Intel SSDPE2MX450G701 User Manual

product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive Data Center P3520 Series
Data Center (DC), PCIe* (P), 3D NAND
Bringing PCIe* Performance to the Mainstream
High Density Intel® 3D NAND SSD for Best Value
Built with the data integrity, drive reliability, and performance consistency you expect from Intel.
As a result of the growing demand for cloud services, it’s no longer only large
scale providers that oer cloud services.
compete in the cloud service segment.
In today’s competitive business environment, current as well as newcomers to cloud computing must
deliver diversied services to ensure that
data centers have the agility to respond to dynamic business needs, the ability to
scale on demand, and are cost ecient.
The Intel® Solid State Drive Data Center P3520 Series utilizes Intel® 3D NAND SSD to meet the challenges of top data center customers by enabling the introduction of new/additional services while reducing
costs and improving quality of service.
Intel® 3D NAND SSDs
The SSD Data Center P3520 Series is part of the Intel® 3D NAND SSD family
of products. Built on breakthrough 3D
NAND and delivered by a proven and trusted supplier, Intel® 3D NAND SSDs
transform the economics of storage.
Next Generation SSD Performance
As Intel’s newest solid state storage solution, the Intel® SSD DC P3520 Series
oers the speed of PCIe* performance,
making it the ideal choice for read-
intensive workloads.
The data explosion is redening the storage landscape. The DC P3520 Series
allows you to transition your storage solutions from SATA SSDs and HDDs to the next-generation performance of PCIe
in a cost-eective manner.
Transitioning your storage platform to the DC P3520 Series delivers the best of
both worlds; cost-ecient performance
for your customers today, with the ability to prepare for a competitive edge in the
High Performance, Low Cost
The Intel® SSD Data Center Family
for PCIe oers consistently amazing
performance that provides fast data streams directly to the processor, such as the high-performance Intel® Xeon®
processor, for ecient server data transfers.
The DC P3520 Series, utilizing the low latency and high bandwidth of the
NVMe* specication, enables up to
4.7x the performance of SATA.¹ When
compared to 10K HDDs, the DC P3520 Series enables up to 359x faster random
read, up to 67x faster random write, up to 10.3x faster sequential read, and up to 5x faster sequential write.² NVMe
Non-Volatile Memory Solutions
Intel® Solid State Drive Data Center P3520 Series
enables expanded compute power, and performance; paving the way for the data
center of the future.
The Intel® DC P3520 Series’ cost structure delivers a breakthrough cost
performance prole with our best IOPS
value per dollar, optimized for read-
intensive workloads.
Available in capacities of 450GB, 1.2TB and 2TB – the DC P3520 Series is
optimized for high density data center/
enterprise congurations, meeting
the data storage needs of today and
For New Designs or Upgrading Existing Systems
Intel’s compatibility validation team and robust PCIe compliance programs enable
the DC P3520 Series’ broad compatibility.
In mainstream operating systems the DC P3520 Series works straight out of the box; it can be quickly integrated into
new designs and existing systems can be
easily upgraded.
• PCIe uses industry standard software and drivers
• Available in the U.2 2.5-inch form
factor with densities ranging from
450GB to 2TB
• Industry standard PCIe 3.0 x4 half­height half-length (HHHL) low-prole Add-in-Card (AIC) in 1.2TB and 2TB
Drives with Integrity
Like all Intel SSD Data Center family of products, these solutions are designed, delivered and supported with Intel’s unique advantage:
• A proven track record of innovation leadership
• Complete product lifecycle support driving solution-ready ecosystems and platform-expert post-sales support
• Uncompromised supply chain quality enabling world class delivery performance and product quality
• Lasting integrity providing robust protection from data loss and corruption
• Reliably eective performance; drives
perform as expected day one through decommission
• Increased platform condence
through complete in-house design
Product Spotlight
• Intel’s best value on high-density Intel 3D NAND
Up to 4.7x performance over
Up to 90% IOPs consistency
Up to 100x more eective at preventing SDC³
2TB 375,000 IOPS 26,000 IOPS 85,000 IOPS 1,700 MB/s 1,350 MB/s
1.2TB 320,000 IOPS 26,000 IOPS 80,000 IOPS 1,700 MB/s 1,300 MB/s
450GB 145,000 IOPS 19,00 0 IOPS 50,0 00 IOPS 1,200 MB/s 600 MB/s
For more information on Intel® SSD DC P3520 Series, visit
1 4.7X Per formance. Re sults have been es timated or simul ated using inte rnal Intel analy sis or architec ture simulat ion or modeling , and prov ided to you for infor mational purp oses. Comparing 2TB Int el® SSD DC
P3520 with 1. 6TB Intel® SSD D C S3520. Any die rences in your s ystem hardw are, soft ware or con guration may a ect your ac tual perf ormance.
2 HDD vs . P3520 Comparis on. Perfo rmance data ba sed on IOMet er* 2014 Congur ation: Resu lts based on In tel® DC P3520 450GB ve rsus Seag ate* Savvio * 10K SAS ST30 0MM006 H ard Drive. A ny dierence s in your
syste m hardware, s oftware or co nguratio n may aec t your act ual perfor mance.
3 Silent D ata Corrupti on. Source - Inte l. Test perfor med on Intel® SSD S3 x00 drives , Samsung PM853 T and SM8 43T, Micron P4 00e, Seag ate 600 Pro and Sa nDisk Light ening drives . Drives were e xposed to incr easing
amoun ts of radiation . After a drive “hang”, a powe r cycle wa s performe d to deter mine whether th e drive wo uld re-boot . If a drive re -booted it wa s read, an d data was compar ed to the tester’ s maste r copy of the up-to -date data th at the drive was ex pected to conta in based on write s the driv e had ackno wledged as comp leted prior to the “h ang” event. If th e drive return ed data that die red from the expe cted data, it w as record ed as failing fo r silent er rors. The ann ual rate of silent er rors was proje cted from the ra te during acceler ated testing di vided by the accele ration of the bea m (see JEDEC s tandard JESD89A) .
4 Test and Sys tem Congur ation: Proce ssor: Intel® Xe on® E5-2699 v3, Sp eed: 2.30 GHz, Chipse t: Intel® DH82 029, Intel Ser ver Board: S26 00WT2, B IOS: Intel® SE 5C610.86B. 01.01.0008 .021120151325, releas e date
02/11/2015, DRA M: DDR3 – 32GB , OS: Window s* Server 2012-R C2, Linux* Ce ntos 7.0 kernel 4. 4, Intel® SSD D C P3520, 180GB , Intel NVMe* D river v1.0. 0.9017.
All infor mation provi ded here is subje ct to change witho ut notice. Conta ct your Intel repr esentativ e to obtain th e latest Intel pro duct specicatio ns and roadmaps .
Intel tec hnologies’ f eatures and ben ets depend on s ystem congur ation and may req uire enabled ha rdware, sof tware or ser vice activa tion. Perfo rmance vari es depending on s ystem congur ation. No comp uter sys­tem can be ab solutely secur e. Check with your s ystem manuf acturer or ret ailer or learn mor e at intel .com, or from the OE M or retai ler.
Intel di sclaims all exp ress and implie d warr anties, inclu ding without li mitation, th e implie d warrantie s of merchanta bility, tnes s for a part icular purp ose, and non-i nfringeme nt, as well as any war ranty aris ing from cours e of perf ormance, cour se of dealing, or us age in trade.
No licens e (express or impl ied, by estopp el or otherwis e) to any intellect ual propert y rights is gra nted by this docume nt.
The prod ucts descr ibed may contain d esign defec ts or errors know n as errata whi ch may cause the prod uct to deviate fro m published specic ations. Curr ent characte rized errat a are avai lable on reques t.
Tests docu ment perfor mance of compone nts on a particu lar test, in spe cic system s. Dierences in hardw are, soft ware, or congu ration will a ect actual pe rformance . Consult other sou rces of informat ion to evaluate perf ormance as you con sider your purch ase. For more comp lete informat ion about per formance and be nchmark resu lts, visit http://w .com/perfo rmance.
Result s have been estima ted or simulated u sing internal In tel analysis or ar chitectur e simula tion or modelin g, and provided to yo u for infor mational pur poses. Any di erences in your sy stem hardwa re, softw are or congu ration may aec t your actual pe rformanc e.
Intel do es not control or audi t third -party be nchmark data or the web sites re ferenced in thi s docum ent. You should visi t the refe renced web site an d conrm whether refere nced data are accur ate.
Cost red uction scena rios describ ed are intende d as examp les of how a given Intel- b ased produc t, in the speci ed circumsta nces and congu rations, may a ect future cos ts and provide cos t savings. Circumst ances will var y. Intel doe s not guar antee any costs or co st reductio n.
Intel tec hnologies may re quire enable d hardw are, speci c soft ware, or ser vices activ ation. Check wi th your system man ufacture r or retailer.
For more com plete informa tion about per formance and b enchmark res ults, visit w .com/bench marks.
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