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Table 70. System Environmental Limits Summary .....................................................................79
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List of Tables Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Product Overview
1. Product Overview
The Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 is a 2U server chassis that is designed to support the Intel®
Server Board SE7520JR2 and Intel Server Board SE7320VP2. The baseboards and the chassis
have feature sets that are designed to support the high-density server market. This chapter
provides a high-level overview of the chassis features. Greater detail for each major chassis
component or feature is provided in the following chapters.
Note: Support for some chassis features described in this document is dependent on which
server board is used and whether or not an Intel Management Module is installed in the system.
1.1 Chassis Views
Figure 1. Front View with optional Bezel
Figure 2. Front View without Bezel (Shown with Standard Control Panel option)
Figure 3. Back View – (Shown with 1+1 Power Supply Configuration)
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Product Overview Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
1.2 Chassis Dimensions
Table 1. Chassis Dimensions
Max. Weight
1.3 System Components
87.5 mm 3.445”
430 mm 16.930”
672 mm 26.457”
27.22 kg 60 Lbs
Power Supply Modules G Slim Line Drive Bay
Power Distribution Board H Front Bezel (Optional)
Riser Card Assembly I Chassis Handles
Processor Air Duct J Control Panel
Fan Module (Shown with redundant fan configuration option) K Hard Drive Bays
Air Baffle
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Figure 4. Major Chassis Components
Intel order number C78845-001
Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Product Overview
The I/O connector locations on the back of the chassis are pre-cut, so the use of an I/O shield is
not required. The supplied EMI gasket must be installed to maintain Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) compliance levels.
Figure 5. Back Panel Feature Overview
A Low Profile PCI Add-in Card Slots I Video Connector
B Full Height PCI Add-in Card Slots J USB 1 Connector
C Power Supply Modules (1+1 Configuration Shown) K USB 2 Connector
D PS2 Keyboard and Mouse Ports L Diagnostic Post Code LEDs
E RJ45 Serial B Port M Management NIC (IMM - Advanced
Edition required)
F NIC #1 Connector N External SCSI Channel B Connector
G NIC #2 Connector O Non-redundant Power Module Fans
H DB9 Serial A Port Cut-out
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Product Overview Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
1.4 Hard Drive and Peripheral Bays
The SR2400 is designed to support several different hard drive and peripheral configurations.
The system can be configured to support either hot swap SCSI or SATA drives, or can be
configured to support cabled SATA drives. Each drive configuration requires an orderable kit
which includes the necessary cables, drive trays and applicable backplane. The sixth bay,
labeled “B” in the diagram below, can optionally be configured to support a sixth hard drive or
3.5” Tape Drive.
The slim-line peripheral bay (A) is capable of supporting one of the following devices: CDROM,
DVD, DVD-CDR, floppy drive. If both an optical drive and floppy drive are required, an optional
kit can be purchased to convert the first 1” drive bay (D) to a floppy drive bay. The kit includes
the necessary cables and mounting tray.
Figure 6. Front Panel Feature Overview
A Slimline drive bay (Floppy or Optical)
B Optional 6th HDD Drive or Tape Drive Bay
C System Control Panel
D 1” Hard Drive Bay or optional Floppy Drive Bay
E 1” Hard Drive Bays x5
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Product Overview
1.5 Control Panel Options
The Server Chassis SR2400 can support either of two control panels: a Standard Control Panel
and an Intel® Local Control Panel with LCD support. The control panel assemblies are preassembled and modular in design. The entire module assembly slides into a predefined slot in
the front of the chassis.
Figure 7. Control Panel Modules
The standard control panel supports several push buttons and status LEDs, along with USB and
video ports to centralize system control, monitoring, and accessibility to within a common
compact design. The following diagram overviews the layout and functions of the control panel.
Figure 8. Standard Control Panel Overview
A Power / Sleep Button G System Identification LED
B NIC #2 Activity LED H System Identification Button
C NIC #1 Activity LED I System Reset Button
D Power / Sleep LED J USB 2.0 Connector
E System Status LED K Recessed NMI Button (Tool Required)
F Hard Drive Activity LED L Video Connector
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Product Overview Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
The Intel® Local Control Panel utilizes a combination of control buttons, LEDs, and LCD display
to provide system accessibility, monitoring, and control functions. The following diagram
provides an overview of this control panel.
Figure 9. LCD Contol Panel Overview
A LCD Display G NIC 2 Activity LED
B LCD Menu Control Buttons H NIC 1 Activity LED
C ID LED I Hard Drive Activity LED
D Power LED J System Reset Button
E System Power Button K USB 2.0 Port
F System Status LED L NMI Buttom (Tool Required)
M USB 2.0 Port
Note: The Intel Local Control Panel can only be used when either the Intel Management Module
Professional Edition or Advanced Edition is installed in the system.
1.6 Power Sub-system
The power subsystem of the SR2400 consists of an integrated power share board and module
enclosure which is capable of housing up to two 700 Watt power supply modules supporting
1+0 or redundant 1+1 power configurations. In a 1+1 redundant configuration, each power
supply module is hot swappable should one fail.
The power sub-system has several integrated management features including:
• Status LED on each power module
• Over temperature protection circuitry
Over voltage protection circuitry
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Product Overview
With the addition of Server Management Software, the power subsystem is capable of
supporting several system management features including:
• Remote Power On/Off
• Status Alerting
FRU Information Reporting
Each power supply module operates within the following voltage ranges and ratings:
•100 - 127VAC∼ at 50/60 Hertz (Hz); 8.9A maximum
200 - 240VAC∼ at 50/60 Hz; 4.5A maximum
1.7 System Cooling
The SR2400 has support for up to eight system fans in a modular 4+4 configuration. The bank
of fans closest to the baseboard is the default configuration providing sufficient airflow for both
cabled drive and hot-swap drive system configurations when external ambient temperatures
remain within specified limits. With the addition of a SATA or SCSI backplane to supply power,
the optional second bank of fans can be used to give the system fan redundancy should a fan
fail. In addition to the eight system fans, each power supply module installed provides an
additional two non-redundant fans pulling air from inside the chassis out the back.
1.8 Chassis Security
The SR2400 provides support for a lockable front bezel and a chassis intrusion switch.
1.9 Rack and Cabinet Mounting Options
The Server Chassis SR2400 was designed to support 19” wide by up to 30” deep server
cabinets. The chassis supports either of two rack mount options: A fixed mount relay rack /
cabinet mount or a tool-less sliding rail kit. The fixed mount relay rack / cabinet mount kit can be
configured to support both 2-post racks and 4-post cabinets. The tool-less sliding rail kit is used
to mount the chassis into a standard (19” by up to 30” deep) EIA-310D compatible server
1.10 Front Bezel Features
The optional front bezel is made of molded plastic and uses a snap-on design. When installed,
its design allows for maximum airflow.
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Figure 10. Optional Front Bezel
Intel order number C78845-001
Product Overview Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
Separate front bezels are available to support systems that use either a Standard Control Panel
or Intel Local Control Panel.
When the Standard Control Panel is used, light pipes on the backside of the front bezel allow
the system status LEDs to be monitored with the front bezel in the closed position. The front
bezel lock is provided to prevent unauthorized access to hard drives, peripheral devices and the
control panel.
Figure 11. Front Bezel Supporting Standard Control Panel
When the Intel Local Control Panel is used, the control panel module can be adjusted to extend
further out from the chassis face to allow the LCD panel to protrude from the front bezel.
Figure 12. Front Bezel Supporting Intel Local Control Panel
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Power Sub-system
2. Power Sub-system
The power sub-system of the SR2400 consists of an integrated Power Distribution Board (PDB)
and Power Module Enclosure assembly, with support for up to two 700 Watt power supply
modules. The power sub-system can be configured to support a single module in a 1+0 nonredundant configuration, or dual modules in a 1+1 redundant power configuration. In a 1+1
configuration, a single failed power module can be hot-swapped with the system running. Either
configuration will support up to a maximum of 700 Watts of power.
This chapter provides technical details to the operation of the power supply module and power
2.1 Mechanical Overview
The drawing below displays the Power Distribution Board + Module Enclosure assembly
106.0 +/- 0.5
106.0 +/- 0.5
83.5 +/- 0.5
83.5 +/- 0.5
40.0 +/- 0.5
400 +/- 1.0
400 +/- 1.0
300 +/- 0.5
300 +/- 0.5
109.0 +/- 0.5
109.0 +/- 0.5
40.0 +/- 0.5
Figure 13. Mechanical Drawing for Dual (1+1 configuration) PS enclosure with PDB
2.2 Power Module Population
In single power module configurations, the power module can be inserted into either top or
bottom slot of the power module enclosure. Both locations will operate correctly in single
module configurations. System and Power Supply thermals are not affected, however the nonoperating slot must have the power supply blank installed.
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Power Sub-system Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
2.3 Handle and Retention Mechanism
Each power supply module includes a handle allowing for module insertion to or removal from
the module enclosure. Each module has a simple retention mechanism to hold the power
module in place once it is inserted. This mechanism will withstand the specified platform
mechanical shock and vibration requirements. The tab on the retention mechanism is colored
to indicate it is a hot swap touch point. The latch mechanism is designed in such a way,
so that it prevents inserting the module with the power cord plugged in. This will aid the hot
swapping procedure.
2.4 Hot Swap Support
Hot swapping a power supply module is the process of inserting and extracting a power supply
module from an operating power system. During this process the output voltages shall remain
within specified limits. Up to 2 power supply modules may be on a single AC line. The power
supply module can be hot swapped by the following method:
Extraction: on removal, the power cord is unplugged first, and then the power module is
removed. This could occur in standby mode or power-on mode.
Insertion: The module is inserted first and then the power cord is plugged in. The system and
the supply will power on into Standby Mode or Power-On Mode.
2.5 Airflow
Each power supply module incorporates two non-redundant 40mm fans for self cooling and is
also used for partial system cooling. When installed in the system, the fans will provide
approximately 15.5 CFM airflow at max load/ max temp in a 1+0 configuration, through the
power supply and min 10CFM to the system. The air used to cool the power module is preheated from the system before being drawn through the power module.
2.6 Output Cable Harness
A cable harness from the power distribution board is used to provide the system with the various
power interconnects. The harness size, connectors, and pin outs are shown below. Listed or
recognized component appliance wiring material (AVLV2), CN,
Rated 85
Power Distribution Board
Power Distribution Board 270 P2 2x4 Processor Power Connector
Power Distribution Board 240 P3 1x5 Power Signal Connector
Power Distribution Board 100 P4 2x3 Hard Drive / Backplane Power Connector
Power Distribution Board 100 P5 1x4 Peripheral Power Connector
°C Min, 300Vdc Min shall be used for all output wiring.
Table 2. Power Harness Cable Definitions
From Length mm
140, turn
connector #
P1 2x12 Baseboard Power Connector
No of
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Power Sub-system
2.6.1 P1 – Baseboard Power Connector
• Connector Housing: 24-pin Molex Mini-Fit Jr. 39-01-2240 or equivalent.
Contact: Molex 44476-1111 or equivalent
Table 3. P1 Baseboard Power Connector
1 +3.3 VDC Orange 13 +3.3 VDC Orange
2* +3.3 VDC Orange 14
3* COM (GND) Black 16 PS_ON# Green
4* 5 VDC Red 18 COM Black
5 COM Black 20 Reserved (-5V in ATX) N.C.
6 +5 VDC Red 21 +5 VDC Red
7 COM Black 22 +5 VDC Red
8 PWR OK Gray 23 +5 VDC Red
9 5VSB Purple 24 COM Black
10 +12 V3 Yellow / Blue Stripe
11 +12 V3 Yellow / Blue Stripe
12 +3.3 VDC Orange
3.3V RSOrange/white (24 AWG)
COM Black (24 AWG)
5V RS Red (24 AWG)
15 COM Black
17 COM Black
19 COM Black
-12 VDC
* Remote Sense wire double crimped
2.6.2 P2 – Processor Power Connector
• Connector Housing: 8-pin Molex 39-01-2080 or equivalent
Contact: Molex 44476-1111 or equivalent
18 AWG
1 COM Black 5 +12 V1 Yellow / Black Stripe
2 COM Black 6 +12 V1 Yellow / Black Stripe
3 COM Black 7 +12 V2 Yellow / White Stripe
4 COM Black 8 +12 V2 Yellow / White Stripe
Note: the 12V remote sense should be connected just before the 240VA current sense resistors on the
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Table 4. P2 Processor Power Connector
Intel order number C78845-001
Power Sub-system Intel® Server Chassis SR2400
2.6.3 P3 – Power Signal Connector
Connector housing: 5-pin Molex 50-57-9405 or equivalent
Contacts: Molex 16-02-0088 or equivalent
Table 5. P3 Power Signal Connector
1 SMBus Clock (SCL) White /Green Stripe
2 SMBus Data (SDL) White / Yellow Stripe
3 SMBAlert# White
4 ReturnS Black / White Stripe
5 3.3RS Orange / White Stripe
1. It is recommended to use gold plated signal connector contacts on both the PDB
connector and the baseboard header.
2. If the server signal connector is unplugged, the PS/PDB-combo shall not shut down or
go into an OVP condition.
Table 6. P4 Hard Drive Interface Board Power Connector
1 COM Black 4 +12 V4 Yellow
2 COM Black 5 +12 V4 Yellow
3 5V Red 6 5VSB Purple
2.6.5 P5 – Peripheral Power Connector
Connector housing: Amp 1-480424-0 or equivalent
Contact: Amp 61314-1 or equivalent
Table 7. P5 HDD Power Connector
1 +12 V4 Yellow
2 COM Black
3 COM Black
4 +5 VDC Red
2.7 AC Input Requirements
The power supply module incorporates universal power input with active power factor
correction, which reduces line harmonics in accordance with the EN61000-3-2 and JEIDA MITI
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Power Sub-system
2.7.1 AC Inlet Connector
The AC input connector is an IEC 320 C-14 power inlet. This inlet is rated for 15A / 250VAC.
2.7.2 Efficiency
The power supply combo (PS+PDB) has a minimum efficiency of 80% at maximum load and
over 100-240VAC line voltage range to guarantee proper power supply cooling while mounted
in the system.
2.7.3 AC Input Voltage Specification
The power supply module operates within all specified limits over the following input voltage
range, shown in the following table. Harmonic distortion of up to 10% of rated AC Input Voltage
must not cause the power supply to go out of specified limits. The power supply shall power off
on or after/below 75Vac ±5Vac range. The power supply shall start up on or before/above
85VAC ±4Vac. Application of an input voltage below 85VAC shall not cause damage to the
power supply, including a fuse blow.
Table 8. AC Input Rating
Line Voltage (110)
Line Voltage (220)
Frequency 47 Hz 50/60Hz 63 Hz
100-127 V
200-240 V
- -
85Vac ±4Vac 75Vac
Max Input
AC Current
9.9 A
5.0 A
Max Rated
Input AC
1 Maximum input current at low input voltage range shall be measured at 90Vac, at max
2 Maximum input current at high input voltage range shall be measured at 180VAC, at
max load.
3 This is not to be used for determining agency input current markings.
4 Maximum rated input current is measured at 100VAC and 200VAC.
2.7.4 AC Line Dropout / Holdup
An AC line dropout is defined to be when the AC input drops to 0VAC at any phase of the AC
line for any length of time. During an AC dropout of one cycle or less the power supply must
meet dynamic voltage regulation requirements over the rated load. An AC line dropout of one
cycle or less (20ms min) shall not cause any tripping of control signals or protection circuits (=
20ms holdup time requirement). If the AC dropout lasts longer than one cycle the power supply
should recover and meet all turn-on requirements. The power supply must meet the AC dropout
requirement over rated AC voltages, frequencies, and output loading conditions. Any dropout of
the AC line shall not cause damage to the power supply. The min holdup time requirement is as
20ms Min when tested under the following conditions: Max combined load = 600W, Line =
18ms Min when tested under the following conditions: Max combined load = 650W, Line =
90Vac/47Hz, and 14ms Min when tested under the following conditions: Max combined load =
700W, Line = 90Vac/47Hz.
Note: The B+ bulk cap voltage shall not exceed 400Vpk at any time.
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Power Sub-system Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 AC Line 5VSB Holdup
The 5VSB output voltage should stay in regulation under its full load (static or dynamic) during
an AC dropout of 70ms min (=5VSB holdup time) whether the power supply is in ON or OFF
state (PSON asserted or de-asserted).
2.7.5 AC Line Fuse
The power supply has a single line fuse, on the Line (Hot) wire of the AC input. The line fusing
is acceptable for all safety agency requirements. The input fuse is a slow blow type. AC inrush
current shall not cause the AC line fuse to blow under any conditions. All protection circuits in
the power supply shall not cause the AC fuse to blow unless a component in the power supply
has failed. This includes DC output load short conditions.
2.7.6 AC Inrush
The peak AC inrush current shall be less than 40A peak for one-quarter of the AC cycle and
less then the ratings of power supply’s critical AC input components, including: input fuse, bulk
caps, rectifiers, and surge limiting device. Also, a single inrush current disturbance I²t value
MUST NOT exceed 20% of the I²t rating of the power supply’s AC input fuse. The power supply
must meet the AC inrush current requirements for any rated AC voltage, during turn-on at any
phase of AC voltage, during a single cycle AC dropout condition as well as upon recovery after
AC dropout of any duration, and over the specified temperature range T
cold inrush).
, (includes hot and
2.7.7 AC Line Surge
The power supply is tested with the system for immunity to AC Ring Wave and AC
Unidirectional wave, both up to 2kV, per EN 55024:1998, EN 61000-4-5:1995 and ANSI
C62.45: 1992.
The pass criteria include: No unsafe operation is allowed under any condition; all power supply
output voltage levels to stay within proper spec levels; No change in operating state or loss of
data during and after the test profile; No component damage under any condition.
2.7.8 AC Line Transient Specification
AC line transient conditions shall be defined as “sag” and “surge” conditions. “Sag” conditions
are also commonly referred to as “brownout”, these conditions will be defined as the AC line
voltage dropping below nominal voltage conditions. “Surge” will be defined to refer to conditions
when the AC line voltage rises above nominal voltage.
The power supply shall meet the requirements under the following AC line sag and surge
Table 9. AC Line Sag Transient Performance
AC Line Sag (10sec interval between each sagging)
Duration Sag Operating AC Voltage Line Frequency Performance Criteria
Continuous 10% Nominal AC Voltage ranges 50/60Hz No loss of function or performance
0 to 1 AC
> 1 AC cycle >30% Nominal AC Voltage ranges 50/60Hz Loss of function acceptable, self
95% Nominal AC Voltage ranges 50/60Hz No loss of function or performance
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Intel® Server Chassis SR2400 Power Sub-system
Table 10. AC Line Surge Transient Performance
AC Line Surge
Duration Surge Operating AC Voltage Line Frequency Performance Criteria
Continuous 10% Nominal AC Voltages 50/60Hz No loss of function or performance
0 to ½ AC
30% Mid-point of nominal AC
50/60Hz No loss of function or performance
2.7.9 AC Line Fast Transient (EFT) Specification
The power supply meets the EN61000-4-5 directive and any additional requirements in
IEC1000-4-5:1995 and the Level 3 requirements for surge-withstand capability, with the
following conditions and exceptions:
•These input transients must not cause any out-of-regulation conditions, such as
overshoot and undershoot, nor must it cause any nuisance trips of any of the power
supply protection circuits.
•The surge-withstand test must not produce damage to the power supply.
The supply must meet surge-withstand test conditions under maximum and minimum
DC-output load conditions.
2.7.10 AC Line Leakage Current
The maximum leakage current to ground for each power supply module shall be not more then
3.5mA when tested at 240VAC.
2.8 DC Output Specification
2.8.1 Power Supply Mating Connector
The power distribution board provides an edge connector slot for each of the supported power
supply modules. Each power module has a keyed edge connector which is blind mated to the
edge connector slot of the PDB. The following table provides the pinout for both the connector
and slot.
The ground of the pins of the PDB output connectors provides the power return path. The
output connector ground pins are connected to safety ground (PDB enclosure).
2.8.3 Standby Output / Standby Mode
The 5VSB output shall be present when an AC input greater than the power supply turn-on AC
voltage is applied. Applying an external 5.25V to 5Vsb shall not cause the power supply to shut
down or exceed operating limits. When the external voltage is removed the voltage shall return
to the power supplies operating voltage without exceeding the dynamic voltage limits.
2.8.4 Remote Sense
The PDB 12V to 3.3V and 5V converters use remote senses to regulate out voltage drops in the
system for the +3.3V output. The remote sense output impedance to this DC/DC converter
must be greater than 200Ω. This is the value of the resistor connecting the remote sense to the
output voltage internal to the DC/DC converter. Remote sense must be able to regulate out of
up to 300mV drop on the +3.3V and 5V outputs. Also, the power supply ground return remote
sense (ReturnS) passes through the PDB and the output harness to regulate out ground drops
for its +12V and 5Vsb output voltages. The power supply uses remote sense (12VRS) to
regulate out drops up to the 240VA protection circuit on the PDB.
2.8.5 Power Module Output Power / Currents
The following table defines power and current ratings for the 700W continuous (810W pk) power
supply in 1+0 or 1+1 redundant configurations. The combined output power of both outputs
shall not exceed the rated output power. The power supply module must meet both static and
dynamic voltage regulation requirements for the minimum loading conditions. Also, the power
module shall be able to supply the listed peak currents and power for a minimum of 10 seconds.
Outputs are not required to be peak loaded simultaneously.
Table 12. Load Ratings
+12V +5Vsb
MAX Load
PEAK Load (10 sec min)
Max Output Power (continuous), see note 1
Peak Output Power (for 10s min), see note 2
1. In reality, at max load the 12V output voltage is allowed to sag to –3%, which is 11.64V; so
the actual max power will then be: 11.64V x 58A = 675.12 W, and the same applies for
5VSB: 4.85Vx2A=9.7W; so total max continuous Power = 675.12+9.7=684.82W
2. In reality, at peak load the 12V output voltage is allowed to sag to –3%, which is 11.64V; so
the actual peak power will then be: 11.64V x 67A = 780 W; and the same applies to 5VSB:
4.85Vx2.5A=12.125W. The total peak power = 792 W pk.
58.0A 2.0A
5.0A 0.1A
1.0A 0A
67.0A 2.5A
12V x 58A = 696W max 5V x 2A = 10W max
12V x 67A = 804W pk 5V x 2.5A = 12.5W pk
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