Product brief
Intel® SSD DC P4510
Data Center (DC), PCI Express (P), 64-Layer TLC 3D NAND
Cloud Inspired.
Storage Optimized.
Designed to meet today’s increasingly demanding service levels and support
broader cloud workloads, while reducing storage costs.
Architected with 64-layer, Intel® 3D NAND technology, the Intel® SSD DC
P4510 delivers performance, Quality of Service (QoS), and capacity to help
optimize storage eciency, enabling data centers to do more per server,
minimize service disruptions, and eciently manage at scale.
These PCIe SSDs are available in 1 TB, 2 TB, 4 TB, and 8 TB in the U.2 2.5”
(15mm) form factor, and 15.36 TB in E1.L form factor.
E1.L: The Shape of
the Future
Intel® SSDs based on EDSFF were
designed from the ground up for
breakthrough eciency. The E1.L form
factor delivers higher capacity per drive
and per server, with unparalleled thermal
eciency, more ecient management at
scale, and exible design options.
Built for Cloud Storage Architectures
Multi-cloud has become a core element for any enterprise strategy, and top
cloud providers have responded by openly embracing PCIe/NVMe-based
SSDs with scalable performance, low latency, and continued innovation.
As software-dened and converged infrastructures are swiftly adopted, the
need increases to maximize eciency, revitalize existing hardware, deploy
new workloads, and yet reduce operational expenditures.
The Intel SSD DC P4510 increases server agility and utilization, and
accelerates applications.1 Intel’s 64-layer, 3D NAND technology oers
increased density, the key to supporting broader workloads, allowing cloud
service providers to increase users, and improve data service levels. Better
QoS is ensured with an intelligent rmware algorithm that keeps host and
background data read/write at an optimum balance.
Do More per Server
With the SSD DC P4510, host applications will not only have access to double
the capacity, but will also be serviced at up to 80% faster write rate,1 up to 2x
better random write IOPS/TB1, and up to 10x reduction of service time at a
QoS metric of 99.99% availability for random access workload.
With this level of workload ability and agility, data centers can refresh existing
hardware and reduce operational expenditures.
Minimize Service Disruptions
To ensure telemetry information without disrupting ongoing I/Os, the SSD DC
P4510 includes enhanced SMART monitoring of drive health and status, using
an in-band mechanism and out-of-band access. A power loss imminent (PLI)
protection scheme with a built-in self-test guards against data loss if system
power is suddenly cut.

Product Brief | Intel® Solid State Drive DC P4510
Coupled with industry-leading end-to-end data path protection scheme4, PLI features enable ease of deployment into
resilient data centers where data corruption from system-level glitches is not tolerated. The SSD DC P4510 combines
rmware enhancements with 3D NAND features to prioritize host workload and meet service levels.
Eciently Manage at Scale
To help data centers make the most of increased SSD capacity per server, dynamic namespace management delivers
the exibility to enable more users and scale deployment. The SSD DC P4510 also provides security features like TCG
Opal 2.0 and built-in AES-XTS 256-bit encryption engine, required by some secure platforms.
With the capability to manage multiple rmware versions on a drive and to support updates without a reset, the DC
P4510 improves integration and increases the ease and eciency of deploying at scale.
Features At-a-Glance
MODEL Intel® SSD DC P4510 U.2 Intel® SSD DC P4510 E1.L
Capacity and Form Factor U.2 2.5in x 15mm 1, 2, 4, 8 TB E1.L 9.5mm and 18mm 15.36 TB
Interface PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2 PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2
Media Intel® 3D NAND technology, 64 -layer, TLC Intel® 3D NAND technology, 64 -layer, TLC
Performance 128K Sequential Read/ Write – up to 3200/3000 MB/s 128K Sequential Read/Write – up to 3100/3100 MB/s
Random 4KB R/W: Up to 641.8K/134.5K IOPs Random 4KB R/W: Up to 583.8K/131.4K IOPs
Reliability UBER: 1 sector per 10
MTBF: 2 million hours
bits read
UBER: 1 sector per 10
MTBF: 2 million hours
Endurance Up to 13.88 PBW Up to 22.7 PBW
Power Up to 16 Watt Up to 16 Watt
Warranty 5-year warranty 5-year warranty
bits read
Learn more now at www.intel.com/ssd
1. Co mpari ng the Intel® SSD DC P4510 to the Intel® SSD DC P4500. See SSD DC P450 0 Produc t Brief: htt ps://www. intel.com /content /www/us/e n/prod ucts/docs/m emory-s tora ge/soli d-st ate-dri ves/
2. So urce: Intel te sted. Test and Sy stem Congu ration: CPU: Intel® X eon® CPU E5-269 9 v4 @ 2.20GHz 55 MB 22 Cores, CPU S ockets: 2, B IO: SE5C610. 86B.01.01.0 022.062820 171903 (Intel Ser ver Board
S260 0WT), R AM Capacit y: 32G, RA M Model: DDR4 -2137, RAM Stung : 1 of 4 Channels , DIMM Slots P opulated: 4 S lots, PCIe At tach: CPU (not PCH lan e attach), Ch ipset: Inte l® C612 Chipset, Sw itch/
ReTimer Mo del/Vendor: N A, OS: CentO S 7.3 1611, Kernel : 4.8.6, N VMe Driver : Kernel 4. 8.6 (native) , C-states: D isabled, H yper Thre ading: Dis abled, CPU Go vernor (thro ugh OS): Per formance M odel
(Def ault Mode: Balanced). Some Resu lts have been estim ated or sim ulated using inte rnal Intel anal ysis or arc hitecture simulat ion or modeling, and provided to you for in forma tional purpos es.
Laten cy. Source – Intel . Compa ring 4K B Random Read queue de pth 1 laten cy at 99.9 9%, between Intel® SSD DC P4510 Ser ies 2TB , Inte l® SSD DC P450 0 Series 2TB. FIO was use d with th is cong :
Intel® S erver Boar d S2600WT TR, Intel® Xe on® E5-2699 v4, S peed: 2.30GHz, Intel BI OS: Internal Releas e, DRAM: DDR4 - 32GB, OS: Linux Centos 7.2 ker nel 4.8.6 . SSD rmwar e version VDV10120.
Testing perfor med by Intel.
3. Sou rce - Intel . End- to-end dat a prote ction refer s to the set of methods used to dete ct and cor rect th e integr ity of dat a across the full pa th as it is read or written betw een the host and the SSD controlle r and medi a. Clai m is based on average of Intel dri ve error r ates vs. averag e of competitor drive error rates. Ne utron r adiati on is used to determ ine silent data corruption rates an d as a measure
of overa ll end-to-e nd data protec tion eectiveness. Silen t error s were mea sured at ru n-time and at pos t-reboot af ter a drive “ hang” by compari ng expected data vs act ual data return ed by drive .
The annual rate of data corru ption was proje cted from the ra te durin g acceler ated tes ting div ided by the acceler ation of the beam (se e JEDEC st andar d JESD8 9A).
Intel technolo gies’ fe ature s and bene ts dep end on sys tem congura tion and may requir e enab led hard ware , soft ware , or serv ice acti vation. Per formance va ries depending on system conguration.
No compu ter system can be absolute ly secure. Check with your system man ufac turer or retai ler to learn more.
Cost red uction scena rios described are int ended a s examples of how a given Intel- ba sed product , in the spec ied circumstances and congurations, may a ect future cos ts and provide cost savin gs.
Circumstances will vary. Intel does not gu arantee any cost s or cost reduction.
Any dierence s in your sy stem hardwar e, softwa re or cong urati on may aec t your actual pe rfor mance. Perf orman ce resu lts are ba sed on testing release d as of July 2018 and may no t reec t all
publi cly avail able securit y updates. Se e conguratio n disclos ure for details. No compo nent or produc t can be ab solute ly secur e.
Soft ware and work loads used in performa nce test s may have be en optim ized for pe rformance on ly on Inte l microp rocessors . Per rmance test s, such as SYSma rk and MobileM ark, ar e measured using
speci c computer sys tems, components , sof tware, operations, and fu ncti ons. Any change to any of th ose fac tors may cause re sults to va ry. You should consult ot her info rmati on and per formance tes ts
to assist you in fully evaluat ing your con templ ated purchase s, including the perfo rmance of that pro duct wh en combined with ot her product s. For more complete inform ation vi sit ww w.intel.com/
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