The Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Specification Update.
February 26, 2001
iPN A39185-001
Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
1.0 Original draft October 18, 2000
1.1 First update January 25, 2001
1.2 Second update February 26, 2001
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This Technical Product Specification (TPS) identifies components and software integrated with
the Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server. These components include the serverboard, riser card, front
panel board, hot-swap backplane, system BIOS, Advanced Server Management (ASM) software,
chassis, and power supply. Certifications, reliability, and serviceability of the system are also
Intended Audience
This TPS provides detailed technical information about the SRMK2 Internet Server and its internal
components. This information is intended for xSPs, OEM engineers, vendors, system integrators,
and other engineers and technicians who need this level of information. It is not intended for
general audiences.
Typographical Conventions
This section describes the conventions used in this specification. Not all of these symbols and
abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type.
Notes call attention to important information.
Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware and losing data.
Warnings indicate conditions that, if not observed, can cause personal injury.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationiii
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Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationiv
2.1.2 Colors of Chassis....................................................................................................................................13
2.1.3 Front View of Chassis.............................................................................................................................14
2.1.4 Rear View of Chassis ..............................................................................................................................15
2.2.1 AC Power Supply....................................................................................................................................15
2.2.2 DC Power Supply....................................................................................................................................19
2.2.4 System Cooling........................................................................................................................................20
2.2.5 System Peripheral Bays...........................................................................................................................21
2.2.6 System Interconnection............................................................................................................................21
3.9.1 Serial Port...............................................................................................................................................32
3.13WAKE ON RING AND RESUME ON RING ............................................................................................... 35
3.13.1 Wake on Ring.....................................................................................................................................35
3.13.2 Resume on Ring..................................................................................................................................35
3.15FAN SUPPORT ...........................................................................................................................................36
5 FRONT PANEL BOARD..................................................................................................................................57
7.3.4 System Services.......................................................................................................................................71
7.3.7 SMBIOS Support .....................................................................................................................................78
7.3.8 Soft Power Switch....................................................................................................................................79
7.3.9 POST Memory Manager Support...........................................................................................................80
7.4FAIL-SAFE BIOS E XTENSIONS................................................................................................................81
7.4.1 LAN Alerts...............................................................................................................................................81
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationvi
Conventions and Terminology
9.3ISA BUS ERROR.........................................................................................................................................85
9.3.2 Processor Bus Error...............................................................................................................................86
9.3.3 Memory Bus Error..................................................................................................................................87
9.3.4 System Limit Error..................................................................................................................................87
10.7EXIT MENU ...............................................................................................................................................96
14 SPECIFICATIONS AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT.............................................................................104
14.1ONLINE SUPPORT ..................................................................................................................................104
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationvii
Conventions and Terminology
Conventions and Terminology
This document uses the following terms and abbreviations:
Term Definition
µA 0.000001 amperes
µF microfarad
A amperes (amps)
AC Alternating Current
ACPI Advanced Configuration Power Interface
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
BIOS Basic Input Output System
Byte 8-bit quantity
C Centigrade
CD Compact Disk
CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
CE Community European
cfm Cubic feet per minute
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CPU Central Processing Unit
DC Direct Current
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DEMKO Danishe Elektriske Materiellkontroll (Danish Board of Testing and Approval of Electrical Equipment)
DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module
DMA Direct Memory Access
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
ECC Error Correction Code
EDO Extended Data Out
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EN European Standard (Norme Européenne or Europäische Norm)
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
EU European Union
F Fahrenheit
FC-PGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FCC Federal Communications Commission (USA)
FD Floppy Disk
FET Field Effect Transistor
FP Front Panel
FPC Front Panel Controller
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
GB gigabyte (1024 MB)
Hz Hertz (cycles per second)
I/O Input/Output
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
KB kilobyte (1024 bytes)
kg Kilograms
kV Kilovolts
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationviii
Conventions and Terminology
LED Light Emitting Diode
LVD Low Voltage Differential
mA milliamps
MB megabyte (1024 KB)
MBE Multi-bit Error
MIF Management Information database
mm millimeters
ms milliseconds
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
NEMKO Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll (Norwegian Board of Testing and Approval of Electrical
NIC Network Interface Card
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
OCP Over-Current Protection
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OTP Over-Temperature Protection
OVP Over-Voltage Protection
PAC PCI/AGP Controller
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
Pf picofarad (10
PFC Power Factor Correction
OSB4 PCI-ISA IDE Xcelerator controller
PIO Programmed Input/Output
PLD Programmable Logic Device
POST Power-On Self Test
PPGA Plastic Pin Grid Array
PXE Preboot Execution Environment
RAM Random Access Memory
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RxD Receive Data
SBE Single-bit Error
SCL Serial Clock
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SDA Serial Data
SE Single Ended
SEEPROM Serial Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
SEL System Event Log
SEMKO Sverge Elektriske Materiellkontroll (Swedish Board of Testing and Approval of Electrical
SIO Super I/O
SMB System Management Bus
SMC Standard Microsystems Corporation
SMBIOS System Management BIOS
SMI System Management Interrupt
SMM System Management Module
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
TxD Transmit Data
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiving/Transmitting
UL Underwriter’s Laboratories
USB Universal Serial Bus
V Volt
VA Volt amperes
Vac Volts alternating current
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationix
Conventions and Terminology
VCCI Voluntary Control Council for Interference (by data processing and electronic office equipment)
Vdc Volts direct current
Vin Volts in
VRM Voltage Regulator Module
Vrms Volts root-mean-square
W Watts
Wdc Watts direct current
WOL Wake on LAN
WOR Wake on Ring
ZIF Zero Insertion Force
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specificationx
1 Introduction
This document provides a detailed description of the chassis and system level features of the
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server. This system is a high-density rackmount server consisting of a
1U chassis and the SRMK2 serverboard. The server will come in two models: A SCSI based
system (SRMK2S) and a SCSI based system with a –48V DC power supply (SRMK2D). Since
both of these systems are based off of the SRMK2S product, this guide has been written to
represent the SRMK2S. Notes and additions have been added to identify discrepancies between
the SRMK2S and the SRMK2D.
Table 1 provides a list and brief description of the SRMK2 Internet Server’s key features.
Table 1: Intel® SRMK2S Internet Server key features
Feature Description
1U chassis 1.70” (height) x 16.75” (width behind bezel) x 24” (depth)
Weight Approximately 30lbs in-box shipping weight
Power supply Single 200W AC power supply (200W DC supply comes with the SRMK2D)
Cooling Nine system fans (Eight 40mm and one 17mm)
Rackmounting Two midmount and Front mounting brackets or sliding rails (optional)
Hard disk capacity Support for two 1” U160 Hot Swappable SCSI hard drives for internal
configuration along with an external SCSI channel for external drives
Peripheral bays Single standard slim diskette drive included with system. Optional slim-line
CD-ROM drive available (works in conjunction with the standard diskette).
Peripheral Interfaces Two Ultra 160 SCSI channels, one internal and one external (The internal
channel has two SCA2 connector ports out the front of the machine)
One IDE interface with UDMA support
One rear serial port
Two 10/100 82559 LAN Connectors
One slim-line diskette interface
LED Panel Interface
Two USB ports
Video Interface
Two PS/2 ports
Microprocessor Dual Pentium® III processors in PGA370 sockets
Memory capacity Up to 4 GB of registered PC-100 or PC-133 ECC SDRAM DIMMs
LAN support Integrated dual Intel® 82559 Pro/100+ Ethernet controllers featuring PXE 2.0 option
ROM for network installation and booting of operating systems
Add-in card support Passive PCI riser (64-bit/66MHz) supports a low-profile and a full-length (13”) PCI
System management Two Heceta 3 hardware monitoring ASIC’s which work in conjunction with Web-
based management software (ASM).
BIOS Intel/AMI BIOS with extensions to enhance server management capabilities
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification11
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Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification12
2 Chassis Description
This section describes the features of the Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server chassis.
2.1 External Chassis Features
2.1.1 Chassis Dimensions
The chassis is 1.70 inches high by 16.75 inches wide behind the bezel by 24.00 inches deep
(measured from the front of the bezel to the deepest portion of the rear bulkhead). The chassis is
designed to be mounted in a relay-style rack using the two right-angle midmount or front mount
brackets provided with the base system that attach to the chassis and two brackets that attach to
the rack . It can also be installed in a standard 19” rack using a sliding rails kit (Optional).
Table 2: Chassis dimensions
1.70” (1U)
16.75” between the slide mounting surfaces
24” including bezel, 22.41” from front mounting flange to the rear panel
30lbs. maximum configuration (Fully loaded weight including box and all
Figure 1: Isometric View of Chassis
2.1.2 Colors of Chassis
The primary exterior of the chassis is unpainted. The bezel is a molded black (GE701) plastic.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification13
2.1.3 Front View of Chassis
The front bezel is a multiple-part plastic molding that contains the buttons, the LED indicator light
pipes, and a flip -down door that spans half the width of the bezel and folds down (right striated
portion in Figure 2 below). After pulling the flip door down the Power, Sleep, and Reset buttons
as well as the NMI pin hole are revealed. This also reveals the floppy and CD-ROM bays. See
Figure 3 for button placement. See Section 5 Front Panel Board for a complete description of the
buttons and LEDs.
Figure 2: Front view of chassis with bezel on
Additionally, the front bezel can be removed to reveal the front of the chassis. To access the hot
swappable SCSI hard disk drives, pivot the front panel out and to the right. Figure 3 shows the
chassis with the front bezel removed and the front panel in the closed position.
Figure 3: Front view of chassis without bezel
Upon pivoting the front panel out and to the right, the SCSI hard disk drive bays are revealed as
shown in Figure 4 below.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification14
A Hot Swappable SCSI Drives
C Slimline Floppy
Slimline CDROM (Optional)
Figure 4: Front view of chassis without bezel (Does not show Front Panel swung out)
2.1.4 Rear View of Chassis
The input/output connectors are accessible at the back panel of the chassis as shown in Figure 5.
See Section 3.17.1 Back Panel I/O Connectors for detailed descriptions of the rear panel I/O
A PS/2 Kbd / Mouse
B Video E Serial Port A H Full Length PCI slot
C Dual RJ-45 F U160 SCSI I Power Supply *
*The power supply in the SRMK2D has a different connector
Figure 5: Rear view of chassis
Low Profile PCI slot
2.2 Internal Chassis Features
2.2.1 AC Power Supply
The SRMK2 Internet Server can use two different power supplies, one being an AC 200W
version which ships with the SRMK2S model and a –48V DC 200W version that ships with the
SRMK2D model. For information on the DC model, see the Section 2.2.2 entitled DC Power Supply . The AC power supply uses a standard IEC 320 power cord and is a single auto-ranging
power factor corrected power supply. The AC power supply rating is described in Table 3.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification15
Table 3: 200W power supply output summary
DC Power
Total power from supply
AC line voltage
AC line frequency
+3.3VDC at 13.0A Max.
+5 VDC at 22A Max.
+12 VDC at 3.5A Max.
-12 VDC at 0.25A
5V Standby 1A
90-135,180-265VAC PFC: auto sense
47 / 63 Hz Power Supply Mechanical Outline
Both AC and DC power supplies are 3.30”wide by 1.60” high by 9.60”in length. The output cable
bundle is separated into two cables; one cable with two connectors for the serverboard, and the
other with a connector for the backplane which in turn powers the HDD’s. The backplane also
has a CDROM power connector. Power Supply Fan Requirements
The power supply relies on cooling provided by two 40mm fans mounted in the chassis in front of
the power supply. These fans are monitored by hardware on the motherboard and the Advanced
Server Management software that comes on the Resource CD in the accessory kit. AC Power Line
The system is specified to operate over two input voltage ranges that are automatically selected
and rated from 100-120VAC and 200-240VAC, at 50 or 60Hz. The power supply incorporates
Power Factor Correction (PFC) as a standard feature. The system is tested to meet these line
voltages, and has been tested (but not specified) at +10% and -10% of the voltage ranges, and ±
3Hz on the line input frequency. The system is specified to operate without error with line source
interruptions not to exceed 20 milliseconds at nominal line conditions and full power supply output
load. The system is not damaged by AC surge ring wave to 2.5kV/500A. This ring wave is a
100kHz damped oscillatory wave with a specified rise-time for the linear portion of the initial half cycle of 0.5µsec. Additionally , the system will not be damaged by a unidirectional surge
waveform of 2.0kV /3000A, with a 1.2µsec rise time and 50µsec duration. Further details on
these waveforms can be obtained in ANSI/IEEE STD C62.45-1987.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification16
6 DC Connector Requirements
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the connector pinouts for the serverboard power connectors. These
mate with the power supply connectors at connector J27 and J39.
1 13
VRM Input Voltage
VRM Input Voltage
VRM Input Voltage
VRM Input Voltage
12 24
Figure 6: DC connector pinout (J27)
Ground Sense
5 10
Figure 7: DC connector pinout (J39)
+3.3V Sense
+5V Sense
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification17 Power Supply Wiring Requirements
The wiring length and the desired wire color -coding are specified in Figure 8.
Wire exit hole in
Edge of supply to center of connector on
Only one wire tie
at exit of supply
this bundle.
Bundle A
3.5" (87.5mm)
pin 1
pin 13
Wire lengths should vary to
Bundle B
Bundle C
Mini wire ties at
one inch spacing
length of bundle.
3.5" ±0.25"
(87.5mm ±6mm)
7.75" ±0.25"
(196mm ±6mm)
ensure no loops or slack wire.
Main board 2
Figure 8: DC output wire harness
Table 4: Baseboard Power Connector (P2)
1 Ground Black 13 VRM Input Red
2 Ground Black 14 VRM Input Red
3 Ground Black 15 VRM Input Red
4 Ground Black 16 VRM Input Red
5 +3.3V Orange 17 Ground Black
6 +3.3V Orange 18 Ground Black
7 +3.3V Orange 19 Ground Black
8 +3.3V Orange 20 Ground Black
9 Ground Black 21 +5V Red
10 Ground Black 22 +5V Red
11 +5VSB Purple 23 Ground Black
12 Ground Black 24 +12V Yellow
20 AWG
20 AWG
SCSI Backplane
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification18
Table 5: Baseboard Power Connector (P3)
Pin Signal Name 20 AWG Wire Pin Signal Name 20 AWG Wire
1 HECALERT#* N/A 6 SMB_Data* N/A
2 Ground Black 7 SMB_CLK* N/A
3 Ground Sense Black 8 +3.3V Sense Brown
4 PWR_ON# Green 9 PWRGOOD Grey
5 -12V Blue 10 +5V Sense Red
* These pins are not stuffed or used on the SRMK2 power supply
Table 6: SCSI Backplane Power Connector (P4)
Pin Signal Name 20 AWG Wire
1 +12V Yellow
2 +12V Yellow
3 Ground Black
4 Ground Black
5 +3.3V Orange
6 +5V Red
2.2.2 DC Power Supply
The SRMK2D model ships with a –48V DC power supply. The output of the DC power supply is
electrically identical to that of the AC power supply (see Table 3 for reference), it shares the
same physical dimensions as the AC power supply, the same mounting, and the same power
cabling to the motherboard. It does vary, however, in it’s electrical specification for line input and
has a different interface on the rear of the chassis than the AC module. The interface on the
back of the DC power supply has four phillips screws that are pr otected by a cover for shipping.
Removing the cover reveals the four screws. A label should show the screw markings to be: A+
A- B+ B- . The A+ and A- connectors can be attached to a primary power source for the
server, while the B+ and B- leads can be connected to a secondary power source for redundant
power sourcing in case of primary source failure. Table 7 shows the input parameters for the –
48V DC power supply.
Table 7: -48V DC Power Supply Input Parameters
Parameter Min Nom Max Unit
Vin (-48VDC) -36.0 -48.0 -72.0 VDC
2.2.3 BTU information
BTU’s (British Thermal Units) are a standard for measuring the thermal output of a device. For
reference, one BTU equals the heat that will raise the temperature of one pound of water by one
degree Fahrenheit. In physical terms, 1 BTU = 1054 joules. Listed below is the maximum BTU
output of the SRMK2 system and a loaded system BTU output. System configuration of the
loaded system is describe d in Table 9.
The BTU maximum rating was derived by taking the maximum wattage output of the power
supply (202.9W), dividing it by the lowest efficiency of the power supply (70% or 0.70) and
multiplying by the BTU conversion number of 3.41. Remember that these numbers are rated at
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification19
the worst case (lowest efficiency) of the power supply. Under nominal conditions the power
supply should perform above the 70% efficiency level which will lower the BTU rating.
CPU #1 733MHz (133 FSB) Intel Pentium III
CPU #2 733MHz (133 FSB) Intel Pentium III
Memory 256MB Micron 133
HDD #1 SCSI 9.1GB Quantum Atlas V
HDD #2 SCSI 9.1GB Quantum Atlas V
CD Slimline CD Teac CD224EB
Floppy Slimline Floppy Sony MPF 720-3
Manufacturer /
Table 10: Loaded System Power Draw
Voltage Rail
+3.3V 4.1A 13.53 W
+5V 6.7A 33.5 W
-5V 0.1A 0.5 W
+12V 1.3A 15.6 W
-12V 0.1A 1.2 W
+5VSB 0.1A 0.5 W
Total 64.83 W
Power (W)
2.2.4 System Cooling
Nine 40mm fans provide cooling for the system. Two of the nine fans are dedicated to cooling the
power supply. Six of the fans provide cooling for the processor, memory, and serverboard. One
fan cools the full-length PCI slot (this last fan is 40mm x 17mm and is a bit thinner than the other
40mm x 28mm fans). A two-speed control circuit powers the fans and is located on the SCSI
backplane. The control circuit is driven by a sensor that is located on the front panel to monitor
the incoming air temperature. The fans have a tachometer output that can be sampled through the
ServerWorks® ServerSet™ III LE chipset. The fans can be replaced by removing the top cover,
unplugging the fan connector from the serverboard, lifting the fan out of the fan bracket, and then
inserting the new fan. Additionally, a baffle will be added to help keep the processors and the
memory cool. You should always replace the baffle in the system when you are through working
on the system.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification20
2.2.5 System Peripheral Bays CD-ROM and Diskette Drive Bay
The right side of the system (as viewed from the front) contains the CD-ROM and diskette drive
bays. Opening the door in the bezel exposes these peripherals. A slim-line diskette drive is
provided with the system and a slim-line CD-ROM is an optional addition. For information on how
to add/remove the CD-ROM and floppy, please refer to the instruction sheet that comes with the
optional CD-ROM. Internal 3.5” SCSI Hard Drive Bay
Space is provided for two 3.5” long, 1-inch thick hard drives. There are two removable Hudson
drive carriers provided that slide into two front disk drive bays on the front left side of the chassis
(behind the removable front bezel). Each drive can be accessed and replaced by removing the
front bezel, rotating the front panel out of the way (See Figure 3), releasing the handle on the
HDD carrier, and pulling the carrier from the drive bay. A pair of LEDs on the front panel flash
green to indicate drive activity for each drive (LED’s 8 and 9). In addition, the two SCSI HDD
bays are hot swappable.
2.2.6 System Interconnection System Internal Cables
Table 11 lists the internal cables within the system. An italicized item is an optional accessory kit
and is not supplied with the base system.
Table 11: System internal cables
Cable Purpose
SCSI hard drives 1 Standard 68-pin Wide SCSI cable with a LVD/SE terminator which connects
Front panel 1 50-pin flex cable; connects from front panel connector on the serverboard
Fan backplane 1 High density cable connects from the serverboard to the backplane to
Slim -line diskette drive 1 26-pin flex cable; connects from high-density diskette drive connector on
Slim-line CD-ROM
* Optional Accessory
to the serverboard and the SCSI backplane
to the front panel board.
provide system management monitoring of the system fans.
the serverboard to one slim-line diskette drive
1 Standard 40-pin IDE cable with 2 connectors; connects from secondary IDE
connector on the serverboard to one slim-line CD-ROM drive
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification21 System Cable Drawings
Figure 9 shows drawings of all the internal cables within the system and the locations of their
folds. Where applicable, the darker line indicates pin 1.
SCSI hard
Slim-line diskette
Front panel
Slim-line CD-ROM drive
Figure 9: Internal cables
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification22
2.3 System Configuration
Table 12 lists the base configuration of the SRMK2S Internet Server.
Table 12: Standard configuration
Description Qty
SRMK2 serverboard 1
Dual-slot 66/64 PCI riser 1
Front panel board 1
200W power supply 1
System fans 9
SCSI Hard drive carriers 2
3.5” slime-line diskette drive with bracket 1
SCSI Hot swap backplane 1
SCSI backplane cable 1
Slimline floppy diskette drive cable 1
Front panel cable 1
Fan backplane cable 1
Front and Midmount brackets * 2
Heatsinks * 2
* Items that come in the Accessory Kit
Table 13 lists optional accessories. These accessories can be ordered:
Table 13: Optional accessories
Description Product Code Qty
Slim -line CD-ROM comes with one IDE
cable, installation instructions, and
backplane for slim-line CD-ROM drive
Jonathan Manufacturing sliding rail kit ACCRAILKIT001 1
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification23
3 SRMK2 Serverboard Description
3.1 Overview
The SRMK2 serverboard features are summarized in Table 14.
Form Factor
I/O Control
Other Features
Table 14: SRMK2 feature summary
Serverboard dimension: 10.4” x 11.3”
Supports Dual Pentium® III processors using PGA370 sockets
• Four 168-pin dual inline memory module (DIMM) sockets
• Supports only registered SDRAM DIMMs
• Supports up to 4 GB of ECC, SPD Registered SDRAM DIMMs
ServerWorks® ServerSet™III LE Chipset, consists of:
• ServerWorks CNB30LE North Bridge Front Side Bus Interface chip
• ServerWorks OSB4 South Bridge chip
SMSC FDC37B782 I/O controller
• Two integrated Intel® 82559 10/100BASE-T Ethernet controllers
• One high-density diskette drive interface for slimline diskette drive
• Two U160 SCSI channels (one internal and one external wide interface connector)
• One IDE interface with low profile CD support
• One serial port
• Two USB ports
• Two PS/2 interfaces for keyboard and mouse
• LED panel interface
• One rear panel video interface
One 64/66 plug-in riser card expansion PCI bus slot which can fit a 2x11 riser sideband
connector supporting two PCI slots – One full length card and the other low profile.
• Intel/AMI BIOS
• Intel® 8-Mbit boot block flash memory
• Supports SMBIOS, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), and Plug and Play
(see section 14.2 Specifications for specification compliance levels)
• Speaker
• (2) Hardware monitor chips
• Wake on Ring
• Wake on LAN
• SCSI LED connector
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification24
3.2 Serverboard Layout
Figure 10 shows the location of the major components on the serverboard.
A Battery N PGA370 processor sockets
B Slimline Floppy Connector O Heceta 3 hardware monitor controllers
C Wake on LAN Header P Fan backplane connector
D Speaker Q Front panel connector
E Clear Password Jumper R DIMM sockets
F 64/66 PCI Bridge Connector S SCSI LED Header
G ServerWorks® ServerSet™ South Bridge T Gluechip
H BIOS Flash memory U Power supply connector
I Back panel I/O connectors V ServerWorks® ServerSet™ North Bridge
J SMSC I/O controller W Adaptec® 7899 SCSI controller
K Wake on Ring Header X Password override jumper
L ATI Rage XL Video Y Clock generator
M Intel® 82559 10/100 Ethernet controllers Z Whitebox / Appliance Jumper
Internal SCSI connector
Primary IDE connector
Figure 10: Serverboard components
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification25
Figure 11 is a block diagram of the SRMK2 serverboard.
64/66 PCI
Back Panel
Front Drive
64/66 PCI Bus
Adaptec 7899
Dual Channel
USB Port 0
USB Port 1
Back Panel
32/33 PCI Bus
Back Panel
Dual 82559
Boot Block
Flash Memory
Serial Port A
Back Panel
I/O Controller
Back Panel
Front PanelBack Panel
Front Panel
Figure 11: Serverboard block diagram
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification26
3.3 Processors
The SRMK2 serverboard supports dual Pentium® III processors. The host bus spe ed (100 MHz
or 133 MHz) is automatically selected based on the speed of the processors placed in the PGA370
sockets. The processors must be secured by pushing the Zero-Insertion-Force (ZIF) socket’s
lever down. The Intel SRMK2 serverboard can run in either a Uniprocessor (UP) mode or Dual
Processor (DP) mode. A terminator must be placed in the second processor PGA370 socket for
UP mode operation. A terminator card is shipped with the unit and is installed in the second
processor socket in the factory. Remove the terminator card if you wish to run in dual processor
mode. Table 15 lists processors supported by the SRMK2.
Table 15: Processors supported by the SRMK2S serverboard
Processor Type L2 Cache Size FSB Speed Speed
Pentium® III 256 KB
Pentium® III 256 KB 133 MHz
100 MHz
800 MHz
1.0 GHz
933 MHz
866 MHz
800 MHz
733 MHz
The serverboard supports Pentium® III processors with a 133 MHz host bus. The serverboard may not
operate reliably if a processor with a 133 MHz host is paired with 100 MHz SDRAM.
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification27
3.4 Chipset
The ServerWorks® ServerSet™ III LE chipset consists of the ServerWorks CNB30LE North
Bridge chip and the ServerWorks OSB4 South Bridge chip. The CNB30LE provides an optimized
DRAM controller. The I/O subsystem of the ServerWorks chipset is based on the OSB4 South
Bridge, which is a highly integrated PCI ISA IDE Xcelerator Bridge.
3.4.1 ServerWorks CNB30LE North Bridge Chip
The ServerWorks CNB30LE North Brid ge chip provides bus-control signals, address paths, and
data paths for transfers between the processor’s host bus, the PCI bus, and main memory.
The North Bridge features:
Processor Interface Control
• Support for processor host bus frequency of 100MHz and 133MHz
• 32-bit addressing
• Desktop-optimized GTL+ compliant host bus interface
Integrated DRAM Controller
• +3.3V only DIMM DRAM configurations
• Up to four double-sided DIMMs
• 100MHz or 133MHz SDRAM
• Support for up to 4GB of registered SDRAM
• DIMM serial presence detect via SMBus interface
• 16-, 64- and 128-Mbit devices with 2 KB, 4 KB, and 8 KB page sizes
• x 4, x 8, and x 16 DRAM widths
• Single error correction, multiple error detection
• Symmetrical and asymmetrical DRAM addressing
PCI Bus Interface
• Complies with the PCI specification Rev. 2.1
• 64 bit, 33/66 MHz Secondary PCI bus interface with integrated PCI arbiter
• Asynchronous coupling to the host-bus frequency
• PCI parity generation support
• Data streaming support from PCI-to-DRAM
• Support for four PCI bus masters in addition to the host and PCI-to-ISA I/O bridge
• Support for concurrent host and PCI transactions to main memory
Data Buffering
• DRAM write buffer with read-around-write capability
• Dedicated host-to-DRAM, PCI0-to-DRAM, and PCI1-to-DRAM read buf fers
Power Management
• Support for system suspend/resume
• Compliant with ACPI power management
SMBus Support for desktop management functions
Support for System Management Mode (SMM)
Glueless Serial interface with OSB4 South Bridge chip
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification28
3.4.2 ServerWorks OSB4 South Bridge Chip
The OSB4 South Bridge chip is a multifunctional PCI device implementing the PCI-to-ISA bridge,
PCI IDE functionality, USB host/hub functionality, and enhanced power management. The OSB4
South Bridge features:
• Multifunctional PCI-to-ISA Addr ess / Data bridge
• PCI Slave
• PCI Arbiter
• PCI Master
• Full ISA bus support
• ISA Arbiter
• One 8253 Counter/Timer
• Client Management
– Temperature Sensing Inputs
– Two I2C Bit Bang Interfaces for (GPOC)
– Four general purpose I/O (GPMs)
• Support for the PCI bus at 33 MHz
• Support for PCI Rev 2.1 Specification
• Integrated dual-channel enhanced IDE interface
– Support for up to four IDE devices
– PIO Mode 4 transfers at up to 16 MB/sec
– Support for Ultra DMA/33 synchronous DMA mode transfers at up to 33 MB/sec
– Bus master mode with an 8 x 32-bit buffer for bus master PCI IDE burst transfers
• Enhanced DMA controller
– Two 8237-based DMA controllers
– Support for PCI DMA with three PC/PCI channels and distributed DMA protocols
– Fast type -F DMA for reduced PCI bus usage
• Interrupt controller based on 82C59
– Support for 15 interrupts
– Programmable for edge/level sensitivity
• Power management logic
– Sleep/resume logic
– Support for Wake on Ring and Wake on LAN† technology
– Support for APM and ACPI Revision 1.0
• Internal APIC Controller
• USB Interface
• SMB bus interface
• Glueless Serial interface with CNB30LE North Bridge chip
• Black Box Security Functions
– 2X Passwords
– CMOS Protection
– Super I/O Security
• Real-Time Clock
– 256-byte battery-backed CMOS SRAM
– Date alarm
– 16-bit counters/timers based on 82C54
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification29
3.5 Memory
The serverboard has four DIMM sockets. The serial presence detect (SPD) data structure which
is programmed into an E2PROM on the DIMM instructs the BIOS on the SDRAM’s siz e and
speed. The minimum memory size is 64MB; the maximum memory size is 4GB. DIMMs can be
populated in any order, but due to the 25 degree angle of the DIMM socket mountings it is
physically easier to populate DIMMs starting with DIMM0 and moving towards DIMM3.
Memory size can vary between sockets and slot vacancy between DIMMs is permitted. Mixing
of DIMM size is allowed as long as they are all registered DIMMs. For a list of compatible tested
memory please visit the support site at
The serverboard supports the following memory features:
• Single- or double-sided DIMMs in the sizes listed in Table 16.
• Registered DIMMs of the following sizes: 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M and 1G for a
maximum memory size of 4 GB. Double stacked DIMMs may only be used if they
are within the 4.33 mm maximum thickness imposed by the 25 degree DIMM socket
spacing on the baseboard.
Table 16: Supported memory sizes and configurations
64 MB 8 Mbit x 72 64Mb 4Mb 16 bit X 8MB X 8B = 64MB
64 MB 8 Mbit x 72 64Mb 8Mb 8 bit 8MB X 8B = 64MB X
128 MB 16 Mbit x 72 64Mb 8Mb 8 bit X 16MB X 8B = 128MB
128 MB 16 Mbit x 72 64Mb 16Mb 4 bit 16MB X 8B = 128MB X
64 MB 8 Mbit x 72 128Mb 8Mb 16 bit 8MB X 8B = 64MB X
128 MB 16 Mbit x 72 128Mb 8Mb 16 bit X 16MB X 8B = 128MB
128 MB 16 Mbit x 72 128Mb 16Mb 8 bit 16MB X 8B = 128MB X
256 MB 32 Mbit x 72 128Mb 16Mb 8 bit X 32MB X 8B = 256MB
256 MB 32 Mbit x 72 128Mb 32Mb 4 bit 32MB X 8B = 256MB X
64 MB 8 Mbit x 72 256Mb 8Mb 32 bit 8M B X 8B = 64MB X
128MB 16 Mbit x 72 256Mb 8Mb 32 bit X 16MB X 8B = 128MB
128 MB 16 Mbit x 72 256Mb 16Mb 16 bit 16MB X 8B = 128MB X
256MB 32 Mbit x 72 256Mb 16Mb 16 bit X 32MB X 8B = 256MB
256 MB 32 Mbit x 72 256Mb 32Mb 8 bit 32MB X 8B = 256MB X
512 MB 64 Mbit x 72 256Mb 32Mb 8 bit X 64MB X 8B = 512MB
512 MB 64 Mbit x 72 256Mb 64Mb 4 bit 64MB X 8B = 512MB X
1GB 128 Mbit x 72 256Mb 64Mb 4 bit X 128MB X 8B = 1GB
Configuration DRAM
DIMM Size x 64
DIMM Size x 64
All memory components and DIMMs used with this motherboard must comply with the following
PC SDRAM specifications:
• PC SDRAM Specification (memory component specific)
• PC SDRAM Registered DIMM Specification
Intel® SRMK2 Internet Server Technical Product Specification30
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