Intel SSDPD21K750GA01 User Manual

Product brief
Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X Data Center (DC), Dual Port (D)
High Availability Meets High Performance
First Intel® Optane™ technology-based high availability dual port drive oering
greater resiliency for enterprise storage solutions
High availability and performance are crucial for enterprise storage architectures providing mission-critical applications, such as online transaction processing for
nancial services. The Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X with its unique combination of dual port PCIe NVMe, consistent low latency and high random read/write performance, delivers the performance and capabilities required for enterprise-class storage arrays.
The SSD DC D4800X provides dual port redundancy for maximum data availability
during system upgrades or a failover event, enabling enterprise class capabilities and
Intel® Optane™ SSDs Break Through NAND Bottlenecks
Intel® Optane™ technology provides industry-leading capabilities of breakthrough
performance, predictably fast service, responsiveness under load and high
The rst Intel Optane technology-based dual port drive can break the NAND bottleneck to help deliver higher service levels to mission-critical applications and reduce transaction costs for latency sensitive workloads. Combining breakthrough performance with data path redundancy enables enterprise storage array providers to
design solutions capable of:
Extremely consistent and fast response times even in the presence of increasing
write pressure
High performance at low queue depths commonly found in enterprise work loads
Predictably fast service—faster than NAND SSDs
Supporting write intensive workloads common in areas such as OLTP and HPC with
high endurance
The Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X oers:
24x7 data availability with redundant paths and hot-plug capability for
continued data access in the event of a failure
High performance, low latency data placed on Intel® Optane™ SSDs to
accelerate data delivery and amplify system performance of capacity NAND SSDs
Capability to scale service levels and performance far beyond traditional NAND-based platforms as needed, while balancing overall design costs
Product Brief | Intel® Opt ane™ SSD DC D4800X
Key Features
The dual port Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X provides enterprise
storage features, including hot­pluggable removal and insertion,
allowing in-service replacement options. Other key features
VSS (variable sector size): 512,
520, 4096, 4104 bytes
Up to 16 multiple dynamic name
128 queue pair/ port
SGL (scatter gather lists)
CMB (control memory buer)
FIPs140 -2
Only available for OEM customer SKUs
Storage Controller 1
The Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X improves
Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X Dual Port
Storage Controller 2
redundanc y, a key feature for High Availability applications, with two NVMe storage controllers
accessing the same drive in the ca se of a single
point of failure.
Model Intel® Optane™ SSD DC D4800X
Form Factor and Capacity U.2 2.5in. 15mm form factor; 375GB, 750GB, 1.5TB
Interface PCIe 3.0 2x2, NVMe
Media Intel® Optane™ memory media
Latency (typical) R/W
(JESD219 workload)
Petaby tes Writte n=PBW; Drive Wr ites per Day=D WPD
Reliability AFR: < 0.44%
Quality of Service (QoS): 99.999%
Power Active (Average): Up to 25W
Operating Temperature 0-70⁰C with specied air ow
Warranty 5-year limited warranty
Seq R/ W: up to 2400/2400MB/s at QD 16 x16
4KB Random R/W: up to 560/540K IOPs
4K Random Latency (typ.) R/ W: 22/29μs
4K Sequential Latency (t yp.) R/W: 22/29 μs
375GB – 20.5 PBW; 30 DWPD 750GB – 41.1 PBW; 30 DWPD
1.5TB – 82.1 PBW; 30 DWPD
MTBF: 2 million hours
UBER: 1 sector per 10^-17 bits read
4KB Random, Queue Depth 1, R/W: <64/79 µs
4KB Random, Queue Depth 32, R/W: <214/218 µs
Idle: <10W
Enhanced power-loss data protection
For more up to date product specications, visit
For more information, visit
1. Performance measured using FIO version 3.5 (ioengine=pvsync 2 hipri for QD1) OS: CentOS 7.3.1611 Kernel: 4.14.50 . Measu reme nts are pe rfo rmed on a full logical block address (LB A) span of the drive. Power mode set at PM0 . Drive format ted with 512byte sect or size. Pe rformance collec ted with aggre gation from t wo host s access ing two equal sized name spaces from the dr ive. Avera ge measurem ent. Result s can var y based on setup and meas urement window.
2. Measured us ing FIO ver sion 3. 5 on Linux OS: CentOS 7.3.1611 Kernel: 4.14.50 . Quali ty of Ser vice measured using 4KB transfer size on a random workload on a full LBA span of the drive once the workload has reached s teady state b ut including all back ground activities req uired for nor mal operation and d ata reliability. Ru ntime is 20 minutes. B ased on Random 4KB QD =1, 32 worklo ads, measu red as the time taken fo r 99.9 (or 99.99) percentile of comm ands to n ish the ro und- trip fr om host to drive and ba ck to host .
Intel technologies ’ featur es and benet s depen d on system cong uration and may require enabled hard ware, soft ware or serv ice activation. Performance varies depe nding on syste m congu rati on. No com ­puter system can be abso lutely secure . Check wi th your sy stem ma nufa cturer or retailer or le arn mor e at intel .com.
Soft ware and work loads used in per formance tests may hav e been optimize d for per formance only on Intel micropr ocessors . Perf orma nce test s, such as SYSma rk and MobileMark, are measured us ing speci c computer sys tems, components, sof tware, ope rati ons and functions . Any change to any of those factors may ca use the re sults to vary. You should consult other inform ation and performance tes ts to assist you in fully evalu ating yo ur contemplated purchase s, including the per form ance of tha t produ ct whe n combin ed with other product s. For more complete info rmation visit ww arks. Perf ormance re sults are ba sed on test ing as of Aug ust 31, 2018 and may n ot reect a ll publicly av ailable se curity u pdates. Se e congur ation disclo sure for de tails. No product o r component c an be absol utely secure.
The product s descr ibed in this docu ment may contain design defec ts or errors known as errata which may ca use the pr oduc t to deviate from pu blish ed specications . Current char acterized errat a are avai l­able on request. No pro duct or compon ent can be absolu tely sec ure.
Intel , the Intel logo, and Optane are trad emarks of Intel Corporatio n in the U.S . and/or oth er countries . Other names and brand s may be clai med as the property of other s. © Intel Corpor ation. Printed in the U SA. Please R ecycle 0919/RA/KM 338719-00 2US