Product brief
Intel® SSD DC S4500/DC S4600 Series
Data Center (DC), SATA (S)
Storage Inspired.
Infrastructure Optimized.
Switch from legacy HDDs to the trusted Intel® SSD DC S4500/DC S4600 Series
to reduce costs, increase server eciency, and improve data reliability.
Protect your data center investment by replacing legacy HDDs with the
trusted Intel® SSD DC S4500 and DC S4600 Series. The newest members of
the 2nd Gen Intel® 3D NAND SSD family feature a new Intel-developed SATA
controller, innovative SATA rmware, and the industry’s highest density 3D
NAND. Highly reliable, these storage inspired SSDs enable data centers to
reduce costs, increase server eciency, and minimize service disruptions.
2nd Gen Intel® 3D NAND SSD Family
The Intel SSD DC S4500 and DC S4600 Series storage inspired devices
enable data centers to optimize legacy infrastructures while enabling their
business growth.
Reduce Cost with Infrastructure Compatibility
Built for compatibility in legacy infrastructures, the SSD DC S4500 and DC S4600
Series with a SATA interface enable easy storage upgrades that minimize the costs
associated with modernizing your data center. These latest generation enterprise-
grade SSDs reduce power demand and cooling requirements by up to 3.2x,1 lowering
operational costs that scale across the data center.
Increase Server Eciency and Do More Per Server
Based on TLC Intel® 3D NAND technology, the SSD DC S4500 and DC S4600 Series
oer a variety of capacities, from 240GB up to 4TB, in a standard 2.5-inch form
factor. With larger capacities, data centers can signicantly increase data stored
per rack unit versus standard 2.5-inch, 2TB HDDs. Simply by integrating SSDs into
the environment, IT can improve server agility with up to 209x more IOPS/TB,2
supporting more users and greater services to grow the business without expanding
the server footprint.
Improve Data Reliability
With a 3.2x lower Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) compared to HDDs,3 IT departments
will spend less time and expense replacing or upgrading storage devices. Intel
SATA SSDs install seamlessly so you can reduce risk of component failures. Equally
important, once the SSDs are installed, the innovative SATA rmware completes
updates without reset and reduces downtime.

Product Brief | Intel® SSD DC S4500/DC S46 00 Series
Minimize Service Disruptions
For years, Intel has been a leader in providing trusted data
center SSDs that maximize data continuity in enterprise and
cloud data centers. That reputation continues with the DC
S4500 and DC S4600 Series with key capabilities that help
ensure more uptime:
• Consistently delivers durable performance to optimize
service level continuity
• End-to-end data protection helps keep data safe—even in
the event of a power loss
• Up to 3.2x lower Annualized Failure Rates (AFR)3 means
fewer drive replacements
• Innovative rmware completes updates without server reset
and reduces downtime
• Simplied congurations reduce risk of component failure
and streamline maintenance
Features At-a-Glance
Capacity S4500: 240GB , 480GB, 960 GB, 2TB (1.92TB), 4TB (3.84TB)
S4600: 240 GB, 480GB, 960GB, 2TB (1.92TB)
Reliability Designed for end-to-end data protection from silent data corruption,
Power S4500: Active power 5.6W; Idle power 1.1W
Interface SATA 6G b/s
Form Factor 2.5in x 7mm
Media Intel 3D NAND, TLC
Endurance S4500: 1 DWPD
Warranty 5-year warranty
5, 6
128KB Sequential Read/Write – up to 500/490 MB/s
S4500: 4k Random Read/Write – up to 72K/33K IOPS
S4600: 4k Random Read/Write – up to 72K/65K IOPS
uncorrectable bit error rate < 1 sector per 1017 bits read
S4600: Ac tive power 5W; Idle power 1W
S4600: 3 DWPD
New Intel-Designed SATA Controller
A new SATA controller for the DC S4500 and DC S4600
Series delivers the convergence of scalable capacity and
manageability. With Intel’s SATA controller, the DC S4600
delivers up to 30% faster mixed workloads,4 increasing service
delivery performance and eciency.
Integrate Intel® 3D NAND SSDs Today
SATA has long been the cost-eective, industry-standard
interface for data center storage. Simply replacing existing
HDDs with larger capacity and higher performing Intel SSD
DC S4500 and DC S4600 Series SATA-based solutions can
maximize existing infrastructure investments, while reducing
future costs and boosting what IT can deliver to their
1. Intel TCO tool compar ing Intel SS D DC S4500 9 60GB and S eagate Sav vio* 10K. 6 900 GB 10k S AS HDD. The w orkload eq uates 128 KB (131,072 by tes) Queue D epth equal t o 32 sequenti al writes .
Average power for Seagate* drive from http://www.tomshardware.com/charts/enterprise-hdd-charts/-19-Power-Requirement-at-Database,3389.html, http://estimator.intel.com/ssddc/
2. Intel SSD DC S4500 96 0GB vs. Seag ate Savvio* 10K .6 900 GB 10k SAS HD D and Intel SSD DC S460 0 960GB vs. Se agate S avvi o* 10K.6 9 00 GB 10k SA S HDD. Comp aring In tel spec 4k rando m Read
IOPS at Q D 32 vs Toms Har dware data of S eagate* dri ve from http://ww w.tomshardware .com/charts/ente rprise- hdd-cha rts/-27-IO Meter-2006 .07.27-4K-Ra ndom-Rea ds,3397.html
3. Based on inital produc t AFR of .6 6% vs. Ind ustry AFR Aver age (2.11%): Sour ce - Backblaze. com https://w ww.back blaze .com/blog/hard -drive-fail ure- rates-q1-2017/
4. Intel® SS D DC S4600 2TB vs. Intel® SSD DC S3610 1.6TB. M ixed workloa d performance mea sured using F IO* on Linux* w ith Queue Dep th 32. System Con guration fo r all perfor mance testin g:
Intel® Xe on™ CPU E5-269 9v3 @ 2.30G Hz on Intel® S260 0WT2 mot herboard , Intel® C612 Chipse t, BIOS Versi on SE5C610.86 B.01.01.0 014.121820151719, 32GB DDR4, FI O* version 2.18, Cen tOS* 7.0,
Kerne l 4.8. 6 (DAS patc h). Measurme nts are pe rformed on a full Logical Block Ad dress (L BA) span of the drive.
Intel technolo gies’ feature s and bene ts depend on sy stem congur ation and may requ ire enabled hardware, soft ware or serv ice activation. Per formance va ries depend ing on sys tem con gurat ion. No
computer sys tem can be abs olutely secu re. Check wi th your syste m manufac turer or ret ailer or lear n more at intel .com.
Tests document pe rfor mance of compone nts on a particu lar test, in spe cic sy stems . Dierence s in hard ware, soft ware, or conguration will a ect actual pe rformance. Consult other sou rces of information to evaluate performance as you consider your purchase.
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Cost red uction scena rios described are int ended as examples of how a given Intel- base d product, in the speci ed circumst ances an d conguratio ns, may a ect future costs and prov ide cost saving s.
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