction S41 XFixedWriting the Echo TPR disable bit in IA32_MISC_ENABLE
S42 XFixedIncorrect access controls to
Plans Errata
call) may cause an incorrect address to be reported to the #GP exception handler
temporarily hang
breakpoint is set on an FP instruction
of the second logical processor in a Hyper-Threading Technology enabled boot strap processor (BSP)
transitions of power management events may cause a system hang
buffer (ITLB) and the instruction streaming buffer may cause unpredictable software behavior
cause a system hang
modulation is enabled in a processor supporting Hyper-Threading Technology
write back (WB) may hang the system
could lead to a system hang
unexpected system behavior
may not be captured
Record MSRs (LERs)
PAE paging
subsequent loads without serializing or invalidating the page table entry
may cause a #GP fault
14 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor with 800 MHz System Bus
(1 MB and 2 MB L2 Cache Versions) Specification Update
+ 32 hidden pages