Intel SR1500 - AXXMINIDIMM DDR-2 RAID Controller Cache Memory, SR2500, SR2500AL User Manual

Intel® Server Chassis SR2500
Technical Product Specification
Server System SR2500AL
Revision – 1.6
November 2008
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division – Marketing
Revision History Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Revision History
Date Revision
June 2006 1.0 Initial release.
August 2006 1.1 Updated Active Midplane Diagram.
Updated single power supply population rules. Updated fan numbering orientation.
January 2007 1.2 Updated ASR2500FHR population table.
Updated figure 16. Updated regulatory section.
February 2007 1.3 Updated power supply illustrations to show proper placement when using only
one power supply.
August 2007 1.4 Updated figure 18 to reflect proper fan circuitry. Edited processor support and
platform control section.
October 2007 1.5 Updated Power Sub-System. Updated Table 54.
November 2008 1.6 Add introduction of Midplane2
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Intel order number D31980-009
Intel® Server System SR2500AL Disclaimers
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
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The Intel® Server System SR2500AL may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
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Intel order number D31980-009
Table of Contents Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Table of Contents
1. Product Overview.................................................................................................................1
1.1 Chassis Views .........................................................................................................1
1.2 Chassis Dimensions................................................................................................2
1.3 System Components ...............................................................................................2
1.4 System Boards ........................................................................................................3
1.5 Control Panel Options..............................................................................................4
1.6 Hard Drive and Peripheral Bays ..............................................................................7
1.7 Power Sub-system...................................................................................................7
1.8 System Cooling........................................................................................................8
1.9 Chassis Security......................................................................................................8
1.10 Rack and Cabinet Mounting Options.......................................................................8
1.11 Front Bezel Features...............................................................................................9
2. Power Sub-System.............................................................................................................11
2.1 Mechanical Overview.............................................................................................11
2.2 Single Power Supply Module Population...............................................................12
2.3 Handle and Retention Mechanism.........................................................................12
2.4 Hot-swap Support..................................................................................................12
2.5 Airflow....................................................................................................................13
2.6 AC Power Cord Specification Requirements.........................................................13
2.7 Output Cable Harness...........................................................................................13
2.7.1 P1 – Server Board Power Connector ....................................................................14
2.7.2 P2 – Processor Power Connector .........................................................................14
2.7.3 P3 – Power Signal Connector................................................................................15
2.7.4 P4 – Backplane Power Connector.........................................................................15
2.7.5 P5 Mid-plane Power Connector.............................................................................15
2.8 AC Input Requirements .........................................................................................15
2.8.1 Efficiency ...............................................................................................................16
2.8.2 AC Input Voltage Specification..............................................................................16
2.8.3 AC Line Dropout / Holdup......................................................................................16
2.8.4 AC Line 5 VSB Holdup ..........................................................................................16
2.8.5 AC Inrush...............................................................................................................17
2.9 Protection Circuits..................................................................................................17
2.9.1 Over-Current Protection (OCP)..............................................................................17
2.9.2 Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) .............................................................................17
2.9.3 Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) .....................................................................18
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL Table of Contents
2.10 DC Output Specification ........................................................................................18
2.10.1 Output Power / Currents........................................................................................18
2.10.2 Standby Output / Standby Mode............................................................................18
2.11 Power Supply Status LED .....................................................................................19
3. Cooling Sub-System ..........................................................................................................20
3.1 Non-redundant Fan Module...................................................................................21
3.2 Redundant System Fan Module ............................................................................23
3.3 Air Flow Support....................................................................................................25
3.3.1 Power Supply Zone ...............................................................................................25
3.3.2 Full Height Riser Zone...........................................................................................25
3.3.3 CPU / Memory / Low Profile PCI Zone ..................................................................26
3.4 Drive Bay Population.............................................................................................26
4. Platform Control.................................................................................................................27
4.1 Overview................................................................................................................27
5. System Board Interconnects.............................................................................................28
5.1 Mid-plane...............................................................................................................28
5.2 Bridge Board..........................................................................................................36
5.3 Hot-Swap SATA/SAS Backplane...........................................................................36
6. Peripheral and Hard Drive Sub-System............................................................................44
6.1 Slimline Drive Bay..................................................................................................44
6.2 Hard Drive Bays.....................................................................................................46
6.2.1 Hot-swap Drive Trays ............................................................................................46
6.3 Optional Tape Drive or 6th Hard Drive Flex Bay.....................................................47
6.4 Mid-plane Options..................................................................................................48
6.4.1 Passive Mid-plane .................................................................................................48
6.4.2 Active Mid-plane with SAS /SAS RAID Support ....................................................49
6.4.3 Active Midplane2 with SAS/SAS RAID Support.....................................................49
6.5 Hot-Swap SAS/SATA Backplane...........................................................................52
6.5.1 SAS/SATA Backplane Layout................................................................................53
6.5.2 SAS/SATA Backplane Functional Architecture......................................................55
7. Standard Control Panel .....................................................................................................57
7.1 Control Panel Buttons...........................................................................................57
7.2 Control Panel LED Indicators ................................................................................58
7.2.1 Power / Sleep LED ................................................................................................60
7.2.2 System Status LED................................................................................................60
7.2.3 Drive Activity LED..................................................................................................61
7.2.4 System Identification LED......................................................................................61
7.3 Control Panel Connectors......................................................................................62
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Table of Contents Intel® Server System SR2500AL
7.4 Internal Control Panel Interconnect.......................................................................63
8. Intel® Local Control Panel..................................................................................................65
8.1 LED Functionality...................................................................................................66
8.1.1 Power / Sleep LED ................................................................................................67
8.1.2 System Status LED................................................................................................67
8.1.3 Drive Activity LED..................................................................................................68
8.1.4 System Identification LED......................................................................................68
8.2 Intel® Local Control Panel Interconnects ...............................................................69
9. PCI Riser Cards and Assembly.........................................................................................71
9.1 Riser Card Options................................................................................................72
9.2 PCI Riser Card Mechanical Drawings ...................................................................73
10. Supported Intel® Server Boards........................................................................................77
10.1 Intel® Server Board S5000PAL / S5000XAL Feature Set......................................77
10.1.1 Processor Support.................................................................................................79
11. Environmental and Regulatory Specifications...............................................................80
11.1 System Level Environmental Limits.......................................................................80
11.2 Serviceability and Availability.................................................................................80
11.3 Replacing the Back up Battery ..............................................................................81
11.4 Product Regulatory Compliance............................................................................82
11.5 Use of Specified Regulated Components..............................................................82
11.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ..................................................................84
11.6.1 USA .......................................................................................................................84
11.6.2 FCC Verification Statement...................................................................................85
11.6.3 ICES-003 (Canada)...............................................................................................85
11.6.4 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity) .................................................................85
11.6.5 Japan EMC Compatibility ......................................................................................85
11.6.6 BSMI (Taiwan).......................................................................................................86
11.6.7 RRL (Korea)...........................................................................................................86
11.6.8 CNCA (CCC-China)...............................................................................................86
11.7 Product Ecology Compliance.................................................................................87
11.8 Other Markings......................................................................................................89
Appendix A: Chassis Integration and Usage Tips.................................................................91
Appendix B: POST Code Diagnostic LED Decoder...............................................................92
Appendix C: POST Error Beep Codes.....................................................................................96
Reference Documents..............................................................................................................98
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1. Front View with Optional Bezel......................................................................................1
Figure 2. Front View without Bezel (Shown with Standard Control Panel Option) .......................1
Figure 3. Back View – (Shown with 1+1 Power Supply Configuration).........................................1
Figure 4. Major Chassis Components...........................................................................................2
Figure 5. Back Panel Feature Overview.......................................................................................3
Figure 6. Control Panel Modules ..................................................................................................4
Figure 7. Standard Control Panel Overview .................................................................................5
Figure 8. LCD Control Panel Overview.........................................................................................6
Figure 9. Front Panel Feature Overview.......................................................................................7
Figure 10. Optional Front Bezel....................................................................................................9
Figure 11. Front Bezel Supporting Standard Control Panel..........................................................9
Figure 12. Front Bezel Supporting Intel® Local Control Panel....................................................10
Figure 13. Mechanical Drawing for Dual (1+1 configuration) Power Supply Enclosure with PDM11
Figure 14. Power Supply Blank...................................................................................................12
Figure 15. Non-Redundant Fan Module .....................................................................................21
Figure 16. Non-Redundant Fan Header Assignments on Mid-plane..........................................22
Figure 17. Fan Module Assembly...............................................................................................23
Figure 18. Redudant Fan Header Assignments on Mid-plane....................................................24
Figure 19. CPU Air Duct with Air Baffle ......................................................................................26
Figure 20. Drive Blank ................................................................................................................26
Figure 21. Passive Mid-plane Board...........................................................................................28
Figure 22. SAS/SAS RAID Mid-plane Board ..............................................................................29
Figure 22. Active SAS/SAS RAID Midplane 2 Board..................................................................35
Figure 23. Bridge Board..............................................................................................................36
Figure 24. Hot-Swap SAS/SATA Backplane (Front Side View)..................................................37
Figure 25. Hot-Swap SAS/SATA Backplane (Back Side View) ..................................................37
Figure 26. Optional 6th Hard Drive (Front View)..........................................................................44
Figure 27. Slim-Line Optical Drive Assembly..............................................................................44
Figure 28. 50-pin Connector to Slimline Optical Device .............................................................45
Figure 29. Hard Drive Tray Assembly.........................................................................................46
Figure 30. Optional 6th Hard Drive (Front View)..........................................................................47
Figure 31. Optional Tape Drive (Front View)..............................................................................47
Figure 32. Passive Mid-plane Board...........................................................................................48
Figure 33. Active Mid-plane with SAS / SAS RAID Support .......................................................49
Figure 34. Architecture Overview................................................................................................51
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List of Figures Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Figure 35. Hot-swap SAS/SATA Backplane (Front Side View) ..................................................53
Figure 36. Hot-swap SAS/SATA Backplane (Back Side View)...................................................54
Figure 37. SAS/SATA Backplane Functional Block Diagram .....................................................55
Figure 38. Standard Control Panel Assembly Module................................................................57
Figure 39. Control Panel Buttons................................................................................................57
Figure 40. Control Panel LEDs...................................................................................................58
Figure 41. Standard Control Panel PCB.....................................................................................63
Figure 42. Intel® Local Control Panel Assembly Module.............................................................65
Figure 43. Intel® Local Control Panel Overview..........................................................................65
Figure 44. Low Profile PCIe* Riser.............................................................................................71
Figure 45. Low Profile Passive PCI Express* Riser Card...........................................................73
Figure 46. Full Height PCI Express* Riser Card.........................................................................74
Figure 47. Full Height Passive PCI-X* Riser Card......................................................................75
Figure 48. Full Height Active PCI-X* Riser Card.........................................................................76
Figure 49. Intel® Server Board S5000PAL..................................................................................78
Figure 50. Intel® Server Board S5000PAL Components.............................................................79
Figure 51. Diagnostic LED Placement Diagram .........................................................................92
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1. Chassis Dimensions .......................................................................................................2
Table 2. Power Harness Cable Definitions.................................................................................13
Table 3. P1 Main Power Connector............................................................................................14
Table 4. P2 Processor Power Connector....................................................................................14
Table 5. P3 Power Signal Connector..........................................................................................15
Table 6. P4 Hot Swap Backplane Power Connector ..................................................................15
Table 7. P5 Mid-plane Power Connector...................................................................................15
Table 8. Efficiency......................................................................................................................16
Table 9. AC Input Rating.............................................................................................................16
Table 10. Over-Current Protection Limits / 240VA Protection ....................................................17
Table 11. Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) Limits ........................................................................18
Table 12. LED Indicators ............................................................................................................19
Table 13 Nonredundant Cooling Zones.....................................................................................21
Table 14. Non-redundant Fan Connector Pin Assingment........................................................22
Table 15. Nonredundant Fan Header Assignment ....................................................................23
Table 16 Redundant Cooling Zones..........................................................................................23
Table 17 Redundant Fan Connector Pin Assingment................................................................24
Table 18 Redundant Fan Header Assignment...........................................................................25
Table 19. 120-pin Server Board-to-Mid-plane Bridge Board Connector Pin-out.........................29
Table 20. Mid-plane Fan Header Pin-outs..................................................................................31
Table 21. Mid-plane Power Connector Pin-out...........................................................................31
Table 22. Mid-plane-to-Backplane Card Edge Connector #1 Pin-out.........................................32
Table 23. Mid-plane-to-Backplane Card Edge Connector #2 Pin-out.........................................33
Table 24. Active Mid-plane SAS RAID Battery Backup Connector Pin-out ................................34
Table 25. Passive Mid-plane SATA/SAS Connector Pin-outs ....................................................34
Table 26. 2x4 SAS/SATA Backplane Power Connector Pin-out (J7L2) .....................................38
Table 27. 1x7 6th HDD / Tape Drive Option Power Connector Pin-out (J2M1)..........................38
Table 28. 6th HDD Option SATA/SAS I/O Connector Pin-out (J4L1).........................................38
Table 29. 2x22 Slim-Line IDE Optical Drive Connector Pin-out (J5N1)......................................38
Table 30. Slim-Line Optical Drive Slot Connector (J1A1)...........................................................39
Table 31. IDE Device Master/Slave Configuration Jumper (J6L1) .............................................39
Table 32. I2C Connector (J6L3)..................................................................................................40
Table 33. PCIe X4 Slot Connector from Mid-plane (J4N1).........................................................40
Table 34. PCIe* X4 Slot Connector from Mid-plane (J6N1)........................................................41
Table 35. USB Floppy Drive Connector (J2A1) ..........................................................................41
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List of Tables Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Table 36. Intel® Local Control Panel (LCP) Connector (J9A1)...................................................42
Table 37. Control Panel Slot Connector (J9B1)..........................................................................42
Table 38. SAS/SATA Hard Drive Connector Pin-outs (J2C3, J2B1, J4C1, J4B1, J7C1)............43
Table 39. J1L1 50-pin Connector to Slimline Optical Device......................................................45
Table 40. Hard Drive LED Function Definitions..........................................................................56
Table 41. Hard Drive Activity LED Functionality.........................................................................56
Table 42. Control Button and Intrusion Switch Functions...........................................................58
Table 43. Control Panel LED Functions......................................................................................59
Table 44. SSI Power LED Operation..........................................................................................60
Table 45. Control Panel LED Operation .....................................................................................60
Table 46. External USB Connectors (J1B1) ...............................................................................62
Table 47. Video Connector (J1A1)..............................................................................................62
Table 48. 64-pin Control Panel Connector (J6B1)......................................................................64
Table 49. Control Panel LED Functions......................................................................................66
Table 50. SSI Power LED Operation..........................................................................................67
Table 51. Control Panel LED Operation .....................................................................................67
Table 52. 50-pin Control Panel Connector..................................................................................69
Table 53. Internal USB Header...................................................................................................70
Table 54. System Environmental Limits Summary .....................................................................80
Table 55. Product Safety & Electromagnetic (EMC) Compliance...............................................83
Table 56: POST Progress Code LED Example ..........................................................................92
Table 57. Diagnostic LED POST Code Decoder........................................................................93
Table 58. POST Error Beep Codes ............................................................................................96
Table 59. BMC Beep Codes.......................................................................................................96
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL List of Tables
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 0BProduct Overview
1. Product Overview
The Intel® Server Chassis SR2500 is a 2U server chassis that is designed to support the Intel® Server Board S5000PAL. The server board and the chassis have features that are designed to support the high-density server market. This chapter provides a high-level overview of the chassis features. Greater detail for each major chassis component or feature is provided in the following chapters.
The chassis differs from previous generation products in that the majority of cables have been removed from the system and in their place are a series of board-to-board interconnects. The benefits of using board-to-board interconnects are simplification of platform integration and improved airflow for more reliable cooling.
A second significant change from the previous generation is the introduction of the mid-plane circuit board. There are two options for the mid-plane circuit board: the first option provides SAS RAID support. The second option is a passive SATA/SAS mid-plane that can be used with either the SATA only connectors from the server board, or SATA/SAS connectors from an add­in card.
1.1 Chassis Views
Figure 1. Front View with Optional Bezel
Figure 2. Front View without Bezel (Shown with Standard Control Panel Option)
Figure 3. Back View – (Shown with 1+1 Power Supply Configuration)
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0BProduct Overview Intel® Server System SR2500AL
1.2 Chassis Dimensions
Table 1. Chassis Dimensions
Height 87.30 mm 3.44” Width without rails 430 mm 16.93” Width with rails 451.3 mm 17.77” Depth without CMA 704.8 mm 27.75” Depth with CMA 838.2 mm 33.0” Max. Weight 29.5 kg 65 lbs
1.3 System Components
Figure 4. Major Chassis Components
A. Rack Handles H. CPU Air Duct B. SAS/SATA Backplane I. System Fan Assembly C. Air Baffles J. Standard Control Panel D. Power Distribution Module K. Flex Bay – 6 E. Power Supply Modules L. Hard Drive Bays F. Riser Card Assembly M. Slim-Line Optical Drive Bay G. System Memory N. Front Bezel (Optional)
HDD or Tape (Optional)
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 0BProduct Overview
The I/O connector locations on the back of the chassis are pre-cut, so the use of an I/O shield is not required. The supplied EMI gasket must be installed to maintain Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) compliance levels.
A. Low Profile PCIe* Add-in Card Slots I. USB 6 B. Full Height PCI Add-in Card Slots J. USB 5 C. Upper Power Supply Module K. Video D. Upper Power Receptacle L. DB-9 Serial A Connector E. Lower Power Receptacle M. NIC 2 F. Lower Power supply Module N. NIC 1 G. Intel® Remote Management Module NIC (Optional) O. RJ45 Serial B Connector
H. Intel
I/O Expansion Module (Optional) P.
Figure 5. Back Panel Feature Overview
PS2* Keyboard and Mouse Connectors
1.4 System Boards
The complete system includes the use of several system boards which are used as internal interconnects and provide feature accessibility. The following provides a brief description for each.
Bridge Board – PCB used to route signals from the server board to the mid-plane and control panel boards.
Mid-plane – A PCB used to determine the desired hard drive interface for the system. Two mid-plane options are available for this system:
o Active SAS/SAS RAID – cable less solution with onboard SAS controller o Passive SATA – cabled to SATA ports on the server board or from add-in
Backplane – Hot swap backplane capable of supporting both SATA and SAS hard drives.
Riser Cards – PCI riser cards used to provide up to five add-in card slots to the system. Available riser card options for this system include:
o Low profile, two slot PCI Express* o Full height, three slot PCI-X* (passive) o Full height, three slot PCI-X (active) with onboard PXH PCI bridge chip o Full height, two PCI Express slots + one PCI-X slot
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0BProduct Overview Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Optical Drive Interposer Card – Used to interface optical drive with 44-pin IDE cable as cabled from the server board.
Control Panel – A PCB providing system status and control functionality features. Two control panel options are available for this system
o Standard Control Panel o Intel
Local Control Panel with LCD support
RAID Activation Keys – The system provides different RAID options depending on the mid-plane option selected. Two RAID Activation Keys are available for this system
o Hardware RAID Activation Key – Used on the Active SAS/SAS RAID Mid-plane
to enable hardware RAID support.
o Software SATA RAID 5 Activation Key – This RAID key plugs into a connector on
the server board. It is used to enable the software SATA RAID 5 functionality of the Intel
6321ESB I/O Controller Hub SATA ports of the server board when
cabled to the passive mid-plane.
1.5 Control Panel Options
The chassis can support either of two control panels: a Standard Control Panel and an Intel® Local Control Panel with LCD support. The control panel assemblies are pre-assembled and modular in design. The entire module assembly slides into a predefined slot in the front of the chassis.
Figure 6. Control Panel Modules
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 0BProduct Overview
The standard control panel supports several push buttons and status LEDs, along with USB and video ports to centralize system control, monitoring, and accessibility. The following diagram overviews the layout and functions of the control panel.
Figure 7. Standard Control Panel Overview
A. NIC #2 Activity LED G. System Identification LED B. NIC #1 Activity LED H. System Identification Button C. Power / Sleep Button I. System Reset Button D. Power / Sleep LED J. USB 2.0 Connector E. Hard Drive Activity LED K. Recessed NMI Button (Tool Required) F. System Status LED L. Video Connector
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0BProduct Overview Intel® Server System SR2500AL
The Intel® Local Control Panel utilizes a combination of control buttons, LEDs, and an LCD display to provide system accessibility, monitoring, and control functions. The following diagram provides an overview of this control panel.
Figure 8. LCD Control Panel Overview
A USB 2.0 Port I Power/Sleep Button B LCD Display J System Status LED C Menu Control Button, Scroll up K NIC 2 Activity LED D Menu Control Button, Scroll down L NIC 1 Activity LED E Menu Control Button, Scroll left M Hard Disk Drive Activity LED F Menu Control Button, Enter N Reset Button G System Identification LED O USB 2.0 Port H Power/Sleep LED
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 0BProduct Overview
1.6 Hard Drive and Peripheral Bays
The chassis is designed to support several different hard drive and peripheral configurations. The system includes a hot swap backplane capable of supporting either SAS or SATA drives. The sixth bay (see letter “B” in the figure below) can optionally be configured to support a sixth hard drive or 3.5” tape drive.
Figure 9. Front Panel Feature Overview
A. Slimline Optical Drive Bay B. 6th HDD Drive or Tape Drive Bay (Optional) C. System Control Panel D. 3.5” Hard Drive Bays (5)
1.7 Power Sub-system
The power subsystem of the chassis consists of an integrated power distribution board and module enclosure which is capable of housing up to two 750 Watt power supply modules supporting 1+0 or redundant 1+1 power configurations. In a 1+1 redundant configuration, each power supply module is hot-swappable should one fail.
The power sub-system has several integrated management features including:
Status LED on each power module
Over-temperature protection circuitry
Over-voltage protection circuitry
With the addition of server management software, the power subsystem is capable of supporting several system management features including:
Remote Power On/Off
Status Alerting
FRU Information Reporting
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0BProduct Overview Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Each power supply module operates within the following voltage ranges and ratings:
Line Voltage (110) Line Voltage (220) Frequency 47 Hz 50/60Hz 63 Hz
1 Maximum input current at low input voltage range shall be measured at 90Vac, at max load. 2 Maximum input current at high input voltage range shall be measured at 180VAC, at max load.
100-127 V
200-240 V
- - 6.0 A
85Vac ±4Vac
75Vac ±5Vac
Max Input
AC Current
12 A
Max Rated
Input AC
3 This is not to be used for determining agency input current markings.
4 Maximum rated input current is measured at 100VAC and 200VAC.
1.8 System Cooling
The chassis is offered with two system cooling options. The first option is a three fan solution providing sufficient airflow to maintain internal system thermal requirements when the external ambient temperature remains within specified limits. The second option is a 5+1 fan configuration. Refer to section 3.2 for details. Should a single fan failure occur, this option provides support for hot-swap fans and fan redundancy.
In addition to the system fan options, each power supply module installed provides two additional non-redundant fans which pull air from inside the chassis out the back.
1.9 Chassis Security
The chassis provides support for a lockable front bezel which prevents unauthorized access to the system control buttons and hard drives. In addition, a chassis intrusion switch is provided allowing server management software to monitor removal of the top cover from the chassis.
1.10 Rack and Cabinet Mounting Options
The chassis was designed to support 19” wide by up to 30” deep server cabinets. The chassis supports three rack mount options:
o A fixed mount relay rack / cabinet mount kit (Product order code - AXXBRACKETS ) which
can be configured to mount the system into either a 2-post rack or 4-post cabinet
o A tool-less full extracting slide rail kit (Product order code – AXXHERAIL) designed to
support an optional cable management arm (Product order code – AXXRACKCARM).
o A basic slide rail kit (Product order code – AXXBASICRAIL) designed to mount the chassis
into a standard (19” by up to 30” deep) EIA-310D compatible server cabinet.
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 0BProduct Overview
1.11 Front Bezel Features
The optional front bezel is made of molded plastic and uses a snap-on design. When installed, its design allows for maximum airflow to maintain system cooling requirements.
Figure 10. Optional Front Bezel
Separate front bezels are available to support systems that use either a standard control panel or the Intel
Local Control Panel with LCD support.
When the standard control panel is used, light pipes on the backside of the front bezel allow the system status LEDs to be monitored with the front bezel in the closed position. The front bezel lock is provided to prevent unauthorized access to hard drives, peripheral devices and the control panel.
Figure 11. Front Bezel Supporting Standard Control Panel
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0BProduct Overview Intel® Server System SR2500AL
When the local control panel is used, the control panel module can be adjusted to extend further out from the chassis face to allow the LCD panel to protrude from the front bezel.
Figure 12. Front Bezel Supporting Intel
Local Control Panel
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 1BPower Sub-System
2. Power Sub-System
The power sub-system of the chassis consists of an integrated Power Distribution Module (PDM), a power module enclosure, and support for up to two 750 Watt power supply modules. The power sub-system can be configured to support a single module in a 1+0 non-redundant configuration, or dual modules in a 1+1 redundant power configuration. In a 1+1 configuration, a single failed power module can be hot-swapped with the system running. Either configuration will support up to a maximum of 750 Watts of power.
This chapter provides technical details to the operation of the power supply module and power sub-system.
2.1 Mechanical Overview
The drawing below displays the Power Distribution Module and the power supply module enclosure assembly.
106.0 +/- 0.5
106.0 +/- 0.5 MODULE
83.5 +/- 0.5
83.5 +/- 0.5 CAGE
40.0 +/- 0.5
400 +/- 1.0
400 +/- 1.0
300 +/- 0.5
300 +/- 0.5
109.0 +/- 0.5
109.0 +/- 0.5 CAGE
40.0 +/- 0.5 MODULE
Figure 13. Mechanical Drawing for Dual (1+1 configuration) Power Supply Enclosure with PDM
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1BPower Sub-System Intel® Server System SR2500AL
2.2 Single Power Supply Module Population
In single power module configurations, server management firmware requires that the power supply module be populated in the top power module slot. The non-operating slot must have the power supply blank installed.
Figure 14. Power Supply Blank
Configuring a single power supply module in the bottom location will cause the server management firmware and BIOS to generate a system error during POST and the error will be reported to the System Event Log (SEL).
2.3 Handle and Retention Mechanism
Each power supply module includes a handle for module insertion to or removal from the module enclosure. Each module has a simple retention mechanism to hold the power module in place once it is inserted. This mechanism will withstand the specified platform mechanical shock and vibration requirements. The tab on the retention mechanism is colored green
to indicate it is a hot-swap touch point. The latch mechanism is designed to prevent insertion or removal of the module with the power cord plugged in. This will aid the hot-swapping procedure.
2.4 Hot-swap Support
Hot-swapping a power supply module is the process of extracting and re-inserting a power supply module from an operating power system. During this process the output voltages shall remain within specified limits. Up to two power supply modules may be on a single AC line. The power supply module can be hot-swapped by the method listed below.
Extraction: on removal, the power cord is unplugged first, and then the power module is removed. This can be done in standby mode or power-on mode.
Insertion: The module is inserted first, and then the power cord is plugged in. If powered off, the system and the power supply will power on into standby mode or power-on mode.
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 1BPower Sub-System
2.5 Airflow
Each power supply module incorporates two non-redundant 40mm fans for self cooling and partial system cooling. The fans will provide no less than 10 CFM airflow through the power supply when installed in the system and operating at maximum fan speed. The cooling air will enter the power module from the PDB side (pre-heated air from the system).
2.6 AC Power Cord Specification Requirements
The AC power cord used must meet the following specification requirements:
Cable Type SJT Wire Size 16 AWG Temperature Rating 105º C Amperage Rating 13A Voltage Rating 125V
2.7 Output Cable Harness
The power distribution board provides a cable harness providing connectors to the various system boards. The harness size, connectors, and pin outs are shown below. Listed or recognized component appliance wiring material (AVLV2), CN, rated 105 shall be used for all output wiring.
Table 2. Power Harness Cable Definitions
90, 90° angle 115, 90° angle
100 P3 1x5 Server Board Signal Connector 150 P4 2x4 Backplane Power Connector 220 P5 2x5 Mid-plane Power Connector
connector #
P1 2x12 Main Power Connector P2 2x4 Processor Power Connector
No of
°C min, 300Vdc min
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1BPower Sub-System Intel® Server System SR2500AL
2.7.1 P1 – Server Board Power Connector
Connector housing: 24- Pin Molex* Mini-Fit Jr. 39-01-2245 or equivalent Contact: Molex Mini-Fit, HCS, Female, Crimp 44476 or equivalent
Table 3. P1 Main Power Connector
1 +3.3 VDC Orange 13 +3.3 VDC Orange 2 +3.3 VDC Orange 14 3 COM (GND) Black 15 COM Black
4 5 VDC Red 16 PS_ON# Green
5V RS Red (24 AWG) 17 COM Black 5 COM Black 18 COM Black 6 +5 VDC Red 19 COM Black 7 COM Black 20 8 PWR OK Gray 21 +5 VDC Red 9 5Vsb Purple 22 +5 VDC Red
10 +12 V3 Yellow/Blue 23 +5 VDC Red 11 +12 V3 Yellow/Blue 24 COM Black 12 +3.3 VDC Orange
-12 VDC
Reserved (-5V in ATX) N.C.
2.7.2 P2 – Processor Power Connector
Connector housing: 8- Pin Molex 39-01-2085 or equivalent Contact: Molex
44476-1111 or equivalent
18 AWG
1 COM Black 5 +12 V1 Yellow 2 COM Black 6 +12 V1 3 COM Black 7 +12 V2 4 COM Black 8 +12 V2
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Table 4. P2 Processor Power Connector
Yellow Yellow/Black Yellow/Black
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 1BPower Sub-System
2.7.3 P3 – Power Signal Connector
Connector housing: 5-pin Molex 50-57-9705 or equivalent Contacts: Molex 16-02-0087 or equivalent
Table 5. P3 Power Signal Connector
1 I2C Clock (SCL) White/Green 2 I2C Data (SDL) White/Yellow 3 SMBAlert# White 4 ReturnS Black 5 3.3RS White/Brown
2.7.4 P4 – Backplane Power Connector
Connector housing: 8 Pin Molex Mini-Fit Jr. PN# 39-01-2245 or equivalent Contact: Molex Mini-Fit, HCS, Female, Crimp 44476 or equivalent
Table 6. P4 Hot Swap Backplane Power Connector
1 COM Black 5 +12 V4 Yellow/Green 2 COM Black 6 +12 V4 Yellow/Green 3 +5V Red 7 +5Vsb Purple 4 +5V Red 8 +3.3V Orange
2.7.5 P5 Mid-plane Power Connector
Connector housing: 10 Pin Molex Mini-Fit Jr. 43025-1000 or equivalent Contact: Molex Mini-Fit, HCS, Female, Crimp 43030-0007 or equivalent
Table 7. P5 Mid-plane Power Connector
1 COM Black 6 +12 V4 Yellow/Green 2 COM Black 7 +12 V4 Yellow/Green 3 +5V Red 8 +12 V4 Yellow/Green 4 +3.3V Orange 9 +12 V4 Yellow/Green 5 COM Black 10 +5Vsb Purple
2.8 AC Input Requirements
The power supply module incorporates universal power input with active power factor correction, which reduces line harmonics in accordance with the EN61000-3-2 and JEIDA MITI standards.
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Intel order number D31980-009
1BPower Sub-System Intel® Server System SR2500AL
2.8.1 Efficiency
The following table provides the required minimum efficiency level at various loading conditions. These are provided at three different load levels; 100%, 50% and 20%. Efficiency is tested over an AC input voltage range of 115VAC to 220VAC.
Table 8. Efficiency
Loading 100% of maximum 50% of maximum 20% of maximum
Recommended Efficiency ~80% ~83% ~78%
2.8.2 AC Input Voltage Specification
The power supply must operate within all specified limits over the input voltage range shown in the following table.
Table 9. AC Input Rating
Line Voltage (110)
Line Voltage (220) Frequency 47 Hz 50/60Hz 63 Hz
100-127 V
200-240 V
85Vac ±4Vac
1. Maximum input current at low input voltage range shall be measured at 90Vac, at max load.
2. Maximum input current at high input voltage range shall be measured at 180VAC, at max load.
3. This is not to be used for determining agency input current markings.
4. Maximum rated input current is measured at 100VAC and 200VAC.
Harmonic distortion of up to 10% of the rated AC input voltage must not cause the power supply to go out of specified limits. The power supply shall power off at or below 75Vac ±5Vac. The power supply shall start up at or above 85VAC ±4Vac. Application of an input voltage below 85VAC shall not cause damage to the power supply or blow a fuse.
Vac 75Vac ±5Vac
Max Input
AC Current
12 A
6.0 A
Max Rated
Input AC
2.8.3 AC Line Dropout / Holdup
An AC line dropout is defined to be when the AC input drops to 0VAC at any phase of the AC line for any length of time. During an AC dropout of one cycle or less the power supply must meet dynamic voltage regulation requirements over the rated load. If the AC dropout lasts longer than one cycle the power supply should recover and meet all turn-on requirements. The power supply must meet the AC dropout requirement over rated AC voltages, frequencies, and output loading conditions. Any dropout of the AC line shall not cause damage to the power supply.
20ms Min when tested under the following conditions: Max combined load = 525W, 12ms Min when tested under the following conditions: Max combined load = 750W
2.8.4 AC Line 5 VSB Holdup
The 5VSB output voltage should stay in regulation under its full load (static or dynamic) during an AC dropout of 70ms min (=5VSB holdup time) whether the power supply is in ON or OFF state (PSON asserted or de-asserted).
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Intel® Server System SR2500AL 1BPower Sub-System
2.8.5 AC Inrush
AC line inrush current shall not exceed 40A peak for up to one-quarter of the AC cycle, after which, the input current should be no more than the specified maximum input current. The peak inrush current shall be less than the ratings of its critical components (including input fuse, bulk rectifiers, and surge limiting device).
The power supply must meet the inrush requirements for any rated AC voltage, during turn on at any phase of AC voltage, during a single cycle AC dropout condition as well as upon recovery after AC dropout of any duration, and over the specified temperature range (T
). It is
acceptable that AC line inrush current may reach up to 60A peak for up to 1 msec.
2.9 Protection Circuits
Protection circuits inside the PDB and the power supply shall cause the power supply’s main +12V output to shut down, or shall cause a shut down of any of the three outputs on the PDB. Either of these shutdowns will result in shutting down the entire power supply / PDB combination. If the power supply latches off due to a protection circuit tripping, an AC cycle OFF for 15 seconds shall be able to reset the power supply and the PDB.
2.9.1 Over-Current Protection (OCP)
Each DC/DC converter output on the PDB shall have individual OCP protection circuits. The power supply and power distribution board (PS and PDB) shall shutdown and latch off after an over-current condition occurs. This latch shall be cleared by an AC power interruption. The following table provides the over-current limits. The values are measured at the PDB harness connectors. The DC/DC converters shall not be damaged from repeated power cycling in this condition. The +12V output from the power supply is divided on the PDB into four channels and each is limited to 240VA of power. There shall be current sensors and limit circuits to shut down the entire PS and PDB if the limit is exceeded. The limits are listed below.
Table 10. Over-Current Protection Limits / 240VA Protection
+3.3V 110% min (= 26.4A min) 150% max (= 36A max)
+5V 110% min (= 33A min) 150% max (= 45A max)
-12V 125% min (= 0.625A min) 400% max (= 2.0A max) +12V1 112.5% min (= 18.0A min) 20A max +12V2 112.5% min (= 18.0A min) 20A max +12V3 112.5% min (= 18.0A min) 20A max +12V4 112.5% min (= 18.0A min) 20A max
2.9.2 Over-Voltage Protection (OVP)
Each DC/DC converter output on the PDB shall have individual OVP circuits built in and they shall be locally sensed. The PS and PDB shall shutdown and latch off after an over-voltage condition occurs. This latch shall be cleared by an AC power interruption. The following table provides the over-voltage limits. The values are measured at the PDB harness connectors. The voltage shall never exceed the maximum levels when measured at the power pins of the output harness connector during any single point of fail. The voltage shall never trip any lower than the minimum levels when measured at the power pins of the PDB connector.
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Intel order number D31980-009
1BPower Sub-System Intel® Server System SR2500AL
Table 11. Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) Limits
Output Voltage OVP MIN (V) OVP MAX (V)
+3.3V 3.9 4.5
+5V 5.7 6.5
+5VSB 5.7 6.5
-12V -13.3 -14.5
+12V1/2/3/4 13.0 14.5
2.9.3 Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
The power supply will be protected against over-temperature conditions caused by loss of fan cooling or excessive ambient temperature. In an OTP condition the power supply will shutdown. When the power supply temperature drops to within specified limits, the power supply shall restore power automatically, while the 5 Vsb remains constantly on. The OTP trip level shall have a minimum of 4°C of ambient temperature hysteresis, so that the power supply will not oscillate on and off due to a temperature recovery condition. The power supply shall alert the system of the OTP condition via the power supply FAIL signal and the PWR LED.
2.10 DC Output Specification
2.10.1 Output Power / Currents
The following table defines power and current ratings for this 750W continuous (860W pk) power supply in 1+0 or 1+1 redundant configuration. The combined output power of both outputs shall not exceed the rated output power. The power supply must meet both static and dynamic voltage regulation requirements for the minimum loading conditions. Also, the power supply shall be able to supply the listed peak currents and power for a minimum of 10 seconds. Outputs are not required to be peak loaded simultaneously.
+12V +5Vsb MAX Load MIN DYNAMIC Load MIN STATIC Load PEAK Load Max Output Power (continuous) Peak Output Power
2.10.2 Standby Output / Standby Mode
The 5Vsb output shall be present when an AC input greater than the power supply turn-on AC voltage is applied. Applying an external 5.25V to 5Vsb shall not cause the power supply to shut down or exceed operating limits. When the external voltage is removed the voltage shall return to the power supplies operating voltage without exceeding the dynamic voltage limits.
62.0A 3.0A
3.0A 0.1A
0.0A 0.1A
70.0A(12s min) 5.0A (0.5s min @ turn-on) 12V x 62A = 744W max 5V x 3A = 15W max 12V x 70A = 840W pk 5V x 5A = 25W pk
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