Intel SR1530AHNA, SR1530, SR1530AH Technical Product Specification

Intel® Server Chassis SR1530
Technical Product Specification
Server System SR1530AH
Intel order number D77400-002
November 2006
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division - Marketing
Revision History
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
Revision History
Date Revision
November 2006 1.0 Initial release.
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Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Chassis Views .........................................................................................................1
1.2 Chassis Dimensions ................................................................................................ 1
1.3 System Components ............................................................................................... 2
1.4 System Boards ........................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Intel® Server System SR1530AHLX ........................................................................3
1.4.2 Intel® Server System SR1530AH............................................................................. 4
1.5 Hard Drive and Peripheral Bays .............................................................................. 4
1.6 System Cooling........................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Rack and Cabinet Mounting Options .......................................................................5
2. Power Sub-System............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Mechanical Specifications .......................................................................................7
2.2 Airflow Requirements............................................................................................... 8
2.3 Acoustics .................................................................................................................8
2.4 Temperature ............................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Output Connectors................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 P1 Main power connector ......................................................................................10
2.5.2 P2 Processor Power Connector ............................................................................10
2.5.3 HD Power Connector (P3) .....................................................................................11
2.5.4 Slimline Power Connector (P4).............................................................................. 11
2.6 AC Inlet Connector ................................................................................................11
2.6.1 AC Power Cord Specification Requirements .........................................................12
2.7 Marking and Identification...................................................................................... 12
2.8 AC Input Voltage.................................................................................................... 12
2.9 AC Line Transient Specification............................................................................. 13
2.10 Susceptibility.......................................................................................................... 13
2.10.1 Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility .................................................................... 14
2.10.2 Fast Transient/Burst ..............................................................................................14
2.10.3 Radiated Immunity................................................................................................. 14
2.10.4 Surge Immunity...................................................................................................... 14
2.11 AC Line Fast Transient (EFT) Specification ..........................................................14
2.12 AC Line Dropout / Holdup...................................................................................... 15
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Table of Contents
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
2.12.1 AC Line 5VSB Holdup ...........................................................................................15
2.13 Power Recovery ....................................................................................................15
2.13.1 Voltage Brown Out................................................................................................. 15
2.13.2 Voltage Interruptions.............................................................................................. 15
2.14 AC Line Inrush ....................................................................................................... 15
2.15 AC Line Isolation Requirements ............................................................................ 16
2.16 AC Line Leakage Current ...................................................................................... 16
2.17 AC Line Fuse ......................................................................................................... 16
2.18 Power Factor Correction........................................................................................ 16
2.19 Efficiency ...............................................................................................................16
2.20 Grounding .............................................................................................................. 17
2.21 Remote Sense .......................................................................................................17
2.22 Output Power / Currents ........................................................................................17
2.22.1 Standby Outputs ....................................................................................................17
2.22.2 Fan Operation in Stand-By Mode .......................................................................... 17
2.23 Voltage Regulation ................................................................................................18
2.23.1 Dynamic Loading ...................................................................................................18
2.24 Capacitive Loading ................................................................................................ 19
2.25 Closed loop stability............................................................................................... 19
2.26 Common Mode Noise ............................................................................................19
2.27 Ripple / Noise ........................................................................................................19
2.28 Soft Starting ........................................................................................................... 20
2.29 Zero Load Stability Requirements .........................................................................20
2.30 Timing Requirements............................................................................................. 20
2.31 Residual Voltage Immunity in Standby mode ........................................................23
2.32 Protection Circuits.................................................................................................. 23
2.33 Over-Current Limit (OCP) ....................................................................................23
2.34 Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) ............................................................................ 23
2.35 Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) ....................................................................24
2.36 Control and Indicator Functions............................................................................. 24
2.37 PSON
Input Signal ..............................................................................................24
2.38 PWOK (Power OK) Output Signal .........................................................................26
2.39 Environmental Requirements ................................................................................ 26
2.39.1 Temperature .......................................................................................................... 26
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Table of Contents
2.39.2 Humidity................................................................................................................. 26
2.39.3 Altitude................................................................................................................... 26
2.39.4 Mechanical Shock.................................................................................................. 27
2.39.5 Random Vibration ..................................................................................................27
2.39.6 Thermal Shock (Shipping) ..................................................................................... 27
2.39.7 Ecological Requirements .......................................................................................27
2.39.8 Catastrophic Failure............................................................................................... 27
3. Cooling Sub-System .......................................................................................................... 28
3.1 Power Supply Fans................................................................................................ 29
3.2 CPU Air Duct .........................................................................................................29
4. Peripheral and Hard Drive Support................................................................................... 30
4.1 Optical Drive Support............................................................................................. 30
4.1.1 Optical Drive Support............................................................................................. 31
4.2 Hard Disk Drive Support ........................................................................................31
4.2.1 System Fan Connectors ........................................................................................ 32
5. Front Control Panel............................................................................................................33
5.1.1 Power / Sleep LED ................................................................................................34
5.1.2 System Status LED................................................................................................ 34
5.1.3 Drive Activity LED ..................................................................................................34
6. PCI Riser Cards and Assembly......................................................................................... 35
7. Supported Intel® Server Boards........................................................................................ 37
8. Environmental and Regulatory Specifications................................................................ 38
8.1 System Level Environmental Limits....................................................................... 38
8.2 Product Regulatory Compliance ............................................................................38
8.2.1 Product Safety Compliance ................................................................................... 38
8.2.2 Product EMC Compliance ..................................................................................... 39
8.2.3 Certifications / Registrations / Declarations ........................................................... 39
8.2.4 Product Regulatory Compliance Markings ............................................................ 40
8.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ..................................................................41
8.3.1 USA .......................................................................................................................41
8.3.2 FCC Verification Statement ................................................................................... 41
8.3.3 ICES-003 (Canada) ............................................................................................... 42
8.3.4 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity) ................................................................. 42
8.3.5 Japan EMC Compatibility ......................................................................................42
8.3.6 BSMI (Taiwan) .......................................................................................................42
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Table of Contents
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
8.3.7 RRL (Korea)........................................................................................................... 43
8.3.8 CNCA (CCC-China)............................................................................................... 43
8.4 Replacing the Back up Battery ..............................................................................44
8.5 Serviceability and Availability................................................................................. 45
8.6 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliance................................... 45
8.7 Regulated Specified Components ......................................................................... 46
Appendix A: Integration and Usage Tips................................................................................... I
Appendix B: POST Code Diagnostic LED Decoder .................................................................II
Appendix C: POST Error Beep Codes......................................................................................VI
Reference Documents .............................................................................................................VIII
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel® Server System SR1530AH.................................................................................. 1
Figure 2. Major System Components ........................................................................................... 2
Figure 3. Back Panel Features .....................................................................................................3
Figure 4. Drive Bays .....................................................................................................................4
Figure 5. Power Supply Enclosure Drawing .................................................................................7
Figure 6. Airflow Characteristics ...................................................................................................8
Figure 7. Output Voltage Timing .................................................................................................21
Figure 8. Turn On/Off Timing (Power Supply Signals)................................................................ 22
Figure 9. PSON# Required Signal Characteristic. ......................................................................25
Figure 10. Fan Module Assembly ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 11. Air Duct ...................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 12. Drive Bays .................................................................................................................30
Figure 13. Front Control Panel.................................................................................................... 33
Figure 14. PCI Riser Card Assembly ..........................................................................................35
Figure 15. 1U PCIX Riser Card Mechanical Drawing ................................................................. 35
Figure 16. 1U PCIE Riser Card Mechanical Drawing ................................................................. 36
Figure 17. Diagnostic LED Placement Diagram Example ............................................................ II
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
List of Tables
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
List of Tables
Table 1. Chassis Dimensions .......................................................................................................1
Table 2. Acoustic Requirements ................................................................................................... 9
Table 3. Environmental Requirements......................................................................................... 9
Table 4. Cable Lengths.................................................................................................................9
Table 5. P1 Main Power Connector ...........................................................................................10
Table 6. P2 Processor Power Connector................................................................................... 10
Table 7. HD Power Connector ...................................................................................................11
Table 8. Slim-line Power Connector ..........................................................................................11
Table 9. AC Input Rating............................................................................................................. 12
Table 10. AC Line Sag Transient Performance ........................................................................ 13
Table 11. AC Line Surge Transient Performance .....................................................................13
Table 12. Performance Criteria...................................................................................................13
Table 13. Dropout Criteria........................................................................................................... 15
Table 14. Load Ratings..............................................................................................................17
Table 15. Voltage Regulation Limits ........................................................................................... 18
Table 16. Transient Load Requirements..................................................................................... 18
Table 17. Capacitve Loading Conditions .................................................................................... 19
Table 18. Ripple and Noise......................................................................................................... 19
Table 19. Output Voltage Timing ................................................................................................20
Table 20. Turn On/Off Timing .....................................................................................................22
Table 21. Over Current Protection (OCP)................................................................................... 23
Table 22. Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) Limits ........................................................................ 24
Table 23. PSON
Signal Characteristic....................................................................................... 25
Table 24. PWOK Signal Characteristics ..................................................................................... 26
Table 25. Cooling Zones.............................................................................................................29
Table 26. 40-pin Internal IDE Connector Pin-out (J3J2) ............................................................. 31
Table 27. System Four-pin Fan Headers Pin-outs (J7J1, J8D1, J4J1, and J6B1, J6J1)............ 32
Table 28. Control Panel LED Functions...................................................................................... 34
Table 29. SSI Power LED Operation .......................................................................................... 34
Table 30. System Environmental Limits Summary .....................................................................38
Table 31. POST Progress Code LED Example ............................................................................II
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH List of Tables
Table 32. Diagnostic LED POST Code Decoder ......................................................................... III
Table 33. POST Error Beep Codes .............................................................................................VI
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Introduction
1. Introduction
The Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 is a 1U server chassis that is designed to support the Intel® Server Boards S3000AH and S3000AHLX. The server boards and the chassis have features that are designed to support the high-density server market. This chapter provides a high-level overview of the chassis features. Greater detail for each major chassis component or feature is provided in the following chapters.
1.1 Chassis Views
Figure 1. Intel® Server System SR1530AH
1.2 Chassis Dimensions
Table 1. Chassis Dimensions
Height 1.67 inches 42.42 mm
Width without rails 16.93 inches 430.02 mm
Depth without CMA 20 inches 508.00 mm
Maximum weight 33 lbs 15 kg
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
1.3 System Components
A Rack handles (two) G System Memory DIMM Sockets
B PCI cooling fan H System blower fans (two)
C Processor air duct I Hard drives Brackets (two)
D PCI add-in card bracket J Control panel
E Processor and Heat Sink K Slimline optical drive
F Power supply
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Figure 2. Major System Components
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Introduction
The I/O connector locations on the back of the chassis are pre-cut, so an I/O shield is not required. The EMI gasket is pre installed to maintain electromagnetic interference (EMI) compliance levels.
A AC power connector F USB ports 0 - 1
B PS2 Mouse port G NIC 2 (10/100/1000 Mb)
C Serial Port (DB9) H Video connector
D NIC1 (10/100/1000 Mb) I PS2 Keyboard port
E PCI-E/X Add-in Card Slot
1.4 System Boards
Figure 3. Back Panel Features
The Intel® Server Systems SR1530AH and SR1530AHLX include system boards that are used as internal interconnects and provide feature accessibility. The following section provides a brief description for each.
1.4.1 Intel® Server System SR1530AHLX
The Intel® Server System SR1530AHLX includes an Intel® Server Board S3000AHLX. This board supports two different riser card options:
PCI-X* – capable of supporting a single full height/full length PCI-X* 66/100 MHz add-in card.
PCI Express* – capable of supporting a single full height/full length x8 PCI Express*
add-in card.
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
1.4.2 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
The Intel® Server System SR1530AH includes an Intel® Server Board S3000AH. This board supports a PCI Express* riser card.
PCI Express* – capable of supporting a single full height/full length x8 PCI Express*
add-in card.
Additionally both systems include a front control panel. The front control panel is a printed circuit board routing the outputs of the system board SSI connector to provide a power on/off switch, a power on/off LED, a Hard Disk Drive activity LED, NIC 1/2 activity LED, and USB port
1.5 Hard Drive and Peripheral Bays
The chassis is designed to support up to two fixed 3.5-inch SATA (Serial ATA) hard drives and one slimline optical device.
A Slimline optical drive bay
B Hard drive bay HDD0 (located under the
slimline optical drive bay)
C Hard drive bay HDD1
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Figure 4. Drive Bays
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Introduction
1.6 System Cooling
The chassis provides two non-redundant blower fans and one PCI cooling fan. When external ambient temperatures remain within specified limits, the cooling system will provide sufficient air flow for all drive configurations, processors, supported memory, and add-in cards.
1.7 Rack and Cabinet Mounting Options
The chassis was designed to support 19-inch wide by up to 30-inch deep server cabinets. The chassis supports three rack mount options:
A fixed mount relay rack / cabinet mount kit (Product order code - AXXBRACKETS )
which can be configured to mount the system into either a 2-post or 4-post rack cabinet
A tool-less full extracting slide rail kit (Product order code – AXXHERAIL) designed to
support an optional cable management arm (Product order code – AXXRACKCARM).
A basic slide rail kit (Product order code – AXXBASICRAIL) designed to mount the
chassis into a standard (19-inch by up to 30-inch deep) EIA-310D compatible server cabinet.
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
Power Sub-System
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
2. Power Sub-System
The power sub-system of the server chassis consists of a single non-redundant 350 W power supply with 7 outputs; 3.3V, 5V, 12V1, 12V2, 12V3, -12V and 5VSB. The form factor fits into a 1U system and provides a wire harness output to the system. An IEC connector is provided on the external face for AC input to the power supply. The power supply provides two non­redundant 40mm fans for self cooling. The power supply fans also provide additional airflow for parts of the system.
The power supply operates within the following voltage ranges and ratings:
Parameter Minimum Rated Maximum Start up VAC Power Off VAC
Voltage (110) 90 Vrms 100-127 Vrms 140 Vrms 85Vac +/-4Vac 75Vac +/-5Vac
Voltage (220) 180 Vrms 200-240 Vrms 264 Vrms
Frequency 47 Hz 63 Hz
The power supply must operate within all specified limits over the following input voltage range, shown in the table. Harmonic distortion of up to 10% THD must not cause the power supply to go out of specified limits. The power supply shall power off if the AC input is less than 75VAC +/-5VAC range. The power supply shall start up if the AC input is greater than 85VAC +/-4VAC. Application of an input voltage below 85VAC shall not cause damage to the power supply, including a fuse blow.
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Power Sub-System
2.1 Mechanical Specifications
The 1U 350 W power supply is designed specifically for use in the Intel® Server Chassis SR1530. The physical size of the power supply enclosure is intended to accommodate power ranges from 350 W. The power supply size is 40mm x 106mm x 300mm and has a wire harness for the DC outputs. The AC input plugs directly into the external face of the power supply; refer to the following figure.
Figure 5. Power Supply Enclosure Drawing
1. All dimensions are in mm.
2. The tolerance of the 40mm height dimension (marked with letter C) pertains to the metal case only.
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
Power Sub-System
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
2.2 Airflow Requirements
The power supply shall incorporate two 40mm fans for self-cooling and system cooling. The fans will provide no less than 8 CFM airflow through the power supply when installed in the system. The cooling air will enter the power supply module from the non-AC side.
System Flow Impedance - 1U
System Pressure (in H
0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Power Su pp ly Airf low (CFM )
Figure 6. Airflow Characteristics
2.3 Acoustics
The power supply shall incorporate two variable speed fans. The fans’ speed shall vary linearly based on output loading and ambient temperature. The declared sound power levels (LwAd) of the power supply unit (PSU) must meet the requirements shown in the following table. Sound power must be measured according to ECMA 74 ( according to ISO 9296.
The acoustic measurement of the PSU shall be performed with the PSU fan operating at the RPM corresponding to the operating conditions shown in the following table. The PSU acoustic test report shall include the PSU dimension, photo, fan model and size, fan voltage (or duty cycle), RPM, and PSU sound power level at each operating condition. The proper RPM thermally sustainable shall be determined through PSU thermal testing, and shall be submitted as an appendix to the acoustic test report.
) and reported
The declared sound power level of the power supply module shall not exceed the levels specified in the following table.
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH Power Sub-System
Table 2. Acoustic Requirements
Operating Conditions Inlet Temperature
Standby (main outputs off)
45ºC 100% 6.5 28°C 28°C 28°C
% of Maximum Loading
60% 5.6 40% 5.4
5Vsb/2A < 5.4
LwAd (BA)
2.4 Temperature
The power supply shall operate within all specified limits over the Top temperature range. The average air temperature difference (ΔTps ) from the inlet to the outlet of the power supply shall not exceed 20°C. All airflow shall pass through the power supply and not over the exterior surfaces of the power supply.
Table 3. Environmental Requirements
The power supply must meet UL enclosure requirements for temperature rise limits. All sides of the power supply with exception to the air exhaust side must be classified as “handle, knobs, grips, etc. held for short periods of time only”.
Operating temperature range. 0 45 Non-operating temperature range. -40 70 Maximum operating altitude. 1500 m
°C °C
2.5 Output Connectors
Listed or recognized component appliance wiring material (AVLV2), CN, rated min 80°C, 300VDC shall be used for all output wiring.
Table 4. Cable Lengths
Power Supply cover exit hole 380 P1 20 Baseboard Power Connector Power Supply cover exit hole 390 P2 8 Processor Power Connector Power Supply cover exit hole 495 P3 6 HD Power Connector
Power Supply cover exit hole 605 P4 6 HD Power Connector Power Supply cover exit hole 860 P5 4 Slimline Power Connector
Revision 1.0 Intel order number D77400-002
No of
Power Sub-System
Intel® Server Chassis SR1530 Intel® Server System SR1530AH
2.5.1 P1 Main power connector
Connector housing: 20-Pin Molex* Mini-Fit Jr. 39-01-2200 or equivalent.
Contact: Molex Mini-Fit, HCS, female, crimp 44476 or Molex 5556 as the alternative, or equivalent approved by Intel.
Table 5. P1 Main Power Connector
Pin Signal 18 AWG Color Pin Signal 18 AWG Color
1 +3.3VDC
3.3V RS Orange/White (24AWG) 12 -12VDC Blue 2 +3.3VDC Orange 13 COM Black 3 COM Black 14 PSON# Green (24AWG) 4 +5VDC Red 15 COM 5 COM Black COMRS Black (24AWG) 6 +5VDC Red 16 COM Black 7 COM Black 17 COM Black 8 PWR OK Gray (24AWG) 18 Reserved N.C. 9 5 VSB Purple 19 +5VDC Red
10 +12V Yellow 20 +5VDC Red
12VRS Yellow/White (24AWG) 5VRS Red/White (24AWG)
Orange 11 +3.3VDC Orange
1. Remote Sense wire double crimped.
2. P1 add cable bend requirement at P1.
2.5.2 P2 Processor Power Connector
Connector housing: 8-Pin Molex* 39-01-2085 or equivalent.
Contact: Molex
44476-1111 or Molex 5556 as the alternative, or equivalent approved by Intel.
Pin Signal 18 AWG color Pin Signal 18 AWG Color
1 COM Black 5 +12V Yellow 2 COM Black 6 +12V Yellow 3 N.C. 7 N.C. 4 N.C. 8 N.C.
Intel order number D77400-002 Revision 1.0
Table 6. P2 Processor Power Connector
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