Product brief
Intel® 3D NAND SSD DC P4500 Series
Data Center (DC), PCI Express* (P)
Cloud Inspired. Storage Optimized.
Designed for modern cloud storage solutions such as software-dened
and converged infrastructures.
Pairing a new Intel developed controller, unique rmware innovations, and
industry-leading 3D NAND density, the Intel® 3D NAND SSD Data Center
P4500 Series delivers an all new design to support cloud storage and
software-dened infrastructures. The Intel SSD DC P4500 Series is stacked
with a combination of performance, capacity, manageability, and reliability to
help data centers fast-track their business and meet the overall demands of
their digital business.
An SSD Built for Cloud Storage Architectures
The cloud continues to drive innovation, new services, and agility for businesses
which are seeing the need to deploy services faster, scale eectively, and remove
the human costs of managing assets. Multi-cloud has become a core element for any
enterprise strategy, with top cloud providers openly embracing PCIe*/NVMe*-based
SSDs because of the scalable performance, low latency, and continued innovation.
Within the shift to the cloud is an increased adoption of software-dened and
converged infrastructures. This fast adoption is being driven by the need to increase
eciency, refresh existing hardware, deploy new workloads, and reduce operational
The Intel SSD DC P4500 signicantly increases server agility and utilization, while also
accelerating applications, across a wide range of cloud workloads.
Optimized for Storage Eciency Across a Range of Workloads
This cloud-inspired SSD is built with an entirely new NVMe controller, optimized for
read intensive workloads and designed to maximize CPU utilization.
With controller support for up to 128 queues, the DC P4500 helps minimize the risk
of idle CPU cores and performs most eectively on Intel platforms with Intel® Xeon®
processors. The queue pair-to-CPU core mapping supports high drive count and also
supports multiple SSDs scaling on Intel platforms.
With the DC P4500, data centers can increase users, add more services, and perform
more workloads per server, or quickly repartition to adapt to conditions. Now you can
store more and know more.

Product Brief | Intel® 3D NAND SSD DC P4500 Series
Manageability to Maximize IT Eciency
The DC P4500 is built for software-dened cloud
infrastructures across the multi-cloud environment to enable
greater eciency within existing server footprints.
New rmware manageability features help reduce server
downtime through improved update processes and expanded
monitoring capabilities.
SMART management and Intel custom log pages provide
advanced drive telemetry to manage thermals, monitor
endurance, and track drive health status. Management coverage
is now expanded across a wider range of drive states with
support for the NVMe-Management Interface (NVMe-MI)
specication, an industry standard way to manage the SSD
Industry-leading Reliability and Security
As capacity per server continues to scale, the risk of data
corruption and errors increases. With an eye toward this risk,
Intel has built industry-leading end-to-end data protection
into the DC P4500.
corruption which can cause catastrophic downtime and errors
in major businesses.
Power Loss Imminent (PLI) provides protection from
unplanned power loss, and is obtained through a propriety
combination of power management chips, capacitors, rmware
algorithms, and a built-in PLI self-test. Intel’s PLI feature
provides data centers with high condence of preventing data
loss during unplanned power interrupts.
This includes protection from silent data
Designed for Today’s Modern Data Centers
The DC P4500 is Intel’s new 3D NAND SSD for readintensive workloads in cloud-driven data centers. The mix of
performance, capacity, manageability, and reliability make
it the ideal solution for software-dened and converged
infrastructures. Learn more now at www.intel.com/ssd.
Features At-a-Glance
Capacity 1, 2, 4TB
2, 3
Manageability Support for NVM Express-Management Inter face
Reliability¹ End-to-end dat a protection from silent data corruption,
Form Factors U.2 2.5in x 15mm
Media Intel 3D NAND, TLC
Endurance Random/JEDEC up to 0.7 DWPD / 4.6 PBW, sequential
Power Max read/write 10.9W / 18.3W
Warranty 5 year warranty
64k Sequential Read/Write – up to 3290/1890 MB/s
4k Random Read/Write – up to 710,0 00 / 68,0 00 IOPS
(NVMe-MI), NVMe SMA RT / Health and Log Pages
uncorrectable bit error rate < 1 sector per 10
PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2
(for serviceability, hot-plug, and densit y)
Add-in-Card: Half- Height Half-Length, low-prole (for
legac y and mainstream server compatibility)
workload up to 4.62 DWPD / 19.8 PBW
bits read
1. Source - Intel. En d-to -end data protection ref ers to the set of metho ds used to detect and corre ct the integri ty of dat a across the full path as it is read or writ ten bet ween the host and the SSD controlle r and media. Test perf ormed on Inte l® SSD DC S3520 Seri es, Intel® SSD D C P3520, Intel® SSD D C P3510, Inte l® SSD DC P450 0, Samsung * PM953, Samsung PM1725, Sa msung PM961, Sam sung
PM863, Micron* 7100, Micr on 510DC, Mi cron 9100 , HGST * SN100, Seagate * 1200.2 , SanDisk* CS ECO drives. Claim is base d on avera ge of Intel dri ve erro r rates vs . average of compet itor dri ve error
rates . Neutron radiatio n is used to determi ne silen t data corruption rate s and as a measure of overall end-to -end data pro tect ion ee ctiveness. Among the causes of data corruption in an SSD controlle r are ioni zing ra diati on, signal noi se and cro sstalk, an d SRAM insta bility. Silent errors were me asur ed at run-time and at post- reboot afte r a drive “hang” by com paring expe cted data vs actual
data returne d by drive . The annu al rate of data corruptio n was pro jected from the rate during acce lerated test ing div ided by th e acceler ation of the beam (se e JEDEC st anda rd JESD89A) .
2. Performance consiste ncy measur ed using FIO* b ased on Sequentia l 64KB Q D= 128 (QD=32, workers =4) workload , measured as (IOPS i n the 99.9th pe rcentile slow est 1-second inter val)/ (avera ge
IOPS during the test). Measu reme nts are performed on a full Logi cal Blo ck Address (LBA) span of th e drive on ce the workload ha s reached steady state, inclu ding all background ac tivities re quired
for normal operation and data reliabilit y
3. Performance measured with QD =1, and QD=256 (QD= 64, workers=4). Mea surements perfo rmed on th e full Logi cal Block Address (LBA) span of the drive.
Intel technologies ’ features and be net s depend on system conguration and may require enab led hardware, softwa re or ser vice activa tion . Performance varies dependin g on system cong uration. No
computer sys tem can be absolutely secure. Check with your sys tem manufac turer or retai ler or learn more at intel.com.
Tests document pe rformance of compon ents on a partic ular test, in sp eci c syste ms. Dierences in har dware, sof tware, or conguration wi ll aec t actual per form ance. Co nsult other sour ces of info rmation to evalua te per formance as you co nsider your pur chas e.
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