Product brief
Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P
PCIe* (P)
Breakthrough Performance
for Demanding Storage Workloads
Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P delivers breakthrough performance to meet the most demanding storage workloads in your desktop or client single-user workstations.
The Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P is designed for the most demanding storage workloads
in client systems, delivering high random read/write performance coupled with
low latency and industry-leading endurance.1 Built with Intel® Optane™ technology,
a revolutionary class of non-volatile memory, the Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P is
empowering professional users, content creators, and enthusiasts to extract greater
platform performance.
Breakthrough Performance for Workstations
The Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P delivers read/write performance optimized for client
workstations. The performance and responsiveness of the SSD 905P means the
processor can spend less time waiting and more time computing, resulting in greatly
increased eciency.
With exceptional random storage performance of up to 575K/550K IOPs (4K random
reads/writes), and low latency of less than 11µs,2 these key capabilities make the SSD
905P a highly responsive client storage solution. The SSD 905P also enables software
developers to optimize applications to take advantage of the unique attributes of
Intel® Optane™ technology: low latency, and high throughput at low queue depth.
High Endurance Ensures Storage Reliability
The ability to deliver these levels of performance with large and demanding
workstation workloads also requires high endurance to ensure storage reliability.
The Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P provides an industry-leading 10 DWPD, making it
the highest endurance client SSD in the market today.1 Professionals with the most
demanding storage workloads can now tackle even bigger projects with peace
of mind, counting on years of performance without the need for frequent drive
New Possibilities with Higher Capacity
The Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P U.2 and AIC form factors introduce high capacities
allowing users to handle large data sets to better extract the value of Intel® Optane™
technology with workloads that place heavy demands on the storage I/O subsystem.
The slim new M.2 form factor oers increased versatility.

Product Brief | Intel® Optane™ Solid State Drive 905P
Features At-a-Glance
Model Name Intel® Optane™ SSD 905P
Capacity Half Height Half Length (HHHL) Add-in- Card: 960GB, 1.5TB
2.5” x 15mm, Small Form Factor U. 2: 480GB, 960GB, 1.5TB
22x110mm, M.2, 380GB
Memory Media Intel® 3D XPoint™ memor y media
Bandwidth: Sustained Sequential Read/Write
IOPS: Random 4KB Random Read/Write
Up to 2,700 / 2,200 MB/s
Up to 575,000 / 550,000 IOPS
Read / Write Latency <10 µs / <11 µs
Interface PCIe* 3.0 X4, NVMe*
Form Factors, Height and Weight HHHL AIC
68.9mm / 17.2mm / 168mm up to 230 grams
2.5” U. 2
15mm / 70mm / 101mm / up to 140 grams
22mm / 110mm / 3.88mm / up to 13 grams
Life Expectancy 1.6 million hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Lifetime Endurance
10 Drive Writes per Day (DWPD)
Power Consumption Typical 380GB (M .2) 480GB (AIC) 960GB (AIC) 1.5TB (AIC)
Operating Temperature
Active Sequential Read:
Active Write:
0° C to 85° C
13. 0W
14. 8W
17.7 W
RoHS Compliance Meets the requirements of European Union (EU) RoHS Compliance Directives
Warranty 5-year limited warranty; warranty void if used in a multi-user, multi-CPU data center
Learn more now at www.intel.com/ssd
1. Endur ance dened as the total am ount of dat a that can be writt en to the SSD in dr ive writes per day (DWPD). Intel® Opt ane™ 905P 960GB @ 10DWPD = 17.52 petab ytes writt en (PBW ). Market lead-
ing dri ves compare d based on spe cs: Adata* X PG SX8200 (48 0GB) 320 ter abytes wri tten (TBW ), Samsun g 860 Pro* (1TB) 1,200 TBW, S amsung 970 Pro* (1TB ) 1,200 TBW, Crucial M X500* (50 0GB)
180 TWB , Western Di gital Blac k* (1TB) 600 TB W.
2. System congur ation: Motherboard: X29 9 ASUS Tia chi ASROCK*; Processor: Intel® Core i9 -7900X ; BIOS Vers ion 2.0 ; Windo ws* 10 (x64) , version 17134.228; Gr aphics card: ASUS* ROG STRI X
GTX108 0 with NVID IA* GeFORCE* G TX 1080; Me mory: Corsai r Vengea nce* DDR4 32GB (4x 8GB) Freque ncy 3000 M Hz CMR32GX4M4 C3000 C15; Benc hmark: IOMeter 1. 01. Measured o n 480GB AIC.
3. Seque ntial per formance wa s measure d at queue dept h 32 and 1 worker an d random perfor mance was me asured at qu eue depth 64 a nd 8 workers
4. Based upon the pr oduc t speci cation of Inte l® Optane™ SSD 905 P 480G B with an endurance of 8760G B writ ten.
5. Oper ating temperatur e is measure d by SMART.
For bes t sustaine d perfor mance, a ther mal solutio n is recommen ded under heavy wo rkloads and b enchmark ing to prevent t hermal throttli ng.
Intel technologies ’ featur es and benet s depen d on system cong urati on and may require enable d hardw are, software or se rvi ce acti vation. Per formance varies dependi ng on system con guration. No
computer sys tem can be abs olutely sec ure. Check wi th your system manu facture r or retailer or lear n more at intel .com.
Perf orma nce results are ba sed on tes ting as of August 30 , 2018 and may not ree ct all publicly availab le secur ity up dates . See congurat ion disclosur e for details . No produ ct can be ab solut ely secu re.
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