Intel SPSH4 - Server Platform - 0 MB RAM Product Manual

Intel® SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide

Order Number: A76346-003
A Guide for Technically Qualified Assemblers of Intel® Identified Subassemblies and Products


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1 Important Safety Information
Important Safety Information...............................................................................................11
Intended Application Uses.............................................................................................11
Safety Instructions and Information................................................................................11
Checking the Power Cords............................................................................................12
Multiple Power Cords.....................................................................................................12
Earth Grounded Socket-Outlets.....................................................................................12
Before You Remove the Access Cover..........................................................................13
Power Supply Modules..................................................................................................13
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) .......................................................................................13
Cooling and Airflow........................................................................................................14
Lifting and Moving .........................................................................................................14
Equipment Rack Precautions.........................................................................................14
Important Set-Up Safety Information...................................................................................15
WARNING: English (US) ..............................................................................................16
AVERTISSEMENT: Français........................................................................................18
WARNUNG: Deutsch ...................................................................................................20
AVVERTENZA: Italiano................................................................................................22
ADVERTENCIAS: Español...........................................................................................24
2 Unpacking and Inspecting
Checking for Damage to the Packagi n g..............................................................................27
Checking the Package Contents .........................................................................................27
3 Getting Started
Selecting a Site...................................................................................................................29
Space and Power Requirements...................................................................................29
General Site Criteria......................................................................................................30
Installing Processors, Memory, Hard Disk Drives, and Options...........................................31
Connecting the Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse...................................................................32
Turning On the Server and Running the Power-On Self Test (POST) .................................32
Hot Keys for POST........................................................................................................33
Configuring the System with the FRU/SDR Load Utility.......................................................33
Installing the Service Partition (Recommended)..................................................................34
Installing the Op e rating System...........................................................................................34
The System Resource CD-ROM .........................................................................................34
System Security..................................................................................................................35
Mechanical Locks..........................................................................................................35
Software Security ..........................................................................................................36
Installing the Server in a Rack.............................................................................................37
4 Configuration Software and Utilities
BIOS Setup.........................................................................................................................39
Recording BIOS Setup Settings.....................................................................................39
Clearing CMOS Memory................................................................................................40
Using BIOS Setup .........................................................................................................40
When to Run SCSISelect ..............................................................................................41
Running SCSISelect......................................................................................................41
Software Updates................................................................................................................42
Creating Bootable Diskettes ..........................................................................................42
Software Update Packages...........................................................................................43
Individual Updates.........................................................................................................43
5 System Management
Integrated Hardware System Management.........................................................................47
Baseboard Management Controller...............................................................................47
Field Replaceable Units and Sensor Data Records.......................................................48
System Event Log .........................................................................................................48
Platform Event Management .........................................................................................48
Emergency Management Port.......................................................................................49
Intel Server Management....................................................................................................49
Using the System Setup Utility ............................................................................................50
Creating SSU Diskettes.................................................................................................50
Running the SSU ...........................................................................................................51
Setting Boot Device Priority...........................................................................................52
Setting Passwords and Security Options.......................................................................52
Viewing the System Event Log......................................................................................54
Viewing FRU Information...............................................................................................54
Viewing Sensor Data Records.......................................................................................55
Updating System Firmware and BIOS...........................................................................55
Saving and Restoring the System Configuration............................................................56
Alerting for Platform Events...........................................................................................57
Managing the Server Remotely.....................................................................................60
FRU/SDR Load Utility ..........................................................................................................62
When to Run the FRU/SDR Load Utility.........................................................................62
Running the FRU/SDR Load Utility................................................................................62
6 Installing and Removing Components
Tools and Supplies Needed.................................................................................................65
Access Covers....................................................................................................................65
Removing the Rear Access Cover.................................................................................66
Installing the Rear Access Cover...................................................................................66
Removing the Front Access Cover................................................................................67
Installing the Front Access Cover ..................................................................................67
Accessing the System Boards.............................................................................................68
Removing the Access Cover to the System Boards.......................................................68
Installing the Access Cover to the System Boards.........................................................68
Removing the Memory Board........................................................................................69
Installing the Memory Board..........................................................................................70
Removing the Processor Board Air Baffle......................................................................71
Installing the Processor Board Air Baffle........................................................................72
iv Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
Removing the Processor Board.....................................................................................73
Installing the Processor Board.......................................................................................74
Removing the Baseboard..............................................................................................75
Installing the Baseboard................................................................................................77
Installing Processors......................................................................................................78
Removing Processors....................................................................................................81
Installing DIMMs............................................................................................................82
Removing DIMMs..........................................................................................................84
Hot-Swap SCSI Drives........................................................................................................85
Checking a Hot-Swap SCSI Drive Status Indicator........................................................85
Installing a Hot-Swap Drive in a Carrier.........................................................................86
Removing a Hot-swap Drive from a Carrier...................................................................87
Removing and Installing Hot-Swap Disk Drives.............................................................88
DC Power Supplies.............................................................................................................90
Checking the Power Status LEDs..................................................................................90
Removing a Power Supply Module................................................................................91
Installing a Power Supply Module..................................................................................92
PCI Add-In Boards ..............................................................................................................93
Operating System Support for Hot-Plug Add-In Boards.................................................93
Checking the Status Indicators for a Hot-Plug Add-In Board..........................................94
Installing a Hot-Plug PCI Add-In Board..........................................................................95
Removing a Hot-Plug PCI Add-In Board........................................................................96
Installing a PCI Add-In Board in a Non-Hot-Plug Slot.....................................................97
Removing a PCI Add-In Board from a Non-Hot-Plug Slot..............................................98
Cooling System Fans..........................................................................................................99
Checking a Fan Status Indicator....................................................................................99
Removing a Fan Module..............................................................................................100
Installing a Fan Module................................................................................................100
Backup Battery..................................................................................................................101
Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay...................................................................... 103
Opening the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay............................................103
Removing the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay.........................................104
Installing the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay...........................................104
Closing the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay.............................................105
System Cables..................................................................................................................106
Front Panel Board.............................................................................................................109
Diskette Drive....................................................................................................................110
5.25-Inch Peripheral Drives...............................................................................................112
Preliminary Considerations..........................................................................................112
Removing a 5.25-inch Peripheral Drive........................................................................113
Installing a 5.25-inch Peripheral Drive .........................................................................114
Hot Swap Drive Bays.........................................................................................................115
Removing a Hot Swap Drive Bay.................................................................................115
Installing a Hot-Swap Drive Bay ..................................................................................116
Power Distribution Board...................................................................................................117
Fan Distribution Board.......................................................................................................118
Contents v
Foam Fan Baffle................................................................................................................119
Removing the Foam Fan Baffle...................................................................................119
Installing the Fan Baffle...............................................................................................119
Hot-Plug Indicator Board...................................................................................................120
7 Solving Problems
Resetting the System........................................................................................................121
Initial System Startup.........................................................................................................121
Running New Application Software....................................................................................122
Application Software Checklist.....................................................................................122
After the System Has Been Running Correctly..................................................................122
Monitoring POST......................................................................................................... 122
Verifying Proper Operation of Key System Lights........................................................123
Confirming Loading of an Operating System ...............................................................123
Specific Problems and Corrective Actions.........................................................................123
Power Light Does Not Light.........................................................................................123
No Beep Codes...........................................................................................................124
No Characters Appear on Screen................................................................................124
Characters Are Distorted or Incorrect..........................................................................124
System Cooling Fans Do Not Rotate Properly.............................................................125
Diskette Drive Activity Light Does Not Light.................................................................125
Hard Drive Activity Light Does Not Light......................................................................125
CD-ROM Drive Activity Light Does Not Light...............................................................126
Network Problems.......................................................................................................126
PCI Installation Tips.....................................................................................................127
Problems with Application Software.............................................................................127
Bootable CD-ROM Is Not Detected.............................................................................127
A Server Description
Feature Summary..............................................................................................................129
Chassis Access.................................................................................................................130
Main Chassis Components................................................................................................131
Electronics Bay Components.............................................................................................132
Front Control Panel...........................................................................................................133
Rear Panel........................................................................................................................134
Peripheral Device Bay.......................................................................................................135
Hot-Swap Hard Drive Bays................................................................................................135
Power Supplies .................................................................................................................136
System Cooling.................................................................................................................136
Server Board Set Features................................................................................................137
Baseboard Connector and Component Loca tions........................................................138
Baseboard Jumpers.....................................................................................................139
DIMM Memory.............................................................................................................141
Onboard Video............................................................................................................141
SCSI Controller............................................................................................................141
Network Interface Controll e rs......................................................................................142
Network Teaming Features..........................................................................................143
ACPI ............................................................................................................................145
vi Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
B Regulatory Information
Product Regulation Compliance Information......................................................................147
Product Safety.............................................................................................................147
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Emissions.......................................................147
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Immunity....................................................................147
Power Line Harmonics / Voltage Flicker......................................................................147
Regional EMC Compliance Information.......................................................................149
Product Ecology Documentation.......................................................................................151
Energy Saving Features..............................................................................................151
Disposal Considerations..............................................................................................151
Disassembly Instructions.............................................................................................151
C Error Messages and Error Codes.........................................................................153
D Equipment Log and Configuration Worksheets
Equipment Log..................................................................................................................161
Calculating Power Consumption........................................................................................163
1. PSH4 Server (Rack-Mount and Pedestal)...................................................................29
2. Integrated System Management.................................................................................47
3. Removing the Rear Access Cover..............................................................................66
4. Removing the Front Access Cover.............................................................................67
5. Removing the Access Cover to the System Boards....................................................68
6. Removing the Memory Board.....................................................................................69
7. Installing the Memory Board.......................................................................................70
8. Removing the Processor Board Air Baffle...................................................................71
9. Installing the Processor Board Air Baffle.....................................................................72
10. Removing the Processor Board..................................................................................73
11. Installing the Processor Board....................................................................................74
12. Removing the Front Retention Mechanism.................................................................75
13. Baseboard Mounting...................................................................................................76
14. Correct Order for Populating Processor Sockets........................................................78
15. Raising the Locking Bar..............................................................................................79
16. Installing Processors...................................................................................................79
17. Installing the Heat Sink...............................................................................................80
18. Removing a Processor...............................................................................................81
19. Installing Memory.......................................................................................................83
20. Removing DIMMs.......................................................................................................84
21. Hot-Swap SCSI Drive Bay and Status Indicators........................................................85
22. Removing a Plastic Air Baffle from a Carrier ...............................................................86
23. Installing a SCSI Hard Disk Drive in a Carrier.............................................................87
24. Removing a Drive Carrier ...........................................................................................88
25. Installing a Drive Carrier.............................................................................................89
26. Power and Standby LEDs...........................................................................................90
27. Removing a Power Supply Module.............................................................................91
28. PCI Add-In Board Locations .......................................................................................93
Contents vii
29. Status Indicators for Hot-Plug PCI Add-In Boards.......................................................94
30. Installing a Hot-Plug PCI Add-In Board.......................................................................95
31. Removing a Hot-Plug PCI Add-In Board.....................................................................96
32. Installing and Removing a Non-Hot-Plug PCI Add-In Board........................................97
33. Fan Status LEDs ........................................................................................................99
34. Removing and Installing a Fan Module.....................................................................100
35. Replacing the Backup Battery...................................................................................102
36. Opening the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay.........................................103
37. Installing the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay........................................104
38. Closing the Front Subchassis and Rear Electronics Bay .......................................... 105
39. Cables to the Subchassis .........................................................................................106
40. Front Cables in the Cable Clamp..............................................................................107
41. Rear Cables in the Cable Clamp...............................................................................108
42. Replacing the Front Panel Board..............................................................................109
43. Replacing the Diskette Drive.....................................................................................110
44. Inserting the Diskette Drive into the Bracket.............................................................111
45. Removing a 5.25-inch Peripheral Drive.....................................................................113
46. Installing a 5.25-inch Peripheral Drive......................................................................114
47. Removing a Hot Swap Drive Bay..............................................................................115
48. Removing a Power Distribution Board......................................................................117
49. Removing a Fan Distribution Board..........................................................................118
50. Removing the Fan Baffle..........................................................................................119
51. Removing a Hot-plug Indicator Board.......................................................................120
52. SPSH4 Server Hot-Swap Access.............................................................................130
53. Chassis with Access Covers Removed.....................................................................131
54. Electronics Bay Internal Components.......................................................................132
55. SPSH4 Front Control Panel......................................................................................133
56. SPSH4 Rear Panel View..........................................................................................134
57. Hard Drive Bay.........................................................................................................135
58. Baseboard Connector and Component Locations.....................................................138
59. Baseboard Jumpers..................................................................................................139
1. Safety Symbols...........................................................................................................11
2. SPSH4 Server Physical Specifications .......................................................................30
3. Hot Keys.....................................................................................................................33
4. Software Security Features.........................................................................................36
5. BIOS Setup Menu Navigation.....................................................................................40
6. Command Line Format...............................................................................................63
7. LED States for Hot-Swap SCSI Drive Status..............................................................85
8. LED Power Supply Status Indicators..........................................................................90
9. LED Hot-Plug PCI Status Indicators...........................................................................94
10. Feature Summary.....................................................................................................129
11. Front Control Panel Features....................................................................................133
12. Server Board Set Features.......................................................................................137
13. Boot Block Jumper Descriptions...............................................................................139
14. Main Jumper Descriptions........................................................................................140
15. Serial Port B Jumper Descriptions............................................................................140
16. Product Regulatory Compliance Markings................................................................148
viii Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
17. Regional EMC Compliance Information......................................................................149
18. Standard BIOS POST Codes......................................................................................153
19. Recovery BIOS POST Codes.....................................................................................156
20. BMC Beep Codes.......................................................................................................157
21. Error Messages and Codes........................................................................................157
22. Power Usage Worksheet 1.........................................................................................163
23. Power Usage Worksheet 2.........................................................................................164
Contents ix
x Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide

1 Important Safety Information

Important Safety Information

Only a technically qualified person shall access, integrate, configure, and service this product.

Intended Application Uses

This product was evaluated as Information Technology Equipment (ITE), which may be installed in offices, schools, computer rooms, and similar commercial type locations. The suitability of this product for other Product Categories and Environments (such as medical, industrial, alarm systems, and test equipment), other than an ITE application, may require further evaluation.

Safety Instructions and Information

To avoid personal injury or property damage, before you begin installing the product, read, observe, and adhere to all of the following safety instructions and information. The following safety symbols may be used throughout this product guide, and may be marked on the product and or its packaging.
Table 1. Safety Symbols
Indicates the presence of a hazard that may cause minor personal injury or property damage if the CAUTION is ignored.
Indicates the presence of a hazard that may result in serious injury or death if the WARNING is ignored.
Indicates potential hazard if hazard symbol is ignored. Indicates shock hazards that result in serious injury or death if safety instructions are not
followed. Indicates hot components or surfaces.
Indicates do not touch fan blades, may result in injury. Indicates product has multiple power cords, and all power cords must be unplugged to
disconnect AC power or mains. Indicates ESD sensitive components. Use of an antistatic wrist strap connected to ground is

Checking the Power Cords

To avoid electrical shock, do not attempt to modify or use the supplied AC power cord(s), if they are not the exact type required. If a power cord(s) supplied is not compatible with the AC wall outlet in your region, get one that meets the following criteria:
The power cord must be properly rated for the AC voltage in your region.
The power cord plug cap must have an electrical current rating that is at least
125% of the electrical current rating of the product.
The power cord plug cap that plugs into the wall socket-outlet must have a
grounding-type male plug designed for use in your region.
The power cord must have safety certifications for your region, and shall be
marked with the certificatio n marki ngs.
The power cord plug cap that plugs into the AC receptacle on the power
supply must be an IEC 320, sheet C13, type female connector.
In Europe, the power cord must be less than 4.5 meters (14.76 feet) long, and
it must be flexible <HAR> (harmonized) or VDE certified cordage to comply with the chassis’ safety certifications.
The power supply cord(s) is the main disconnect device to AC power. The socket outlet(s) shall be near the equipment and shall be readily accessible for disconnection.

Multiple Power Cords

To avoid electrical shock, disconnect all AC power cords before accessing inside the system.

Earth Grounded Socket-Outlets

To avoid electrical shock, the system power cord(s) must be plugged into socket-outlet(s) that is provided with a suitable earth ground. The system will be provided with the following marking:
Connect only to properly earthed socket outlet. Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag när den ansluts till ett nätverk.
12 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide

Before You Remove t he Access Cover

To avoid personal injury or property damage, the following safety instructions apply whenever accessing inside the prod u ct:
Turn off all peripheral devices connected to this product.
Turn off the system by pressing the power button on the front of the product.
Disconnect the AC power by unplugging all AC power cords from the
system or wall outlet.
Disconnect all cables and telecommunication lines that are connected to the
Retain all screws or other fasteners when removing access cover(s). Upon
completion of accessing inside the produ ct, ref as ten access cove r with original screws or fasteners.
Do not access inside power supply. There are no serviceable parts in the
power supply. Return to manufacturer fo r servicing.

Power Supply Modules

Power supply modules have double-pole/neutral fusing.


To avoid injury do not contact moving fan blades.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Perform the procedures in this chapter only at an electrostatic discharge (ESD) workstation, because the server components can be extremely sensitive to ESD. If no such station is available, you can reduce the risk of electrostatic discharge ESD damage by doing the following:
Wear an antistatic wrist strap and attach it to a metal part of the server.
Touch the metal on the server chassis before touching the server components.
Keep part of your body in contact with the metal server chassis to dissipate
the static charge while handling the components.
Avoid moving around unnecessarily.
Hold the server components (especially boards) only by the edges.
Place the server components on a grounded, static-free surface. Use a
conductive foam pad if available but not the component wrapper.
Do not slide the components over any surface.
Important Safety Information 13

Cooling and Airflow

For proper cooling and airflow, always install all access covers before turning on the system. Operating the system for longer than five minutes without the covers in place can cause overheating and damage to system components.

Lifting and Moving

Do not attempt to lift or move the server by the handles on the power supplies.

Equipment Rack Precautions

Follow the rack manufacturer’s safety and installation instructions for proper rack installation. The following additional rack safety installation measures shall be considered:
The equipment rack must be anchored to an unmovable suitable support to prevent the rack from falling over when one or more systems are fully extended out of the rack assembly. You must also consider the weight of any other devices installed in the rack assembly. The equipment rack must be installed according to the manufa ctu rer's instructions.
You are responsible for installing an AC power disconnect for the entire rack unit. This main disconnect must be readily accessible, and it must be labeled as controlling power to the entire unit, not just to the sy ste m(s).
To avoid the potential for an electrical shock hazard, the rack assembly itself must be suitably earth grounded, according to your local regional electrical codes. This typically will require the rack to have its own separate earth ground. We recommend you consult your local approv ed electrici an.
14 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
The system is designed to operate on a 20A AC voltage source that is provided with 20A over current protection. If the AC source for the rack exceeds 20A over current protection, each system must be provided with 20A or less over current supplemental protection. The supplementary over current protection must have the appropriate regional safety certifications for the over current application.
The operating temperature of the system, when installed in the rack, must not go below 10 °C (50 °F) or rise above 35 °C (95 °F). Extreme fluctuations in temperature may cause a variety of problems in system, and safety limits may be broken.
The equipment rack must provide sufficient airflow to the front of the system to maintain proper cooling. The rack selected and the ventilation provided must be suitable to the environment in which the system will be used.

Important Set-Up Safety Information

Important Safety Information 15

WARNING: English (US)

The power supply in this product contains no user-serviceable parts. There may be more than one supply in this product. Refer servicing only to qualified personnel.
Do not attempt to modify or use the supplied AC power cord if it is not the exact type required. A product with more than one power supply will have a separate AC power cord for each supply.
The power but ton on the system does not turn off system AC power. To remove AC power from the syste m, you must unplug each AC power cord from the wall outlet or power supply.
The power cord(s) is considered the disconnect device to the mains (AC) power. The socket outlet that the system p lugs into shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
SAFETY STEPS: Whenever you remove the chassis covers to access the inside of the system, follow these steps:
1. Turn off all peripheral devices connected to the system.
2. Turn o ff the system by pressing the power button.
3. Unplug all AC power cords from the system or from wall outlets.
4. Label and disconnect all cables connected to I/O connectors or ports on the back of the system.
5. Provide some electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection by wearing an antistatic wrist strap attached to chassis ground of the system—any unpainted metal surface—when handling components.
6. Do not operate the system with the chassis covers removed.
After you have completed the six SAFETY steps above, you can remove the system covers. To do this:
1. Unlock and remove the padlock from the back of the system if a padlock has been installed.
2. Remove and save all screws from the covers.
3. Remove the covers.
For proper cooling and airflow, always reinstall the chassis covers before turning on the system. Operating the system without the covers in place can damage syste m parts. To install the covers:
1. Check first to make sure you have not left loose tools or parts insi de the system.
2. Check that cables, add-in boards, and other components are properly installed.
3. Attach the covers to the chassis with the screws removed earlier, and tighten them firmly.
4. Insert and lock the pa dlock to the system to prevent unauthorized access inside the system.
5. Connect all external cables and the AC power cord(s) to the system.
16 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
WARNING: English (US) (Continued)
A microprocessor and heat sink may be hot if the system has been running. Also, there may be sharp pins and edges on some board and chassis parts. Contact should be made with care. Consider wearing protective gloves.
Danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to manufacturer’s instructions.
The system is designed to operate in a typical office environment. Choose a site that is:
Clean and free of airborne particles (other than normal room dust).
Well ventilated and away from sources of heat including direct sunlight.
Away from sources of vibration or physical shock.
Isolated from strong electromagnetic fields produced by electrical devices.
In regions that are susceptible to electrical storms, we recommend you plug your system
into a surge suppresser and disconnect telecommunication lines to your modem during an electrical storm.
Provided with a properly grounded wall outlet.
Provided with sufficient space to access the power supply cord(s), because they serve as
the product’s main power disconnect.
Important Safety Information 17


Le bloc d'alimentation de ce produit ne contient aucune pièce pouvant être réparée par l'utilisateur. Ce produit peut contenir plus d'un bloc d'alimentation. Veuillez contacter un technicien qualifié en cas de problème.
Ne pas essayer d'utiliser ni modifier le câble d'alimentation CA fourni, s'il ne correspond pas exactement au type requis. Le nombre de câbles d'alimentation CA fournis correspond au nombre de blocs d'alimentation du produit.
Notez que le commutateur CC de mise sous tension /hors tension du panneau avant n'éteint pas l'alimentation CA du système. Pour mettre le système hors tensio n, vous devez débrancher chaque câble d'alimentation de sa prise.
CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ -Lorsque vous ouvrez le boîtier pour accéder à l’intérieur du système, suivez les consignes suivantes:
1. Mettez hors tension tous les périphériques connectés au système.
2. Mettez le système hors tension en mettant l’interrupteur général en position OFF (bouton­poussoir).
3. Débranchez tous les cordons d’alimentation c.a. du système et des prises murales.
4. Identifiez et débranchez tous les câbles reliés aux connecteurs d’E-S ou aux accès derrière le système.
5. Pour prévenir les décharges électrostatiques lorsque vous touchez aux composants, portez une bande antistatique pour poignet et reliez-la à la masse du système (toute surface métallique non peinte du boîtier).
6. Ne faites pas fonctionner le système tandis que le boîtier est ouvert.
Une fois TOUTES les étapes précédentes accomplies, vous pouvez retirer les panneaux du système. Procédez comme suit:
1. Si un cadenas a été installé sur à l’arrière du système, déverrouillez-le et retirez-le.
2. Retirez toutes les vis des panneaux et mettez-les dans un endroit sûr.
3. Retirez les panneaux.
Afin de permettre le re froidissement et l’aérat ion du système, réinstallez toujours les panneaux du boîtier avant de mettre le système sous tension. Le foncti onnement du système en l’absence des panneaux risque d’endommager ses pièces. Pour installer les panneaux, procédez comme suit:
1. Assurez-vous de ne pas avoir oublié d’outils ou de pièces démontées dans le système.
2. Assurez-vous que les câbles, les cartes d’extension et les autres composants sont bien
3. Revissez solidement les panneaux du boîtier avec les vis retirées plus tôt.
4. Remettez le cadenas en place et verrouillez-le afin de prévenir tout accès non autorisé à
l’intérieur du système.
5. Rebranchez tous les cordons d’alimentation c. a. et câbles externes au système.
18 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
AVERTISSEMENT: Français (Suite)
Le microprocesseur et le dissipateur de chaleur peuvent être chauds si le système a été sous tension. Faites également attention aux broches aiguës des cartes et aux bords tranchants du capot. Nous vous recommandons l'usage de gants de protection.
Danger d'explosion si la batterie n'est pas remontée correctement. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d'un type équivalent recommandé par le fabricant. Disposez des piles usées selon les instructions du fabricant.
Le système a été conçu pour fonctionner dans u n cadre de travail normal. L'emplacement choisi doit être:
Propre et dépourvu de poussière en suspension (sauf la poussière normale).
Bien aéré et loin des sources de chaleur, y compris du soleil direct.
A l'abri des chocs et des sources de vibrations.
Isolé de forts champs électromagnétiques géenérés par des appareils électriques.
Dans les régions sujettes aux orages magnétiques il est recomandé de brancher votre
système à un supresseur de surtension, et de débrancher toutes les lignes de télécommunications de votre modem durant un orage.
Muni d'une prise murale correctement mise à la terre.
Suffisamment spacieux pour vous permettre d'accéder aux câbles d'alimentation (ceux-ci
étant le seul moyen de mettre le système hors tension).
Important Safety Information 19

WARNUNG: Deutsch

Benutzer können am Netzgerät dieses Produkts keine Reparaturen vornehmen. Das Produkt enthält möglicherweise mehrere Netzgeräte. Wartungsarbeiten müssen von qualifizierten Technikern ausgeführt werden.
Versuchen Sie nicht, das mitgelieferte Netzkabel zu ändern oder zu verwenden, wenn es sich nicht genau um den erforderlichen Typ handelt. Ein Produkt mit mehreren Netzgeräten hat für jedes Netzgerät ein eigenes Netzkabel.
Der Wechselstrom des Systems wird durch den Ein-/Aus-Schalter für Gleichstrom nicht ausgeschaltet. Ziehen Sie jedes Wechselstrom-Netzkabel aus der Steckdose bzw. dem Netzgerät, um den Stromanschluß des Systems zu unterbrechen.
SICHERHEISMASSNAHMEN: Immer wenn Sie die Gehäuseabdeckung abnehmen um an das Systeminnere zu gelangen, sollten Sie folgende Schritte beachten:
1. Schalten Sie alle an Ihr System angeschlossenen Peripheriegeräte aus.
2. Schalten Sie das System mit dem Hauptschalter aus.
3. Ziehen Sie den Stromanschlußstecker Ihres Systems aus der Steckdose.
4. Auf der Rückseite des Systems beschriften und ziehe n Sie alle Anschlußkabel von den I/O Anschlüssen oder Ports ab.
5. Tragen Sie ein geerdetes Antistatik Gelenkband, um elektrostatische Ladungen (ESD) über blanke Metallstellen bei der Handhabung der Komponenten zu vermeiden.
6. Schalten Sie das System niemals ohne ordnungsgemäß montiertes Gehäuse ein.
Nachdem Sie die oben erwähnten ersten sechs SICHERHEITSSCHRITTE durchgeführt haben, können Sie die Abdeckung abnehmen, indem Sie:
1. Öffnen und entfernen Sie die Verschlußeinrichtung (Padlock) auf der Rückseite des Systems, falls eine Verschlußeinrichtung installiert ist.
2. Entfernen Sie alle Schrauben der Gehäuseabdeckung.
3. Nehmen Sie die Abdeckung ab.
Zur ordnungsgemäßen Kühlung und Lüftung muß die Gehäuseabdeckung immer wieder vor dem Einschalten installiert werden. Ein Betrieb des Systems ohne angebrachte Abdeckung kann Ihrem System oder Teile darin beschädigen. Um die Abdeckung wieder anzubringen:
1. Vergewissern Sie sich, daß Sie keine Werkzeuge oder Teile im Innern des Systems zurückgelassen haben.
2. Überprüfen Sie alle Kabel, Zusatzkarten und andere Komponenten auf ordnungsgemäßen Sitz und Installation.
3. Bringen Sie die Abdeckungen wieder am Gehäuse an, indem Sie die zuvor gelösten Schrauben wieder anbringen. Ziehen Sie diese gut an.
4. Bringen Sie die Verschlußeinrichtung (Padlock) wieder an und schließen Sie diese, um ein unerlaubtes Öffnen des Systems zu verhindern.
5. Schließen Sie alle externen Kabel und den AC Stromanschlußstecker Ihres Systems wieder an.
20 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
WARNUNG: Deutsch (Fortsetzung)
Der Mikroprozessor und der Kühler sind möglicherweise erhitzt, wenn das System in Betrieb ist. Außerdem können einige Platinen und Gehäuseteile scharfe Spitzen und Kanten aufweisen. Arbeiten an Platinen und Gehäuse sollten vorsichtig ausgeführt werden. Sie sollten Schutzhandschuhe tragen.
Bei falschem Einsetzen einer neuen Batterie besteht Explosionsgefahr. Die Batterie darf nur durch denselben oder einen entsprechenden, vom Hersteller empfohlenen Batterietyp ersetzt werden. Entsorgen Sie verbrauchte Batterien den Anweisungen des Herstellers entsprechend.
Das System wurde für den Betrieb in einer normalen Büroumgebung entwickelt. Der Standort sollte:
sauber und staubfrei sein (Hausstaub ausgenommen);
gut gelüftet und keinen Heizquellen ausgesetzt sein (einschließlich direkter
keinen Erschütterungen ausgesetzt sein;
keine starken, von elektrischen Geräten erzeugten elektromagnetischen Felder
in Regionen, in denen elektrische Stürme auftreten, mit einem Überspannungsschutzgerät verbunden sein; während eines elektrischen Sturms sollte keine Verbindung der Telekommunikationsleitungen mit dem Modem bestehen;
mit einer geerdeten Wechselstromsteckdose ausgerüstet sein;
über ausreichend Platz verfügen, um Zugang zu den Netzkabeln zu gewährleisten, da der
Stromanschluß des Produkts hauptsächlich über die Kabel unterbrochen wird.
Important Safety Information 21


Rivolgersi ad un tecnico specializzato per la riparazione dei componenti dell’alimentazione di questo prodotto. È possibile che il prodotto disponga di più fonti di alimentazione.
Non modificare o utilizzare il cavo di alimentazione in c.a. fornito dal produttore, se non corrisponde esattamente al tipo richiesto. Ad ogni fonte di alimentazione corrisponde un cavo di alimentazione in c.a. separato.
L’interruttore attivato/disattivato nel pannello anteriore non interrompe l’alimentazione in c.a. del sistema. Per interromperla, è necessario scollegare tutti i cavi di alimentazione in c.a. dalle prese a muro o dall’alimentazione di corrente.
PASSI DI SICUREZZA: Qualora si rimuovano le coperture del telaio per accedere all’interno del sistema, seguire i seguenti passi:
1. Spegnere tutti i dispositivi periferici collegati al sistema.
2. Spegnere il sistema, usando il pulsante spento/acceso dell’interruttore del sistema.
3. Togliere tutte le spine dei cavi del sistema dalle prese elettriche.
4. Identificare e sconnettere tutti i cavi attaccati ai collegamenti I/O od alle prese installate sul retro del sistema.
5. Qualora si tocchino i componenti, proteggersi dallo scarico elettrostatico (SES), portando un cinghia anti-statica da polso che è attaccata alla presa a terra del telaio del sistema – qualsiasi superficie non dipinta – .
6. Non far operare il sistema quando il telaio è senza le coperture.
Dopo aver seguito i sei passi di SICUREZZA sopracitati, togliere le coperture del telaio del sistema come seque:
1. Aprire e rimuovere il lucchetto dal retro del sistema qualora ve ne fosse uno installato.
2. Togliere e mettere in un posto sicuro tutte le viti delle coperture.
3. Togliere le coperture.
Per il giusto flusso dell’aria e raffreddamento del sistema, rimettere sempre le coperture del telaio prima di riaccendere il sistema. Operare il sistema senza le coperture al loro proprio posto potrebbe danneggiare i componenti del sistema. Per rimettere le coperture del telaio:
1. Controllare prima che non si siano lasciati degli attrezzi o dei componenti dentro il sistema.
2. Controllare che i cavi, dei supporti aggiuntivi ed altri componenti siano stati installati appropriatamente.
3. Attaccare le coperture al telaio con le viti tolte in precedenza e avvitarle strettamente.
4. Inserire e chiudere a chiave il lucchetto sul retro del sistema per impedire l’accesso non autorizzato al sistema.
5. Ricollegare tutti i cavi esterni e le prolunghe AC del sistema.
22 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
AVVERTENZA: Italiano (Continua)
Se il sistema è stato a lungo in funzione, il microprocessore e il dissipatore di calore potrebbero essere surriscaldati. Fare attenzione alla presenza di piedini appuntiti e parti taglienti sulle schede e sul telaio. È consigliabile l'uso di guanti di protezione.
Esiste il pericolo di un esplosione se la pila non viene sostituita in modo corretto. Utilizzare solo pile uguali o di tipo equivalente a quelle consigliate dal produttore. Per disfarsi delle pile usate, seguire le istruzioni del produttore.
Il sistema è progettato per funzionare in un ambiente di lavoro tipo. Scegliere una postazione che sia:
Pulita e libera da particelle in sospensione (a parte la normale polvere presente nell'ambiente).
Ben ventilata e lontana da fonti di calore, compresa la luce solare diretta.
Al riparo da urti e lontana da fonti di vibrazione.
Isolata dai forti campi magnetici prodotti da dispositivi elettrici.
In aree soggette a temporali, è consigliabile collegare il sistema ad un limitatore di
corrente. In caso di temporali, scollegare le linee di comunicazione dal modem.
Dotata di una presa a muro correttamente installata.
Dotata di spazio sufficiente ad accedere ai cavi di alimentazione, i quali rappresentano il
mezzo principale di scollegamento del sistema.
Important Safety Information 23


El usuario debe abstenerse de manipular los componentes de la fuente de alimentación de este producto, cuya reparación debe dejarse exclusivamente en manos de personal técnico especializado. Puede que este producto disponga de más de una fuente de alimentación.
No intente modificar ni usar el cable de alimentación de corriente alterna, si no corresponde exactamente con el tipo requerido.
El número de cables suministrados se corresponden con el número de fuentes de alimentación de corriente alterna que tenga el producto.
Nótese que el interruptor activado/desactivado en el panel frontal no desconecta la corriente alterna del sistema. Para desconectarla, deberá desenchufar todos los cables de corriente alterna de la pared o desconectar la fuente de alimentación.
INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD: Cuando extraiga la tapa del chasis para acceder al interior del sistema, siga las siguientes instrucciones:
1. Apague todos los dispositivos periféricos conectados al sistema.
2. Apague el sistema presionando el interruptor encendido/apagado.
3. Desconecte todos los cables de alimentación CA del sistema o de las tomas de corriente alterna.
4. Identifique y desconecte todos los cables enchufados a los conectores E/S o a los puertos situados en la parte posterior del sistema.
5. Cuando manipule los componentes, es importante protegerse contra la descarga electrostática (ESD). Puede hacerlo si utiliza una muñequera antiestática sujetada a la toma de tierra del chasis — o a cualquier tipo de superficie de metal sin pintar.
6. No ponga en marcha el sistema si se han extraído las tapas del chasis.
Después de completar las seis instrucciones de SEGURIDAD mencionadas, ya puede extraer las tapas del sistema. Para ello:
1. Desbloquee y extraiga el bloqueo de seguridad de la parte posterior del sistema, si se ha instalado uno.
2. Extraiga y guarde todos los tornillos de las tapas.
3. Extraiga las tapas.
Para obtener un enfriamiento y un flujo de aire adecuados, reinstale siempre las tapas del chasis antes de poner en marcha el sistema. Si pone en funcionamiento el sistema sin las tapas bien colocadas puede dañar los componentes del sistema. Para instalar las tapas:
1. Asegúrese primero de no haber dejado herramientas o componentes sueltos dentro del sistema.
2. Compruebe que los cables, las placas adicionales y otros componentes se hayan instalado correctamente.
3. Incorpore las tapas al chasis mediante los tornillos extraídos anteriormente, tensándolos firmemente.
4. Inserte el bloqueo de seguridad en el sistema y bloquéelo para impedir que pueda accederse al mismo sin autorización.
5. Conecte todos los cables externos y los cables de alimentación CA al sistema.
24 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
ADVERTENCIAS: Español (Continuación)
Si el sistema ha estado en funcionamiento, el microprocesador y el disipador de calor pueden estar aún calientes. También conviene tener en cuenta que en el chasis o en el tablero puede haber piezas cortantes o punzantes. Por ello, se recomienda precaución y el uso de guantes protectores.
Existe peligro de explosión si la pila no se cambia de forma adecuada. Utilice solamente pilas iguales o del mismo tipo que las recomendadas por el fabricante del equipo. Para deshacerse de las pilas usadas, siga igualmente las instrucciones del fabricante.
El sistema está diseñado para funcionar en un entorno de trabajo normal. Escoja un lugar:
Limpio y libre de partículas en suspensión (salvo el polvo normal).
Bien ventilado y alejado de fuentes de calor, incluida la luz solar directa.
Alejado de fuentes de vibración.
Aislado de campos electromagnéticos fuertes producidos por dispositivos eléctricos.
En regiones con frecuentes tormentas eléctricas, se recomienda conectar su sistema a un
eliminador de sobrevoltage y desconectar el módem de las líneas de telecomunicación durante las tormentas.
Provisto de una toma de tierra correctamente instalada.
Provisto de espacio suficiente como para acceder a los cables de alimentación, ya que
éstos hacen de medio principal de desconexión del sistema.
Important Safety Information 25
26 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide

2 Unpacking and Inspecting

Checking for Damage to the Packaging

Inspect the packaging container for evidence of mishandling during transit. If the packaging container is damaged, photograph it for reference. Save the packaging container and packing materials in the event you need to package the server for reshipment.

Checking the Package Contents

Remove the server from the packaging container and, using the list below, check that all parts and accessories are included. Inspect the server and accessories for damage. If any of the contents appear damaged, file a damage claim with the carrier immediately.
Quick Start Guide (fold-out poster)
System Accessory Kit
SPSH4 Server Platform with the following parts installed:
SSH4 baseboard SSH4 processor board SSH4 memory board Fan distribution board Front panel board Hot plug indicator board Power distribution board Two 600-W power supplies Four fan modules 3.5-inch floppy drive 5.25-inch CD-ROM drive 1-inch hard disk drive bay Bezel and either handles fo r rack moun ting or fee t for pedesta l mounting Additional parts or components depending on specific system configuration. See system
specific documentation for a list of additio nal par ts.
Two North American power cords SPSH4 Server Platform System Resource CD (contains product documentation, device
drivers, and software utilities)
Three sets (six rails) 5.25- in ch periph eral rai ls and scr ews
28 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide 29

3 Getting Started

This section discusses the main steps you need to perform to get your server up and runn ing :
1. Select an appropriate site.
2. Install processors, memory, hard disk drives, and other options.
3. Connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
4. Turn on the server and boot to the System Resource CD-ROM.
5. Configure the system with the FRU/SDR load utility.
6. Install the service partition (optional).
7. Install an operating system.
8. Set up system security.
9. Install the server into a rack unit (rack-mount version only).

Selecting a Site

This section describes the space and power requirements and general site criteria for installing the server.

Space and Power Requirements

The server is available in both rack-mount and pedestal versions.
Figure 1. SPSH4 Server (Rack-Mount and Pedestal)
Table 2. SPSH4 Server Physical Specifications
Specification Rack Mount Pedestal
Height 12.25 inches (311 mm) (7U) 18.09 inches (459 mm) Width Fits 19-inch rack 12.24 inches (311 mm) Depth 25.25 inches (641 mm) 25.25 inches (641 mm) Weight Minimum configuration Maximum configuration Required front clearance 3 inches (76 mm), inlet airflow <35 °C
Required rear clearance 4.5 inches (114 mm), no airflow
Required side clearance 0 inch (0 mm) 0 inch (0 mm) Power requirements Voltage (110) Voltage (220) Frequency
90 pounds (41 kg) 119 pounds (57 kg)
(95 °F)
90 V 180 V 47 Hz min, 63 Hz max * Amperage is total system power, with
two or three power suppl y modules installed.
min, 132 V
min, 264 V
max, 9 A
max, 4.5 A
96 pounds (44 kg) 125 pounds (57 kg) 12 inches (305 mm)
9 inches (229 mm)
90 V
180 V
A 47 Hz min, 63 Hz max * Amperage is total system power, with
two or three power suppl y modules installed.
min, 132 V
min, 264 V
max, 9 A
max, 4.5
For detailed information on calculating power consumption for specific server configurations, see page 163.

General Site Criteria

The server operates reliably within normal office environmental limits. Select a site that meets these criteria:
Near a properly grounded, three-pronged power outlet. In the United States and Canada: a NEMA 6-15R outlet for 100-120 V and for 200-240 V.
In other geographic areas: a properly grounded outlet in accordance with the local
electrical authorities and electrical code of the region.
Clean and relatively free of excess dust.
Well ventilated and away from sources of heat, with the ventilating openings on the server kept
free of obstructions.
Maximum ambient air temperature should not exceed 35 °C (95 °F).
Away from sources of vibration or physical shock.
Isolated from strong electromagnetic fields and noise caused by electrical devices such as
elevators, copy machines, air conditi one rs, larg e fans, large ele ct ri c moto rs, rad io and TV transmitters, and high-frequency security devices.
Access space provided so the server power cords can be unplugged from the power supply or the wall outlet; this is the only way to remove AC power from the server.
Clearance provided for cooling and airflow.
30 Intel SPSH4 Server Platform Product Guide
+ 140 hidden pages