Product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive 545s
Reliable Storage You Can Trust
Excellent value and performance make the Intel® SSD 545s the right choice
for new PCs or hard disk drive replacements.
Get reliable storage you can trust with the new Intel® SSD 545s, delivering
uncompromising value and performance. With performance noticeably
faster than a hard disk drive (HDD), you’ll get quicker boot and faster
application load times. The 512 GB, 2.5-inch form factor easily plugs into
your new or existing computing system.
Boost PC Performance
Replace your HDD with an Intel SSD 545s and accelerate your computer
performance immediately. With faster performance than an HDD, you'll see
quicker boot-ups, more responsive applications, and quicker le transfers for less
waiting and more doing.
Compared to a typical HDD, the SSD 545s minimizes the drain on your battery
to reduce idle power consumption. When coupled with an Intel® Core™-based
platform, the SSD 545s delivers further improvements in power consumption
through the advanced power mode settings.
Reliable Quality
Intel is a leader in quality and reliability. Every Intel® SSD is subject to rigorous
testing standards above and beyond the standard quality requirements. The SSD
545s supports AES 256-bit self-encryption to protect your data. Plus, Intel SSDs
are backed by a 5-year limited warranty.
Easy Upgrade or Install
The standard 2.5-inch form factor ts easily into most PCs. With our Intel® Data
Migration Software, copying data from your old drive to a new SSD is simple.
Industry Leading Innovation
The SSD 545s features 64-layer Intel® 3D NAND technology, enabling higher
capacities. The drive is a cost-eective and reliable replacement for traditional

Product Brief | Intel® Solid State Drive 545s
Intel® SSD 545s
512 GB
Form Factor 2.5-inch
128k Sequential Read/Write up to 550/500 MB/s
4k Random Read/
Write3 up to 75/85K IOPS
Interface SATA 6Gb/s, compatible with SATA 3Gb/s
Non-Volatile Memor y Media Intel® 3D NAND technology, 64-layer, TLC
Power Consumption Active Average 4.5W Idle <50mW
Life Expectancy 1.6 million hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
5-year warranty
For more information, visit intel.com/ssd
1. Base d on the Inte l® SSD 545s Pro duct Speci cations. Con tac t your local Intel sales oce or your distribu tor to obt ain the latest produc t speci cation.
2. Performance var ies by capacity and i s meas ured by Intel using IOM eter* with Queue De pth 32. Test and Syste m Congurat ions: CPU: Int el® Core™ i7-5960X @ 3 .0GHz; Gr aphics: Mot her Board:
ASRo ck X99 Fatalit y; NVIDA Gef orce210; Memory: 16 GB 2133MHz Cors air Vengeance L PX ; RST: 14.8 .12.1059; OS: Windo ws* 10 Enterpri se 64bit; IN F: Intel 9 series
3. Rando m 4kb writes are FOB SSD meas urements us ing IOM eter.
4. All docum ented endurance tes t result s are obt aine d in compli ance with JESD218 Standar ds. See www.jed ec.org for de tailed den itions of JESD218 Sta ndards.
Cost red uction scena rios described are in tende d as exam ples of how a given Intel-ba sed product, in the specied circumst ances an d congurations, may aec t future costs and provide cost saving s.
Circu mstances w ill vary. Int el does not gua rantee any co sts or cost re duction .
Intel technologies ’ features and be net s depe nd on sys tem con gura tion an d may require enabled har dware, sof twa re or service ac tivation. Performance varies dep ending on system conguration. No
computer sys tem can be absolute ly secure. Check wi th your syst em manufac turer or ret ailer or lear n more at intel .com.
Intel di sclaims all express and impli ed war rant ies, including without lim itation, the implie d warr anties of merch antabilit y, tnes s for a par ticul ar purpose, an d non- infr ingement , as well as any warr anty
arisi ng from cour se of performanc e, course of de aling, or usage in tr ade.
Tests document pe rformance of components on a parti cula r test , in speci c sys tems . Dierence s in hardw are, soft ware , or cong uration will aect actua l performance. Consult oth er sour ces of info r-
mation to evaluate performance as you consider your purchase
The product s described in this doc ument may contain desig n defec ts or errors kn own as errata which may ca use the pr oduc t to devia te from pu blished specic ation s. Current cha rac terized errata are
available on request.
Contact your local Inte l sales o ce or your dis tributor to obt ain the latest specicatio ns and before placing yo ur prod uct order.
Intel , Core, an d the Intel logo are tr ademarks of In tel Corporation in the U.S. an d/or othe r countr ies. *Othe r names an d bran ds may be cla imed as the propert y of other s.
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