Intel SPSH4 Technical Product Specification

SPSH4 Server System
Technical Product Specification
Intel reference number 10736
Revision 1.11
March, 2003
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing
Revision History SPSH4 Server System Technical Product Specification
Revision History
Date Revision
6/21/01 0.5 Preliminary Draft for Review
8/20/02 1.0 Revisions to Roll to 1.0 for publication
1/2003 1.1 Revisions to include Adaptec U320 SCSI Controller 100 MHz support
March 2003
1.11 Corrected section 5.3.4 on page 45 to reflect 4Mb Video rather than 2 mb video memory to be consistent with the SRSH4 TPS
Revision 1.11
SPSH4 Server System Technical Product Specification Disclaimers
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
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This document contains information on products in the design phase of development. Do not finalize a design with this information. Revised information will be published when the product is available. Verify with your local sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design.
The SPSH4 Server System may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
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Copyright © Intel Corporation 2001.
Revision 1.11
Table of Contents SPSH4 Server System Technical Product Specification
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
2. SPSH4 Server Chassis Feature Overview.......................................................................... 2
2.1 Front Panel ......................................................................................................................5
2.2 Rear Features..................................................................................................................7
3. Physical Specifications .......................................................................................................9
3.1 SSH4 Boardset ..............................................................................................................11
3.2 Guidelines For Installing Memory in the SSH4 Server Board........................................ 14
4. Power supply Subsystem.................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Mechanical Dimensions................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Airflow Requirements..................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Over-Temperature Protection ..................................................................................20
4.2.2 Connectors and Pinouts........................................................................................... 20
4.2.3 AC Electrical Specifications .....................................................................................22
4.2.4 DC Output Specification........................................................................................... 25
4.2.5 Electrical Protection Circuits ....................................................................................32
4.2.6 Control Signals......................................................................................................... 33
4.3 Cooling Subsystem........................................................................................................ 38
4.3.1 Redundancy and Ambient Temperature Control...................................................... 38
4.3.2 Cooling Summary..................................................................................................... 39
5. Cables and Connectors ..................................................................................................... 40
5.1 Interconnect Block Diagram........................................................................................... 40
5.2 Cable and Interconnect Descriptions............................................................................. 41
5.3 Operator-Accessible Interconnects................................................................................ 42
5.3.1 Keyboard and Mouse Ports...................................................................................... 42
5.3.2 Serial Ports............................................................................................................... 43
5.3.3 Parallel Port.............................................................................................................. 44
5.3.4 Video Port ................................................................................................................45
5.3.5 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interface ....................................................................... 45
5.3.6 ICMB Connectors..................................................................................................... 46
5.3.7 100/10 Ethernet Connector (LAN 1)......................................................................... 46
5.3.8 1000/100/10 Ethernet Connector (LAN 2)................................................................ 47
5.3.9 Internal SCA-2 HDD Connector ............................................................................... 47
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SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification Table of Contents
5.3.10 External SCSI......................................................................................................... 49
5.3.11 AC Power Input ...................................................................................................... 50
6. SCSI Bay Boardset............................................................................................................. 51
6.1 Hot Swap Hard Drive Backplane ................................................................................... 51
6.1.1 Architectural Overview ............................................................................................. 52
6.2 Design Constraints and Assumptions............................................................................ 52
6.2.1 SCSI Bus Considerations......................................................................................... 52
6.3 Functional Description ................................................................................................... 53
6.3.1 Wide SCSI Connector .............................................................................................. 53
6.3.2 SCA-2 Connectors ................................................................................................... 53
6.3.3 SCSI Multi-ModeTermination ...................................................................................54
6.3.4 SCSI Interface.......................................................................................................... 54
6.3.5 Power Control ..........................................................................................................54
6.3.6 FET Short Protection................................................................................................ 54
6.3.7 Microcontroller.......................................................................................................... 55
6.3.8 Device SCSI ID ........................................................................................................ 55
6.3.9 Hard Drive Activity LED............................................................................................ 55
6.3.10 Hard Drive Fault LED ............................................................................................. 56
6.3.11 IMB (I2C bus).......................................................................................................... 56
6.3.12 Fan Support ...........................................................................................................56
6.3.13 Temperature........................................................................................................... 56
6.3.14 Serial EEPROM......................................................................................................56
6.4 Board Functions............................................................................................................. 57
6.4.1 Reset........................................................................................................................ 57
6.4.2 Microcontroller.......................................................................................................... 57
6.4.3 SCSI Controller ........................................................................................................ 59
6.4.4 Multi-Mode SCSI Termination ..................................................................................59
6.5 Memory Map.................................................................................................................. 59
6.5.1 Memory Map ............................................................................................................ 60
6.5.2 I/O Ports ................................................................................................................... 63
6.6 Programming Information .............................................................................................. 65
6.6.1 Firmware Support Requirements ............................................................................. 66
6.7 External Interface Specifications ...................................................................................66
6.7.1 Connector Specifications .........................................................................................66
6.7.2 SCSI Input Connector 68P....................................................................................... 67
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Table of Contents SPSH4 Server System Technical Product Specification
6.7.3 I2C Connector........................................................................................................... 69
6.7.4 Power Connector .....................................................................................................70
6.7.5 Fan 3-pin Connector ................................................................................................70
6.7.6 SAF-TE PCI Connector Interface............................................................................. 70
6.8 Cables............................................................................................................................ 73
6.8.1 Signal Cables ........................................................................................................... 73
6.8.2 Power Cables........................................................................................................... 73
6.9 Mechanical Specifications .............................................................................................73
7. System Boards ...................................................................................................................75
7.1 Power Distribution Board ...............................................................................................75
7.1.1 Board Layout............................................................................................................ 76
7.1.2 Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................... 76
7.2 Front Panel Board.......................................................................................................... 79
7.2.1 Board Layout............................................................................................................ 80
7.2.2 Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................... 81
7.3 Fan Distribution Board ................................................................................................... 83
7.3.1 Board Layout............................................................................................................ 83
7.3.2 Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................... 83
7.4 HPIB Board.................................................................................................................... 85
7.4.1 Board Layout............................................................................................................ 86
7.4.2 Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................... 86
7.5 ICMB Board ................................................................................................................... 87
7.5.1 Board Layout............................................................................................................ 87
7.5.2 Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................... 87
8. Hardware Configuration .................................................................................................... 89
8.1 System Configuration ....................................................................................................89
8.2 Spares / Accessories ..................................................................................................... 90
9. Product Regulatory Compliance Specifications .............................................................91
9.1 Product Safety Compliance ........................................................................................... 91
9.2 Product EMC Compliance ............................................................................................. 91
9.3 Regulatory Markings...................................................................................................... 92
9.4 Product Safety Markings................................................................................................ 93
9.5 Power supply Regulatory Agency Certifications ............................................................93
9.6 Regulatory Compliance Notices, Statements and Information ......................................94
9.6.1 USA FCC Verification Notice ...................................................................................94
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SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification Table of Contents
9.6.2 Canada..................................................................................................................... 95
9.6.3 European Union ....................................................................................................... 95
9.6.4 Australia / New Zealand ........................................................................................... 95
9.6.5 Japan .......................................................................................................................95
9.6.6 Taiwan...................................................................................................................... 96
9.7 Replacing The Back Up Battery..................................................................................... 96
10. Environmental Specifications ........................................................................................... 97
11. Serviceability and Usability............................................................................................... 98
11.1 Mean Time to Repair.................................................................................................. 98
11.2 Special Usability Features.......................................................................................... 99
12. Index ......................................................................................................................................V
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List of Figures SPSH4 Server System Technical Product Specification
List of Figures
Figure 1: Front View of Pedestal Configuration ............................................................................ 3
Figure 2: Front View of Rack Configuration .................................................................................. 3
Figure 3: Front View of System (Shown with Bezel Removed)..................................................... 4
Figure 4: Front Panel Details (Rack Bezel Shown)....................................................................... 5
Figure 5: Rear View Of Chassis.................................................................................................... 7
Figure 6: SPSH4 Server System Photograph with Side Panels and Front Panel Removed ......10
Figure 7: Functional Block Diagram of SSH4 Boardset ..............................................................11
Figure 8: SPSH4 Power supply ..................................................................................................16
Figure 9: Rear view of SPSH4 Power Supply Bay...................................................................... 17
Figure 10: SPSH4 Power supply Outline Drawing...................................................................... 19
Figure 11: Connector Pin Locations............................................................................................ 21
Figure 12: Inrush Curve ..............................................................................................................25
Figure 13: Differential Noise Test Setup ..................................................................................... 29
Figure 14: Output Voltage Timing ............................................................................................... 30
Figure 15: Turn On/Off Timing .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 16: Fan Bay (Shown with all Fan Banks Installed) ..........................................................38
Figure 17: SPSH4 System Interconnect Block Diagram............................................................. 40
Figure 18: SCA-2 Connector....................................................................................................... 48
Figure 19: AC Power Input Connector ........................................................................................50
Figure 20: Functional Block Diagram.......................................................................................... 53
Figure 21: Microcontroller Memory Map ..................................................................................... 60
Figure 22: SCSI Input connector 68P Non-Shielded ..................................................................67
Figure 23: SCA-2 Connector 80P ............................................................................................... 68
Figure 24: Hotswap Backplane Mechanical Drawing.................................................................. 73
Figure 25: SAF-TE Addin Card Mechanical Drawing.................................................................. 74
Figure 26: Fan Board Layout ......................................................................................................76
Figure 27: Power supply Mating Connector Pin Locations ......................................................... 77
Figure 28: Fan Board Layout ......................................................................................................80
Figure 29: Fan Board Layout ......................................................................................................83
Figure 30: HPIB Board Layout ....................................................................................................86
Figure 31: ICMB Board Layout ...................................................................................................87
Revision 1.11
SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1: Front Panel Features ...................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: System Features - Rear..................................................................................................8
Table 3: Physical Specifications ...................................................................................................9
Table 4: LED Indicators ..............................................................................................................18
Table 5: Airflow Requirements....................................................................................................20
Table 6: Signal Descriptions .......................................................................................................21
Table 7: Output Connector Pin-out ............................................................................................. 21
Table 8: AC Input Voltage Rating ...............................................................................................22
Table 9: AC Line Sag Transient Performance ............................................................................ 23
Table 10: AC Line Surge Transient Performance .......................................................................23
Table 11: Electrostatic Discharge, IEC 801-2/IEC 1000-4-2....................................................... 23
Table 12: Electrical Fast Transient/Burst, IEC 801-4/IEC 1000-4-4 ...........................................23
Table 13: Radiated Immunity, IEC 801-3/IEC1000-4-3 .............................................................. 23
Table 14: Surge Immunity IEC 1000-4-5 .................................................................................... 24
Table 15: Ring Wave ..................................................................................................................24
Table 16: DC Output Voltage Limits ...........................................................................................26
Table 17: 600W Load Ratings ....................................................................................................27
Table 18: Total System Load at Line AC Input ........................................................................... 27
Table 19: Absolute Worst Case System Power Budget.............................................................. 27
Table 20: Remote Sense Drops.................................................................................................. 28
Table 21: Dynamic Tolerance Requirement ...............................................................................28
Table 22: Ripple and Noise......................................................................................................... 29
Table 23: Output Voltage Timing ................................................................................................ 30
Table 24: Turn On/Off Timing ..................................................................................................... 30
Table 25: Over-Voltage Limits ....................................................................................................32
Table 26: Over Current Protection Limits.................................................................................... 32
Table 27: PSON Signal Characteristic........................................................................................ 33
Table 28: PWOK Signal Characteristics ..................................................................................... 33
Table 29: PSKILL Signal Characteristics .................................................................................... 34
Table 30: FAIL Signal Characteristics......................................................................................... 35
Table 31: PRFL Signal Characteristics ....................................................................................... 35
Table 32: PRESENT# Signal Characteristics .............................................................................. 36
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List of Tables SPSH4 Server System Technical Product Specification
Table 33: Fan Speed Control......................................................................................................36
Table 34: Pins for Power supply Connector FRU Information .................................................... 37
Table 35: System Interconnect Descriptions ..............................................................................41
Table 36: Keyboard and Mouse Ports ........................................................................................42
Table 37: Serial Port A Connector .............................................................................................. 43
Table 38: Parallel Port Connector...............................................................................................44
Table 39: Video Connector .........................................................................................................45
Table 40: Dual USB Connector................................................................................................... 45
Table 41: ICMB Connector .........................................................................................................46
Table 42: Ethernet Connector.....................................................................................................46
Table 43: Ethernet Connector.....................................................................................................47
Table 44: SCA-2 Connector........................................................................................................47
Table 45: SCSI Connector .......................................................................................................... 49
Table 46: SCSI ID Assignments .................................................................................................55
Table 47: Hard Drive Activity LED ..............................................................................................55
Table 48: Hard Drive Fault LED..................................................................................................56
Table 49: Drive Power Status Byte Format................................................................................. 61
Table 50: Fault Indicator Control Byte Format ............................................................................62
Table 51: Drive Presence Status Byte Format............................................................................ 62
Table 52: P1 Functions ............................................................................................................... 64
Table 53: P3 Functions ............................................................................................................... 65
Table 54: Connector Specifications ............................................................................................ 66
Table 55: SCSI Input connector (J1D1) ...................................................................................... 67
Table 56: SCA-2 Connectors (J3E1, J3D1, J3C1, J3B1, J3A1) ................................................. 68
Table 57: I2C Connector (J2A1) .................................................................................................. 69
Table 58: Power Connector (J4A1, J3A2) ..................................................................................70
Table 59: Fan Connector ............................................................................................................70
Table 60: PCI connector (J5C1) .................................................................................................71
Table 61: Signal Pins and Power Blades (PS1, PS2, PS3) ........................................................76
Table 62: Main Power #1 Connector (P5)................................................................................... 77
Table 63: Main Power #2 Connector (P4)................................................................................... 77
Table 64: Main Power Control Connector (P6) ...........................................................................78
Table 65: Fan/Peripheral Power Connector (P1)........................................................................ 78
Table 66: Primary SCSI Bay Power Connector (P2)................................................................... 78
Table 67: Seconday SCSI Bay Power Connector (P3)............................................................... 78
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SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification List of Tables
Table 68: Front Panel Signal Connector (P5) ............................................................................. 81
Table 69: USB Port 3 Input Connector (P7)................................................................................ 81
Table 70: USB Port 3 (P2) ..........................................................................................................81
Table 71: Serial Port B Input Connector (P6) .............................................................................82
Table 72: RJ45 Serial Port B (P1)...............................................................................................82
Table 73: Chassis Intrusion Connector 1 (P4) ............................................................................ 82
Table 74: Chassis Intrusion Connector 2 (P3) ............................................................................ 82
Table 75: Power Connector (P5) ................................................................................................83
Table 76: Front 120mm Fan Bank Connector (P1)..................................................................... 84
Table 77: Front 80mm Fan Connector (P2) ................................................................................84
Table 78: Rear 120mm Fan Bank Connector (P3) ..................................................................... 84
Table 79: Rear 80mm Fan Connector (P4)................................................................................. 84
Table 80: Fan Signal Connector (P6) .........................................................................................85
Table 81: HPIB Signal Connector (P1) ....................................................................................... 86
Table 82: Keyed RJ45 ICMB Port Connectors (P1 & P2)........................................................... 87
Table 83: ICMB Signal Connector to Baseboard (P3) ................................................................ 88
Table 84: System Configuration..................................................................................................89
Table 85: Spare / Accessory List ................................................................................................90
Table 86: Product Safety Compliance ........................................................................................91
Table 87: Product EMC Compliance........................................................................................... 91
Table 88: Regulatory Markings ...................................................................................................92
Table 89: Product Safety Markings............................................................................................. 93
Table 90: Environmental Specifications Summary .....................................................................97
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SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
1. Introduction
This product specification details the features of the SPSH4 server system. Low cost, time to market, modularity, and utilization for multiple configurations are primary considerations in the design. The chassis has user friendly features and is accessible and serviceable.
The SPSH4 server system also incorporates features for high availablity servers. This includes power and cooling systems with optional redundancy, hot swap or easy to replace fans hot-plug PCI slots, and a mass storage system with hot-swappable hard drives. These are the key components for increasing availability of the server. Since the fans and power supplies typically have the lowest Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) specifications, the optional redundancy of these components will permit the system to continue to operate with a failed fan or power supply. With the use of RAID technology the system can continue to operate with hard drive failures The hot-plug hard drives allow a failed hard drive to be replaced while the system continues to operate.
This product specification details the following:
SPSH4 chassis features.
Power supply subsystem.
Chassis cooling.
Front panel.
System boards.
I/O and interconnects.
System configuration.
System Certifications.
Environmental limits.
Reliability, serviceability, and availability.
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SPSH4 Server Chassis Feature Overview SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
2. SPSH4 Server Chassis Feature Overview
The SPSH4 MP server Chassis is 12.22 inches wide, 18.06 inches high, and 25.25 inches deep. The chassis is designed to be modular with a base unit with two easily removable units, one to hold the front panel and drive bays (C-tilt) and one to hold the baseboard, processor board and I/O panels (E-Bay). The Base section is U shaped and holds the power supplies and power distribution board. The E-bay drops in at the rear of the base unit and the C-tilt drops in from the front. The two captive screws in the front cover fasten both the E-bay and the C-tilt to the base unit. The E-bay fans are plugged in to a hot-swap fan holder and installed above the drives and infron to the E-bay. Three bays are supplied in the back of the chassis base unit for power supplies.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the system front view with both rack and pedestal bezel attached. The rack bezel has the standard color specific GE Cycoloy C6600-701 black. The pedestal bezel comes in two colors and has the standard color specific of GE Cycoloy C6600-701 black or GE Cycoloy C6600-BR7026 dusty beige. Only front panel status LEDs and chassis security lock are visible without opening bezel door. Figure 3 shows the system front view with the front bezel removed. Opening the front bezel door provides access to the following:
Front panel control buttons
One USB and one serial port
Three 5¼” device bays (one 5¼” CD-ROM installed)
One 3½” bay for a 1” floppy drive
Two SCSI bays holding up to ten 1” hard drives
Revision 1.11
SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
Front Panel LEDs
Security Lock
Figure 1: Front View of Pedestal Configuration
Front Panel LEDs
Security Lock
Figure 2: Front View of Rack Configuration
Revision 1.11 Intel reference number 10736
SPSH4 Server Chassis Feature Overview SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
Serial Port B
USB Port 3
5¼“ Peripheral Bays Primary Hard Drive Bay
Figure 3: Front View of System (Shown with Bezel Removed)
vailable Secondary
Hard Drive Bay
Revision 1.11
SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
2.1 Front Panel
The front panel contains system control switches and status indicators. Front panel features are shown in Figure 4 and are described in Table.
Power LED
Power Button
Fault LED
Sleep Button
Figure 4: Front Panel Details (Rack Bezel Shown)
Reset Button
Chassis ID LED
Bezel & Top Cover Locked Position
Chassis ID Button
Top Cover Locked & Bezel Locked Position
NMI Switch
Bezel & Top Cover Unlocked Position
Revision 1.11 Intel reference number 10736
SPSH4 Server Chassis Feature Overview SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
Table 1 Front Panel Features
Feature Description
Front Panel Button
Reset Resets system power.
Sleep Activates the sleep mode.
NMI (Hidden Behind Bezel)
Power Toggles system power.
Chassis ID Activates the chassis LED on both the front panel board and on the baseboard at the
Front Panel LEDs
Chassis ID (blue) Indicates that matching chassis ID LED will be present at rear panel of chassis to ease
Power (green) When continuously lit, indicates the presence of DC power in the server. The LED
HDD Activity/Fault (green/amber)
LAN1 (green) Indicates 100/10Mb Ethernet port activity.
LAN2 (green) Indicates 1000/100/10Mb Ethernet port activity.
System Status/Fault (green/amber)
Front Panel IO Connectors
USB Connector USB port 3
RJ45 Connector Serial port B.
Causes a non-maskable interrupt. This switch is located behind the front bezel door to prevent inadvertent activation. The front bezel door must be opened to access this switch. A narrow tool is required to activate the switch.
rear panel of the chassis.
identification when servicing rear of system in a rack.
goes out when the power is turned off or the power source is disrupted. When flashing it indicates the system is in ACPI sleep mode.
Indicates any system hard drive activity or fault condition.
Indicates system status or fault condition.
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SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
2.2 Rear Features
Figure 5: Rear View Of Chassis
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SPSH4 Server Chassis Feature Overview SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
Table 1: System Features - Rear
Item Description
A Optional External VHDCI SCSI port
B Optional External SCSI3 port
C Optional ICMB connector ports, keyed RJ45 8-pin connector
D Hot Plug PCI-X Power/Fault LEDs
E Two non hot plug 32-bit, 33 MHz PCI add-in card slots
F Two non hot plug 64-bit, 100 MHz PCI-X add-in card slots
G Four hot plug 64-bit, 100 MHz PCI-X add-in card slots
H Filler panel for power bay 3
I Power supply 2
J Power supply IEC320-C14 AC inlet
K Power supply 1
L Power supply on LED (Green)
M Power supply predictive failure LED (Amber)
N Power supply failure LED (Amber)
O LAN1 100/10 RJ45 connector
P Knockout for optional serial port B, 9-pin RS-232 connector
Q LAN2 Gigabit port (1000/100/10)
R USB ports 1 (upper) and 2 (lower), 4-pin connectors
S Video connector
T Serial port A, 9-pin RS-232 connector
U PS/2-compatible parallel port (LPT), 25-pin bi-directional subminiature D connector
V PS/2-compatible mouse port, 6-pin connector
W PS/2-compatible keyboard port, 6-pin connector
X Chassis ID LED (Blue)
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SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
3. Physical Specifications
Table 2 describes the physical specifications of the SPSH4 system.
Table 2: Physical Specifications
Specification Black or Beige
Pedestal Value
Height 18.06 inches with feet 7U
Width 12.22 inches Fits 19” standard rack
Depth 25.25 inches 25.25 inches
Clearance Front 3 inches 3 inches
Clearance Rear 4.5 inches 4.5 inches
Clearance Side 0 inches 0 inches
Weight 90 lbs. minumum / 125 lbs.
maximum configuration
Heat Output 3686 BTU/hr (typical) 3686 BTU/hr (typical)
96 lbs. minumum / 125 lb. Maximum configuration
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Physical Specifications SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
Figure 6: SPSH4 Server System Photograph with Side Panels and Front Panel Removed
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SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
3.1 SSH4 Boardset
This section highlights the main features of the SSH4 baseboard, memory board and processor board Refer to the SSH4 Baseboard, Processor Board and Memory Module Technical Product Specification for a detailed description of the SSH4 baseboard.
Figure 7: Functional Block Diagram of SSH4 Boardset
The SSH4 boardset is designed around the Intel® MP Xeon™ processor and the ServerWorks
ServerSet* IV Grand Champion High End (GCHE) chipset. This combination provides the basis for a high performance system with leading edge processor, memory, and I/O performance.
The SSH4 baseboard architecture supports quad processing operation using Intel Intel MP Xeon processors. It also provides eight industry standard PCI expansion slots supporting a mixture of 32-bit, 33MHz (two), and 64-bit, 100/66 MHz (six) slots. The baseboard includes an array of embedded I/O devices, see figure 8 and table 4 below
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Physical Specifications SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
Figure 8 SSH4 Baseboard layout
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SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
Table 4 SSH4 Baseboard Components
Key Component Key Component
A PCI bus 64 bit, 100 MHz, Hot Plug T Chassis Intrusion Detect connector (P36)
B PCI bus 64 bit, 100 MHz, Non-Hot Plug U 14-pin Power Control connector (P35)
C PCI bus 32 bit, 33 MHz, Non-Hot Plug V 24-pin Power connector (P32)
D ICMB connector (P24) W 20-pin Power connector (P28)
E HPIB connector (P23) X Serial port B connector (P17)
F Back Panel I/O connectors) Y USB #3 Header (P18)
G Intel 82550 Ethernet controller Z Front Panel Header (P19)
H ATI* Rage* XL 2D/3D graphics accelerator AA IDE Connector (P13)
J Intel 82544 Ethernet controller BB SCSI LVD connectors (P4 and P7)
K Video RAM (VRAM) (4 MB total) CC IPMB connector (P12)
L Processor board connectors (P21 and P22) DD AIC7899 or AIC 7902 SCSI controller
M ServerWorks South Bridge Controller (CSB5) EE Fan connector (P11)
N BMC (Sahalee) component FF ServerWorks PCI-X Bus Bridge Controller (CIOB30)
P BIOS Flash component GG ServerWorks PCI-X Bus Bridge Controller (CIOB30)
Q PC87417 Super I/O controller HH RAID LED connectors (P1 and P2)
R BMC Flash component JJ HSBP connector (P16)
S Battery KK HSBP connector (P15)
The SSH4 memory subsystem consists of a single memory expansion board. This board supports up to 12 DDR registered ECC SDRAM memory modules. The SSH4 baseboard implementation in SPSH4 server supports both stacked and unstacked memory modules for up to 24 GB of system memory.
The SSH4 boardset provides the following features:
Three interleaved memory banks.
Four 184 pin DIMMS per bank.
Banks must be populated in order.
Single bit error correction – If a single-bit error is detected, the ECC logic generates a new
Qword with a pattern that corresponds to the originally received 8-bit ECC parity code and returned to the requestor (the processor or the PCI master)
Multi Bit error detection – Additional errors within the same Qword constitute a multibit error which may be unrecoverable. In the case of a multi-bit error, a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is issued that instructs the system to shut down to avoid data corruption. ( multibit errors are very rare ).
Memory Scrubbing – Error correction is performed on data being read from memory. The correction is the passed to the requestor and at the same time is “scrubbed” or corrected in
Revision 1.11 Intel reference number 10736
Physical Specifications SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
main memory. Memory scrubbing prevents the accumulation of single –bit errors in main memory tha would become unrecoverable mult-bit errors.
Chipkill* - Chipkill is the ability of the memory system to wothstand a mult-bit failure within DRAM device, including a failure that causes incorrect data on all bits of the device.
Figure 9 SSH4 Memory Module
3.2 Guidelines For Installing Memory in the SSH4 Server Board.
Install only memory modules validated with this particular board. Refer to the Tested Hardware and Operating System List and/or Http://
Bank 1 must be populated with Dimms first. See figure 9 above.
All four Dimms within a bank must be identical
Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) providing monitoring, alerting, and logging of
critical system information obtained from embedded sensors on baseboard
8 megabit Flash device for system BIOS
Three externally accessible USB ports; two at rear bulkhead and one at front panel
One IDE connector, supporting up to two ATA 66 compatible devices
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SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
4. Power supply Subsystem
This section defines the features and functionality of the SSI compliant 600 watt power supply, a universal input switching power supply. The power supplies are located in the power supply bay mounted near the rear of the chassis. The system may be configured either with two 600 W power supplies in a non-redundant configuration, or three 600 W power supplies for a redundant power (2 + 1) configuration. Each power supply requires an individual power cord. When the system is configured with three power supplies the following features are supported:
The user can replace a failed power supply without interrupting system functionality under any loading condition.
AC power to one of the power cords can be interrupted without loss of functionality.
Power from the power supply subsystem is carried to internal system boards and peripheral devices via discrete cables. Two 600 watt power supplies are capable of handling the worst case power requirements for a fully configured SPSH4 system. This includes four 75 watt Intel Xeon – MP processors, 24 GB of memory and ten hard drives at 20 watts per drive. Figure 8 shows the SPSH4 power supply.
Revision 1.11 Intel reference number 10736
Power supply Subsystem SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
Figure 8: SPSH4 Power supply
The total power requirement for the SPSH4 server system exceeds the
240VA energy hazard limit that defines an operator accessible area. As a
result, only qualified service personnel should access the processor,
memory, and non-hot plug I/O areas on the system baseboard while the
system is energized.
The following are the main features of the power supply subsystem:
1140 W output capability for two or three power supplies in full AC input voltage range
Up to three 600 watt PFC power factor correcting power supplies for 2+1 power
Power good indication LED
Predictive failure warning LED
Failure warning LED
Internal cooling fans with multi-speed capability
Remote sense of +3.3V, +5V, and +12V outputs
AC_OK circuitry for brown out protection
Built-in load sharing capability
Built-in overloading protection capability
On board field replaceable unit (FRU) information for each module
C interface for server management functions
Revision 1.11
SPSH4 Server SystemTechnical Product Specification
Integral handle for insertion/extraction
Separate power cords for AC redundancy
The power supplies are populated in the chassis in a specific order as viewed from the rear of the server system. See Figure 9. For a rack configuration, the power supplies are installed from left to right. In a pedestal configuration the modules are installed from the bottom to the top. All of the power supplies implement blind mating connectors for easy installation. Each power supply implements two AC input fuses rated at 250V/15A, one for line and one neutral. Power supplies are not required to be on the same AC power phase. The power supply is held to the chassis frame with four 6-32 screws. These four screws and the AC cord must be removed to hot swap the power supply.
Figure 9: Rear view of SPSH4 Power Supply Bay
The power supply has four externally enabled outputs: +12V,+5V,+3.3V,-12V, and one +5VSB (standby) output. The +5VSB standby output is present whenever AC power is applied to any single power supply. The power supply has a minimum efficiency of 60% to its DC output pins at maximum load currents at rated nominal input voltages and frequencies.
Several LEDs on each power supply can be viewed from the rear of the server system. These indicate the power state for that particular module. Looking at the system from rear of the power supply, from left to right the LEDs are power, predictive fail, and fail.
Revision 1.11 Intel reference number 10736
Power supply Subsystem SPSH4 Server System External Product Specification
The power LED is green and blinks to indicate that AC is applied to the power supply and +5VSB standby output voltage is available. This LED will turn a solid green to indicate the power supply is on and all the power output voltages are available.
The predictive fail LED blinks amber LED and indicates the power supply will fail in the near future due to a poorly performing fan.
The fail LED is amber and indicates that the power supply has experienced a failure of some type.
When the power supply configuration changes, the SDR utility must be run so that server management will properly monitor the new configuration.
A power LED on the front panel, labeled PWR, is green when power is applied to the system. Table 3 describes the conditions of the LEDs for the power supply.
Table 3: LED Indicators
Power supply LEDs
Power supply Condition Power LED
No AC power to all PSU OFF OFF OFF
No AC power to this PSU only OFF OFF ON
AC present / Standby Outputs On Blinking OFF OFF
Power supply DC outputs ON and OK ON OFF OFF
Power supply failure OFF OFF ON
Current limit ON OFF Blinking
Predictive failure ON Blinking/Latched OFF
Predictive Fail LED
Fail LED
4.1 Mechanical Dimensions
Mechanical drawings and dimensions, in millimeters, for the power supply are shown in the Figure 10 below. The power supply has a handle that pivots to assist insertion and extraction and provides retention.
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