product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive Data Center D3700/D3600 Series
Break the Storage Bottleneck
with No Critical Data Interruption
High Availability PCIe* dual port delivers high bandwidth, high random IOPs,
and low latency compared to most top rated SAS SSDs.
Intel’s First Dual Port NVMe* SSDs
Today, more and more storage systems
require High Availability (HA) features
that allow customers to access data
without interruptions. HA storage is
especially critical for storage systems
using online transaction processing
(OLTP) and private cloud storage; systems
that demand 24-hours-per-day, sevendays-per-week accessibility with failover
Redundancy is a key feature for today’s
storage demands. Allowing data to be
kept in more than one place minimizes
the threat of data loss due to a single
point of failure. HA storage systems
require that at least two controllers can
access the same drive through multi- path
so that if one controller fails, the other
can continue to access exactly the same
data without interruption, keeping the
storage system running and ser viceable.
Intel’s rst dual port NVM express*
(NVMe) SSD, the Intel® Solid State Drive
Data Center D3700/3600 Series, provides
new dual port features to support
enterprise storage architecture with
higher performance and lower latency
than today’s SAS products. These SSDs
provide a competitive advantage to
address the increasing demand for all-
ash array (AFA) and hybrid ash array
(HFA) markets. The DC D3700/D3600
Series provides high availability, excellent
performance, dense storage, and optimal
utilization of platform and storage
Delivering Breakthrough
Performance for High Availability
Storage Solutions
Matching high performance with high
reliability, the D3700/D3600 Series oers
a range of capacities – 800GB, 1.6TB and
1.0TB, 2.0TB respectively. With PCIe*
Gen3 support and NVMe specication 1.2
implementation, the D3700/D3600 Series is
designed to support active/active dual port
and recovery during failover when one of
the hosts is unavailable.
With NVMe queuing interface and support
for up to 80 I/O queues, the DC D3700/3600
Series delivers excellent sequential read
performance of up to 2100MB/s and
sequential write speeds of up to 1500MB/s.
The SSDs deliver very high random read
IOPS up to 470K and random write IOPS of
up to 95K for 4KB operations.
The DC D3700/D3600 Series also includes
High Endurance Technology (HET), which
combines NAND silicon enhancements and
SSD NAND management techniques to
extend SSD write endurance up to 10 and
three drive writes per day for ve years.
Built on the Latest Industry
Standards for Streamlined
PCIe 3.0: The D3700/D3600 Series is a
PCIe Gen3 SSD architected with a dual
port, NVMe controller delivering high
performance and low latency to HA storage
U.2 Connectors: Taking advantage of the
U.2 connector and providing hot-plug
removal and insertion capabilities, enabling
in-service replacement options.
Non-Volatile Memory Solutions

Intel® Solid State Drive Data Center D370 0/D360 0 Series Product Brief
NVMe 1.2: The DC D3700/D3600 Series
is the rst Intel NVMe SSD product line to
support NVM 1.2 designed specically for
HA storage. Features include:
• NVM Express 1.2
• 80 SQ/CQ + 1 admin queue per port
• WRR queue priority support
• Dynamic multiple name spaces
• Reservations
• Scatter/Gather I/O
• CMB for Submission Queue
Designed for Data Integrity
and Reliability
Designed with uncompromised data
integrity and drive reliability, the series
• Lasting Integrity with end-to-end data
protection features
• <5% performance degradation over
the product life
• Up to 90% IOPs consistency
Usage Models
The DC D3700/D3600 Series is a perfect
solution where high performance and
high availability are required. These
products are targeted for two main
• Mission critical enterprise storage
deployment: Traditional storage
solutions, HFA, and AFA are under great
pressure to deliver high performance
and high availability to meet the needs
of business critical applications.
• Top tier storage for scale-out
server based storage: Bringing high
performance to metadata servers and
high performance/high availabilty to
the caching tier.
For more information on Intel® SSD DC D3700/D3600 Series, visit www.intel.com/ssd
Perf ormance degr adation. Sour ce – Intel . Data collecte d on Intel S SD for Data Center fo r PCIe fa mily on a standar d endur ance oerin g. Performa nce data collect ed on cycled driv es using short st roke approach
adher ing to JESD218 method .
IOPS co nsistenc y. Source – Intel . Measured p erforma nce of Intel® SSD D CS3710 and DC P370 0 on 4K Mixed (70/ 30) workload . Device per formance m easured us ing FIO. Quali ty of Serv ice measure d using 4 KB
(4,09 6 byte s) transfer siz e on a rando m workload on a full Log ical Block Addr ess (LBA) span of t he drive on ce the wor kload has r eached stead y state bu t including all ba ckground ac tivities req uired for norma l
oper ation and data r eliabilit y. Based on Ran dom 4KB QD=1, 32 work loads, mea sured as the ti me taken for 99. 9 (or 99.9999) p ercentile of co mmands to nis h the round-t rip from host t o drive and back to h ost.
Intel tec hnologies’ f eatures and ben ets depend on s ystem congur ation and may req uire enabled ha rdware, sof tware or ser vice activa tion. Learn mo re at intel.com , or from th e OEM or ret ailer.
No licens e (express or impl ied, by estopp el or otherwis e) to any intellect ual propert y rights is gra nted by this docume nt. The produc ts describ ed may contain desi gn defects or e rrors known as e rrata which may
cause th e prod uct to deviate fro m publi shed speci cations. Cur rent charac terized erra ta are availab le on requ est.
Tests docu ment perfor mance of compone nts on a particu lar test, in spe cic system s. Dieren ces in hardw are, soft ware, or congu ration will a ect actual pe rformance . Consult other sou rces of informat ion to
evalu ate perform ance as you conside r your pur chase. For more com plete informa tion about per formance and b enchmark res ults, visit ht tp://www. intel.com /performa nce.
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