Non-Volatile Memory Storage Solutions
product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive Pro 2500 Series
Best for Business
Enterprise-Ready Security and Manageability
Intel® Solid State Drive Professional 2500 Series delivers power-ecient
performance with enterprise-ready security and remote manageability.
Best for Business
In today’s demanding business
environment, there is a growing
need for reliable, high-speed storage
partnered with manageable, robust
security features. The Intel® SSD
Pro 2500 Series is designed to meet
business needs by enabling blazing
fast performance and simultaneously
upgrading a system’s security and
manageability prole. The Intel SSD Pro
2500 Series is available in capacities
ranging from 120GB to 480GB in thin
2.5-inch and ultra-sleek M.2 form
Advanced Security and
Manageability Features
Unlike software-based encryption
solutions which slow down a client
drive’s performance, the Intel SSD
Pro 2500 Series employs a hardwarebased 256-bit AES encryption engine
which seamlessly and consistently
encrypts and decrypts data without
sacricing performance (as compared
to software encryption). To enable
policy-based control of the encryption,
the Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series supports
TCG’s Opal* version 2.0 features and
is Microsoft* eDrive
SSD Pro 2500 is the right solution to
deploy in the most demanding business
environments. Intel collaborates with
the security industry’s leading software
providers to deliver more stable and
reliable security management solutions.
capable. The Intel
In an environment with Intel® vPro™
Technology, with Intel® Setup &
Conguration Software with SSD
Toolbox (Intel® SCS with SSD Toolbox)
and leading security software, the
Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series drives can
be managed remotely, allowing IT to
monitor and report drive health as well
as track assets and remedy faults.
Power Efficient Performance
The Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series is
designed to be the perfect blend of
performance and power. The Intel Pro
2500 Series helps accelerate platform
performance with throughput speeds
up to 540 megabytes per second (MB/s)
and random input/output operations
per second (IOPs) up to 80K. In addition
to strong performance, the Intel SSD
Pro 2500 Series oers ve low-power
modes for a long battery life and an
enhanced mobile experience. These
lower power states can reduce idle
power consumption by more than
90% when compared to a typical
mobile hard disk drive.² When the
Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series is coupled
with the next generation Intel® Core™
vPro™ Platform, power consumption
is reduced by an order of magnitude –
from milliwatts to microwatts.
Lower Total Cost of Ownership
Intel® SSDs are known industry wide
for their quality and reliability. The Intel
SSD Pro 2500 Series is no exception.

Intel® Solid State Drive Pro 2500 Series
The Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series is
engineered to reduce employee
downtime as a result of storage-related
failures.³ The Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series
is designed to meet an Annualized
Failure Rate (AFR) of well below 1%,
resulting in a signicant reduction in
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
For further peace of mind, the
Intel SSD Pro 2500 Series is supported
with Intel’s 5 year limited warranty and
customer support.
Extended Management Tool Set
In addition to the Intel® SSD Toolbox,
a new Intel® SSD Pro Administrator
Tool is introduced. With the ability to
manage security features unique to the
Intel® SSD Professional Family, such as
Microsoft* eDrive enablement and SSD
reset, the Intel SSD Pro Administrator
Tool can help IT Administrators spend
less time worrying and more time
enabling productivity when using the
Intel SSD Professional family.
Model Name Intel® Solid State Drive Pro 2500 Series
Capacity (GB)
M.2 – 180, 240, 360
2.5” – 120, 180, 240, 360, 480
NAND Flash Memory 20nm NAND Flash Memory Multi-Level Cell (MLC)
M.2 2.5”
up to 540 / 490 MB/s up to 540 / 490 MB/s
Random I/O Operations per Second
M.2 2.5”
up to 45K / 80K IOPs up to 48K / 80K IOPs
Interface SATA 6Gb/s, compatible with SATA 3Gb/s
Form Factor, Height and Weight
M.2 (80mm, 60mm) 2.5”
Up to 3.7mm / up to 10 grams Up to 7mm / up to 78 grams
Life Expectancy 1.2 million hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
M.2 2.5”
Active: 165 mW Typical
Idle: 55mW Typical
Power Consumption
Active: 140 mW Typical
55mW Typical
DevSleep: 200µW DevSleep: 5mW
Operating Temperature
RoHS Compliance
Product Ordering Information
Software Tools
0° C to 70° C
Meets the requirements of European Union (EU) RoHS Compliance Directives
To order, visit intel.com/go/ssd
Intel® Solid State Drive Toolbox with Intel® SSD Optimizer at www.intel.com/go/ssdtoolbox
Intel® Data Migration Software at www.intel.com/go/ssdinstallation
Solid State Drive Computing Starts with Intel Inside®. For more information, visit www.intel.com/ssd
Micro soft eDri ve is turned “O FF” as Out- of-the –bo x factor y default set ting
Based on p roduct spec ication comp arison bet ween an Intel® SSD and a n HDD
J. Gold Ass ociates Whit e Paper, Inve sting in Solid Sta te Drive Oer s Signi cant Cost Adva ntage
Based on t he Intel® Solid- State Drive Pro 250 0 Seri es Product Spe cication .
All capacit ies and form f actors wi ll not be avail able at launc h.
Performa nce measure d using Iomet er with Queue De pth 32. Measu rements are p erforme d on 8GB of logica l block addres s (LBA) rang e on a full SSD.
Random 4 KB write s measured usi ng out-of-bo x SSD
Acti ve power me asured duri ng execution of Mo bileMark* 20 07 Workload with SATA Link Pow er Manageme nt (LPM) enabled .
Idle pow er den ed as SSD at idle with SATA Link Powe r Manag ement (LPM) ena bled.
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*Othe r names and br ands may be clai med as the prop erty of othe rs. Printe d in the USA 20151204/jm/ ra 330709 -003US